Jackie's POV
"What's wrong now?" I sigh rolling my eyes as Julie comes into the living room slamming her cell phone on the sofa"
"That nannie I interviewed doesn't work Tuesday because apparently she feels she deserves to sit around the house all day while other people do her job" she says getting more irritated. "But I thought you already two nannies" I frown confused "I have, but we need a live in nanny too" she shrugs.
"Julie, you do realise we're only having one baby right?"
"Obviously! But I'm still gonna need help around this place what with the two of us working"
"But don't you think three nannies is a bit much? It my confuse her"
"She'll be fine. Faith had like five and she turned out ok... well except for the whole fucking her own uncle thing, but other than that she was ok" she smiles "I should probably get going. I told my mother I'd go over for lunch today" I say getting up to leave. "How come you still won't let me come with you?"
"I told you why. They all hate you" I tell her honestly. "But, I thought we were together now"
"We are"
"Then what's the problem?"
"What do you think? I'd love to take you with me trust me I would but..."
"Their gonna have to get used to us eventually. If their ok with Michael and Faith, then they should be fine with us.. unless you have a problem with it?"
"Of course not"
"They why can't I meet your family? And why don't you want us to go public yet? Seems to me like your only interested in this baby, lately" she frowns folding her arms and I go over and pull her close.
"Baby, of course I don't only care about our baby! I care about you too and the only reason I don't want the media knowing about us is because my divorce isn't final from Enid yet and if she and her lawyers find about us and the baby before the divorce is final, she'll clean me out. The bitch is already trying to bleed me dry"
"I guess. But as soon as it's final we're going public"
"And I can't wait!" I smile and peck her lips "plus! Our little girl will be here then and we can proudly show her to the world!"
"Well we need to leak the story first. the highest bidding magazine gets the first pictures. Can you imagine how much money we're gonna get for that!" She smiles excitedly. "Mhm... I was thinking we could go to the bank today and start setting up a savings account for when she's older" I suggest and she frowns confused. "For what? She won't need it. Have you seen Faith's bank account!? And that was before she was with Michael. Trust me. We're gonna make alot of money and so will she!" She smiles pointing at her baby bump. I made a fortune with Faith and baby number two will make even more and we'll have even more spotlight now Faith's all grown up. Anyway I thought you were going to see your mother today?"
"I am. I'm just about to get dressed now"
"And leave me all alone again" she sighs "Baby, you know I'd take you if I could, but I don't want them all ganging up on you and..."
"I'm a big girl. I can handle your family, plus the baby's due any day now. What if I go into Labour while your out? You don't want to miss it like you did Faith do you?"
"Of course not" I sigh. "So I can come?"
"Ok. But if they say anything to you..."
"I'll be fine" she cuts me off
Michael's POV
"So you two finally decided to get up" LaToya says as I walk into the kitchen. "We've been awake for hours" I shrug "so we all heard" she scrunches her face making me giggle. "How are you and Faith doing?" She asks softly taking a more serious tone. "We're a little hung over, but we're ok" I shrug. "I didn't mean about that"
"I know" I nod "we're fine" I mumble and she smiles at me through pursed lips and can tell I'm lying about being ok.
"Your up early" Janet smiles coming into the kitchen "it's one in the afternoon" LaToya looks at her confused "I know but the amout of drink him and Faith were knocking back last night, I'm surprised their not still knocked out" she giggles "we didn't drink that much" I roll my eyes "So how come you guys had to stay here last night?"
"We just wanted too" I shrug "mhm... I'm sure you being to drunk to drive had nothing to do with it" she chuckles.
I'm about to speak when mother walks in looking annoyed "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "Jackie's coming over soon and..."
"He's bringing her isn't he?" I frown and I can tell by her expression that's a YES. "I guess me and Faith should be getting ready then" I sigh, getting up from the table. "You don't have to leave"
"I'm not gonna sit there and play nice with her and..."
"You don't have too" Janet cuts in. "You have every right to be here and you don't have to speak to her if you don't want to"
"Non of like this either and we're all on your side on this... please don't leave. I don't want any of my children to feel they have to leave" mother says and looks like she's about to cry. "Fine, but if she says anything..."
"We'll all be right their, backing you and Faith up" LaToya smiles at me through pursed lips.
Julie's POV
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Jackie asks for the hundredth time. "Yes! I'm sure!" I snap slightly. "I was only asking. Why are you getting so snippy with me today?" He asks looking a little upset an I sigh slightly "I'm sorry. I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable today. I am due to have a baby soon"
"Well it'll all be over soon enough" he smiles through pursed lips. "I know" I sigh "and don't worry about your parents or your sister's. Trust me, I can work anybody over"
"I doubt you can win these guys over. Us Jackson's are known to me pretty stubbon" he chuckles slightly. "Trust me. By the end of the day, your family will love me" I smile cockily.
