Chapter 76: Not Ready Yet

Time has passed.

Soon, Briar finds herself in the halls of Styx once more. There, she sees a few of the Styx scientists.

One researcher says, "Idia hasn't come out of his room for over two years now."

"I hear he's become completely withdrawn ever since losing Ortho," The female researcher says.

The third researcher says, "But he puts in all those large orders for technomantic parts. What is he doing in there...?"

Just then, the door opens and Idia rushes out in excitement, "AW YEAH! BOOYAH! It's done! I've finished! I've finally got him back."

Startled, the first scientist asks, "Idia?! What are you talking about? What's finished?"

"Hee hee hee!" Idia chuckles with a grin, "You wanna know what? ORTHO, that's what!"

Soon, walking out of the room much to Briar's shock, is the Ortho that she comes to know, only a little smaller.

He says, "Hello. I am Ortho. How do you do !"

"See?! I've recreated Ortho's memories and thought patterns exactly," Idia says, sounding very excited, "His Al's got a learning algorithm, too. This is the world's first self-improving technomantic humanoid. And his name is Ortho!"

However, the researchers are shocked by this.

The first researcher expresses his shock and dismay, "Wait... You built your late brother?!

The female researcher expresses her concern, "But that's wrong, Mr. Shroud!"

"Wut. So it's romantic when a hero rescues his ladylove from the Underworld, but when I do the same for my brother it's wrong?" Idia says.

"Well..." The female researcher says, sounding unsure.

"Ugh. Plebes, amirite?" Idia says. "How about you not judge people based on utterly subjective ethics and sentiment? Who cares if he doesn't have some unprovable, immaterial thing like a soul? My brother's right here. Not only that, but he's WAY stronger and tougher than a human. He won't break easily. And with more improvements, he'll be able to go into space one day, unassisted. Isn't that right, Ortho?"

"Yup! "Ortho happily says, "'Shoot for glory among the stars and soar like a comet!'"

"There ya go! Hee hee!" Idia says, feeling pleased, "This Ortho would obliterate the Chronos Force. Any Phantoms too! This Ortho can totally be a hero! Hee hee... Hee.." but begins to show signs of sobbing.

Then Ortho turns to Idia and says, "Prefrontal cortex agitated. Autonomic nervous system showing signs of distress. I recommend a moderate amount of rest."

Soon, the memories disappear.

Seeing this makes Briar feel so sorry for Idia, especially of what he's been through at such a young age. Idia lost his younger brother, and tried to use science to recreate him, as a way of bringing him back. However, Briar can sense that even though Idia successfully recreated his brother, the robot might not be able to replace the brother he loved dearly, and the one he truly lost.

She then hears Idia's voice again, "Where did I go wrong? Maybe if I hadn't tried to go on an adventure..."

Briar continues walking until she sees the light before her.

She continues to hear Idia's voice, "Or maybe if I'd never wished to be a hero... Maybe if I'd never been born into this family at all... If only... If only we'd been part of a normal family...." Soon enough, Briar sees the real Idia and continues to approach him.

Idia continues, "We could play games with friends.... Go on adventures.... Talk about our future dreams.... And maybe one day.... I could've become a real hero.... How did it end up this way? I just... We just... We just wanted to be like everyone else."

Briar continues to walk over until she approaches Idia.

"Idia..." Briar softly says.

Idia lifts his head and turns to see Briar.

He sighs, "Oh, it's you..."

"Hey, you mind if I sit here," Briar says.

"I guess..." Idia softly answers.

Briar sits down.

"Are you okay?" Briar asks.

"No. I'm not. You and your group of troublemakers ruled our plans. You all crushed our dreams. And now... I've lost my brother all over again..." Idia says, upset.

"I... I saw it..." Briar sadly says.

Idia looks at Briar in shock.

"I saw and heard everything. The reason why you and Ortho want to reset the world is because you both want to start over. You want to be reborn into a normal family. You both want a normal life. You want... you also want your brother back. You want to be able to live a normal life with Ortho, the real Ortho by your side," Briar says.

Idia shed tears, "It... It's true... But now... I don't know what to do. I don't care what happens to this world, if Ortho isn't with me. You... You have no idea what it is like to lose someone so dearly to you."

"Actually Idia... I do," Briar says with tears falling down her face.

Idia notices it and looks shocked.

"I know what it's like, to feel like you've lost practically everything," Briar says, "Two of my aunts died in an accident, and one of my aunts died of an illness. In the world I was at, I lost the only three who I've considered family. Sure I did have some friends, but I've never fully fit in at my school, even though I'm somewhat normal. I've always felt different there. But thanks to being in this world, being set on this insane adventure, I've finally understood why."

She wipes the tears from her face and says, "And remember that I've lost so much more. And remember about my past."

"You mean, about you being..." Idia asks.

Briar nods her head and answers, "Yes. I've remembered a lot, so much more than I could imagine. And you were right, like I said. My real name was Briar Rosetta Seerwood. The last Princess of the Hollow Fae Kingdom, and the last of the Salubrious Fae. I had parents, an older sister, friends in the kingdom and outside. I... I had a life here. And because of that disease, I've lost my friends, my parents, and even lost my older sister, Aura. I... I even lost Mal through all this."

"Mal?" Idia questions.

"Yes. That was... the nickname that I gave to Malleus. When I was little," Briar says. "Back then, the Seerwood Family and the Draconia family were allies for many years. It's still blurr, but I also remember being friends with Lilia as well. And so much more. My father was full Fae, but my mother was half fae because her mother was human. Aura and I may be Faes ourselves, but it also shows that I'm more human than she is," Briar explains.

