Chapter 1-4: ME?!

A few minutes later...

Crowley announces, "10 minutes have elapsed! Have you all selected your leaders?"

"Class B is all me!" Cater announces.

But Kalim says, "Class A hasn't decided yet..."

"We put forward Leona and Rook, but they both refused," Silver says.

Grim groans in frustration, "Mrah! How're we gonna sort this out?!"

"Hmm, maybe rock paper scissors?" Jasper suggests.

"That'd be nice and easy," Silver says.

"Yeah, and then they can thumb wrestle!" Kalim says.

But Deuce says, "Slow down, Kalim. We don't need to make this MORE complicated."

"Then how about we draw straws?" Tanzanite suggests.

"Do I look like I carry straws around with me?" Ace says.

Then Sereia suggests, "How about a staring contest, then?!"

"Hmm, yeah. That sounds like a fair way to do it," Silver says.

Rook says, "Très bien! My heart sings at the chance to compete against Roi des Lions!"

But Leona says, "Gimme a break. What kinda competition would that even be? We gonna see who has the most annoying hats next? I'll be the leader. It's easier that way."

"Oh là là! No competition then? Quelle tragédie," Leona says.

"Yay, problem solved!" Kalim happily says, "

Then Vil says, "I shall lead Class C."

And Ortho says, "We came to that decision after 57 seconds!"

"It was unanimous," Jamil says.

"With THE Vil Schoenheit heading our stall, we can safely anticipate stellar sales. Heh heh," Azul says.

And Lilia says, "I'll be heading up Class E!"

Ruggie & Jack respond, confused, "Huh?!"

"Not Trey?" Jack says, confused.

"Trey's not exactly the type to step up, I guess," Ruggie says.

This has Silver shocked, "Fath-er, Lilia's going to do it?!"

"My word..." Sebek says, feeling the same.

And Jade says, "Dear me. The other groups are certainly making a ruckus."

Then Riddle says, "Lilia tends to get carried away. I also would've preferred Trey to be our leader, no question."

Trey chuckles, "Haha, come now, Riddle. I don't have what it takes for that sort of thing."

"I also think Trey would be a good leader," Jade says.

"I would've put myself forward if I were a junior, but alas," Riddle says.

"You would make a splendid leader as well, Riddle," Jade comments.

Lilia questions with a mischievous smile, "Discontented with my appointment, are you?"

"Not at all, I believe you shall make a fair leader, too," Jade says.

Everyone remains silent from it.

Then Crowley asks, "Has Class D made their decision?"

Sebek chuckles, "Heh heh... Heheheh..." And loudly says, "BUT OF COURSE! MALLEUS!"

Some cover their ears from the outburst.

"Pipe down, Croc..." Floyd says.

And Sebek continues, "Divided up by class! OH, how often my dreams have been visited by visions of this day! What else could it be but fate that Malleus and I should both land in Class D?! I will work myself to the bone for him! And Silver is in Class A? Ho ho, too bad, so sad!"

"Huh? What's wrong with being in Class A?" Silver asks, confused.

"Draconia will lead Class D, very good," Crowley says, but notices, "...Ah, but where is the young man?"

"...He is not here at present," Sebek answers.

"Again?" Briar questions.

"It looks like he missed the announcement. He might be sitting alone in a classroom right no," Lilia says.

"They picked him even though he's not here?" Riddle questions.

"I don't know if he'll be happy about that," Trey says.

Briar then turns to Sebek, "Sebek, maybe you should ask Mal first, before you decide on making him leader."

"I'm with Briar on that one," Ace says.

And Cater says, "Hey, all the leaders should take a group pic after the assembly!"

"How delightful! You're a real idea man, Cater!" Lilia says.

"I know, right?! I wanted to take one right now, but, y'know, Malleus isn't here," Cater says.

"Yes, and we couldn't just take a separate shot with him later, either," Lilia says.

"I can think of about a million things I'd rather do than take a 'group pic' with you people," Leona says.

"You all realize the assembly's still going on, don't you?" Vil responds.

Then Crowley says, "Leaders, you shall now direct your groups and decide what sort of foodstuffs you will sell at your stall. Your choice of menu will directly impact your sales, so I urge you to choose carefully."

"Understood," Vil answers, "Is that everything?"

"Not quite. There's one final agenda item," Crowley says, "We are also going to create a Port Fest Steering Committee. We'll need to keep in close communication with the people in Craneport who are running the festival. Thus, we need to establish which students will serve as points of contact for them."

"Sounds like a hassle," Ace replies.

"Yeah, hard pass," Ace says.

And Crowley announces, "The members of the committee have already been selected, actually. Howl, Bucchi, Floyd Leech, and Hunt."

Jack exclaims in shock, "WHAT?!"

"Uh...?!" Ruggie is dumbfounded.

Rook is surprised, "Oh là là!"

Floyd responds with a frown, "...Dude."

"Port Fest's project leader specifically recommended you all," Crowley says.

"He did?!" Jack questions.

"I assume he imagined we would be easiest to communicate with given our existing acquaintance," Rook says.

"No doubt," Jack replies.

Ruggie complains, "But the whole reason I'm doing this is for the cash... I didn't sign up for busywork!"

And Crowley says, "Oh, and another thing: the leader of our Port Fest Steering Committee will be Jack Howl."

"ME?!" Jack asks, shocked.

"Quite so. Another request from the project leader," Crowley says.

"I guess that makes sense. He knows you best," Ruggie says.

"Hoo boy..." Jack responds, unprepared for this event.

Then Crowley says, "Briar, Grim, Sereia, Jasper, and Tanzanite, I'd like for you all to keep a record of the events."

Grim cries out, "Mrah?! Why do we gotta do stuff?!"

"I gave you the ghost camera precisely for events such as this. Do be diligent in your documentation!" Crowley says.

"I say it sounds like fun," Briar says.

"FUN?!" Grim asks, shocked.

"Yes. I used the Ghost Camera to take pictures before, it shouldn't be different. Besides, we get to explore the Post Fest as well," Briar says.

"Dude, you're actually HAPPY about this? I'd be calling out sick," Ace says, stunned, "Go off, though. I'll be rootin' for you."

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