Chapter 67: An Even Deeper Trek Tower 3 Part 23

The three students begin to search around for the ID Card and find a way out of here. Peeking through the cape, Azul sees the large area.

"There are an absurd number of cages. And many of them are already open," Azul says. "I wonder how many Phantoms have gotten out... I just hope none of them ambush us."

Tanzanite also peeks out, "From the looks of how many cages there are. There seems to be a lot." then peeks back under the cape, "We'll need to be very careful."

Then Riddle says, "There's no point speculating about their movements. We just need to proceed with caution. of that cage... So long as we keep dispatching them one by one, they'll have to run out eventually, right?

"Yes. Just like questions on a test," Azul says.

"Well, well. You really are getting it," Riddle says. But soon notices something, "...Wait a minute!"

The three soon look and notice a Phantom is already out of the cage "PTM-63" nearby.

We'll start with this Phantom, then," Azul says, "Riddle, if you could aim at the edge of that cage... Now!"

And with that, Riddle lifts up his cape and fires his magic at the edge of the cage, startling the Phantom nearby. Tanzanite and Azul take the opportunity to fight back until it dissolves into a puddle.

"I don't see any ID card," Azul says.

"Me neither," Tanzanite says.

"Ah, that's a shame," Riddle says.

"Indeed," Azul says, "But we've got one less Phantom to worry about, so l'Il take that as a win.

"Yes, very true. Well, back to the search then," Riddle says.

Then asks, "Where to next?"

Azul chuckles, "Heh heh heh... It's rather nice having the leader depend on me."

"That had better not be why you wanted to keep the lights out," Riddle responds.

"Hardly!" Azul says, "I say we go this way next: Do make sure to stay close, hm?"

"Um, let's try that one over there," Tanzanite says pointing to the next cage.

The three soon begin to approach the next cage, "PTM-43". But as soon as they enter the area, the Phantom is already out and is sneaking around its cage. And it doesn't seem to notice their presence.

Azul gestures to Riddle and Tanzanite to remain quiet and they sneak up to it.

Once they're close, Azul calls out, "Now, Riddle!"

Riddle casts his magic, "HRAH!"

The Phantom ends up with a hard hit

"Nicely done. You got it in one shot. Keep it up for the next—" Azul says.

But Riddle cries out, "Watch out!" and uses his foot to push Azul out of the way.

Riddle then grabs Tanzanite as he dodges the attack.

"Ow!" Azul yelps as he falls, "What was that for?!"

"Phantom! Here it comes!" Riddle calls out, and fires his magic at the Phantom.

Riddle continues to attack the Phantom. The Phantom soon melts into an ink blot puddle.

Tanzantnie sighs, "That was close."

"Are you okay, Tanzanite?" Riddle asks.

"I'm okay," Tanzanite answers.

Then Riddle turns to Azul and asks, "Are you okay, Azul?"

"Well... My back is killing me from being kicked with a high-heeled boot," Azul answers as he stands up to rub his back.

"Opening cages is downright relaxing in comparison. Sorry. I was holding my scepter with both hands, and had to hold Tanzanite. It was unintentional," Riddle says.

"You're not the type to "unintentionally" kick someone," Azul says.

"What was it you said before?" Riddle responds, "Oh, yes—'I can't worry about acting classy when someone's life is in danger.'

"You hardly need to show off your learning prowess here," Azul says. "Still... This is all much more stressful than I imagined, not knowing when or where an enemy could strike. Opening cages is downright relaxing in comparison. At least we could initiate combat on our terms.

The three continue to find their way across the room.

"You know, it feels strange following behind someone else," Riddle says.

"Are you uneasy letting me take the lead?" Azul asks

"I'll admit I'm anxious, but that's because I can't see in here," Riddle says. "I have to be dependent on you."

However, Azul is remaining silent.

"Azul? Have you spotted an enemy?" Riddle asks.

"Yes, it just happened to show itself. It's behind that cage there," Azul says.

Tanzanite looks to see a Phantom creeping from behind the cage "PTM-55."

"There it is," Tanzanite says.

Azul whispers, "Attack on my signal, if you please."

Riddle and Tanzanite nod their heads.

The three sneak slowly towards the Phantom to make sure it doesn't see them. Azul signals them to attack. With that, all three peek through and cast their magic at the Phantoms from behind. The sneak attack prevents the Phantom from attacking. Soon, they're able to get it destroyed as it dissolves without seeing them.

"Another one safely dispatched," Riddle says.

"Yes, I'm quite glad we've avoided injury so far. Sadly, this one didn't have an ID card either," Azul says.

"Yes. It seems that this Phantom didn't have it either," Tanzanite says.

Then Riddle asks, "What's the matter, Azul? You sound dispirited."

"And whose fault is that?" Azul mutters.

