A Puzzling Beginning

Y/N: Previously, On Two Peas in One Pod...

Flashbacks to Y/N painting the castle with Mario, SMG4 and Peach.

Y/N: Life was good and strange at the same time, being apart of these crazy adventures with SMG4 and Mario have been nothing but good memories..

The next flashback was when Mario accidentally released a chain chomp..

Y/N: Some almost got us killed..and some..

Next was when Y/N and Mario were in Freddy's Spaghettirea..

Y/N: Were pure chaos..

Fast forward to when Meggy was revealed.

Y/N: I met an inkling girl named Meggy, she and I grew attached and became really close friends..

Meggy and Y/N share their first kiss on the roof..

Y/N: Until we grew more than just two friends..together, we've been there for each other through thick and thin..bad guy after bad guys..Waluigi, Mark, Francis, Sir Benedict, Negative, Zero, Lawyer Kong, Meta, M3GGY, Wren and Marty..

All the villains line up, facing Y/N..

Y/N: They were all formidable enemies, hellbent on different goals..but all seemed to have failed..but this guy, is different..unlike Wren, this TV man isn't your typical super villain..he's more..I hate to admit it, but he just seems different..but I know one thing for sure..as long as we're all together..

All the bad guys then get shattered like glass as his other friends stood where the villains stood.

Y/N: We were stronger and smarter together..it's only a matter of time before we get our chance to overthrow this machine..

Then the TV Man became visible, taking up the screen..

Y/N: One way, or another...

MrRibbones Presents..

Two Peas in One Pod: Season 2


Skully is seen falling through the dimension, yelling until he hits the ground hard.

Skully: Ugh....what the..

After a short moment of recovery, he gets up and looks around..

Skully: What is this place?..

He takes a look around, this dark void was sullen, until he heard a few voices.

Kate: T-This place..it's scary!

Y/N: Don't worry Kate..we'll be ok, just as long as we're all together, we're fine..

Skully walks up to the group, greeting them.

Skully: Hey..

Saiko: Skully!

She goes up and hugged him close, to which he smiles and embraced her.

Skully: So..does anyone know where we even are?

Meggy: We're still trying to figure that out..

Creeper: Whatever this place is, it's giving me the creeps.

Percy: The TV man is behind all of this, we'll have to take him out if we want a taste of freedom again..

Beta: Right, and how exactly are we gonna get that fucker?

Sherak: I say we fuck em right in the pussy-

Troy: Sherak. No. Stop it.

Sherak: *Sad Sherak Noises*

Will: Why not try and break break out?

Beth:..Im afraid that won't work this time..

SMG4: Well as long as we're together, nothing can happen to us!

Mr Puzzles: Or can it?..

You all get shooken by that voice, as you all turned around to see Him.

SMG4: It's you! Why did you kidnap us?!

Mr Puzzles: Why, to complete something of course! Don't you wanna know what it's like to be a movie or show star?..

Y/N: We've already been in a spin-off!

Meggy: Yeah! It was our vacation!

Mr Puzzles: Oh please. That was mediocre. THIS will be better!

You felt insulted by his jab..

Y/N: It wasn't that bad man..

Mr Puzzles: Yes, yes..whatever you say..NOW! Prepare for the show! ITS TIME!

He grabbed a cane and clicked it against the floor two times, making multiple TV screens spawn infront of you..

Beta: Time for what exactly?.

Beth: ....Is it time to get a milkshake?....

Mr Puzzles: NOPE! It's time for the show of course!...I have a rep I'm trying to keep up and I cannot have you making me look like a fool out there..so you best stay in line! Or you'll be very VERY sorry! Haha!

He laughed joyfully as he snapped his fingers, causing you all to be surrounded in static and felt waves of agonizing pain..until you were all gone..sucked into the screens of your own spin-offs..

(Welcome back to Two Peas in One Pod! Are ya ready?!)

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