Chapter 5: Cooking with Spice

The next day, at the Ramshackle Dorm, it had snowed the night before so the area was covered in a large blanket of white powdered snow. Everyone in the Ramshackle Dorm walks outside and is amazed to see the snow.

Grim looks around and says, "Ooh, check it out, Briar! We got a whole blanket of snow out here!"

"I see. It looks very lovely outside," Briar.

The snow looks kind of sparkly," Sereia replies.

Tanzanite wraps his arms and reacts, "Brrr. No wonder it seemed chilly."

"Yeah. It looks really cold outside," Jasper says.

Trinket flies to see the snow. Suddenly, the cold air blows, causing her to shiver. Theme quickly tucks herself inside Briar's pocket.

"Poor Trinket," Sereia says.

"The cold might be too chilly for her," Briar says.

Then says, "We'd better check on the fireplace.

"Yeah, maybe the fire fairies are feelin' the chill, too. Better bring 'em some firewood," Grim says.

He then smiles, "Ooh, and I can check out the kitchen an' see if they got any leftovers while I'm there! La-la-laaa!"

"Maybe. I could use something hot to eat," Jasper says.

"Well, it's best we start heading over there, the snow might make it a bit difficult if the path isn't clear," Briar says.

With that, the group of friends walk down the path leading to Main Street and to the school. After some time of walking in the cold weather, they all reach the cafeteria. Of course, Jasper, Briar, and Tanzanite hold some of the firewood needed for the job

Shivering, Grim says, "Geez, it was cold out there! My paws feel like icicles!"

"I'm cold," Sereia says.

Jasper breaths his breath into his hands as he rubs it, "Yeah. The weather is colder than we thought.

Then Grim turns to Briar, "Briar, hurry up and get that firewood in the fireplace."

"Alright then," Briar says.

Briar then places the firewood she and the twins brought into the fireplace. Suddenly, a fairy with a body and outfit made of fire appears and lights up the firewood. Now the fire ignites in the fireplace, allowing the place to warm.

Grim sighs, "Ahhh... You guys must be the fire fairies. I'm feelin' warm and fuzzy just being near you."

The Fire Fairy lets out crackle sounds in reply.

Trinket flies to the Fire Fairy and tinks to greet the fairy. The Fire Fairy crackles like it's talking. The two fairies begin to talk and are having a good conversation.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sereia asks.

"I'm not sure, but it's nice that Trinket gets to talk to other fairies," Briar says.

"I agreed. It's nice," Tanzanite replies.

Suddenly, Grim catches a strange sound. It souls like sizzling and chopping.

Grim ears twitch and wonders, "Hm? What's that I hear over the crackling fire? Chopping? And...sizzling meat?!" Soon, Grim's nose picks up a wonderful smell, "And now my nose is tinglin' with the spicy aroma of foreign cuisine! It's coming from the kitchen."

"That's odd. I thought we might be the only ones here besides the fairies. And most of the ghosts already left the campus," Briar says.

"So then, who else could still be here?" Jasper wonders.

"Well, it might be Azul and the twins. Floyd and Jade said that they plan on staying at campus," Tanzanite says.

"Well, the only way to find out is to go to the kitchen and see what's up," Briar says.

"Yeah! Let's see what's up!" Grim says.

The group soon walk towards the kitchen to see if there's anyone else in the school.

In the kitchen, there are a lot of students cooking food, chopping vegetables, sizzling meat, adding spices, stuff like that. Among them is Jamil Viper from the Scarabia Drom.

Jamil instructs one of the students, "Once you're done cooking the vegetables, boil the thawed 't forget to add the nuts once the oil is heated.

"Yes, sir!" A Scarabia Student replies.

A second Scarabia Student asks, "Vice Housewarden, will one tablespoon of spices be enough?"

The housewarden's palate veers spicy. Add another teaspoon," Jamil jamil answers.

The second student nods in reply.

Not long after, Briar and the others enter the kitchen, and they are surprised to see so many students in the kitchen and cooking up a storm.

Grim asks, "What's goin' on in here? It's winter break, but the kitchen's full of students!"

"You're right, there are a lot of students here," Jasper says.

Tanzanite adjusts his glasses and says, "And from the looks of those uniforms, those must be the students from the Scarabia Dorm."

Sereia then notices Jamil in the kitchen, "Um guys, that boy with the long hair, doesn't he look familiar?"

Briar and the others look to see Jamil cooking and instructing the students.

