Chapter 3-5: Pie-pin' Hot Apple Pie

Sometime later, everyone arrives at the Apple Square. The place looks really nice, and it has an apple decoder hanging above them. There are some light poles, vendors, and other places to check out. There is also a large center area that has a fireplace. Underneath a bare tree is a Snowman. There are also a lot of people who are talking and chatting among themselves. Of course, Epel, Briar, and their group are amazed to see the place.

"What a large and spacious town square," Jade says.

"The place looks really nice," Briar says.

"Look at all the tourists!" Grim says.

Epel says, "This is Apple Square, our main festival venue."

"Lively, isn't it? There are quite a few vendor stalls," Sebek says.

"Yes. There are lovely decorations," Sereia says.

"Yup, the sledathon comes but once a year!" Epel says, Mostly townsfolk run the stalls. Everyone's excited to have all these visitors. It's our most lucrative time of year!"

"I admire their mercantile spirit," Jade says.

Then Epel says, "The stall area is called Kokko Market."

"Kokko?" Sereia questions.

"What does Kokko mean?" Idia asks.

"It means 'bonfire' in an ancient Shaftlands language," Epel says.

"Ah, yes, I see a bonfire pit in the center of the square," Jade says.

"And I spy a buncha tasty apples hangin' from strings!" Grim says, and licks his lips in excitement.

"Grim, those are not real apples," Briar says.

"Grim, those are LAMPS. They're not for eating!" Epel says.

Grim notices and frowns, "Mrah, you're right... I want a real apple!"

"You just had one at Epel's house," Sebek points out.

"Yeah, and it was so good I could eat a whole truckload more!" Grim says.

Epel is amazed, "Wow, you really did like it. Aww shucks, that's flattering."

"I'm a bit parched myself," Sebek says.

"Yeah. I'm kind of thirsty myself," Jasper says.

Epel suggests, "How about some apple juice then? They're giving it out over there."

"Oho, for free? How generous," Sebek says, surprised.

"Yup. They also have apple tea and apple ginger tea," Epel says, "People don't normally come out here much, so we're always happy to welcome folks."

"I could go for something hot because of the cold weather," Briar says.

"Me too," Sereia says.

Epel smiles and says, "I'll get you an apple ginger tea, then. That should warm you up."

He then turns to the others, "What would the rest of you like? I'll write it all down and go get it."

"I like some apple juice," Jasper says.

"Me too," Tanzanite says.

Then Jade says, "I'd like apple juice, please. I've been wanting to try some ever since I read about how good it is.

Then Sebek says, "I'll have the apple tea. I could use something warming in all this cold."

"I could go for a hot drink myself. Apple ginger tea, plz," Idia says.

Grim eagerly asks, "I wanna try it all! Bring me one of each!"

Epel panics, "Wait, slow down! I need to make sure I got it all!"

Shortly after, Epel brought everyone drinks..

"Hey guys, I've got your drinks, "Epel says, "First up: fresh 100% apple juice! It's one of Harveston's most popular products," and passes them to Jade, Tanzanite, and Jasper.

"Thank you. Let's give it a try..." Jade says and takes a drink. He smiles and says, "...MY, that's good. It's like taking a bite out of a fresh apple. There's a mellow sweetness, which is accentuated by a refreshing tartness."

"Mmm, this apple juice is so delicious," Jasper says.

"I agree," Tanzanite says.

Then Epel passes the tea, "Here's your apple tea. Careful, it's hot," and passes Sebek the tea.

"What a lovely aroma. And I see there are apple pieces floating in it," Sebek says, sniffing the tea. He drinks the tea. He then says, "...Delicious! It has a nice, sweet aftertaste... Honey, I presume."

Then Epel passes Idia some tea, "And here's your apple ginger tea. It'll warm you right up."

"Thx!" India calls out, and drinks the tea, "Whew... Yep, that does the trick. Ginger's great at warming you up. It's an optimal ingredient to put in your drinks when it's cold."

"Aw, yeah, lookit all these drinks! Down the hatch!" Grims ays and drinks his beverage, "Those drinks really whetted my appetite. Let's grab some food!" He soon sniffs around, "Ooo, I smell somethin' sweet!"

Jade looks to notice one of the stands, ""They appear to be making an apple pie over there."

"A pie? That sounds nice..." Sebek says.

The group soon walks over, but notices, "Hm?"

And everyone but Epel reacts in shock, "IT'S HUGE!"

"Yeah, we make giant apple pies for the festival. They're five meters in diameter and are one of the main attractions," Epel says, "It looks like that one's fresh out of the oven! We should go have some. They're free of charge."

"Free pie as well? The people here are most generous indeed," Sebek says, shocked.

The group then walk over to t

The apple pie chef says, "Howdy, folks! Step right up and grab yourselves some pie-pin' hot apple pie!"

"Don't mind if we do!" Epel says.

Taking a pie, everyone happily says, "Thank you!"

Everyone soon eats the pie.

Sebek comments, "The flaky crust and sweet apples create a most toothsome experience!"

"S'good!" Grim says.

Epel says, "Careful, Grim! Don't shovel it in like that, or you'll-" but he shoves it in his mouth anyway.

Grim cries out, "MRAH! HOOOT!"

"Too late," Briar and Epel reply.

Epel says, "I tried to warn you. The caramelized apple slices in a fresh pie are REALLY hot."

"I burned my tongue, all wight..." Grim says, feeling the pain, but then says, "But it'th tho good..." and continues eating.

"Look at the way he's ripping into that; you can see his gums. There's his feral side," India says.

And Jade says, "This is a rather nice festival, considering the free drinks and pie. Are there any other attractions?"

"Well, there's the apple competition," Epel says.

"Apple competition?" Briar questions.

Grim asks, "Is it for the best-tastin' apple?! Get me in on that judgin' action!"

But Epel says, "No, it's a color competition. Specifically for the reddest apple."

That makes the group confused.

Jade is the first to say, "How unusual. Is there a reason for that?"

Epel explains, "The tale of the Fairest Queen says that she prized red apples. So the townsfolk would take the reddest apple from the harvest and offer it up. Eventually, that practice turned into a competition to see which apple was the reddest. Now it's an event that livens up the whole festival. The competition's tomorrow. Wanna go see it?"

Grim answers, "No way! I ain't interested if I can't eat anythin'."

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