But then says, "...Ah, never mind, just ignore me. I think the mental fatigue is starting to catch up to me."

"I can't keep putting all the work on you. Don't be afraid to let me handle the enemies," Riddle says.

"That's exactly what..." Azul mutters. He lets out a huff and mutters, "His lack of awareness actually makes it worse."

He then says, "Let's move on. I'm counting on you for the next one, Riddle."

"Of course. Call upon my magic as you see fit," Riddle says.

Then Azul says, "Of course, I'll be counting on you as well, Tanzanite."

"Alright," Tanzanite says.

Soon, the three continue searching around. However, this time, it seems pretty quiet.

"It's quiet. Where could that Phantom be lurking?" Riddle whispers.

Tanzanite looks around, "I don't see the Phantom either."

Suddenly, something speeds right past them.

Riddle yelps, "Ah, something just ran by in front of me...."

Suddenly, Azul cries out, "Riddle! Tanzanite! Don't move!"

The two remain still.

Then Azul casts his magic, "Hnh!"

Soon, the magic hit the Phantom, making it scream in agony, "GYAAAH!"

"That came at us out of nowhere!" Tanzanite yelps.

"Where'd that thing come from?!" Riddle exclaims.

"Tell you later. Let's take it out first!" Azul says.

Azul continues to cast his magic to attack the Phantom. Then Riddle and Tanzanite use their magic to attack the Phantom. Soon, Tanzanite casts his magic with such force that it slams it against the cage, "PTM-87." Soon, the Phantom ends up getting melted into an ink blot.

"Good work. Are you both hurt?" Azul asks.

"I'm okay. I'm not hurt," Tanzanite says.

"No, I'm fine," Riddle says. Then asks, "So, where was that Phantom hiding?"

"It'd been flitting around us for a while, actually," Azul says, "It was quite nimble and never stayed in one place long enough for me to line up a good shot."

"I see. So you were able to attack it because you'd been tracking its movements," Riddle says, kind of impressed, "You could've told me a Phantom was after us, though. Please, that would've been a terrible play! We were able to dispose of it cleanly because I kept my mouth shut."

Then the realization clicks into him, "Wait... You mean you were using us as bait?!"

"That was really reckless," Tanzanite says, just as upset.

"You wound me. I simply delegated tasks as befit the situation," Azul says.

Then says, "Come on, let's keep going."

"Okay," Tanzanite says.

The three begin to search around some more as they try to find the ID Card.

Soon, Riddle senses something, "...I feel like someone's watching us."

"Me too," Tanzanite says.

"Why, fancy that. I've felt that way for a while now myself," Azul says. "I've been looking around, but I don't see any signs of Phantoms." He looks around, "Where could they be... Ah!" something catches his attention.

"Azul? Did you see something?" Azul asks.

"One of the cage doors is ever-so-slightly open," Azul says.

The others look to see the cage, "PTM-26", is slightly open.

"But why? It's bothering me..." Azul adds.

"Cages with Phantoms in them are locked up tight. And if a Phantom's escaped, the cage door is usually flung wide open," Riddle says.

Then Tanzanite wonders, "Maybe a Phantom's spying on us through the crack in the door, or it could have already escaped and is sneaking around the area.

"Let's open the cage and see," Riddle says.

"All right. You open it, and I'll intercept whatever's inside," Azul says.

The three carefully sneak towards the cage. The cage slowly opens more and a Phantom is revealed to be inside.

"There it is," Tanzanite whispers.

"Then let's attack it while we have the chance," Riddle says.

With the signal, all three attack the Phantom at the cage and are able to defeat it swiftly. Soon, the Phantom has melted into a puddle of ink.

"I think you were right. That Phantom had to have been what was watching us," Riddle says.

"Agreed. I didn't think one of them would choose to stay in their cage," Azul says

"Maybe it sensed danger and wanted to hide from us," Tanzanite says.

"I can sympathize there," Azul says, "I certainly wouldn't want to take a fully-powered attack from you."

"Heh. I'm glad working together has shown you how capable I truly am," Riddle says.

"Oh, absolutely. I've seen exactly what kind of hurdle I have to clear," Azul says. "It's like you said, Riddle. This experience is far from a waste."

The three continue to walk around to find the next cage.

Suddenly, Tanzanite hears something, "Hm? I just heard something behind us."

"I'm sensing it as well," Riddle says.

Azul then says, "Don't move, guys. There's a Phantom up ahead."

"There is?" Riddle questions.

They look to see that there's a Phantom behind them, and another Phantom in front of them."

"What are we going to do?" Tanzanite.

Then Azul says, "You and I will have to cast the magic separately. I'll cast a spell at the back, and you'll cast at the front. Riddle, stay right where you are..."

They both then cast their magic opposite sides, "Hrgh!"