"You're right. Isn't that..." Briar says.

But then, Jamil notices them, causing the group to scoot back in surprise.

Jamil replies, "Hm? You're..."

"Oh um, hello. It's uh, nice to see you are. I well, remember you from the Spelldrive tournament," Briar sheepishly says.

Jamil nods his head and says, "Yes, we had a brief chat back when I got injured before the Spelldrive tournament."

"Oh yeah. I remember you now. You're the one who also gave us a helpful clue to solving the case," Jasper says.

"Indeed," Jamil says. "Your names were... Briar, Grim Sereia, Tanzanite, Jasper, and Trinket, yes?"

"Dang, you got a good memory, uhhh..." Grim says.

But soon asks, "What was your name again?"

Then Jamil introduces himself, "It's Jamil. Jamil Viper, vice housewarden of Scarabia Dorm. I make it a point to memorize people's names and faces. Not to mention, you and your group have made quite the names for yourselves since you first enrolled. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone at this school who doesn't know who you are.

"Whoa... Really?" Grim asks, surprised.

He then happily says, "Myah hah hah! Y'hear that, Briar?! We're famous!

"At any rate... Why are you here on campus when it's winter break?" Jamil asks.

Grim answers, "We ain't got anywhere to go home to for the holidays. Not to mention, the headmage personally gave us a super-special job. We're tendin' the fireplace. I'm as diligent and competent as they come! Only makes sense that the headmage would turn to me when he needs help!"

"More like Briar does. You like to complain a lot," Jasper says.

"What?!" Grim exclaims in surprise.

"Oh, is that a fact? The headmage personally asked you, you say..." Jamil replies.

Briar blushes and says, "Um yeah. I guess you can say that."

Suddenly, Jamil mutters, "This could be my chance..."

Grim thinks he hears Jamil and says, "Hm? Didn't catch that."

"I said that if the headmage is relying on you, you must be a tremendous talent indeed," Jamil replies.

Then another Scarabia Student walks over and says, "Sorry to interrupt, Vice Housewarden, but I'm done prepping the vegetables.

"Okay, I'll be right over," Jamil says.

Grim walks on to the counter and to the soup being boiled in a large pot.

He smells it and says, "That soup you're makin' looks pretty good. I ain't ever smelled anything like it before."

"It's a traditional Scalding Sands recipe, you see—" Jamil says.

Then an idea occurs to him, "Wait. An idea occurs to me. I'm sure something brought us together. Would you care to join us for our meal?"

"Really?! You mean it?" Grim asks, excited.

"Are you sure?" Briar asks.

Absolutely. It won't take much longer to finish. Why don't you all lend a hand?" Jamil replies.

The Ramshackle Dorm group look at each other and nod their heads in reply.

Briar turns to Jamil and says, "Sure. We'll give you a hand."

"Well then, let us get started," Jamil says.

Soon enough, Briar and the others put on some aprons, except for Grim and Trinket.

Grim looks around and says, "Man, these spices smell amazing!"

"I agree. I don't think I heard of some of the spices before," Briar says.

"They're used in traditional Scalding Sands cuisine. It makes for a unique flavor. I'll teach you how to use them, so watch closely.

"You got it!" Grim says.

"I thank you for your help," Jamil says.

And with that, Briar and the others begin to help Jamil and the Scarabia students around the kitchen. Jamil is very good with giving Briar and the other instructions. For example, he helped Tanzanite hold the knife right. He helped Jasper cut some of the meat. Sereia is stirring the soup as Briar cooks the meat and vegetables. Since Briar is good at the kitchen, she is pretty good at cooking around the kitchen. Jamil is pretty impressed to see the help he's getting, especially from Briar's efforts.

Grim grabs a spice and asks, "Is it okay if I put this brown powder in the pot now?"

"Not yet. You put in garam masala at the very end or it spoils the fragrance," Jamil answers.

Grim grows impressed, "Wow! You sure know your way around a spice rack."

"I cook on a daily basis, so it's only natural. We're almost done here. Let's put on the finishing touches," Jamil says.

Time has passed by and the group including the Scarabia dorm students are still cooking up a storm until all the food is finished.

Soon, the food is all done.

Grim eagerly says, "Mmm, yeah, those spices are seriously drool-inducing."

"Good work. I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you. We'll eat in the dorm. Come with me," Jamil says.

Grim is very happy to hear that, "Mya ha! You bet we're comin'! I can't wait to dig in. I'm starvin'!"

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