The man quickly looked around to make sure no one had seen him, but this house was particularly isolated. The couple probably thought it would be nice to have a place on the edge of the woods, away from the ruckus and mayhem of town life. He agreed, it was a nice idea. Now there wasn't anyone around that needed to be written away as collateral damage.
He grabbed Lisha by the ankles and started dragging her back into the forest. Her head bumped limping against rocks and roots, but she was still alive and that was all that mattered. It was a long trek back to the house, especially carrying an entire body of dead weight. For a moment he wondered if the consequence for bringing her back in pieces would be too great. If he was careful, she wouldn't even die and they could continue on his game without hinder.
Colorful images of the grateful four's faces as they accepted the dramatic irony of water he would offer them, as their only hope for freedom was chainsawed limb for limb in the room right next to theirs.
Yes, that would be pleasing.
He let go of her legs and left her down by a tree while he went to go find the tool kit that he left in a waterproof bag, tethered to the side of the stream. It took a good while longer than he thought it would to wrestle the hacksaw out of the bag. Long enough that he was sure that the girl would have woken and taken her second chance to run. To his relief she was still lying on the ground right where he left her, out colder than the air that nipped at his ears. He put his hands under her shoulders and gently lifted her so that she was on flat ground.
The blade of the saw was still wet from its close encounter with the bottom of the stream, but after a couple wipes on the bottom of his woolen sweater, it was good to go. Leaves and old twigs crushed under his knees as he knelt down her side and pushed the strap of her camisole up higher onto her shoulder so it wouldn't get snagged by any slip of the hack blade.
A calm breeze swung between the trees and seemed to welcome his decision with open arms. He set the saw down where her arm met her shoulder.
Suddenly a high pitched chime rung from his coat pocket causing him to pause for a second. He sat back on his hunches and brought the phone to his ear. "What is it, Gailyn? I told you, Daddy's busy right now. You shouldn't call him unless it's an emergency."
But Daddy, his daughter said with a calmness that made him proud. Any other person wouldn't be able to tell, but he could tell that she was scared. the police are here and they have the FBI with them. They say want to talk to you.
He cursed silently, but held his calm. "What did you tell them, sweetheart?"
She changed the tenor of her voice ever so slightly. The truth, you just left for the store and won't be home for a little while. They were in the room with her. They just want to talk.
Lisha groaned and rolled her head to look up at him. She caught sight of his phone at his ear and looked like she was about to scream for help, but he quickly silenced her with a swift bash to her head.
"Are you giving them Daddy's phone number?" He asked calmly.
Of course, she paused. They're really very nice.... Do you want to talk to them?
He pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand and closed his eyes before slowly rising to his feet. They weren't giving her much of a choice. "Yeah honey, but hold on. I want you to listen closely, okay? Once you're sure all the police are gone, I want you take my gun and go down into the meat cellar.
Uh huh.
"There's a brown haired boy, Micheal. He's the one without a shirt on. You take him up to mommy's old room. You got that sweetheart?"
Uh huh.
"In the desk drawer, there's a needle. I want you to stab him with when he's not looking. Do you understand?"
I love you too, Daddy, I'll put them on the phone.
He smiled. Love you... That's a good girl.
Stanton Basset? This is Special Agent, David Colbert, with the FBI. Id just like to assure you that you're not in any trouble, but there's been a shooting near your home and we'd like to know if we could ask you a few questions.
Stanton took a deep breath. "Of course Agent, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience I'm causing you, but I'm on a minute phone at the moment and I'm running pretty low. I'm in town. How's about I swing by the police station and we can talk?"
The agent seemed to sigh. "Of course sir, we'll meet you there. Thank you for your cooperation."
"Of course," he replied and snapped the phone shut before the authority could set down a specific amount of time for him to actually be at the station in.
He glanced down at Lisha who was out cold at his feet. "Well kid, you just lucked out. You and friends back there sure don't like to make things very interesting for me. I've had more fun groups of five... "
He grabbed her by the legs again and started running as fast as he possibly could. It would have gone more quickly if he had taken her in pieces, but at this rate, he didn't have any time left to make multiple trips. The plan was crumbling down around him. It's had never been like this before.
Some fought back; some had even escaped, but none dragged it out quite this long. They turned on each other, or turned on themselves.
Just his luck. He kidnapped a unit of one instead of five individuals.
By the time he made it back to his house, he was tired and sweating. He swept the leaves off the doors of the old storm cellar. He didn't usually use this particular entrance to get down to the cell since he could access it from both the back lot and the inside of the house, but he didn't have the time to drag the girl back through the long way.
After some more heaving, he dumped Lisha back into the cell and slammed the door shut again, then started running. If he hurried, he could make it to the police station with a bag of unsuspicious groceries before anyone started suspecting him.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Yay! Food! Okay so I don't get food til the 29th but close enough! Yay!
Hope you liked the update.
Also Happy Random Thursday if ya not American.
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