Chapter 66: Downward Trek Tower 3 Part 11
The three boys know that they need to act fast in rescuing the researcher trapped inside.
"The phantoms are thawing by the second. We can't spend hours deliberating which cage to pick," Riddle says.
"Maybe so, but remember that every single cage here contains a Phantom. It would take far too long to destroy them all. We should start with the most conspicuous ones," Azil says,
"But they all look identical. How do we determine which ones stand out?" Riddle questions, "I could've opened a cage by now."
"He's right, they all look the same, and with the Phantoms around, it will be difficult for us to decide," Tanzanite says.
"You have a point, but—" Azul says, but quickly cries out, "Hey! I'm not done speaking!"
Of course, Riddle casts his magic, "HRAH!"
And uses his magic to unlock the cage that's labeled "PTM-2565" and soon the Phantom lets out a, "Grrr!"
"You see? This is what I was talking about. But fine, let's just fight them all!" Azul says.
Tanzanite then brings out his magepen and helps fight the Phantom. Riddle and Azul also begin to fight back against the Phantom with all their might. Soon, they defeat the phantom and it dissolves into a puddle.
"Let's move on, shall we?" Riddle says.
Azul huffs, "I thought I knew how impatient you were, but you've exceeded my expectations."
"Are you still complaining? We don't have time to drag our feet," Riddle questions.
"I'm not dragging my feet," Azul responds, "Has it ever occurred to you that charging forward could waste more time in the long run? When trying to score well on a test, it's more efficient to look over the whole thing and start with the problems that are worth the most points.
"But in the time you spend choosing the problems, you could've just solved the first one and had more time for the rest," Riddle says.
But then Azul questions, "Wait, are you telling me you always start with the first question?
"Of course. I get perfect marks no matter where I start," Riddle says.
"Fascinating. So you and I have a fundamentally different outlook. No wonder we're clashing so much," Azul says.
"Come on guys, we don't have time for this. We need to find that researcher and fast, before the Phantom that's in the cage with her melts and escapes," Tanzanite says.
"You're right, let's hurry," Riddle says.
The three then rush to the next cage that's labeled "PTM-8765". When they arrive, they notice the cage is rattling and shaking rapidly.
"That cage is really shaking!" Riddle says.
"The Phantom's going berserk. If anyone was in there, they would've screamed by now. Which means this isn't the cage we want," Azul says.
"Probably not," Riddle says, "But this one's too dangerous to ignore— and more to the point, the noise is exceedingly aggravating," as Riddle casts his magic to bust the cage open, "Let's take it down!"
"I swear, you and your short fuse!" Azul responds.
"Let's just take care of the Phantom, it looks like it could break out at any second," Tanzanite says, adjusting his glasses.
And right on cue, the Phantom is able to break out of the cell and tries to attack. The three dodge the attack and cast their magic at the Phantom with all their might. They are soon able to defeat the Phantom and it dissolves into a puddle.
"There, that takes care of that," Riddle says.
Azul huffs, "We're supposed to be conserving our stamina and magic. Shouldn't we avoid pointless battles?"
"Pointless? That was nothing of the sort," Riddle says.
"... How so?" Azul asks.
"What do you mean?" Tanzanite asks.
"While our school offers numerous practicums on offensive magic... We rarely have the opportunity to be first-responders in a genuine emergency. This experience will serve us well," Riddle says.
"So basically, we'll be gaining experience from fighting the Phantoms?" Tanzanite asks.
"That's correct. And it's also good for you to learn a bit from your upper classmen as well, Tanzanite," Riddle says.
"I see," Tanzanite says.
"You're actually putting a positive spin on this? You're even more eccentric than I thought," Azul says.
Then Riddle says, "We should go for that one next. We're short on time, so I'll just amp up my magic and—"
But Azul stops him, "Wait, slow down! Remember, a person could be in there! If you misjudge your strength, someone else could pay the price. And what if you destroy the ID card we need?"
"You actually think I'd make such an egregious error?" Riddle questions.
"After seeing the power of your magic? Anyone would. Allow me to handle this one," Azul says, and casts his magic, "...Hrah!"
