Part 7: The News Stand

" Gunthrey! Gunthrey slow down!" Oh Gunthrey, the cocker spaniel pup  that Wynne's mum wanted so bad, but isn't around too much to take care of.
" By the way, what did you say this guys name was again?"
" Phil, I think."
" You think he's gonna be down there?"
" Maybe, I don't know."
" Well what does he look like?"
" Blondish hair, kind of tall, big eyes..."
" And you met him where?"
" At the record shop yesterday, we argued over that record."
" You what?"
" There was only one copy left, I told him he could have it, he told me I could have it, it's was very frustrating, he wasn't going to give up on that so I just took the record home. Now I realize that was really nice of him."

Phil, only the age of nineteen, worked at a newspaper stand downtown; he couldn't rely on his mums' tips anymore, He had some money left over from yesterday, from not buying that record...that made him think of that girl. He could only imagine her sitting in her room enjoying the record. Of course he wanted it badly, but he'd rather be a kind lad than a dumb arse. He wondered about that girl, he couldn't remember her was Wynne, wasn't it? If  he could only get that scent she had off his mind...she smelled sweet like honeysuckle. Her hair was a pretty silky brown her and eyes were a blue that were so endearing, and her cheeks, a rosy red. He didn't know when he'd see her again, maybe it was just a one time thing...he didn't want to stress about it. He'd already been fretting about getting into a new band and preparing his next audition. And since he worked at the news stand, he kept reading melody maker, just to see what positions were open and to keep his eyes peeled, he also kept his eyes peeled for that girl, maybe she'd be around.
" What would you do if I cut my hair?" Asked Wynne, to Ella, while they searched for the items on the grocery list.
" Cut your hair? Heavens, why would you do that?" Ella frowned, she couldn't imagine Wynne with short hair.
" Well I need to get a trim anyway, but its so much to manage in the summertime, you know? So much brushing, and my head gets heated so quickly...Maybe it would be better if I just chopped all off."
" Right, right...well don't complain to me when it's September and you're freezing your arse off!"
" Looking for something specific, ladies?" The man behind the produce stand asked.
" Yes, beefsteak tomatoes and some oranges?"
" Sure, how many?"
" A pound of each."
Both girls are focused on the groceries that they don't even realized that Gunthrey has gotten loose; Wynne had left the leash lying on the stand, just only for a minute, and the little pup had     carelessly Roamed off while Wynne and Ella talked amongst themselves. He was running through people, and the customers were all a little shocked that there was a little pup running between their legs.
" Pardon me, miss. But isn't that your dog on the loose?"
" What'you mean? Gunthreys right-" Wynne looked down to see the little cocker spaniel wasn't there, and he was crossing over to the stands across the produce section, where they were. She gasped, "Ella!"
" What you screaming at me for? He's your dog and you told me you had him!"
" Bloody hell, Gunthry!" she cried, helplessly, as she ran past all the people, tracking down his little tail. She was so embarassed that she was making such a fool of hersef, but what a story to tell mum that she let her dog get loose downtown. Now she's on a wild goose chase. She was perspiring, as it was a hot day and she was running, but Gunthrey wouldn't slow down. "Could this get any worse?" She thought. Tony wasn't wrong, that dog has got a mind of his own.
When suddenly, he stopped at the small stand on the edge of the street, it looked like there was some crumbs dropped on the floor from the bread shop then he ran over to this man, and jumped onto him.
" Well hello there," he chuckled, giving the dog ears a good scratch. Fortunately, the bread stand was right next to the newspaper stand.
Wynne, catching a break from running  like a maniac yelled, " Gunthrey! I swear if you're going to do this on a regular basis this is going to be a long long day for you and me both!"
He chukled, " This is your dog?"
"Yes it-" She looked up at the man, only to realize it really was the lad Phil she met yesterday, " Phil?" She almost exclaimed.
" Quel Suprise, what are you doing here?"
She blushed. Of course she wasn't going to tell him that she was really looking for him, " Well I came to just get some quick groceries for my mum...and walk the dog. I must apologize about my dog, didn't realize he was gonna be so much trouble. And it was all my fault, I wasn't paying much attention myself."
" Ah, thats alright, he's a sweet dog, i'n he?"
" He's my mums, but she doesn't take him out anymore, cause she's so busy. He mostly just runs in the yard. He doesn't go out much as he should, that's why I took him out today, and that's why he's crazy." She laughed, she still couldn't believe she bumped into him. Meanwhile, Ella on the other side purchasing the food. She saw that Wynne was talking to a guy, and she thought maybe he was the one she had been talking to her about.
" You have a job, do you?"
" Yeah, it's not permanent, just a job to get a lil' money; I sell newspapers." He said, leaning on the stand.
" I wish I had a job; I want my own money..." She complained.
" It's not as great as you think, " he shakes his head at her, and lets out a big sigh, " Enjoy the free time you have. I still have another forty five minutes until lunch. My vacations are at the beginning of the week so I have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. It doesn't work well with my rehearsal schedule either, but that's a different story..."
" Rehearsals?" Her ears perked up at that word, "Are you a performer?"
" A bit, I was drumming with a band; we called ourselves the Flaming Youth, but things didn't work out too well I guess in the end. I'm drumming at the Haywards Heath this weekend with some musicians; a night show. It's pretty cool if you're into free form bands and stuff like that. And if you like the Beatles style, that's what we're pretty much influenced by.  Maybe you could come?"
" Oh, that sounds like fun! I would love to." She nodded, the pup still in her arms.
" And maybe I could take you out afterwards for an ice cream or something afterwards, and uh, you can tell me what you thought."
She didn't think she heard him right. But oh, she did.
" That sounds great, but, there's just one problem."
" What's that?"
" Well, you see, I do ballet...and I have rehersals pretty much everyday. I already skipped one this week and I can't imagine what would happen if I missed another."
" Isn't ballet something you do in the wintertime and the spring?"
She laughed, " It is, but I'm doing a show. I also have training to do to get to the next level, and I'm almost there. Plus, my mom wants me to be occupied in the summer and not be a lazy arse and gain a bunch off weight, then have to loose it when auditions for the nutcracker come along, you know? Those costumes cost about a pound a jem, they're not cheap."
" I guess that means no sweets for you, then?"
" I can cheat here and there."
He chuckled,  " Well, I hope to see you there. Why don't you take the paper with you? Just £ 0.50."
" Sure," She grins, putting Gunthrey back on the ground. He pulls out one all rolled up.
" Keep the change." She grins, and he grins back, " Thanks. Hope to see you this weekend, an' I hope you're enjoying that record."
Ella, who was waiting for Wynne to finish talking to the guy she gloated about all morning, grew impatient. The bag of groceries was already starting to sore out her arms, and it began to reach a blazing temperature of heat outside.
" Wynne, let's go, your mum wants the groceries!"
She looked over, and there Ella was, fanning herself with one hand and covering her eyes with another.  Wynne felt bad that she had been standing there talking to Phil and letting her stand in the hot sun, " Well,  I must be going."
Phil just nodded, and took a good look at her just once more before she quickly moved over to meet Ella.
" So sorry, Ella," she almost pleaded,   "Let's get home, it's really blazin'."
" That the guy you like?" She asks, while looking over at the newspaper stand.
" Shhh. Yeah, kind of....But You know something, Ella?"
" What?"
" I think I just got asked out."

**Comment and vote** Sorry that this took so long, I'm traveling so it takes a while to write all of it out and get some free time to post it. Thanks for being patient!!!**

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