Chapter 1-5: A Symbol for Craneport
The next day...
Jack, Briar, and some of the others are at the gate.
Jack says, "Hey, guys. We're having our first Port Fest Steering Committee meeting in a bit. Make sure you get it all down."
Grim laughs, "Myahaha! Don't you worry, I won't miss a thing!"
"We've got half a month until Port Fest. Let's all make sure we pull our weight," Jack says.
Briar nods, "Right."
Then Rook says, "Today we are going to take a gander around Craneport, to familiarize ourselves for the festival."
"Right. The headmage is going to meet up with us a bit later too," Jack says.
Then Floyd notices the bus as it drives in, "And there's our bus. All aboard."
"Yeah, c'mon," Jack says.
Sometime later...
Everyone arrives at the Craneport Wharf.
"Nous y voilà! Craneport is as much a delight as it was two days ago!" Rook says.
"Can't believe we're back already," Grim says.
"The bulk of the festival will take place in the park by the warehouses. It's called Whistler Commons," Jack says.
"Whistler Commons?" Sereia replies, confused.
"That place with all the blue posts and white awnings, you mean?" Floyd questions and points to the place, "Bold of them to name it Whistler Commons, though. It's not 'common' to see people there, let alone hear any whistling."
"The place was always packed back in the day. It's a long way from that now, though," Ruggie says.
"Indeed, though I can imagine it was once a bright, bustling park that would make one want to just spontaneously whistle," Rook says.
Then Jack says, "On the day of the festival, it's gonna be full of shops and whatnot. Including the food stands that we NRC guys are running."
Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee. We're gonna be rollin' in dough."
Then Jack points to the dock, "See that big ship docked in the harbor? That's the Golden Straw."
"You might say it is something of a symbol for Craneport," Rook says.
"Yeah. And that's where we're having our meeting today," Jack says.
"Seriously? Why?" Floyd asks.
"No clue," Jack answers, "Who knows what's going on in the headmage's mind."
"That's true. We have no clue what he thinks at times," Jack says.
"Might as well get over there, in any case," Floyd says.
Everyone soon heads to the Golden Straw, walk on the deck to see the flowery decoration, banners, streamers and other decorations. There's even a steering wheel.
"I guess this is the helm," Floyd says.
"Indeed! And that is the wheel," Rook says.
"And you turn it port or starboard to steer where the ship goes," Jack says.
Rook says with a smile, "Bravo, Monsieur Fier-à-bras! Spoken like a true helmsman!"
"I think the place looks nice," Briar says.
"Yes. There are a lot of flowers here," Sereia says.
Trinket flies over and sniffs one of them.
Jack looks around, "Okay, so the headmage gave us instructions for when we got here. Let's see... We're supposed to clean the deck before our meeting."
"Huh? Why?" Ruggie asks.
"Dunno. He just said it's an important job for the Steering Committee," Jack says.
"Well, if we're stuck doing it, let's just get it done fast," Ruggie says.
Then Rook says, "Ah, I spy some cleaning supplies all ready for us. Deck brushes and buckets."
"Nice! Let's put some elbow grease into it and swab this deck!" Jack says.
Then turns to Briar and the others, "Yo, Grim. You and the others help out, too."
But Grim says, "Ooh, sorry, we got important records to keep. We'll make sure to watch you guys closely and document everything!"
Briar rolls her eyes, "Grim, if we're going to be here, we might as well help."
"I have to agree, Grim," Tanzanite says.
Jack also says, "Hilarious. Now grab a brush and start scrubbing."
"MRAH?!" Grim cries out as Jack grabs him.
Time has gone by, and everyone is cleaning the
"Y'know, this is my first time aboard the Golden Straw," Ruggie says as he scrubs.
"Moi aussi. It's still looks so pristine and new," Rook says.
Then Jack says, "From what I heard, the ship was only built about three years ago. They use it as a sightseeing vessel for trips around the bay."
Everyone continues scrubbing and cleaning the deck of the ship.
Ruggie then asks, "So why's it called the 'Golden Straw,' anyway?"
"Oh, the manager said something about that back when I was working at the restaurant..." Jack answers, "I think the name came from a cargo vessel that used to transport straw for livestock on Sage's Island, years ago."
"A worthy history for the name of a ship, non?" Rook says.
"It must've made serious bank for them to stick the 'Golden' on there," Ruggie says.
Time has gone by with the scrubbing.
Soon, Floyd calls quits, "...Okay, I'm over this."
"Me too," Grim says.
"What? Guys, we've only been doing this for fifteen minutes," Briar says.
Jack turns to Floyd and Grim, "Are you kidding me?! We only just started!"
"All this monotonous scrubbing is making my mind melt. I'm gonna keel over from boredom if I have to keep it up," Floyd says.
"Yeah, and Ruggie's cutting so many corners this ship's about to be a circle," Grim points out.
Ruggie laughs, "Haha, whoops! You got me."
But Jack continues, "Come on, man..."
"Well I'm getting bored with it," Jasper says.
"Hang in there, team!" Sereia says.
"Sereia's right. We just need to hang in there," Briar says.
"Still got some juice in the tank, huh? That's the spirit!" Jack says, impressed.
Then says, "MY section's gonna sparkle! I can't speak for the rest of you."
"You're just gonna muscle through, huh? Yeah, no surprises there," Ruggie says.
They suddenly hear footsteps and look to see Crowley walking over.
"Greetings, students. Thank you for waiting patiently," Crowley says.
Floyd frowns in response, "'Patiently.' Right."
"And I see you are all scrub-scrub-scrubbing away, cleaning the ship's stage! Your hard working spirit is positively splendid!" Crowley says with a smile.
"Did you say 'stage'?" Floyd asks.
"I guess there are lots of decorations around the helm," Ruggie says.
"So we've been cleaning the stage, huh? I'm guessing there'll be some kind of show here during Port Fest, then," Jack suspects.
"Indeed. And I would like you to ensure that the stage is cleaned daily," Crowley says.
This has Floyd shocked, "
"'Daily'?! As in, all of the days?!" Floyd asks, shocked.
"It's not a festival without a show, after all! Which means the stage must be kept as pristine as the crystalline waters below!" Crowley says.
"I thought you said it's not a festival without FOOD..." Jack says.
"And so cleaning the stage falls to the Steering Committee," Ruggie says.
"Correct! The stage is of utmost importance to all!" Crowley says.
Jack asks, "Does that include US?"
"I dun get it," Floyd says.
"Now, it's time to start our meeting!" Crowley says, but he remembers, "Oh—but first, I have something for each of you."
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Floyd asks.
Crowley then presents the surprise, "Port Fest outfits! Go on and don your attire, my intrepid pupils!"
"We get special outfits?" Jack questions.
"Maybe it's like a patch or an armband, to let people know we're staff," Ruggie says.
And Rook says, "Perhaps a jacket to add a touch of formality."
Then Floyd says, "I'm not wearin' anything super tacky."
"All right, boys, let's get changed!" Jack says.
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