Chapter 1: the fateful meeting

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now if you have any ideas for harem members please let me know in the comments and let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

I was sleeping in my bed feeling the sunlight hitting my face, but also feeling someone lightly shacking me to wake up.

????: Master Y/n it's time to wake up.

????2: she's right Master Y/n. you have an important day today.

I slowly open my eyes to see my two childhood friends since I was only a boy, but for some reason as we got older they wore maid outfits and called me "Master" for some reason. I then sit up rubbing my eyes so that they adjust to the lighting of the room and turn to my friends.

A/n: not mine.

Y/n: morning Ram and Rem.

Ram&Rem: good morning Master Y/n.

Y/n: *sighs* girls, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Master?

Rem: many of times.

Y/n: and yet you still do it.

Ram: *playful smirk* because it is more fun to tease you like that.

we both let out a light laugh since this was a thing between us and the reason their here is so that they can "keep an eye on me" when I'm at the academy. which I do enjoy their company cause being on a one man team and a dorm all to yourself can get rather lonely.

Y/n: okay, jokes aside what important thing do I have today?

Rem: don't you remember? THE Avatar and her friends are coming here.

Y/n: oh, right! and I was selected to be accompanying the Avatar and her friends.

Ram: that is quite surprising.

Y/n: yeah. *grabs his clothes* I'll go change in the bathroom.

Ram&Ream: okay.


after I got my clothes on I left my dorm room to get some breakfast, but I also got a message from Ozpin to meet him and the other headmasters at the Bullhead landing pads to meet the Avatar when she arrives. as I was at the table eating my food I felt someone's arms around my neck and whisper into my ear.

????: guess who.~

Y/n: *playful smirk* oh I don't know. maybe a certain Red Dragon Empress?

I then turn to face Isami Hyoudou in all her glory with a pout as she was caught without me even trying to guess someone else.

A/n: not mine.

Isami: *pouts* oh. how did you know?

Y/n: well. it was close between you, Akeno, Haruka and Rias who would be bold enough to take this approach.

Isami: *giggle* guilty as charge.

????: I see you beat us to the meeting point Isami.

we both look to see the devil herself and the rest of her peerage coming right towards the table I was sitting at.

Y/n: morning Rias, Koneko, Akeno, Asia, Kiba and Rossweisse.

Rias/Peerage: morning Y/n.

Y/n: well have a seat make yourselves comfortable.

Rias: thanks Y/n. *sits down*

as the members of Rias' peerage sat down in the chairs, but Koneko decided that her seat was my lap, which made me curious why she did that.

Y/n: um, Koneko why are you sitting in my lap?

Koneko: cause your lap is more comfortable and your not a pervert.

Y/n: okay, that's fair.

Kiba: so, Y/n are you prepared to be grouped up with the Avatar?

Y/n: as ready I'll ever be, but I'm still surprised that I was selected to be paired with the Avatar's group.

Akeno: well, you are the only one man team in the whole academy.

Y/n: true.

Rias: which reminds me. my brother told me to have you follow us Y/n, since my brother wants me and my peerage at is side when meeting the Avatar.

Y/n: sure.

we then continue eating out food even with Koneko in my lap I was able to eat my food, but sometimes she offered me some of her snacks ever so often. as Rias told me Koneko only trusts those that she offers her snacks with. after having breakfast it was almost time for the Avatar and her friends to arrive so me and Rias along with heading to the landing pad where the Bullhead that is taking the Avatar's group here.

along the way to the landing pad I see some of the students of the academy chatting amongst themselves and waiting for the Avatar's arrival, but I didn't see Team CRDL there. meaning that they weren't even interested to even make an appearance. I was heading towards Ozpin standing next to him and Glynda, while rias and her group stand next to her brother, my attention was turned by the sounds of the bullhead approaching the landing pad. once it landed the doors open to reveal a large group two of the group were adults with four children with them.

the adult woman was carrying a new born infant in her arms with the adult man next to her which I guess is her husband as I see him with a beard and bald with a blue arrow on his bald head. the kids were comprised of two girls and one boy, one of the girls was taller than both of her siblings, then I look to see a group of teens around my age one was a young man with short dark hair that he has a serious vibe to him. the other young man was who was shorter than the first young man, but only by a few inches I then see two girls with them, one of the two has dark hair and green eyes, but for some reason I get that she was some what similar to Weiss when it comes to a family company.

then I see the last girl who has dark hair and brown skin with blue eyes she was wearing blue and brown attire, but once I lay eyes on her I felt like that something was pulling me towards her but I can't tell what or why.

Ozpin: Tenzin, it's good to see you again old friend.

Tenzin: likewise Ozpin. Glynda.

Glynda: it's good to see you as well even your wife.

Tenzin's wife: it's good to see you too Glynda.

Sirzech: I'm guessing that your here with your family for the festival this year?

Tenzin: that's right, but I also brought Avatar Korra and her friends so that they can have some tie to relax after the Equalist incident.