"I see," Idia says.

"And that disease took everything away. It killed my people, my family, my sister," Briar says in tears. She wipes them and says, "And the medallion that I always carry... It belongs to my sister. She gave it to me before she used her last ounce of magic and strength to send me into that other world, even erased my memories and turned me completely human. And Malleus, was one of my most dearest friends. Everyone can see how much we bonded. But after what happened, I never saw either one of them again," Briar says.

Idia wipes the tears from his face, "I suppose, we've both lost very important people in our lives, but you've lost a lot more."

"Yeah. We did," Briar says. "But we need to go back."

"Why should I?" Idia questions, "And why would you, after everything you've gone through."

"I'm not sure," Briar says, "Maybe it's because I figure that's not what Aura wants. And well, maybe you shouldn't give up either. I'm sure Ortho. The real Ortho, wouldn't want you to keep filling your life with sadness and regrets."

"I don't know..." Idia says.

Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice, "Idy."

The two turn to see Ortho, the organic Ortho.

"...Ortho?" Idia questions, a little surprised.

Ortho smiles and says, "Thanks for coming after me. I'm really happy you did. But you shouldn't come here yet.

"But...why?" Idia asks, "I'm going with you. I promised, remember?"

"I know you did. But now's not the time," Ortho says. "You want to read the next chapter of your manga, and go to idol concerts, and play all the latest video games. You love this world too much to give up on all of it."

"WUT. Who would ever love this world?! It's a dump!" Idia says, upset.

"It's okay that it's stupid," Ortho says, "You still don't have to give up on everything. You have a future. And you know what? I want you to get to live the dream we shared that day."

"The dream we shared...?" Idia replies.

Then Ortho says, "It'll be a long road, and I'm sure it's gonna wear you down... Idy... Idia. I know you. I know you can achieve anything you put your mind to. No matter how far away that dream may seem, I know you'll reach it. It's okay. 'll always be with you." and soon, Ortho begins to fade away. "So don't give up, okay?"

"Ortho..." Idia calls out. He continues to cry out, "Wait! ORTHOOO!"

Briar then hugs Idia in sadness.

Suddenly, Briar hears another voice, "Briar."

Briar releases Idia from her embrace as she and Idia turn to see a beautiful young woman. And the young woman is very familiar. She has beautiful golden blonde hair that seems to spread like roses, eyes as blue as the sky, and lips red as the rose. She also has pointed ears. She is also dressed in an elegant blue and light blue color dress with a gold crown on her head.

"Hello Briar Rosetta," The voice says with a smile.

"Au-Aura..." Briar softly says.

Briar begins to walk towards her, "Aura..." And begins to rush over, "Aura..." and runs towards her as she cries out, "AURA!"

Briar runs to Aura and gives her a hug, as Aura does so. Idia is shocked to see it, but softly smiles to see Briar is able to see her sister.

Aura says to Briar, "Oh Briar, look how big you've grown. I missed you so much."

"I... I miss you too..." Briar says, and tears begin falling down her face.

And soon, Briar begins to cry.

Aura looks towards Briar, "Briar...?"

"Aur-Aura... I... I remember... remember what happened... What happened to us... And you had to leave me..." Briar says and continues to cry.

Aura gently rubs Briar's back and says, "It's okay, Briar. There." And tears gently fall down her face, "And I'm sorry... sorry that I had to do this, but you understand why..."

"Ye-Yes... but still... I... I wish you could have come with me... then I... I wouldn't have to be alone," Briar says.

"I know. And I'm so sorry, but I had to. Your life was too important. The disease has spread throughout my body, even the disease spread to our father and mother," Aura says.

Briar looks at her sister, "I know, but I remember so much, about what happened, how you gave me your necklace, your medallion. Now that I remember my past, I don't know what to do."

"I know it will be hard. I foresee it in case you've ever returned to this world. But I want you to continue the life that you live. You can be with Malleus, Lilia and the others, you can continue to live your life in our world. Or perhaps you can return to the world you've lived for so many years, and try to live a normal life," Aura says.

Briar says, "I suppose, but after everything, I... I want to continue to live here, in Twisted Wonderland. I may never be able to return to the world and the life I once had, but I want to continue forward."

"Well, that's your answer. The answer you wish to have," Aura says.

She gives Briar a gentle kiss on her forehead and says, "Promise me you continue to be yourself, continue to live the life you want, and take care of yourself and your friends."

Soon, the two let go of their embrace, and Aura disappears.

In tears of sadness and yet with joy, Briar says, "Goodbye Aura. Goodbye."

And soon, Aura disappears.

Briar turns to Idia, "I think it's time for us to go back, huh." and holds her hand out to him.

"Yes. It's time to head back," Idia says.

Briar and Idia take each other's hands and Briar begins to sing the song once more.


Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

As Briar sings, the bright gold yellow glow begins to appear on Briar's hand, and the aura begins to surround both her and Idia's body.


Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Briar continues to sing as a golden flower appears below their feet as multiple flowers of blue and black blooms around them. Idia begins to feel at ease as Briar continues to sing and the gold yellow aura surrounds him.


Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates' design

Just then, the black blotting ooze dissolves into gold dust, and Idia reverts back to his original human form.


Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

And soon, Idia is free from the over bloat and back to his original self, and the black ooze disappears completely.


What once was mine

Soon, the gold flower below them turns to gold dust as the blue and black rose petals circle around them, as the song and the spell continues. Soon, everything fades into darkness, and the two soon black out.

And then someone calls out, "IDIA! BRIAR!"

Healing Incantation: Tangled

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