Chapter 7: Rescuing Blake! Taking Down The White Fang

Kevin was sneaking his way through the facility and he see's a lot of White Fang Soldiers going through the hallway and guarding everywhere. Kevin starts his search to look for Blake and he uses silent takedowns to knocked out the soldiers when they walked close to him or hiding. As Kevin makes his way through the facility, he passes through a window and he takes a look to see he's in a cave filled with explosives.

Kevin: *in mind* (Damn. That's a lot of explosives. Gotta find Blake fast before we all died.)

He continues his way through the facility and when he does, he overhears a conversation between two White Fang Guards.

White Fang Guard: "Hey."

White Fang Guard #2: "What?"

White Fang Guard: "Taurus is trying to get that Faunus to join back. And you know Taurus doesn't give up."

White Fang Guard #2: "Ha. Yeah, he's going to force her to..."

He was interrupted by being knocked out and the other soldier turns around, only to be grabbed by the collar and taken into the closet.

White Fang Guard: "What the hell...!?"

He was then punched in the face and Kevin picks back him up.

Kevin: "The girl Taurus is talking to, where is she?"

White Fang Guard: "Go to hell..."

The guard pull out a pocket knife from his pocket and tries to stab Kevin but he counters by grabbing his arm and hits the guard at the floor before taking the knife and thrown it away.

Kevin: *impatient* "Where is she?!"

White Fang Guard: "I don't know man. I don't where she is."

Kevin: *grabs his finger* "Talk. Or I break every bone in your body."

White Fang Guard: "Okay, okay. She's in the office, Adam Taurus is there. He's trying to convince her to join back with us. And if she doesn't he'll torture the ones that mean important to her."

Kevin: *still holding his finger* "Where's the office?"

White Fang Guard: "It's that the center of the third floor. That's all I know please don't kill me."

Kevin: "If you're lying, I'll break the other one."

White Fang Guard: "The other wha..."

Kevin breaks his fingers as the guard screams in pain and Kevin punches him, knocking him out. Then he makes his way to the room, see's it, looks around and got an idea to help Blake escaped.

In the office, Blake was tied in a chair and tries to break out of it as Adam arrives, smirking at her.

Adam: "Blake, it's not too late to join back. Just come back to the White Fang."

Blake: "I'm not joining back to this hellhole. I made a huge mistake to join and I'm never coming back."

Adam: "It's because of that Kevin boy, isn't it?"

Blake: *eye's widen* "How do you..."

Adam: "Klaw told me everything and I heard saying that you and him are getting alone well. At first, I didn't believe but when he showed me the video, I was interested and send him to kill him and get you back."

Blake: "But your plan failed, because the Black Panther appeared and chased after him while I helped Kevin get back to shape. So don't you go on ahead and hurt him."

There was a knock on the door and Adam goes to the door to show a White Fang Soldier with a troubled face.

Adam: "What?"

White Fang Soldier: "Sir, the cave filled with explosives just blown up and we need you to check it."

Adam: *growls* "I'll be back, Blake."

He walks out before locking the door and left. Blake tries to best to break out and the restraints was too strong. Then the air vent was seen opened and Blake looks at it. The figure then gets out the vent and landed behind before tiding off the restraints.

???: "Are you okay, Blake?"

Blake eye's widen when she heard that voice and she was freed as she turns around and see's Kevin here.

Blake: "Kevin." *hugs him*

Kevin: *hugs back* "It's okay. You're safe now. *stops hugging her* Are you hurt?"

Blake: "No. I'm okay, thank you for rescuing me."

Kevin: *nods, hands her weapon and she takes it* "Let's move."

Blake nods and the two then sneak their way through the facility, back outside. When they do that, they see a lot of soldiers running down the halls and Kevin and Blake silently went back outside and tries to run off the area but they were cut off by Adam Taurus and Klaw.

Adam: "Ah, so you must the son of T'Challa from Wakanda. Good to finally meet you."

Kevin: "Adam Taurus, I presume?"

Adam: "A smart boy are you? Listen up, I'm here to offer you assist. Join me and the White Fang, together we will kill those wretched humans and take over Remnant. It'll be one hell of a history."

Kevin: "I'm not here to join your alliance, Adam. I'm here to save Blake and get her back safety. Evening if I had to go through you and Klaw, so be it."

Kevin and Blake gets in their fighting stance and Adam and Klaw gets in their stance too as they Soldiers appeared behind them, ready to fight.

???: "KLAW!"

Kevin heard that voice and turns around, including Blake and see's Black Panther, their friends and Wakandan Soldiers approaching and Black Panther lungs over to Klaw and tackles him before starting fighting. The Wakandan Soldiers and The White Fang Soldiers begins to fight as well even Team RWBY and WAKANDA joins the fight too. Kevin takes on Adam and he left punches, right punches and flip kicks him at the ground. Adam gets up and ran off elsewhere as Kevin follows him. Blake took out the soldier and see's Kevin going after Adam.

Yang: *looks at Blake* "We got this, Blake. Go help Kevin."

Blake: "Are you sure?"

Yang nods and Blake nods back as she runs to where Kevin and Adam are fighting. In the cave, Kevin and Adam are still fighting and Kevin counters Adam's sword and punches him into a wall before throwing him back to the floor.