After helping me out of the car we stand waiting outside Jackie's parents for what feels like forever. "How long does it take to answer a door" I sigh getting annoyed waiting. "I don't know. It's not like them to take this long" Jackie frowns confused an goes to ring the bell, but just as he does the door opens.
"Oh it's you" Janet frowns and turns walking back into the house. "Mother! Jackie and gold diggers here!" She shouts "I should probably go and hide the bleach... just in case" she smirks at me and walks off "Janet, there's no need to..."
"It's fine" I cut Jackie off. "She's just a little upset still. Her and Michael are pretty close and..."
"It's fine. Just ignore her and let her get it all out of her system" I smile as we walk into the living room and Joesph and Kathrine are sitting on the sofa.
"Mother, Joesph.. this is Jul..."
"Yeah we know who she is?" Joesph shrugs uninterested and continues watching T.V "lunch will be ready soon" Katherine smiles through pursed lips, walking out of the room.
"Anything I can help you with?" I smile walking into the kitchen then stop in my tracks "She has plenty of help" Michael frowns sitting and the kitchen table and Faith is sitting on his lap with her arms around him and LaToya and Janet are over by the stove helping with the cooking.
"Oh... Um.. I didn't know you two would be here" I mutter akwardly "why wouldn't we be?" Faith frowns. "I didn't mean it like..."
"I didn't know you guys were gonna be here" Jackie says coming into the kitchen "they have every right to be here just like you do Jackie!" Katherine frowns making a point of ignoring me and I realise I'm really going to have my work cut out winning these people over since Faith has clearly already got her feet under the table.
"Is the food ready yet?" Joesph says walking into the room "just about. Why doesn't everybody take a seat" LaToya smiles.
While LaToya and Kathrine are finishing up I sit beside Jackie at the opposite end to Faith an Michael and I scrunch my face slightly in disgust when Michael pushes Faith closer and kisses her.
"Eww! No incest at the table" Janet chuckles sitting beside them an they both giggle slightly breaking away. "Do they always act that way in front of everybody?" I whisper to Jackie. "Yup" he frowns looking over at them.
"and everybody's ok with it!?" I widen my eyes surprised that nobody is saying anything about how touchy feely Michael and Faith are or even Janet making a joke out of it.
During lunch everybody is really quiet and I notice Faith looking over giving me evil stares every now and then. "So how've you been?" I ask her and her and Michael look at me surprised by my question. "Fine" Michael says is a pissed of tone and continues eating "I know you both must hate me right now, but surely you can understand why I couldn't give you..."
"Fuck you!" Faith snaps at me. "It wasn't and easy decision for your father and I but..."
"But then you realised you were about to give birth to another cash machine?" She says sarcastically. "Baby, she's not worth it" Michael mumbles. "That's not how it was. When your a mother, you'll understand that..."
"Your not mother! You never have been. All you care about is money and yourself" she frowns "no. I care about you too and..."
"Can we all just stop fighting over the dinner table" Kathrine cuts in and neither of us say anything and Faith starts throwing me evil stares again then I notice Michael's leg quickly move under the table in Faith direction and she turns to him and I look on in shock as he frowns at her, shaking his head slightly and Faith doesn't say anything.
After lunch, I'm still feeling taken aback by what happened at the dinner table. Not because of what Faith said because I already expected that, but I was shocked at what Michael did.
"Is everything ok?" Jackie asks coming over to me in the living room "didn't you see what happened?" I frown "I did warn you before we got here" he shrugs "not that. Although I am pissed you didn't stick up for me" I raise an eyebrow. "I'm talking about what Michael did"
"What are you talking about? Michael hasn't said a word" he frowns confused "no, but he kicked Faith!"
"I'm serious! He kicked her under the table and..."
"I'm sure he didn't. He probably just moved his leg an knocked into her or something" he shrugs not taking me seriously. "I guess. I mean I didn't actually see under the table" I shrug "there you go then" he smiles "you ready to go?"
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and then we can leave. I smile then make my way up to the bathroom. As much as I can't stand Faith most of the time, it still kind of pissed me off when Michael kicked her like that. I know that he definitely did, but I don't want to make a big deal about it since I'm trying to win the Jackson's over, plus I'm still pissed that the little bitch got me fired from my talk show because of her little recording. Not that it matters now though because like Faith said earlier. I have a new little cash machine on the way and Faith and Michael will only be rembered as the two twisted family members that fucked each other.
I go back downstairs and I hear what sounds like arguing in a hushed tone between Faith and Michael coming from kitchen. The door is open slightly, so I peek through and listen.
"Why the fuck we're you arguing with her!?" Michael snaps at Faith in a hushed tone "Are you serious!? After what she did and..."
"I know that, but you can't be cussing people out like that in front of my mother. You know she doesn't like it and..."
"I don't give a fuck! That bitch shouldn't even be here! and..."
"Quit cutting me off when I'm talking!" He says and hits the side of Faith's mouth and I stand open mouthed at what I just saw "I hate that bitch being here just a much as you, but we can't be..."
