Chapter 19: Out the Door
Long after the late training session, Briar and her group are once again trapped in the vacant room, treated like prisoners once more.
Lying on the bed exhausted, Grim says, "Uuugh... I'm wiped out. I can't walk another step..."
"I don't think the students can take much more," Tanzanite says
"I'm at my own limit too, y'know! I don't wanna spend another second in this prison. I'm pooped and ready to pass out, but I've still got my trusty spoon. I'm gonna finish diggin' that hole tonight!" Grim says.
"You're right. We need to get out of here. I don't think the students are going to take it any longer. They'll end up rebelling if this keeps up," Briar says.
"Then it's official, we need to escape tonight," Grim says.
Jasper says, "I'll help too."
"Me too," Tanzanite says.
"Alright then, while you boys dig the tunnel out of this room, us girls will stand guard in case the patrol arrives," Briar says.
"Then let's get started," Tanzanite says.
And soon, the boys begin to use the spoons to dig a hole while the girls stand guard and keep their ears out for the patrol in case they come. Time has gone by and the three boys are still digging, soon, they hear a clanging sound.
"Whoa!" Grim says, surprised then happily calls out, "Briar! Hey, girls! Look."
Everyone looks to see the hole the boys have dug.
"The hole finally reaches the other side of the door! I couldn't get it too big, but hey. They say as long as you can get your head through a hole, the rest follows easy enough," Grim happily says.
"That's some animal logic right there," Tanzanite says.
"I think the hole is just big enough for all of us to get out," Briar says.
Then Grim says, "Trinket and I will go through first and pull you through second. Now, let's get this show on the road!"
Soon, Trinket flies out of the hole and looks around. Grim then squeezes himself through the hole. He and Trinket look around to see the coast is clear.
Grim whispers, "Alright, no one's around. We're clear."
At the other side in the room, Briar turns to Sereia, "Alright Sereia, it's your turn."
"Okay," Sereia answers with a nod.
Sereia quickly sneaks through the hole and Grim helps her out.
"Alright Tans, it's your turn. I'll follow after you," Jasper says.
Soon, Tanzanite begins to crawl through the hole in the wall and Jasper follows. Finally, it's Briar's turn. Briar is able to barely squeeze through the hole. Soon enough, she is out of the hole as well"
Phew... We finally made it out of that stupid room," Grim says, in relief.
"I suddenly understand how pasta must feel going through a pasta maker," Briar says.
"Okay, let's get back to Ramshackle Dorm while we can. Just gotta be niiice and quiet..." Grim says.
And suddenly, they hear a large growling sound.
"What was that?" Tanzanite asks.
They soon turn to the source of the growling, which is Grim's stomach.
Grim yelps, "Mrow!? Ah, crud! I was diggin' so hard there, it made me hungry..."
Meanwhile, the Scarabia student son patrol has heard it as well.
One student asks, "What was that earth-shaking noise just now?!"
"It came from the Ramshackle students' room!" The second student says.
And soon enough, Briar and the others hear their footsteps.
"Whuh-oh. We're in trouble now!" Grim yelps.
And of course, Briar and the others end up getting caught.
A student demands, "What do you think you're doing there?!"
"Myah, they found us!" Grim panics.
The second student asks in shock, "What are you doing outside?! I know we locked that door tight!"
The first student notices, "Ah! There's a hole in the floor! You really don't know when to give up, do you?"
The second student cries out, "We've got runners! After them!" and blows the whistle.
Soon, more students run over.
Grim panics, "If they catch us, it's back to the life of a prisoner! Cheese it!"
"Let's scram!" Briar cries out.
Soon, the Ramshackle Students make a run down the hall.
The Scarabia students chase after them as they cry out, "After them! After them!"
Briar and the others continue running away as the Scarabia students chase after them.
Grim panics, "Let's duck into a random room and let 'em pass us!"
Briar opens the first door and says, "Quick, in here!"
Everyone quickly runs inside the room. Briar quickly runs inside and closes the door before the students show up. Briar and the others remain quiet as they hear the students running towards their location
"Where'd they go? Split up and find them!" The first student calls out.
Then the second student says, "Show yourselves, street rats!"
With that, the Scarabia students split up to find them.
Relieved, Grim says, "Phew... I think they're gone."
"That was too close," Sereia says.
"Yes, but we can't stay here. They'll find us in a matter of time," Briar says.
"Maaan... There's gotta be some way to lose those guys!" Grim says.
Grim looks around and wonders, "What room is this, anyway? It's too dark to see anything,"
"Yeah. It's too dark to see anything," Briar says.
Suddenly something begins poking Grim. "Hm? Why's there somethin' soft and fuzzy nudgin' my face?" And something begins ticking him, Heh heh, that tickles! Briar, use that smartphone of yours to give us some light."
"Good idea," Briar says.
Briar brings out the smartphone and turns on its flashlight. To their surprise, in the storage room, Kalim showed them. And soon they find the one who's been ticking Grim, it's Kalim's magic carpet.
Grim is caught by surprise, "Whoa, geez! You scared the daylights outta me! I was about to scream and everything."
Briar looks around and says, "Looks like we're in Kalim's treasury."
"You're right," Sereia says.
"They don't lock up the treasure?" Grim says.
"Okay, so we know where the room is, now how do we get out of here," Jasper wonders.
Just then, Grim has an idea, "Ooh, that's it!" then turns to the carpet, "If you help us, we can shake off the patrols and get outside!"
The magic carpet is confused.
Then Grim says, "Hey, carpet! I'll let you out if you carry us outta the dorm!"
The carpet nods in reply.
"Looks like the carpet is okay with it," Briar says.
"Great. All aboard, everyone! And goodbye, Scarabia!" Grim happily says.
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