Chapter Two: Pouge princess
Iris Nicole Routledge the pouge princess was the most caring and devoted friend. She was the light of everyone's day.
The only thing about Iris is when something gets in her way she makes sure that it gets handled.
The most important thing to Iris is her friends and brother. She would do anything for them.
She especially would do anything for John b. John b and Iris have a really strong bond. They do have their bad moments but they also have their good moments. This is why at the end of the day they would do anything for each other.
They practically only had each other. Big John their father had disappeared at sea. Nobody has heard from him since.
Iris is all in her head thinking that her dad might still be out there. John b thinks there might be hope but sometimes he tells Iris that they need to move on from him. He thinks if they move on from him then they'll finally heal from something that is broken from the past.
Iris try's to not think about it too much. When she gets in her thoughts about it, she likes to shut people out.
There's only one person that really knows what she's going through. JJ Maybank was the one that had helped her through it. When her dad had disappeared he was the one that was by her side.
JJ and Iris are best friends they've knew each other since like forever. He was her best friend but sometimes she would rethink if they might be more than friends. She knew it was dumb to think about because she's his best friend's little sister. She thought there might be a little hope.
She also didn't want to cause their friendship to come to end either. She just kind of sat in the back seat for a little bit. She thought to just think about being friends for right now.
JJ had stayed at their place a lot of times. Iris and John b had been living on their own ever since their dad had disappeared. They would always have the group at the house.
That would be JJ the very crazy outgoing one. The very adventurous one.
And then you have Kiara the very laid back Kook. Kiara is a kook but also she is a pouge. She started hanging out with the pouges because she met Iris back at a camp they went together.
Lastly you have Pope the very geek one. He's more into being successful. He's like the smartest out of the group. He's like a brother to Iris.
There you have the pouges. The pouges would do anything for each other. Even if it means putting their life at risk.
Iris and John b had been hanging around at their place with the others.
Iris had gotten out of the shower. She threw some clothes on and left the bathroom. When she walked through the hallway to go to the living room she had seen JJ in a room with a girl. He was hovering over her about to kiss the girl.
Iris had seen and rolled her eyes. Iris went to the door to shut it. JJ had looked up and seen her.
Iris likes to shrug this type of thing off. She knows that JJ isn't a very committed person. He likes to hook up with a lot of girls. He had hooked up several this summer.
Iris had went outside and seen that her brother and Kiara was cleaning up the yard. It was a hot mess from the storm that just hit them. A lot of power lines were down from it.
"That storm did really did do a lot of damage here" Iris said walking over to her brother and Kiara.
"I heard there was a lot of trees and power lines were down in town" Kiara said.
"Yea, and while y'all are cleaning up here JJ is busy doing whatever he does with every woman he brings into him room" Iris said rolling her eyes.
John b and Kiara had big smirks on their faces. The two of them were staring at something that was behind Iris. Iris then had looked behind her.
"Sounds like someone is jealous" JJ said walking closer to Iris.
Iris then backed away from JJ.
"Jealous?" Iris scoffed
"No one is jealous lover boy" Iris said patting his face.
Iris then had turned around and looked at John b and Kiara.
"So, where's Pope at?" Iris asked
"He's with his pops in town" Kiara said
"I'm thinking we should go sneak him out of the job" Iris said.
"Good thinking Niki" JJ said winking at her.
All of them were on their way to Pope's place. John b was steering the boat while Kiara had head phones on listening to Bob Marley. While Iris and JJ were sitting next to each other. JJ was teasing her. She kept nudging his arm so that he could stop. The two of them were laughing. John b had looked back at them. He then turned back around continuing steering.
The boat had finally made it to Pope's dock. Pope and his father were cleaning up around at their place.
"Hey, Pope" Iris hollered
"Hey guys, not today. My pops is making me help him out today" Pope said
"come on, man." [mimics static] JJ Said
"Your dad's a pussy. Over" JJ said
Iris then hit JJ's shoulder so he could shut up. He then looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard" Heyward said
"We kind of need your son Mr.Heyward" Iris said smiling
Pope then looked at his father.
"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise" Pope said begging
"No, no. Hell no. You doin' it right now" Heyward said
John b and Iris then looked at each other.
-[Whispers] "Get in the boat" Both of the Routledge's said
"Make a run for it" JJ said
Pope then start running towards the boat.