Soon, Azul then casts his magic on the cage labeled "PTM-2351". And it busts open.
And soon, the Phantom lets out a lout, "SCREECH!"
Character Riddle Dorm Uniform Icon
"What excellent control you have. A shame all your worrying was for nothing," Riddle says.
"I could've done without the dig at the end. Come on, let's get rid of this thing!" Azul says.
And with that, the three begin to fight off another Phantom. Luckily, this Phantom is more easy to defeat and it quickly dissolves into ink.
"All right, onto the next," Azul says.
Riddle, however, remains silent.
Tanzanite notices, "Riddle, are you okay?"
Azul notices it and asks, "Is something the matter, Riddle? You normally rush right off, but now you're just standing there." Did you hurt yourself during the fight?"
"Now who's getting a dig in... I was thinking back on the spell you just cast," Riddle says, "You're right to use targeted strikes to conserve your magic. I'll try to follow your example."
"MY example?" Azul questions, stunned.
Then calmly says, ""I can't fathom what brought about this change of heart, but... If it helps you reexamine your conduct, I'll take it."
Soon enough, the group walks to the next cage "PTM-6566".
"Opening every cage in this place would be a waste of time and energy. I say we knock gently to send a signal to anyone inside," Azul says, and knocks on the cage.
Soon, they hear a knock back.
"I heard a knock in response! This could be our cage," Azul says.
Riddle steps forward, "I'll open it with magic, then. I'll moderate my output so I don't hurt whoever's inside..." and prepare to cast its magic.
Tanzanite suddenly has the urge to turn around and look up.
Tamznantie cries out, "Guys, look out!"
Azul and Riddle turn around and see a Phantom diving down towards them. The three quickly move out of the way as it attacks.
The Phantom screeches and screams, "GOOOLD! GOLD CROWN!"
"What?! There's a Phantom outside the cage as well?!" Riddle exclaims in shock.
"It was hiding in the shadows! I'll handle this!" Azul says and casts his magic at the Phantom.
The magic soon hit the Phantom with full force, causing it to fall to the ground.
"I'll help Azul," Tanzanite says and casts his magic at the Phantom as well.
Tanzanite's attack ends up weakening the Phantom, and Azul is able to give it the final blow. Soon, the Phantom dissolves into a puddle.
Before melting completely, the Phantom says, "Gooold..." as it bubbles and hisses.
"That startled me..." Riddle says, "Thanks, Azul. thank you, Tanzanite."
"It's no trouble," Tanzanite says.
"Perhaps now you'll give me a bit of credit, o great leader?" Azul questions.
"I think there's been a misunderstanding..." Riddle says, "But we can talk about that later. I'm going to open the cage now."
Riddle, Azul, and Tanzanite open the cage and are able to help the female researcher escape.
After hurrying out, the researcher says, "Thank goodness! The Phantom's in the back of the cage!"
"Allow me to dispose of..." Azul says, stepping into the cage, "hm? Wait, look..."
Riddle and Tanzanite look inside to see that it's not a Phantom, but a Charon Soldier. Armor.
"Isn't that one of the power armors that attacked us in HQ? It's all broken down and isn't showing any signs of hostility," Riddle says.
The researcher is shocked, "What?! So there wasn't a Phantom in there?"
"So it would seem," Azul says.
Tanzanite sighs in relief, "At least it's not another Phantom. It would be difficult to fight another just after fighting the one out here.
Azul then nods and turns to the researcher, "Regardless, we're glad you're safe. I hate to bring this up before you've had a chance to catch your breath, but I'm afraid we must be on our way. Would you mind giving us your ID card?"
"Oh, of course. Here you are," The researcher says and presents the ID Card to them.
Riddle takes the card and says, "Thank you. You should get out of Tartarus as quickly as you can."
"No, thank you! And do be careful," The researcher says before hurrying off.
*hurried footsteps*
"Ortho is absolutely having fun at our expense," Azul says with a bitter expression
Riddle growls in anger, "Grr... When I get down to the bottom, I'll have his head for this!"
"I actually agree with you on this, Riddle. What he did was not very nice at all. If Jasper had to go through something like this, I bet he'll be furious," Tanzanite says with a frown.
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