Bonus Chapter 6: Diasomnia Wishes


In Malleus' room...

Malleus says, "Here is my wish: I wish for Roaring Drago to make a friend."

And his wishing star glows.

Idia is surprised, "YOOO. I was not expecting Malleus to namedrop a retro digital pet game!

"Huh, I've never heard of this game," Ortho says and looks at his date, "Looking up Roaring Drago online..." and soon finds it, "Ah, found it. It's a small handheld game device in which you raise a dragon from an egg, correct?"

"That's the one," Idia says, "A portable game on a keychain with a cheap LCD screen. Those things were everywhere when I was a kid," But soon realize, "Wait... Do you still play it, Malleus?"

"Yes. Lilia purchased it for me as a souvenir during one of his sojourns to another land," Malleus answers.

"That's very nice of him," Briar says.

In his thoughts, Idia is shocked, "This guy's the heir apparent of Briar Valley, famed as one of the most powerful mages in the world... And he's addicted to a kids' keychain game. ROFL. Amazing."

"I recently learned that one can use wireless communication to let Drago befriend others. But it requires another Drago to be present," Malleus says.

"Do you know anyone else who might play this game?" Ortho asks.

"No, no one," Malleus says.

"Yeah, that checks out," Idia says, "That fad died out over a decade ago. They don't even make 'em anymore."

"...I suppose simply wishing for Drago to make a friend won't actually give him one," Malleus says.

"Dude, why are you actin' all resigned?" Idia asks, "Everybody had these things when they were a kid. There are tons of them out there. I'm sure they're easy to find online. Ortho, look for them on online auction sites and stores that specialize in electronic toys. Used is fine, as long as it runs."

"Roger that," Ortho says.

Then Idia says, "A collector would want one new and unused, but for our purposes, all that matters is it works. In fact, with electronic toys, between battery leakage and plasticizers, opening the blister pack can actually delay the deterioration process."

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about, but I am impressed with your loquacity today, Shroud," Malleus says.

Then Ortho says, "148 results. Displaying them now," And presents the data.

Idia snickers, "Whee hee hee! You see that? Scores of Roaring Dragos in full working order!"

"Truly? I'm not familiar with how payments online work, but...I'll pay. Could you put in an order for me?" Malleus says.

"Uh, sure, I guess..." Idia says and does just that, "There, done. You'll probably get it in the next few days."

"You have my gratitude, Shroud. You've done me a great service this day. I'll have to reward you once the order comes in," Malleus says.

"You granted his wish right on the spot! Nice going, Idia!" Ortho says.

"That was very nice of you," Briar says.

"Feels kinda patronizing to get so much praise for something so minor, NGL..." Idia says.

"Come on, we still got some wishes together," Briar says.

Then says, "Bye Mal."

"Goodbye, Briar. I'll see you during the Starsending Ceremony and to see your performance,," Malleus says.

Briar blushes in response.

Ortho notices, "Briar's face is turning red."

Idia sighs, "I have to wonder what she even sees in him that she develops feeling for him."


In Lilia's room...

Lilia makes his wish, "My wish is... for humans, fae, and all other species to live in harmony."

Trey smiles, "Haha, wow. That's a pretty ambitious wish."

"Oh my. That's a big wish," Sereia says.

"To join joyous hands with one another is no simple feat, even for those among the same species..." Lilia says, "To say nothing of the difficulties across species divides. You've learned about our history, have you not? All the countless tales of our failure to compromise, and the resulting conflicts? I have no desire to see such history repeated. So I make the same wish every Starsending."

"Ah, I see. Well, I've got your wish," Trey says, having the wish in his hand, "The thing is, I'm so used to your antics that I'm finding it hard to believe, actually."

Lilia is surprised, "How very rude! My wish is cute, wholesome, and pure—just like me," and pouts.

"Lilia, you do realize you undermine your own credibility when you say those things about yourself, right?" Trey questions.

