Chapter 14

P.O.V. Ava:

The whole day I tried to find that letter . I didn't know where Alex was. He just said he had a couple of things to do.
Finally! I found it! At least I thought I did. On the envelope was written Alex in a very elegant handwriting. Honestly, that's the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen.

Dear Sasha,

You must be eighteen now. Happy Birthday my little boy. Yes, I know you are already taller than me but you will always be my baby.
Soon you will be in a tough position. You will have to choose your profession. What you want to study and where. Not only that, I am sure you will be challenged with a lot of decisions you will have to make. You probably made some huge ones already.
So always remember no matter what decision you make, I will always love you and I will always be proud of you. And that's not just me. Your father feels the same way. You are our first born, the light of our eyes. You and your sister are everything to us and maybe we haven't always said it but I sure hope that we have always shown it.
Always remember, when life gives you a challenge and you don't know what to do next, just close your eyes and imagine us standing next to you. Go with your instinct. We will always be there for you.

And another thing: nothing is more important than the people you love. It doesn't matter if it is your mother, father, sister, your best friend or the love of your life.
So please don't loose them. Even if we, your parents, have left this world, you will still have them. Raoul is not just your best friend but he is your brother. And Ana, yes I'm writing this ten years before you will read this letter but I have seen how you two engage with each other, how you hold each other when one of you is sad, I see the way you two dance together and my heart tells me that you love her and I know that she loves you. I see her as my second daughter anyways, so you have my blessing. You know how Anas childhood was, so please do what you have always done, love her, make her laugh, be there for each other. You need her as much as she needs you. Most of all protect this sweet girl, the world is full of bad people. (That's doesn't mean all people are bad). Just be there for each other, all three of you. You are the golden trio. You are friends and a family. Always have been so please always be.
Always protect Nina. Be her best friend even if both of you will one day think that it is uncool but believe me, you will always need each other. And I know she will always need her big brother. As I know you, I didn't even have to tell you all these things it is in your nature to protect and love.

Don't be mad at me for calling you Sasha.
I love you my sweet boy
Your mother

My cheeks were wet, my mascara smudged. His mother really must have loved him. He never talked about her. He never told me anything about his past except how his family died. But why did Ana have the letter? Maybe he gave her the letter so she could see how much his mother loved her too. But why did she give him the letter back now? Hmm... maybe she wanted him to read it, so he'll realise they belong together. So you think they belong together? What?! No! I just meant that maybe she thinks it. Do you think he thinks it too? Why else did he have to talk to someone about it that much that he even went to Rhys. What am I supposed to do now?

P.O.V. Alex:

"I want to be part of her life. I want to be her dad." Anas eyes were getting wet. Maybe I can actually guilt trip her to moving. "And I can only do that right, if you move." Her eyes popped open in surprise.
"You want me to move?" Her eyes in disbelief.
"I can help you fulfill your dreams. You can be a professional dancer and in summer you can be a teacher. I can help you with that. I can support you." She was quite. If we were still teenagers I would keep explaining myself but I know better. I have to wait. It doesn't matter how uncomfortable the silence gets. She needs time to think and I'll get what I want.
"If Lucy is okay with moving then fine. I owe it to you two." A stone fell from my heart. "You can meet her tomorrow. You have one week to win her heart but as I know you two, that won't be an issue. On her last kindergarden day I'll let her decide."

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