Hanzo: of course, but I'm glad that the whole situation was settled.

Tenzin: as do I. *notices Y/n* and who are you young man.

Y/n: my name is Y/n L/n nice to meet you sir.

Ozpin: me and the other head masters thought that Avatar Korra and her friends might be interested of the academy.

Tenzin: ah, of course I have told some things about your students semblernce, Quirks, magic and ninjutsu. but it's up to them if they want too.

I look to see the group talk amongst themselves probably talking about if they want to explore around the academy.

dark skin girl: sure, I'm curious on the academy.

tall dark haired male: same. I'm also curious on what Huntsmen do.

dark haired female: I'm curious on the Faunus.

short dark haired male: this place just looks awesome from the outside.

Nezu: that's good to hear.

Ozpin: now there are some rooms, but Avatar Korra and her friends might have to stay in mister L/n room since most of the room already have teams and students in them. if that's alright with you.

Korra: I'm fine with it.

Tenzin: very well.

Ozpin: good. now Tenzin you might want to follow me and the other head masters. mister L/n please show Avatar korra and her friends around.

the man known as Tenzin nods and follows the head masters with his wife and kids, while the students all went off to do their own thing like study for classes or be prepared for the festival leaving me with team Avatar.

Y/n: well, hello I'm Y/n L/n if you didn't hear. it's nice to meet you guys.

Korra: nice to met ya my name is Korra and well I'm the Avatar.

tall dark haired male: names Mako. *points to the short dark haired male* and that's my brother Bolin.

Bolin: hi!

dark haired woman: and my name is Asami Sato.

Y/n: nice to meet you all. now follow me and I'll give you guys a tour around the academy.

I then begin showing Korra and her friends around the academy like the classes the training/sparring room for the students to use, the cafeteria, liberary and the pool rooms for the students to relax. 

Korra: wow! this place is huge!

Bolin: no kidding!

Y/n: well, it's got to be big to have multiple students that want to learn to either be Huntsman and/or huntress, hero and ninja. so it's to be expected.

Asami: you got a point there.

Mako: it's also nice to see that there is a pool. it will definitely with relaxing.

Y/n: you got that right. now follow me an-

????: hey! "elemental Ninja!"

Y/n: *let's out a frustrated sigh* give me a minute.

3rd pov

as Y/n turns to face Team CRDL with Cardin with a pissed off look on his face, while Y/n gives him a bored look not caring what the idiotic bully wants.

Y/n: what is it you want, Cardin?

Cardin: I want payback! after what you did to me and my team!

Mako: *whispers to Korra* what's going on here?

Korra: *whispers back* remember that vision I saw?

Asami: yeah.

Korra: well from what I saw is that him. *points to Cardin* Was bullying the rabbit faunus from the vision.

Bolin: But what for?

Korra not a clue.

Y/n: look, Cardick I don't have time for your foolishness. so why don't you and your marry fuck boys walk away.

from what Y/n said got the members of Team Avatar to laugh cause of how Y/n insulted Cardin, but this made the bully get angrier than he was before. Cardin then charged at Y/n going for a punch, but Y/n was quick to block the punch and forced Cardin face down on the floor as Y/n held his backwards putting pressure on it making Cardin groan.

Y/n: try something like that again and I'll be breaking this arm for good. so why don't you go back on your way.

Y/n then let's go of Cardin's arm as the bully gets up holding his as it was sore from the way Y/n held it. Cardin then looks at Y/n with an angered look.

Cardin: well settle this in Goodwitch's class tomorrow.

Y/n: oh I'll be there, but I expect that you would run away like the coward you are.

Cardin didn't respond and just leaves with his team while Y/n let out a sigh and turns to Team Avatar with much better attitude.

Y/n: sorry about that just had to take care of some business.

Korra: it's alright.

Mako: yeah, but it was good to see you put him in his place.

Y/n: yeah, but sadly he's just going to try and bounce back. any ways follow me to where my dorm room is.

the group then went to where dorm rooms were located, once they reached Y/n's room the said person opens the door only to be met with Ram and Rem in their maid outfits bowing to Y/n.

Rem: it's good to see you back young Master.

Ram: and we see you have company.

Y/n: *sighs* Ram... Rem... we've talked about this.

Ram/Rem: we know, but it's fun to tease you with.

Asami: um, are you by any chance from a wealthy family?

Y/n: no, these two are my childhood friends Ram and Rem. just to let you know they wear the those maid outfits just to tease me.

Ram: it's nice to meet you, I'm Ram.

Rem and I'm Rem.

Korra: nice to meet you my names Korra.

Mako: Mako.

Bolin: I'm Bolin nice to meet ya.

Asami: and my name is Asami.

Y/n: now Ram and Rem these people are Team Avatar with Korra being the Avatar. they will be staying with us.

Rem: that's fine since our room is the biggest and has more room. the headmasters broughtextra beds for them.

Y/n: that's good. *to Team Avatar* well make yourselves comfortable and welcome to Union academy.

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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