"What what are you doing?" Kathrine asks from behind me and the kitchen door opens fully "we're leaving that's what's going on!" Michael snaps walking out of the room holding Faith's hand "You get our stuff upstairs. I'll get our coats" he says to her. she heads upstairs and he's about to walk the other way "why do you wanna leave so fast? you can't wait to get home and beat her properly?" I say sarcastically and he turns and looks at me confused "excuse me!?" Kathrine frowns "he just slapped her!"
"No I didn't!"
"They were arguing and I just saw him slap her in the face because she was cut him off while he was speaking"
"Michael?" Kathrine turns to him confused. "I may have tapped her slightly on the mouth, but I didn't..."
"and you wonder why I changed my mind about giving you my baby?" I smirk "if you have no problem beating your wife slash neice, who knows what could happen to my poor baby in your care" I smirk slightly. "Fuck you! I didn't..."
"Oh my God!" I gasp as I feel my water's break right there in the middle of the hall and Kathrine calls for Jackie who comes rushing in. "The baby's coming!" I pant and he quickly takes my hand leading me to the front door.
"Are you all just gonna stand there!?" I snap as the others just stand there not bothering to offer me any help. "Your baby your problem" Faith shrugs coming over.
Michael's POV
"Do you think one of us should have gone with them?" LaToya asks when Jackie and Julie leave. "They'll be fine, Jackie's with her and he'd call if there's a problem" mother reassures her. "I guess Faith and I should get going then" I mumble about to walk away like the others and mother grabs my arm stoppping me. "What Julie said... was it true? Have you been hitting Faith!?" She asks sternly "of course not! Do you see a single mark on her!?" I widen my eyes surprised she'd even ask me such a thing. "I didn't ask you that. I asked if you hit her, not if you left a mark"
"No! I haven't hit her" I frown "Then why would Julie randomly say she saw you slap her in the face?"
"That's not what happened! I was talking and she cut me off so I very lightly tapped the side of her mouth. I didn't hit her!"
"That doesn't make it any better Michael!" She snaps at me "whether you left a mark or not you still hit her! And if I ever find out you put your hands on that girl again it'll be the last thing you ever do, do you understand!?" She frowns and I nod.
Faith and I went home and after speaking to my mother I still feel guilty about what happened between Faith and I in the kitchen. I go into the living room and sit beside Faith on the sofa. "I'm really sorry about what I did to you before" I sigh and she looks at me confused. "When I hit the side of your mouth" I mumble "it's fine" she shrugs "no it's not. I should never have put my hands on you like that"
"Michael, it's fine really and it's not like I've never done that to you" she shrugs "I know, but that was when we were arguing and I took it to far" I mumble and she wraps her arms around me and pecks my lips. "It's fine... but, no more smacking each other on the mouth" she smiles at me through purses lips "Agreed" I nod and lean in and kiss her slightly deeper then break away. "I can still smack your ass though.. right?"
"You better" she giggles slightly and pecks my lips then breaks away. "What's wrong?" I asks. "She's gonna be born soon" she mumbles and I nod and sigh heavily. "Why don't we watch a movie or something, it might help take our minds off it" I suggest. "Sure" she shrugs not really interested and sits back on the sofa while I pick out a movie.
Julie's POV
"I can't do this... I need more drugs!" I pant, taking a tighter grip of Jackie's hand. "I'm sorry we don't have anymore and..."
"Ahhhh....Why the fuck did I agree to a home birth" I whine "it's ok, ma'am baby's almost here" the doctor says calmly.
"Will just get the fucker out of me!!!" I scream in pain "just keep pushing, she's almost here" Jackie smiles and walks over to the other end of the bed to see.
"One more push" the doctor says and I push as hard as I can one last time then sigh in relief when it's finally out of me.
I drop back on the bed exhausted, trying to catch my breath while a nurse is cleaning it up then hands it over to Jackie and he smiles proudly looking down. "What does it look like?" I ask "she's beautiful" he smiles and sighs softly "let me see" I say putting my arms out to look and the room suddenly goes silent "Jackie? Let me see it" I say again slightly getting nervous when his facial expression changes. "Where are you going!?" I snap as Jackie quickly leaves the room with the baby.
I weakly try to get up to go after him, but I'm stopped when the nurse takes hold of my arm. "What the fuck are you doing!?" I snap then I feel the doctor stick a needle into my arm and everything quickly starts getting dark.
Jackie's POV
"It's ok sweetie" I say softly trying to sooth the baby "we'll be home soon" I smile cradling her in my arms and she stops crying.
"Are we almost there yet?" I turn to the driver "we're here" he says parking the car and turns around and smiles at the baby. "She's beautiful" he coos looking at her and I smile looking at her then make sure she's wrapped up tight before getting out of the car.
"We're here" I say quietly, walking into the living room.
"Is this her?"
"This is her" I whisper, gently handing her to Faith and Michael.
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