"Come now, Trey! It's a shame to see a boy your age so distrustful. Do these look like the eyes of a liar?" Lilia responds.

Trey is confused, "Huh? They just look kinda big to me."

"There, you see? Big, purehearted eyes, sparkling like jewels," Lilia says.

"Okay, I never said—" Trey says.

But Lilia says, "Hence, I wish for a world where everyone who passes before my eyes can have a peaceful life. Fervently."

"All right, all right. I believe you. Sheesh, you're a real head-scratcher, you know that?" Treys says.


In Silver's room...

Silver makes his wish, "I wish... for my father to have a long life."

Then his wishing star glows.

"Oh, is your dad sick or something, Silver?" Deuce asks.

"No, far from it," Silver answers, "In fact, he works out every day. He does upside-down sit-ups from his bed canopy."

"He sounds super healthy to me!" Deuce says, surprised.

Then Tanzanite asks, "So why the wish?"

"He may look healthy, but he's getting on in years...or at least, he should be. I think," Silver says.

"You THINK?" Jasper questions.

"He looks much younger than he actually is," Silver says, "I'm not sure of his actual age. He always skirts the question when I ask. But he raised me as a single father. I owe him everything," And then explains, "I often find myself wishing he could live a very long happily ever after. And I haven't done anything to repay him for all that he's done for me. I'm not just going to leave this matter to the stars, of course. I'm going to do everything I can for him too."

"Wow, Silver... I totally feel you!" Deuce says, "My mom raised me as a single parent too. I know she's had her share of hard times... So I just want her to be happy now. I'd love for her to live a long life."

"So you understand my situation..." Silver says, feeling saddened.

"Uh, sorry. A Stargazer's supposed to listen to other people's wishes, but here I am talking about my own," Deuce says.

But Silver says, "Please, don't apologize. We'll both do our part to make sure our wishes come true."

"Absolutely! And I'll make sure to hang your Wishing Star in a nice, secure spot on the big tree!" Deuce says.


In Sebek room...

Sebek makes his wish, "Heh... I have but one wish! I wish for the whole world to kneel before our king."

And then his wishing star glows.

"Your king, huh..." Briar replies, "I think I know who you're referring to."

Suddenly, Idia asks Ortho, "Hey, Ortho? This guy... What's his name again? Sebek? He's wishing for the 'whole world to kneel' and stuff? Is he writing middle school fanfic? Talk about EXTRA. Not even final boss henchmen say lines that cheesetastic these days."

"I can't argue with you there," Ortho says, "But he's having fun, and that's what matters, right?"

Sebek ends up hearing it, "Wait, who is this 'final boss' you speak of? Are they more powerful than the illustrious one?"

Briar giggles, "Guys, I think he's talking about Mal. you know, Malleus."

Ortho soon understands, "Ooh, I get it now. He's talking about Malleus Draconia. A final boss is a powerful enemy that appears at the end of a video game. They're fictional, so it's hard to say whether or not they'd be stronger."

Sebek scoffs, "Hmph. So they're not real. Then there's no question Malleus is the most powerful being in the world!"

"Hmm, 'no question,' eh? I dunno, man..." Idia says, "'Most powerful being in the world' is a pretty bold claim..."

"I don't care for your tone. Do take issue with my claim?" Sebek angrily says.

"Eh, maybe he is and maybe he isn't," Idia says, "All I'm saying is, final bosses are brutal enemies designed to test the player in every way. So if they existed for real, your claim might not hold any water..."

"Are you suggesting the great Malleus would lose to them in a fight?!" Sebek questions.


"Sebek, calm down!" Briar says.

Ortho says in thought, "Idia is actually arguing with him! I guess he took major issue with what Sebek Zigvolt said. He DID spend an awful long time fighting the final boss in that game he was playing the other day. That was a hard one. After equating Sebek Zigvolt to a middle schooler, Idia's gone and picked a juvenile fight himself. But it sure is nice to see him hitting it off with someone besides me. I'll just watch from the sidelines!"

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