"Boy you better not get in that boat" Heyward said
John b then starts steering the boat again.
"I promise i'll do it tomorrow, Dad" Pope said
"When you get back you gonna clean shrimp, clean fish, you'll clean your dirty-ass room!" Heyward hollered
"I promise we'll bring him back" Iris hollered
"-And I don't like your friends!" Heyward hollered
John b and the others then were off to go have fun. John b was still steering but then Pope took the wheel.
Iris went to go grab a few beers out of the cooler. She had gave one to her brother, JJ, and Kie. She tried to give one to Pope but he turned it down.
"Oh, come on Pope, I know you want one" Iris said shoving the beer in the boy's face
"I'm okay, thank you though Nica" Pope said moving the beer out of his face
JJ then got up on the front of the boat.
"Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster?" JJ asked
John b then went to go sit down. He knew what he was already doing.
"Not this again. It doesn't work JJ" Iris said rolling her eyes
"I got this, it's gonna work" JJ said
JJ had the beer facing towards his mouth. Pope was going faster steering the boat. The beer was flying everywhere.
"JJ you can stop now your getting beer in my hair" Iris hollered at the boy
JJ continued to do what he was doing.
"All right, you're done" Kiara said
He didn't care what the others were saying he still continued to do it.
"All right, stop!" Pope yelled
Then all of of sudden the boat had hit something from under the boat. JJ went flying into the water and the others had screamed.
"Jesus, Pope" Kiara said
John b had groaned.
JJ also groaned.
Iris the ran to the edge of the boat.
"Are you okay, JJ?" Iris asked
"I think my heels touched the back of my head" JJ said
"Kie, are you ok?" John b asked
"I'm alright" Kiara said
[All moaning]
"Pope, what did you do?" JJ asked
"Sandbar. The channel changed" Pope said
"No shit" JJ said swimming towards the boat
"Nice one Pope" Iris said sarcastically
They all started chattering to each other. But Pope had noticed that it wasn't a Sandbar but it was a boat that they hit.
"Guys...I think there's a boat down there" Pope said squinting his eyes
They all then looked at him.
"Shut up" John b said closing his eyes
"What?" Iris asked
"No way" Kiara said
"No, no, guys i'm serious. There's a boat down there" Pope said pointing down towards the boat
John b, Iris, and Kie then went to the edge to see if there was a boat.
"Holy shit, he's right" Kiara said
"Les go!" Iris said taking off her clothes
They all did the same and jumped into the water with JJ and Iris. Pope was the last one to get in.
"Get your ass in here Pope" JJ hollered
All of them then started to swim down towards the boat. Iris had swam into the boat and was looking around.
All of them then swam back up.
"Y'all seen that, right?" JJ asked laughing
"Yeah, I did" Iris said smiling
[All of them laughing]
"That's a Grady-White" JJ said
They all then swam back to the boat. They lifted their selfs up back onto the boat. JJ then helped Iris get up. He had pulled her up.
"There you go" JJ said
Iris then smiled at the boy.
"That's actually the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." John b said
Iris then looked at John b.
"You did what?" Iris asked
"That's my boy. Pouge style" JJ said laughing
John b then smiled. JJ then dabbed John b up. Iris then rolled her eyes.
"What an idiot" Iris said looking at kiara
Kiara and Iris then started laughing.
"Do we even know whose boat this is?" Pope asked
"No, but we're about to find out" John said pulling out the anchor out
"Dude, it's too deep" JJ said
"Well i'm the one going down, so, you have nothing to worry about that JJ" John b said
"John b, really?" Iris asked
[Chuckles] "What?" John b asked
"Diver down, fool" Pope said
"Diver down" John b said
JJ then pushes John b into the water.
"Yeah, he is" JJ said
John b then Grunts.
John be then swam down towards the boat. He looked around in the boat to see what he can find.
John b was quite down there for a little while.
"Should we go get him?" Pope asked
John b then came back up.
"You scared the shit out of me. That took forever" Iris said in relief
"Was there any dead bodies?" Pope asked
"No, no, I found these keys" John b said panting
"A key?" Pope asked
"Yes, a key, Pope. Like a motel key" John b said swimming towards the boat
"Honestly I think we should report the wreck to like coast guard" Kiara said
They all then went back to town and went to find a coast guard to report the wreck. The place was really busy. There were so many complaints about a lot of things.
