Chapter 11: Grian
I've just designed the back of the mansion.
With so much time alone, it was inevitable. I stay out of everyone's way as much as possible, until I haven't just finished the main underground area, but some of the interior and the back. The time alone is good for me too - relaxing, quiet, and a good change from the accusations and chaos of everything else.
And it's there, in that good mood, that I finally look at the book from the Watchers.
I've stared at the cover enough to know all the details - brown, old, enscripted in galactic with what will be my Watcher title. And today, in my base, I actually open it to start reading...
A slip of paper falls out. I pick it up, scanning the galactic writing
By reading this book, your training will be completed. We are sorry for leaving you for so long, but now we have decided you are ready for the life we promised you.
Anyone else in possession of this book will not be able to read it. Do not try to share these secrets with the mortal players of your server for both yours and their sake.
We look forward to your return.
I blink, rereading. This is it. The final part. The part I've been waiting for.
So why am I nervous?
I place down the note, turning to the actual book again. Close my eyes, take a deep breath, and read.
The history of Watchers
Everything you know is a lie. This is the first thing you must learn. The watcher history you-
I jump, slamming the book closed, blinking over at where Doc is standing.
'Why are you here?'
'The Watchers struck again.'
I stand, gliding over.
'What do you mean they 'struck again'? What happened?'
'Shopping district.'
He flies off without any other explanation. I follow, confusion and terror filling me. He ignores my constant questions as we cross the water over towards the Cowmercial district, landing by the town hall.
'What happened? Doc said the watchers...' I trail off. Impulse is sat on the steps of the town hall, sobbing. Zedaph's blinking tears, shocked, next to him.
Bdubs body lies in the middle of the street.
'Oh my goodness.' Ice fills my veins. 'He- they-'
'They took Tango and killed Bdubs.' Doc growls.
'They... Took Tango too?' A nod, the only reply Impulse can give.
Xisuma joined the game
GoodTimeWithScar joined the game
Evil Xisuma joined the game
Welsknight joined the game
I stare at my communicator as it goes off. Equal parts relief, guilt and surprise fill me.
'Evil X?' I frown. 'What's... He... Doing here?' No one answers. Doc's sunk down next to Bdubs's body again, not talking. A moment later, he's here himself to explain.
'Grian? You're here?' Xisuma spots me first. Scar runs over, first spotting me and then-
'No... no no no... Oh my goodness... Oh-' He falls next to Bdubs. 'Bdubs... No...'
'What happened?' Xisuma demands. He's looking at me still.
'I... The watchers killed Bdubs and took Tango. That's all I know.'
'I'm guessing this isn't normal.' Evil X crosses his arms from where he stands behind X, the sound distorted under his glaring helmet. No one replies. Xisuma's next to Bdubs, scrambling to find a pulse, a reason. He settles on his arm, head down as he speaks.
'Communicator broken. Just... Dead. There's no saving him.'
'They- trapped us in the tower.' I look over as Impulse speaks. 'Tango got mad... Me and Bdubs were trying to stop him from doing anything... He hit the wall with a pickaxe...' He forces back a sob. Zedaph puts an arm around his shoulder. 'Then- then the watcher came... Told us one would die... One would survive... One would be taken and... and...' I guess the rest as he sinks back into tears. Xisuma isn't moving.
'Impy's communicator is broken too.' Explains Zed. Xisuma's still hunched over next to Bdubs. Scar's next to him, sobbing. Wels is further back, sat down and staring at the ground. Me and EX are the only two standing, awkward. The truth doesn't set in. Bdubs is dead. Tango is gone.
We meet eyes for a second. I look away, back over at Bdubs, where I see Doc, eyes narrowed as he stares at me.
'What?' I snap. 'Why are you looking at me like that?'
'No reason... It just seems weird that you're stood there unemotional while every other hermit here is actually upset.'
'It's called shock.' I bite back. 'I don't see you being much more upset than me.'
My communicator buzzes before Doc can reply, I read the message.
Xisuma: Important news: I am sorry to say that Bdubs is dead. He was killed by Watchers. Tango has been taken by the Watchers. And you should know that EX is here to help Scar and now Impulse with their broken communicators.
Xisuma: for anyone who wants to pay respects, Bdubs's body is in the shopping district
Player Evil Xisuma is now admin
'What?!' Doc bursts out. 'No!'
'Doc, we agreed it.' Xisuma explains, voice quiet. 'It was the only way to help Scar.'
'Oh, because helping Scar is so much more important than the safety of the server!'
'I trust EX to do the right thing.'
'Don't talk about Scar like that.' I can't help myself. 'Scar's one of my best friends.'
'Then why did it take you so long to decide if you'd choose him over the watchers?' Doc stands. My anger rises.
'I didn't. I chose Scar over them. I'd always choose him over the Watchers.'
'And yet you're not sad about Bdubs dying, are you?' I don't move as Doc walks closer, hands clenched at my side. 'You don't care about him or anyone on this server.'
'Why would you think something like that? Of course I care!'
'Stop.' I hear a voice mutter. Scar.
'At what point have you ever shown that you care about this server?' Doc ignores the request. 'You've done nothing to prove your loyalty.'
Tears blur my vision as I blink. The truth setting in about Bdubs... He's not coming back. He's dead. I'm never going to talk to him again...
'Well WHAT?' My voice comes out as a yell. Doc's expression grows even colder.
'What have you done to prove your trust and loyalty to this server?' I don't reply, hands clenching, eyes closed. 'Well? What have you done? Why would I trust you?'
'Shut up.'
'Because as far as I can tell, you've never cared. You let Bdubs die. You let Tango get taken. You let Scar get hurt.'
'Doc, shut up.' I feel the magic rising with my emotions
'...You've denied everyone saying the watchers are bad, and even now when they've LITERALLY MURDERED BDUBS IN COLD BLOOD YOU STAND HERE, UNEMOTIONAL-'
Watcher fire shoots from my hand, a flare of pure magic hitting Doc. Sparks from his communicator as it breaks. A yell of pain.
DocM77 was slain by Grian
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