Chapter 73: One Final Blast
Hanging on to the wall, Ortho is exhausted from all the climbing he's been doing.
Idia flies to Ortho and asks in concern, "Ortho... Ortho! You okay?"
"Mm... I'm all right, Idy," Ortho answers, "Still electrified, though. I can barely move."
I always thought the Thunder Spears were just pieces of junk gathering dust in storage, but man. Those stupid things pack a punch."
"I can control any Styx-made technomantic weapons, but not ancient magical artifacts," Ortho says, "Guess they found a loophole with those spears. Not to mention they charged them with their own magical power to increase their potency.
"Tch..." India scoffs, "This is why I can't stand brute-force button mashers."
"Yeah well, two can play at that game," Ortho says, "Don't worry. This body's got a heavy power build. Besides, I'll never lose as long as I'm with you.
Idia looks up and says, "We're almost to the exit. Think you can stick it out?
"Absolutely. And all our friends say they can keep going too!" Ortho says.
Suddenly, voices appear, "OUTSIDE...SO CLOSE.... OUTSIDE... FINALLY... SO HAPPY... SO..HAPPY..."
Then Grim says, "Grr.... Rrr... Stone..."
Ortho and Idia look to see that freedom is almost at their reach.
Idia turns to Ortho, "Let's go, Ortho."
"I'm with you all the way, Idy," Ortho says.
With that, Ortho begins climbing up.
At the first sector, Vil, Briar, and the others are ready to fight.
Sereia looks down and says, "They've started climbing up the wall again!"
Soon, the Styx Staff rush to the group, "The Thunder Spear's 80 percent charged!"
"Rgh..." Another Styx member says, "We redirected all the technomantic energy we had, but we still couldn't reach 100 percent!"
"This is more than enough. Thank you," Vil says.
"There will be a battle here shortly. You all must flee to safety!" Rook says.
"...All right," The Styx Staff says, "You all stay safe."
Soon, the Styx Staff members begin to leave for safety.
"Let's review our objectives," Vil says. "First —get the Phantomized Ortho away from Idia and break him out of his overblot. Next, rescue Grim. Then we send the Phantoms that fused with Ortho back down into the Underworld. And lastly-restore the Cerberus System and reseal Tartarus and the Underworld."
Epel then says, "...We're gonna be fine. We managed to get Vil back to normal after he overblotted, and we still performed at SDC. We can handle this too!"
"Heh. Well spoken for a spudling," Vil says.
"I expect no less from Monsieur Pommette," Rook says, and talks through the communicator, "Control, is there any hope of restoring Cerberus on your end?"
"...Not much of one," The Styx member answers. "The Cerberus System controls Tartarus and the Underworld. It normally uses DNA authentication from a member of the Shroud family to shut down and reboot. But a Shroud started this whole mess. We've repeatedly tried to use the control codes we have in case of an emergency.... But Ortho's overridden them all. The system's not accepting any commands from the outside. Believe me, we've been trying everything we could think of.
Then Vil says, "Then all we can do is make them clean up their own mess. Alright. Leave Idia and Ortho to us."
"...Understood. We'll keep doing what we can on this end," The Styx member says.
"Do you think Idia will do as we say once he's back to normal?" Epel asks.
"If he doesn't, we'll just make him the Night Raven College way," Vil says.
"What way is that?" Epel asks.
"Have you forgotten what happened on the day of your orientation, spudling?" Vil questions, " At Night Raven College, the rule is that the weak obey the strong. Losers don't get to have a say. If we win, Idia will have to do what we want whether he likes it or not.
"Ahh, the law of the jungle," Rook says, "Our school's traditions are so beautifully straightforward."
Suddenly, they hear more thumping sounds, and look to see Ortho climbing up again.
Epel exclaims, "...Here they come! I'll drive the Chariot. You guys focus on offense.
"You wish to drive, Epel? Are you certain you can handle it?" Rook asks.
Epel smirks,"Heh heh. I drive the farm buggies back home when we need to haul stuff around. I'm used to driving things with no roof!" Then calls out, "C'mon, everybody. Hop in!"
Everyone soon rushes to the chariot and Epel flies it into the air and towards where Idia and Ortho are.
Vil calls out, "All right, listen up. We're the last line of defense."
"Oui," Rook says, "If we wish to return to our normal lives, this is one battle we cannot lose."
"And we're the only ones who can save Grim," Epel says. "Keep yer chin up, girls."