Adam: *sits up and looks at Kevin* "Heh. You're more challenging then I thought. *smirks* But not good enough."

Kevin realized what he means and he turns around, only to get punched in the face really hard, knocking him out to the floor.

Blake: "Kevin."

Blake rushes in with her weapon and Adam blocks it as Klaw appears behind him.

Adam: "Why must you retaliate more Blake?"

Blake: "You will not hurt him anymore."

Adam retaliates and he attacks her and she blocks it. Then Kevin looks up to see Blake fighting Adam but when he see's Klaw rushes in and kicks her down, he gets back up and tries to strike Adam only for him to toss his sword upward and cuts Kevin's right eye as he launches back and lands on the ground unconscious.

Blake: "Kevin."

Adam: "That was impressive, you little sneak. But, I think it's time to end this."

He was going to lift his sword in the air but he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and he see's Blake was the one who stabbed him with her weapon. And Adam slaps in the face, making her till acouple feet away and he pulled out her weapon from his abdomen as he slowly approaches her.

Adam: "BLAKE."

Kevin starts to wake up and he see's Adam slowly walking towards Blake and Kevin felt his aura coming this and tries to get up only to get on his knees and he puts his fist on the ground as blood is coming out from his right eye. Kevin gets up and his aura came in as he body was feared even his right eye and he then faces Adam.

Kevin: "Leave. Her. ALONE ADAM."

Adam turns around to see Kevin's aura and he realized what it is.

Adam: "No way. How did this Faunus learn the power of Master Hunter."

Kevin: "It's time to end this."

He gets out his claws and tackles Adam through the wall and everyone arrives and shocked to see Kevin's strength he has.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kevin tackles Adam in the tunnel at the bottom and they are on a platforms, continuing their fight. Adam gets up before getting his defense stance and Kevin rushes forward and uses his Energy Daggers to knock Adam's blade back and he delivered a Crippling Blow making Adam crashed into some equipment boxes as the explosives blows up. Adam rolls out of the way as Kevin punches the ground and uses his Razor Cyclone to spin with daggers and Adam was cut in the face a little bit and gets behind Kevin as he stops spinning.

Adam: "What is this power?"

Kevin then uses his Panther's Might as he jumps into the air and leaps down on Adam before doing massive physical damage before cooling off and Adam is on the floor, defeated and Kevin gets off of him.

Adam: "What are you waiting for? Kill me. DO IT."

Kevin: "Killing you won't solve anything. You're finished, Adam."

Kevin walks off and Adam was unable to move because of his injury.

Adam: "Damn you, don't leave me here."

Kevin ignores him and he walks though the facility as it's being destroyed. Kevin then makes his way to the facility until he saw something that can get him out faster.

The facility was exploding and everyone got out expect for Blake as she stopped acouple times to find Kevin and keeps looking. Yang came outta nowhere as she grabbed Blake and dragged her out.

Blake: "Wait a minute, I got to find Kevin."

Yang: "The facility is going to blow, we have to go."

Yang drags her and she see's that the facility could explode in acouple of minutes. So they go to a room to see escape pods as they gets in it and they escape the facility as they landed outside. It opened and Blake gets out and looks at the facility that's been blown up. Blake then starts crying before dropping on her knees and then outta nowhere, a escape pod appears in the lake and Blake see's it before swimming towards it. Blake makes it there, pressed the switch and opens the pod, revealing Kevin laying on the floor. Blake checks his pulse and Yang arrives.

Blake: "I can't find his pulse. *looks at Yang* Call for help."

Yang brings out her scroll and she calls for help.

Blake: "Kevin. Kevin, please wake up. *starts to cry before picking him up and hug him* Please."

Yang: "Help is on their way, Blake."

Blake: "Don't go, Kevin. Please, don't go away."

Yang: "Blake."

Blake: "Please Kevin. Come back to me. Please."

Blake was worried that Kevin wasn't gonna make it and she starts crying until she felt a hand on her cheek and gasps when she saw Kevin half-awake.

Kevin: "It's okay, Blake. I'll live."

Blake smiles a little as she hugs Kevin and a Bullhead arrives and take them to the hospital.

Back in Beacon, in the infirmary, Kevin was being checked on by his doctors and Blake was sitting outside his room, looking worried about his caution. Then the doctor walks out and Blake gets up and looks at him.

Blake: "How is he? Is he okay?"

Doctor: "He's going to be all right. Thanks to his aura he had while fighting Adam, his right eye healed itself completely. You are free to check on him if you like."

Blake: "Thank you, Doctor."

The doctor walks and Blake walks in the room and she's see in the hospital bed, sleeping with his right eye bandaged a little bit. Blake brings a chair, goes to him and sits beside him. Blake smiles while seeing Kevin sleeping peacefully after the White Fang event. Blake then leans forward and collides her lips with Kevin's and she kisses him as he sleeps. Then she stops and looks at him.

Blake: "I'll see you when you get out Kevin. So I can tell you my feelings. I love you."

Blake then moves strands of her hair out of his face and gives a quick peck on his cheek before walking out. She looks at Kevin again and smiles knowing that she'll see him again.

To be continued...

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