Chapter 68: Escalating Situation
Back in Tower 1, Briar and the others walk out of the elevator and walk down the stairs. As they look around, they notice the eerie atmosphere, especially the eerie green glow. And they notice something shocking.
"What in the world?!" Vil asks, shocked.
They soon hear a lot of groaning.
"I can hear groaning sounds below us..." Briar says, worried.
"Which means, there's a lot of Phantoms here as well," Sereia adds, shocked.
"Rgh... The miasma's so thick here," Vil says, "I wonder if they've opened the Underworld gate?"
Suddenly, they hear beeping sounds.
Rook notices, "Vil, we're getting a call on the transceiver!"
Vil takes out the transceiver and says, "Vil in Tower 1 speaking. Over."
Then Leona's voice says, "Leona here in Tower 2."
"Riddle Rosehearts in Tower 3. Over," Riddle's voice says.
They soon hear another voice, which is a Styx Staff, "Oh, great, you're all on the line! This is control."
"What's going on? Over," Vil asks.
"The Underworld gate has started to open. Blot concentration is getting even higher," The Styx Staff says through the transceiver, "It's extremely dangerous for you all to be at the bottom of Tartarus. You need to get out of there, now!"
"I'm sorry, what?!" Vil questions, calmly, "You expect us to just turn around and run back up the stairs? It took HOURS to get down here!"
"It was a rush job, but we managed to wrest a few Chariots from Ortho's control," the Styd Staff says, "We're sending three of them to you now. Go on and get in when they get there!"
Soon, Leona's voice says, "Hah. Leave it to the world's nerdiest nerds."
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," the Styx Staff says, "We have to stop the Phantoms and the rising blot levels... So we're trying to manually shut the emergency hatches in sectors one and six of Tartarus. We'll seal them as soon as you guys leave. You have to get out of there ASAP!"
Soon, a Chariot arrives in front of the group.
"Look! There's the Chariot!" Epel says.
"Everyone, get in! Now!" Vil says.
Vil, Epel, and Rook hurry in. Briar picks up Sereia and climbs inside the chariot as well. Once everyone is inside, the chariot flies off.
Meanwhile, another chariot arrives and flies off from Tower 2 with Jamil, Leona, and Jasper.
And the other one at Tower 3 with Azul, Riddle, and Tanzanite in there as well.
Suddenly, Riddle notices something and is shocked, "...What's that?"
"What's wrong, Riddle?" Vil asks, holding the communicator.
He then hears Riddle say, "Look down below! Something's coming through the Underworld gate!"
"Did he say something is climbing through the gate?" Sereia asks, shocked.
Everyone looks down to see something is starting to come out of the gate of the Underworld.
Rook says, shocked, "I see it crawling out!"
"Is it a Phantom?" Vil asks.
Suddenly, Briar feels a sharp pain from her head.
"Briar, what's wrong?!" Epel asks, shocked.
"My head is hurting like crazy, but... the negative energy and emotions seem very familiar," Briar says.
"Familiar?" Sereia asks.
Vil squints his eyes for a closer look, but eyes wide in shock.
Briar, and the others are just as shocked to see it.
"Wait, no! It's..." Vil says, shocked.
And Briar exclaims, "IDIA!"
Flying out of the gate of Tartarus is indeed Idia, but he's so different. His body is in some strange suit similar to the Charon Soldiers, along with blue females along the elbows. There's also signs of blot around parts of his body. His skin looks even more pale with dimed yellow eyes, and a blue flame coming out of his left eye. His mouth and most of his face are covered by a strange helmet and his hair stands on end like real fire.
"That's right..." Idia answers, "IT'S ME!"
Everyone in separate chariots are shocked to see who is standing before them, realizing this is Idia.
"That form... Don't tell me..." Vil says, shocked.
"Whaddaya think? Pretty sick, right? Oh man, I feel AMAZING," Idia says, amazed and excited, "I never knew overblotting was such a RUSH! Well, guess what: I've joined the ranks of the SSR Epic Troublemakers! АНАНАНАНАНАНА!"
