Chapter 3-4: A Hungry Monster

Sometime later...

"Order's up! Five shawarma wraps and a sandwich!" The vendor says, giving Jamil the orders.

"Thank you," Jamil says, taking the orders.

He then walks to everyone with their food, "Here you are, everyone."

"Thanks, Jamil. I'll help you pass 'em out," Trey says.

Soon, everyone begins passing the food.

"I'm lovin' the color contrast between the veggies and the sauce," Cater says, and takes a picture.

"So this is what it's like to get street food. This is quite a rare experience for me," Malleus says.

"It looks so good! I can't believe they actually got all the stuff in there!" Grim says, eagerly to eat.

"Thanks so much!" Sereia says.

Trinket tinks in reply.

"Thank you, Jamil," Briar says

"It smells absolutely amazing!" Jasper says.

"You're right. It looks so good," Tanzanite says.

"Now for the moment I've been waitin' for!" And with that, Grim begins eating his food and he loves what he's eating.

As they finish passing the order, Jamil notices something off.

"Huh, odd. My shawarma isn't here," Jamil says.

"Did they miss your order, Viper?" Malleus asks.

"No, I ordered nine, and they gave me nine," Jamil says.

"Not namin' names, but what if a certain hungry monster swiped yours?" Cater says as he turns to Grim.

Trey does the same, "You know, that's probably it."

Grim notices everyone looking at him, "Why's everyone lookin' at me...? I wouldn't do that!" And then smirks, "For one thing, why take ONE wrap when I could swipe a whole spit of meat from the stall? I'd get way more food!"

"No, don't do it," Sereia calls out.

Jamil feels the same, "Please don't do that. Ever."

"I was kidding! Sorry, Grimmy. Let's take stock of our shawarma," Cater says.

Then Trey says, "There's mine, Cater's, Malleus's, Grim's, 's, Sereia and Trinket's, Jasper's, Tanzanite's and..."

But they soon hear munching sounds as Trey notices there is another addition to their party.

"Mmm, not bad. I should try getting mine like this sometime.," The voice says.

Everyone is shocked to see a young girl among the group. She has dark skin, gray eyes, and long, dark hair tied in a ponytail. She wears a bandanna headband, the left side of which has yellow and white stripes, and the right side has floral white patterns on red color, with an addition of a white flower. She wears a v-neck black top with a navy floral red pattern kimino jacket, sky blue sash tied to her waist, navy shorts with black tights that reach to her ankles, and sandals. She has several accessories; two oval shaped gold earrings, a dark tight necklace with a small red gemstone attached to it, and two gold bracelets, one which has red gemstones inlay. She bears quite the resemblance to Jamil.

Grim cries out, "Some rando's eatin' our grub! We found the sandwich-swiper!"

"Where did she come from?" Jasper wonders.

Trey asks the girl the same question, "Hey, where'd you come from? Are you all by yourself? You should know better than to steal a stranger's food."

"Hee hee. But he's not a stranger, is he?" The girl says and turns to Jamil.

"Huh?" Trey responds, confused.

Cater notices the stunned expression on Jamil's face, "What's the matter, Jamil? You look like a fish gasping for air."

Stunned, Jamil says, "Na... Najma?!"

Everyone is surprised to hear her.

With a smile, the girl named Najma says, "Welcome home, Jamil!"

"So I'm guessing you two know each other? Who are you?" Cater asks.

Najma introduces herself, "Hey, I'm Najma Viper. Nice to meet you all."

"Viper?" Malleus questions.

"Did she say her last name is Viper?" Tanzanite questions as well.

Trey soon realizes, "Wait a minute..."

So does Briar, "Hold on, are you Jamil's sister?"

"That's right," Najma says, "I know we don't really look alike, but I'm this dude's sister," with a smile on her face.

Everyone is flabbergasted, "BWHAAA?!"

"Since when do you call me DUDE?!" Jamil questions, annoyed, "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Hey, I didn't wanna come, you know," Najma says.

"She's got Jamil's signature stare down pat!" Cater says. He then laughs, "Ahaha, your expressions are exactly the same. That's adorable!"

"They're brother and sister all right," Trey says.

Najma then says, "Dad wanted me to give you a message. I've been looking all over for you. He wants you to know there's been a change to the seating for our visitors. I told him it was fine just texting you, but nooo..."