"Right!" The girls answer.
"Now is the time for us to show the spirit of the oldest and most beautiful dorm at Night Raven College... Let's give them a taste of Pomefiore tenacity! Here goes!" Vil says.
Everyone agrees.
Still climbing, Ortho looks up to see, "Idy, look there! Last up we've got a party with tanks and a ranged DPS. You know it's a final boss party comp when they're running double tanks."
"Man... You guys are real stubborn, huh," Idia says, We're so close to getting out... We can't drop the ball at the eleventh hour!"
This makes Idia red in anger, "Why do you guys have to constantly stand in our way? Are you wannabe heroes or something? Talk about cringe!"
And then Vil says, "You know, I've always wanted to be cast as a hero, just once. But there are no heroes or villains here. You and I are just classmates who are both fighting to have our own way. And whoever's left standing wins the right to make their dreams come true. Come, let's give this everything we have. This time I'll be the one who stays on stage till the very end!"
Idia turns to Ortho, "This is it - our last battle."
"We'll do this together, Idy!" Ortho says.
Ortho then begins to attack, but Sereia uses her water magic at Ortho.
Idia also fires his attack, but Sereia fires back with her water magic. Trinket also uses her magic for the attack as well. Rook, Vil, and Briar fire their attacks as Epel drives the chariot to dodge the attack. Vil, Rook, and even Briar and Sereia fire their attacks with full force. They continue to fire their attacks at Idia and Ortho with all they can, as well as separating them in the process. Vil and the others have also used the Thunder Spear's magic for a more powerful effect. And soon enough, Ortho is unable to withstand its power anymore.
Weakened, Ortho says, "Urgh... Idy... I'm gonna fall..."
"ORTHO! Idia cries out.
"Now!" Via says, then charges up his magic, "One last shot with the Thunder Spear!"
"Leave the aiming to me, Roi du Poison!" Rook says, doing the same method.
Then Epel changes up his magic, "I'll give it all the power I've got!"
"Oh no... YOU WON'T!" Idia angrily says.
Then uses his magic to attack the Chariot and tries to knock it down. Vil loses his balance and falls off, but quickly grabs the edge.
"VIL!" Briar cries out and rushes over.
"We'll help you!" Sereia says, and helps Vil up.
Briar and Seria help Vil up and back on the chariot.
"Are you okay?" Sereia asks.
"Yes. I'm okay, but we need to finish this," Vil says.
Vil then stands up and grabs the Thunder Spear as he charges up his magic. Just then, Briar also grabs the Thunder Spear with Vil and charges up her magic.
"Briar?!" Vil asks, surprised.
"You're going to need some help. Also, I can't allow Idia and Ortho destroy the world! I refuse to allow them to accomplish their dreams by destroying so many. And ironic as for me to say, in order to accomplish my dream, I have to stop theirs. Not just my dreams, but my memories, and reclaim the identity and magic that was once mine" Briar says.
Vil looks at Briar who has determination in her eyes.
Vil asks, "Briar, are you starting to..."
Briar nods her head, "Yes. I am, and I'm still having my memories flowing in. And I know more about who I was, and what my sister has done. I need to follow her example and do the same for everyone."
Vil smiles and nods, "Yes. I understand. You deserve to have your dream come true, and you need to have this world alive to do so."
"That's right," Briar says.
Hearing it, Idia says, "So, I have to assume that you know... well most of it anyway.
"That's right. And it gave me even more determination to stop you and Ortho, Idia," Briar says with determination.
"What's this?" Idia questions.
Then Briar says, "It's thanks to me for ending up in this place. No, not even in the Island of Woe, but also in this word. That I'm able to learn more about myself and accomplish my dream and it continues to grow. My dream is to remember my past and learn about my birth family, my past life, everything. And thanks to me being here, I'm able to accomplish it even more, and even learn that you and Ortho were right."
Idia and Ortho are shocked to hear it.
"That's right," Briar says, "My real name is Briar Rosetta Seerwood. Daughter of the Seerwood Royal Family, of the Kingdom of Hollow Fae, and last of the Salubrious Fae. But I'm also still Briar Hawthone from Earth. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect everyone in this world." And soon, Briar's magic begins charging up and it increases more and more, showing off a bright gold yellow color.
Soon enough, Briar's eyes change into a vivid yellow gemstone color with a glow.
She soon says, "I'm sorry, Idia. Ortho. But it's for YOUR OWN GOOD!"
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