Chapter 1-8: Outright Pigheadedness
The next day...
At the school's main street.
Rook says with a smile, "Monsieur Fier-à-bras, Monsieur Dent-de- Lion—bonjour!"
Walking over are Jack, Ruggie, and Leona.
"Morning, Rook," Ruggie says.
"Yeah, good morning..." Jack says and lets out a yawn. He then apologizes, "Agh, sorry! That was rude of me!"
"Mais non, think nothing of it. You do seem rather drowsy, however," Rook says, "I suppose we did practice until quite late last night...And am I right in thinking that after we parted ways, you continued to practice on your own? Just how late did you stay up?"
"I'd say he was at it 'til morning," Ruggie answers.
This has Rook surprised, Truly?! You mean you did not sleep?"
"Nah," Jack says, "Turns out Floyd saying he'd teach me to play was a lie. The only 'teaching' he did was tell me to 'blow into the flute,' among other gems. We'd hardly done anything before he got bored and went back to his dorm! So all I could do was head back and try to figure it out myself. I was practicing 'til just a little while ago. I can't quite make my lips stay in the correct position, so I can't get the right kind of sound..."
"Man, and you usually turn in so early. You gotta make sure you don't fall asleep during class today," Ruggie says.
"I would never do that! Class is important!" Jack says
"So, how'd it go?" Ruggie asks, "Since you practiced all night, does that mean you're a flute wizard now?"
"...No," Jack answers.
"Thought as much," Ruggie says.
Then Jack says, "We've still got time. I'm gonna get the hang of the basics, even if it's just a little! Let's all meet up today after class and practice some more!"
"Oui! I shall inform Monsieur Spontané, "Rook says.
Then Ruggie asks, "...You think he's even gonna come? He's practically a maestro, so he doesn't really need to practice with us."
"Quite. I am loath to say so, but we are the ones holding him back," Rook says.
And Jack says, "All the more reason we've gotta crush some practice, so we can master the basics!" sounding determined.
"Okay, but do you think 'the basics' are gonna cut it for the grand finale at the festival?" Ruggie says, "I can picture it now. The burning shame, the storm of boos, people demanding their money back... I'll take a pass on all that. No one else seems to wanna say it, so I will: I think we should quit. Everyone would be way better off if some actual musicians took our places. I'm sure the Pop Music Club would love to do it. ...Well, it'd still probably be a train wreck with those guys, but even so."
"That's a nonstarter," Jack says, "The headmage specifically asked us to do this, so we need to do it, even if we're awful."
"But if we do, the concert will be a guaranteed flop," Ruggie says, "There are some things you just can't do, even if you bust your butt. And I think we're in that kind of situation, don't you?"
Jack shouts, "No! We'll be able to play if we just apply ourselves!"
"Y'know, some might confuse your relentless go- getter attitude for outright pigheadedness!" Ruggie says.
Jack glares at Ruggie, "Don't you think YOU'RE the one being stubborn and giving up too soon?"
"Never thought I'd hear you talk to me like that," Ruggie replies.
"I respect you a ton, but this is different," Jack says.
Ruggie sighs, "It's like arguing with a brick wall," And then says, "Fine. You think you can 'power of hard work' your way through this? Prove it. Gimme a shout when you can actually play something that won't make our ears bleed. I'm not coming to practice until then. You do your best, mmkay?" and then walks away.
Jack calls out, "Hey, wait! Ruggie!"
"Oh là là! A most dramatic exit," Rook says, "He is a deeply pragmatic person, Ruggie. Such an efficient, economical, grounded beauty!"
"Efficient? Are you really taking his side? You don't seriously think we should give up too, do you?!" Jack asks, shocked.
But Rook says, "Oh, you misunderstand! You have a beauty all your own, Jack. To possess enough endurance and force of will to hammer through a metaphorical boulder with but a single nail is no ordinary thing. Monsieur Fier-à-bras, you never give up, not even in the face of great adversity! Beauté! I give you my applause. Thus, there is nothing wrong with your continuing to practice and then performing at Port Fest. The sight of you playing your heart out regardless of talent will likely shine as a kind of art itself."
"...Whose side are you on, again?" Jack questions with a frown.
But Rook says, "What I mean is, there is more than one answer to the question of what kind of show we should perform. And the one who makes that decision is you, our leader. I shall merely follow your lead."
"I'm going on that stage even if I gotta do it alone!" Jack says, determined, "I'll get better if I practice, that's how everything works. And if anyone wants to give up because doing a crash course on an instrument is hard, well they can just hit the bricks."
"Indeed, your resolve is strong. And I do understand where you are coming from," Rook says, "However, this show requires four people working in harmony, non?"
"Yeah, but it's not my style to team up with people who shirk practice," Jack says.
Rook chuckles, "Heh heh. Your conviction rings out loud—so loud that I do not think my words will reach you. It appears I shall not be the one to guide you to your answer, Monsieur Fier-à-bras. You would best be served speaking to someone whom you deeply respect and admire."
Jack thinks a bit, "Hmm... Maybe you're right."
"Oui," Rook says, "Do this so you can find an answer that is satisfactory to you as our leader. And with that, I must depart. Adieu!" and takes his leave
"Hrm..." Jack responds, a little frustrated.
Sometime later, at the botanical garden, Jack decides to practice.
"...So yeah, that's about the size of it," Jack says, "That's why I wanted to ask you for advice— Housewarden Leona.
Turns out, he has decided to ask Leona for some advice, and maybe some help.
"Oh, goodie. So you and Ruggie are the reason I gotta deal with this Port Fest nonsense," Leona says, sounding very annoyed.
Jack nervously gulps in response.
Leona frowns un response, "How dare you drag me into this! I mean, hawkin' snacks at some rinky-dink festival?! As though I got nothin' better to do!"
"I'm sorry!" Jack shouts.
And Leona says, "Normally you four makin' fools of yourselves on that stage would be fine by me. Problem is, there are TWO Savanaclaw in your little band. I can't have the other dorms callin' us a laughing stock. And on top of that, you went to Rook for advice, of all people! He's only gonna make things more complicated."
"I'm gonna perform, even if I have to do it alone," Jack says, "And if the other dorms run their mouths, I'll deal with 'em! I won't make you look bad, Leona!"
"Bold of you to say. But reckless," Leona says, "You try and learn an instrument in this short of time, and you'll be in for a rude awakening when you get on stage."
"What else can we do but practice, though?" Jack asks, "The concert's non-negotiable, and we don't know how to play."
"Non-negotiable? You just do everythin' Crowley says, no questions asked? Sounds like herbivore talk. Didn't expect that from you," Leona says.
Jack responds, frustrated, "Ugh... What am I supposed to do, then?"
Then Leona says, "You ever heard of a fish tryin' to hunt birds? Or a beast with powerful legs swimmin' to catch its prey? Stupid animals who can't identify their prey are destined to starve. Ask yourself this, Jack. What's your prey? What's out there just beggin' for you to sink your fangs into it?"
"I... I'm not sure," Jack says.
"Figure the rest out yourself. I'm gonna take a nap, so buzz off," Leona says as he yawns and lies down for a nap.
But Jack says, "Hang on, Leona! I don't know what you mean by—"
But Leona interrupts, "Better flick those upstairs lights on and think hard, then. 'Cause I ain't gonna be happy if you assault my ears with horrible music," and decides to take his nap.
Jack remains silent in response.
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