"Yes, I got your text. I even sent a reply," Jamil says.

"But he didn't care. I couldn't convince him you had it under control, and he insisted I tell you in person. So I caved. And now here I am," Najma says.

"Yeah, I guess Dad doesn't really get smartphones. Or computers even," Jamil says.

"So how about showing some gratitude to your sweet little sis? I did come all this way," Najma says.

"You have a point... Thanks. There. That's it. We good now?" Jamil says, "Great, then time for you to get back home. I'm very busy right now."

Cater says, "Oh! I got a brainwave! Wanna join us for some sightseeing, Najmie?"

"WHAT?!" Jamil exclaims.

"Jamil's probably gonna get home late because he's showing us around all day... So why don't you two catch up while we're doing some shopping?" Cater says.

"Oh yeah, she probably hasn't seen Jamil in ages. That's a great idea," Trey says.

But Jamil protested, "NO IT ISN'T!"

And yet Najma says, "I'm down! Sounds fun."

"I don't have time to entertain you right now!" Jamil says, annoyed.

Soon, Najma becomes annoyed, "Excuse me? I didn't ask you to entertain me."

"The answer is still no!" Jamil says, sternly, "

And Najma says, " Wow, mean! And after I came all this way to deliver that message. And by the way, I had plans to hang out with my friend at the festival—plans that this errand TOTALLY screwed up," She sighs deeply, "It's barely noon, and here I am, all by my lonesome until the fireworks show tonight... I mean, talk about boring! And the festival only happens once a year too..."

"Oof... Rrrgh..." Jamil says, annoyed.

Curious, Malleus asks, "Why are you so against this, Viper? She's your sister."

"Maybe he's just embarrassed about us seeing how he acts around his family. I've got siblings, so I know ALL about that," Trey says.

"Is that truly so common? Having siblings seems rather complicated," Malleus says.

Briar turns to Malleus and says, "Come to think of it, I think I did remember about you being an only child in your family. At least as far as I know."

"True, however, in a way, I thought of you and your older sister Aura as somewhat of sister figures, especially you," Malleus says.

Briar blushes a bit, "Um really now?"

But then Cater says, "It could be the opposite, y'know! I'd just about die of embarrassment if my sisters saw me while I was hanging out with friends."

"And yet you were the one who invited her to do just that. Savage move, Cater," Trey says, "Hey, it's not every day we get to see Jamil all flustered. That's something."

"Now you're all ganging up on me! Just go home, Najma!" Jamil says, annoyed.

"WOW. Is that any way to treat your sister? Are you guys seeing this?" Najma questions.

Then Trey says to Jamil, "C'mon, Jamil, what's the problem if she tags along?"

"Yeah, why settle for one guide, when we could have two?" Cater says.

Malleus agrees, "It's true. Besides, one should treat their family with respect."

"We don't mind having your sister around," Sereia says.

Grim, Tanzanite, and Jasper nod their heads in response.

"Come Jamil, let her come," Briar says.

"Rgh..." Jamil says, annoyed. But soon gives in, "Okay... Fine. If you all insist."

"That's more like it!" Najma happily says, "Now that that's settled, allow me to extend a warm welcome to the Night Raven College crew," But soon notices, "Whoa... That's some strange headwear you got going on," and is staring at Malleus' horns.

Jamil splutters in shock.

"Headwear?" Malleus questions.

Briar giggles, "I think she's referring to your horns, Mal."

Understanding the misunderstanding, Malleus clarifies, "Oh, no. These horns are quite real."

"Y'know, I've been noticing... No one's really recognized THE famous Malleus Draconia," Cater says.

"That head scarf probably helps," Trey says, "But I bet nobody expects one of the most powerful mages in the world to be gallivanting around sightseeing. Same with Briar."

Jamil says to Najma, "Najma! You can't talk like that to Malleus!"

"Sorry! I didn't mean anything by it, honest," Najma says.

But Mallues says, "It hardly bothered me enough to merit a full apology."

Cater laughs, "Ahahaha! Oh man, I gotta tell everyone back at school about this! They'll get a kick out of it!"

"If anything, they'll probably go pale and shiver," Trey says.

Then Cater says to Najma, "All right, Najmie! Cay-Cay's gonna give you the rundown of our group."

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