Chapter 16: Escape Planning

Later in the night, Briar and the others have been placed in their room as the Scarabia students make sure it's closed and locked so they can't escape.

Once locked, the first Scarabia student says, "All right, the Ramshackle visitors are secure in their room."

"Let's check in on the other rooms," The second says.

Then the first student says, "I swear there's been another escape every day. Housewardem Kalim's been very cross about it. It's gotten so bad, he's not even listening to counsel from Vice Housewarden Jamil anymore."

Then the second student asks, "How long will we have to live like this? I just wanna go home."

The first student says, "Oh, quit bellyaching. You think I didn't want to spend the holidays with my family, too?"

Soon, the students begin to walk away to check out the rest of the room.

In their room, the Ramshackle Dorm group are laying in their beds and are fast asleep.

Grim slowly opens his eyes and asks, "Are they gone?"

"I think the coast is clear," Jasper says.

"Good," Grim says.

And begins to explain "That afternoon training was so brutal, my meal was ready to come up the same way it went down."

"I know. I'm still tired just thinking about it," Sereia says.

"We already know the headmage ain't gonna be any help here. Which means it's up to us to get ourselves outta this mess," Grim says.

"And how do we do that?" Briar asks, "They locked the door and there are students patrolling the hall.

Grim smirks and says, "Luckily, you've got my towering intellect over here. I've got a perfect prison break plan ready to go."

"Towering intellect, huh?" Briar replies, taking an interest.

Trinket tinks.

"I think Trinket likes to know what it is," Briar says.

Grim chuckles, "Heh heh heh. I swiped our escape tool this morning. Behold: our ticket to freedom!" and holds out a silver spoon

"A spoon?" Tanzanite says, confused.

"We'll use this bad boy to dig our way through the floor, one spoonful at a time!" Grim says with confidence.

Briar and the others look at Grim with dumbfounded looks.

Jasper questions, "That's the plan? Where does intellect come in? This is the most basic plan possible!"

"That's gonna take WAY too much time and energy," Sereia says.

"They used to call me Grim the Digger back home. Leave this to me while you stand lookout!" Grim says and begins to dig.

Grim happily says, "Wow, this is goin' smoother than I thought. I think I'm actually onto something here."

Grim continues to dig and after a little time worth of digging.

Grim says, "Okay, I'm gettin' bored of diggin' into the same spot over and over again..."

Then turns to Briar, "Briar, let's switch places. I'll keep an eye out."

Then Jasper steps forward, "Let me do it. I've done some digging back in the mine."

Then Tanzanite says, "I'll help too, get another spoon."

"Got a few backup spoons just in case," Grim says, and holds out two more spoons.

Soon, Jasper and Tanzanite each take a spoon and take turns with Grim, digging the hole for them to escape.

Time has passed, and they hear a sound

Grim whispers, "Ah, crud! The patrol's comin'! Quick, pretend you're sleeping!"

"Block the hole," Tanzanite says.

Everyone covers the hole and quickly gets into bed and pretends to sleep so the patrol won't hear.

The next day, Grm has been digging the hole while everyone else has been sleeping. Soon, everyone wakes up to see Grim still digging.

Tired, Grim says, "It took 'til morning, but we dug a hole big enough for me to fit two paws through."

"It's probably best to have a good pace for one day," Briar says.

"Yeah. You don't want to tire yourselves, especially what we have to do today," Jasper says.

Soon, they hear footsteps.

"Looks like the patrol is on the way," Briar says.

"We better cover the hole," Tanzanite says.

Soon, the group has the hole of their escape cover before the door is unlocked.

Soon, the student comes in and says, "Out, everyone! It's time for morning training. We're marching to the oasis again!"

"Yes!" The group replies, Grim also says it, sounding tired.

After getting dressed, and such, everyone is outside and ready for another march to the oasis, much to many of the students' dismay, especially Grim.

Kalim shouts from the top of the elephant, "Wake up and get a move on! To the eastern oasis! March!

"Urgh, it's even harder to deal with the heat when I'm runnin' on no sleep," Grim says in exhaustion.

"You're sleep-deprived?" Jamil questions, "Make sure you drink plenty of water so you don't collapse."

"Aw, Jamil... Yeah, I'll do that," Grim says.

"We might as well start marching," Briar says.

She sighs and says, "Next stop, the eastern oasis."

And with that, the Scarabia Students and the Ramshackle Group begin marching to the oasis all over again. And over time, some of the students are getting tired.

Kalim notices and says in a harsh tone, "I see you falling behind at the rear! Lift those parasols higher! Front lines, I can hardly hear those bells! Louder!"

Grim, Tanzanite, and Jasper are heavily breathing in exhaustion.

"Pull yourself together. If you stop here, the vultures will swoop in," Jamil says.

"Y-yeah, I'll pass on that, thanks," Grim says, exhausted.

Tired, Sereia says, "I don't know if I can walk anymore."

"It's best if we try, even if it is tiring," Briar says.

Trinket is tired and feels like she's about to pass out and decides to sit on Briar's shoulder so she won't exhaust herself.

The students continue to march through the desert and are feeling tired from all the marching and the sun beating down on them.

"You're taking longer than yesterday. Hurry it up!" Kalim shouts.

Exhausted, one of the students says, "Ugh... I can't walk another step.

Then Jamil reassures" the students, "I can see the oasis. Respite is just ahead! Hang in there just a little while longer, everyone!"

"Wow, he's still cheering us on after all of this. What a vice housewarden!" Another student says.

"Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm dead tired!" Grim says, tired and about ready to pass out.

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