Soon, both Phantom are striked by their magic and scream, "GYAH!"

And soon, the one at the back is hit by the cage, labeled "PTM-34".

"I see them! It must've been hiding behind that cage," Riddle says.

"We've slowed them down now: Let's finish it off before it recovers!" Azul says.

"Then let's hurry," Tanzanite says.

The three fire their magic at the two Phantoms with full force. They continue to figure until both Phantoms have been defeated and melted into puddles of ink.

"That takes care of that. But I know Tanzanite and I heard something behind us. There's still an enemy lurking about," Riddle says.

"I appreciate your vigilance, but you needn't worry about that noise," Azul says.

"And why not?" Riddle asks.

"Because it was the Phantom we just destroyed," Azul says. "It threw something behind you. I believe it fell somewhere around here... Here it is. This is what it threw."

"A broken-off piece of a cage?" Riddle questions, but then realizes, "Ah, so it was trying to distract me.

"Most likely, yes," Azul answers, "Whew... It goes to show that these are the most troublesome Phantoms yet."

The three continue to search and soon, set their sights towards the "PTM-67".

Suddenly, they hear some noises, "Ghh... Gyah!" Along with screeching sounds

"Are those... Phantoms?" Tanzanite asks.

"It sounds like they're having a conversation," Riddle says.

"I wish I could say that's ludicrous, but I'm afraid you might be onto something," Azul says. "Multiple Phantoms have split into two groups and are on the move. I suspect they're trying to catch us in a pincer attack."

"Maybe, but I can't hear what they're saying," Tanzanite says.

"I can't make any of them out," Riddle says, "You're going to have to make the call here, Azul."

"Certainly. I say we should knock over the pile of cages at our 10 o'clock," Azul says, pointing to the cage.

They see that one of them is labeled PTM-67.

Azul continues, "That will slow one group down, giving us time to dispatch the other. I think that's the safest play."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Here goes..." Riddle says, and fires his magic, "HRAH!"

And with that, Riddle hits the cage and it falls over, causing the Phantom to become startled. Once they're distracted, the three students use their magic to attack the Phantoms until they are hit with the magic with full force and melted.

Riddle takes a deep breath and asks, "Was that all of them?"

"Yes, I believe we've destroyed all the ones I just saw," Azul says.

"It's good. Unfortunately, none of them had the ID Card," Tanzanite says.

"I got my hopes up since they were conspiring to attack us," Riddle says.

"Seriously," Azul responds, "Talk about something being more trouble than it's worth. Though imagine it was another valuable experience for you, Riddle."

"Heh. Now you're getting it," Riddle says with a smirk. "But I sympathize with your annoyance. I'd prefer to find the ID card and get out of here as quick as we can."

The three continue their search for the ID Card.

Just then, Azul notices and softly calls out, "Riddle. Tanzanite."

"What's wrong, Azul?" Tanzanite asks.

"Found one?" Riddle asks.

"It fled behind the cage at 10 o'clock," Azul says.

Riddle and Tanzanite look to see the cage "PTM-94", and see the Phantom hiding behind it.

"I'll blast it the moment it comes out. Just say when," Riddle says.

"All right," Azul says.

The three slowly sneak up the cage and towards the Phantom hiding behind it. They continue to sneak up to it as they get to the right angle to attack.

Just then, Azul says, "Now!"

"Take this!" Riddle shouts, and fires the magic at the Phantom.

The Phantom screams, "GYAAAH!"

"A direct hit! Now let's finish it off!" Azul says.

Azul and Tanzanite then fire their magic at the Phantoms with full force. Soon, the Phantom has been defeated after being caught off guard.

As it melts, the Phantom says, "DOn'T gOoO... StaY with meEe..." and it soon melted into an ink puddle.

And with that, it drops the ID Card on the ground.

"There's the card! Now we can finally get out of here. Still... its last words were 'don't go,'" Azul says.

"Was it hoping to trap us here forever?" Tanzanite asks, frightened.

Even Riddle shudders in response, "Brr, I shudder at the thought."

Suddenly, they hear loud banging noises coming from outside the facility.

"What was that?!" Riddle questions.

"Something's trying to break in!" Azul says.

And suddenly, they hear a loud familiar voice, "JUPITEEERRR MUST PAAAYYY!"

"That voice..." Riddle says, stunned.

"I think you're right. It's the Magma Titan!" Tanzanite says.

"How is this possible?!" Azul asks in shock, "We hit it with the Thunder Spear, but it seems completely unscratched!"

The banging, reveals to be from the Magma Titan, uses brute force until it's able to force itself into the facility.

"We'll have to fight it here. Get ready, quick!" Riddle says. "Tanzanite and I will handle the Thunder Spear! Azul, you barricade the door with ice to stall it!"

"On it!" Azul says.

"Right!" Tanzanite adds.

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