The vapers of the Underworld continue to come out, and continue rising up the entire area.
"More miasma is rising up from the gate! Goodness, it's dense..." Rook says and begins coughing.
"Oh yeah, that's probably pretty debilitating for you guys," Idia says. "But when you overblot, all blot-based debuffs turn into buffs. So while it's doing a number on you, I'm gettin' sweet attack buffs. NGL you don't stand a chance. RIP! Now it's time to kick things off. Game, set, match... Gate to the Underworld."
And with that, Idia unleashes his magic, and the gate begins to open wider.
Everyone is shocked to see it.
"The gate's opening wider!" Vil says, shocked. That spell... Does Idia's signature spell open the Underworld gate?!"
Soon, the gates of the Underworld fully open, and soon something else rises from the gate. What comes out is a large dark entity wearing what seems to be a black robe with a skull attached. It also has a black case with a gold flame crown on its head. What's more, it also has blue fire around the neck area.
Soon, a voice appears from the monster, "Hey, guys! I'm back!"
"Wh... What in the blue blazes is THAT?!" Epel exclaims.
"I'm guessing it's Idia's Phantom, since it joined with the blot oozing from him," Vil says.
"But it said 'I'm back.' And its voice is oddly familiar..." Rook says.
"You're right. That voice sounds very family," Briar says.
Soon, the voice says, "Aw, you can't tell? It's me! Ortho!"
"Wait, what?!" Vil says, shocked.
"Ortho?!" Sereia adds, shocked.
"What do you think?" Ortho asks, "I've gotten bigger, huh? All the friends I made in the Underworld helped make me extra big! Turns out the curse I have is actually a blessing that empowers me. The Underworld's filled with blot. So I kept absorbing it and burning brighter... Until finally, I became the Underworld itself!"
Soon enough, everyone hears the Phantoms voices coming from around Ortho's new body.
"So a bunch of Phantoms fused together into one giant form?!" Rook says.
"Unbelievable. You're telling me that sinister monster is Ortho?" Vil asks, shocked.
But Epel notices something, "Wait, hold up... Look! On Ortho's shoulder!"
The group soon looks at Ortho's right shoulder, and sees someone on it.
A very familiar cat-like beast, "Rrr... Stones... Black stones..."
"IT'S GRIM!" Briar exclaims.
Even Trinket is shocked.
"Ortho got him too?!" Sereia adds, shocked and worried.
"My word. I was not expecting him to get lost in the Underworld and overtaken by Ortho!" Rook says.
"We need to get him out of there! He could get hurt!" Briar says, frightened and worried.
"But how?!" Epel asks.
"How else? We have to stop them here and now," Vil answers. Otherwise we'll never get Grim back, and we can kiss our lives as we know them goodbye!"
Suddenly, they hear the Phantoms screeching and cackling.
Over the transceiver, Leona says, "Tch! Even more Phantoms are comin' outta the Underworld now."
They soon hear the Styx staff say, "This is bad. Most of the staff who are closing the emergency hatches are noncombatants. They won't stand a chance against a wave of Phantoms!"
Meanwhile, the Styx Staff are doing their best to get the doors open.
The Styf Staff says, "Aaand... PULL!"
And the Styx Staff tries to pull the doors open, "HRRG! HRRG!"
Suddenly, they hear cackling and the staff turn to see Phantom are heading towards them.
The female staff screams in fright, "Aah! We've got Phantoms incoming!"
"HELP!" Another staff screams.
Down below, everyone hears the screaming and panicking.
"Oh no! We have to do something!" Rook says.
They soon hear Riddle from the receiver, "Vil. Leona. Take your Chariots and rescue them! Azul, Tanzanite and I will keep Idia and Ortho busy for as long as we can!"
"Rgh.. I think that's our only option," Vil says, frustrated.
Then says, "Leona! You go to sector six! I'll head to sector one."
"Ugh, what a pain," Leona says, annoyed, "Why can't they just hide like good little impalas? Givin' me all this extra work."
Then Vil says, "Riddle! Azul! Tanzanite! We're counting on you!"
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