John b was trying to get the coast guard's attention but there were too many people talking to him at once.
"Hey, we found a boat" John b said
"You're going to want.." John b said but then got cut off
"Hey!! Calm down" The coast guard shouted
John b then looked at JJ and Iris. He knew it was no use so he just walked away. They all three walked back to Kiara and Pope to the boat
"So, what's the plan?" JJ asked
"I think I know how we are going to find the guy who owns the boat" John b said
"No, we don't know whose room that is. It could belong to anyone" Pope said
"I'm in" JJ said throwing the keys to Iris
"Come on. Me, you, and Kie can be lookout" Iris said
"Come on at least you'll only be an accomplice" John b said
Pope then went with it.
They made it to the motel.
"This place looks like a shit show" John b said
"It really does" Iris said
They then got to the grass. JJ hopped out and hooked the boat up so it doesn't move.
"Are we good?" John b asked
"Yup, we are good" JJ said finishing hooking it up
"Let's go" John b said about to leave from the boat
"Hey, please don't let him do anything stupid" Iris said pointing at JJ
JJ then looked at Iris and pointed at himself. He was pretending to act stupid.
"Yes, you, JJ" Iris said
Kiara then laughed. She then looked at John b.
"Please be careful" Kiara said handing the keys over to him
John b then looks at her smiling.
"I mean it" Kiara said
Iris and JJ then looked at each other. They've seen what was going on between the two of them.
John b then chuckles.
"Yeah" John b said
JJ and John b then made their way up to the Motel.
"What was all that about?" JJ asked
"What are you taking about?" John b asked
"Be careful" JJ said in a seductive way
JJ had put his arms around John b. John b then pushed his arms off of him.
"Oh, give me the John d already" JJ said laughing
"She wants you man and you want her" JJ said
"Bro you know the rule. No pouge on no pouge macking" John b said
JJ then rolls his eyes.
"I don't even believe in that rule" JJ said
"Why because you want my sister?" John b said
"What, you sister?" JJ said laughing
John b then stares at JJ waiting for him to admit it.
"Your sister isn't my type John b" JJ said
John b then nodded his head. He knew that Jj wasn't telling the truth but he just went along with it.
They had finally made it to the door and tried opening it with the key. They had finally got into the room. They went inside and looked around to find anything that is necessary.
John had then found a Safe box. There was a code on it. He tried to open it but everyone he tried it was wrong. But then he finally got it open. There was money that was stashed and also there was a gun inside.
JJ then snatched the gun out of the safe.
"JJ put it back" John b said
JJ was posing with the gun.
"Your like a little kid JJ" John b said rolling his eyes
The others were out just talking to each other on the boat. Pope was yapping about something. Iris then looked over and had seen that cops had pulled in.
"Oh shit, there's cops" Iris said
"Maybe they're not going up there" Pope said
A guy was pointing up at the motel room where John b and JJ were in.
"Yea, they're definitely going up there. They're pointing" Kiara said
They all ducked down so that the cops would be able to see them. They kind of ran to the side of the building. There was a window.
"We need to get they're attention" Iris said
Pope then picked up a little rock and tried the throw it at the window. Pope had missed it.
"Really, have you ever played baseball?" Kiara asked picking up another rock
"I was is in the math team" Pope said
"Math team?" Iris asked with a weird expression on her face
Kiara then threw a rock at the window.
John b then heard something and went to the window. He pulled up the blinds and see that Pope, Kiara and Iris were mouthing something to him and pointing over in the left direction.
John b then ran to the other window and had seen that cops were there.
"Cops" John b said
"Oh shit" JJ said
They tried to find somewhere to hide but there was literally no where.
The cops had finally busted into the room and didn't see anything suspicious.
John b and JJ were outside of the window. They were trying to not get caught. JJ was trying to see what the cops were doing but then he had dropped the gun out of his pocket. That lead to a big bang on the dumpster that was under them.
Sheriff Shoupe and the other cop had heard it and went towards the window. He had put the blinds up and didn't see anything. He had seen a couple teens on a boat but he didn't think anything of it.
The cops then had left the motel.
Iris then felt relieved that they didn't get caught.
"They're both really idiots" Iris said
John and JJ then came down back to the boat.
"Y'all better be glad we didn't leave y'all" Iris said
"Y'all were going to leave us?" JJ asked
"I feel not appreciated" JJ said gasping
Iris then rolled her eyes.
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