Chapter 14
After my talk with that peculiar, somewhat grating, girl, I return to the room where I had left the others who remained diligent in their task- at least Sephora and Olivos.
It doesn't take long before Clifford starts whining that he's bored and wants to explore outside. His spirit animal is a squirrel- his attention is always drawn away in a split second to something more intriguing and new.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" He chants, trying to drag me from my seat.
"Clifford," I moan. "Why don't you entertain yourself with something in here?"
"Because it's boring! Come on."
I really don't feel like dragging myself outside into the hectic city, as charming as it may be. I'd rather sit here and worry myself to death that we might not find an alternative solution (my priorities may or may not be in the best position). Going outside to chaperone and corral a hyperactive kid is not something I'm dying to do. Thankfully, like the hero he always is, Coxen steps in.
"I'll go with you," He offers.
Clifford glances over at him and nods then returns his attention back at me with a triumphant look.
"See. Someone else thinks this place is boring too."
Glancing over at Coxen, he gives me a kind, reassuring smile. Though I trust Coxen, I don't trust Clifford not to wear him out- this kid can be something else if you're not prepared for it.
Making up my mind, though, I give Clifford a deadpan stare straight into his eyes, my tone warning.
"Stay close to Coxen and do not run off unsupervised. If you get lost wait in the square and he'll find you."
"Yeah, okay."
He starts for the door but I seize him by the arm.
"Clifford, promise me you'll stay with Coxen."
He let's out a slightly aggregated sigh, bouncing on his feet as he tries to break free.
"Okay, I promise."
I hold onto him for another second before Coxen touches my shoulder reassuringly.
"I promise on my life to keep careful watch over him, Mal."
With that, I let the energy filled boy go, watching as he skips out of the room closely followed by Coxen. I'm relieved that it's Coxen going with him- mature Coxen who has common sense and a sword (a sword always helps).
With that out of the way, I return to the table where the diligent duo- and their eager helper- peer over stacks of books. We had books piled on the table and floor, pages open, bookmarks placed. It looks like a college students trying to ace a doctorate exam, except ten times more challenge.
We don't realize how late it's becoming until the natural light begins to wan and a temple worker comes in to light the candles. Though practically a whole day has passed, it feels like we're no closer to finding an answer in this haystack than we were when we began. Sephora's the first one to point out this discouraging fact.
"This library is vast and we have skimmed through numerous volumes yet I haven't come across one jarring mention of destroying the stone."
Olivos sets aside his crudely crafted spectacles and let out a shaky sigh of exhaustion.
"Neither have I, I'm afraid. I don't understand. There is barely any mention of the orb itself, let alone various measures to prevent its forming."
"Perhaps there isn't another way..."
I pipe up with some much needed encouragement.
"Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day."
Of course I get some lopsided looks with that but they get the gist.
"You guys are doing an amazing job, I'm sure there's something in this huge library that pertains to the stone."
They don't appear as persuaded by my words as I would hope so I amp it up a bit.
"Let's call it a night and come back tomorrow," I begin, already getting up and collecting the books and scrolls.
The three share a troubled look as Elle tentatively speaks up.
"Can we afford to spend another day-"
"Of course," I answer with over zest, placing the books wherever.
"Mallory is right," Sephora begins. "We should search for an inn to rest at for tonight, but I believe it would be more beneficial if we abandoned an effort here and went in search of another city, that way the king won't be able to reach us so easily."
That sounds like a decent plan but I worry about that.
What if we go in search of another city and come up with no results, then go on another fruitless search in yet another town? I feel like it would be the perfect recipe for frustration, and their frustration might morph into something more which could lead to unsavory results.
"We can't let fear guide us," I say, trying to shoot down the previous idea.
"But the king," Olivos stammers. "He knows where we are, he might be swift to arrive."
"Yeah, but he might not," I shrug, a little too complacent even for myself.
"Yes, but he might," Sephora retorts firmly.
Out of all of them (and I hate to think these thoughts), I feel like Coxen and Sephora are the two most prone to discarding my way and returning to the lake to finish the job. Elle and Olivos will go along with the other two if that happens and I already know I cannot let that happen.
Perhaps this is the reason I'm so tart with her in return- trying to shut her protest down.
"Again, let's not envision the worse. We have time."
Though my response probably raised some eyebrows, Sephora's equally curt reply takes everyone back.
"Time is not our ally, you seem to be missing that point."
This begins to fortify my fears that the others are becoming fed up. Never in my time of knowing her has Sephora looked so close to being crossed.
I have to choose my comeback carefully now.
"I understand that, but let's not lose our heads over that. We need to stay here another day and continue searching, the answer might be right under our noses."
Though not the smoothest reply or the best tone to convey it with, she doesn't come back with a clipped rejoiner. Instead, she simply turns away and heads toward the doors.
I can tell her nerves are still bristled and Elle and Olivos are a bit stunned by our terse exchange. My heart sinks further in my chest, though, when they silently head out as well. I feel like I'm losing them, their trust, their support, all because of him, all because I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
"Come on, Mal, there are no pillows to scream in. Just catch up with them and do damage control."
Sighing, I listen to my wise voice and lag behind even as we exit the temple in search of an inn to retire at.
For once, luck and coincidence seem to be working in our favor- or at least mine. We manage to run into Clifford and Coxen on their way back from exploring and we snag a room in a well-kept inn.
Unfortunately, I can tell Sephora still isn't too pleased with me so I decide to let her cool down without me near. I pull Coxen out with me for a little walk and talk for various reasons. One, I don't want him sensing the divide between Sephora and I because I'm afraid it'll put wind in his sails about abandoning this effort to simply finish what should have been laid to rest a while ago, and secondly, I don't feel like having Elle offer to come with me because I know she'll bring up questions that, frankly, I don't want to answer at this point. Coxen's fine with tagging along with me to wander about (I tell him we're searching for food as an excuse).
On the way, he inquires about the progress made. I grimace, realizing I have to use my words carefully or else he might jump to the same conclusion Sephora did.
"Nothing too useful, but we're hoping tomorrow might be better."
It might be because I'm hypersensitive after my tense exchange with Sephora, but I worry about the context of that "oh".
"Yeah," I try to act casual in the face of my fears, though. "I'm sure we'll come up with something."
Roaming in silence, we let the mellow atmosphere of the city pulse around us. It's definitely not as busy as the rush hours of the morning. Now, children play in small, giggling clusters, the various spices of dinner waft through the labyrinthine streets, people hum and sweep dust out of their houses. It's much easier to embrace the cheery, afternoon mood when it's set like this.
Returning to the inn, I'm a little more relieved that Sephora doesn't seem to be as high-strung as before, though I can still sense some reluctance on her part to communicate with me.
As night comes and goes, I lie there wondering how many more nights and days we'll be in suspense, on the run, walking around eggshells, before we finally give ourselves the assurance we need that our universes are safe again. I feel so selfish, which sucks because all I'm trying to do is be selfless for both our universes' sakes and, hell, even a bit for Xalale's, but my plans never play out according to the blueprints.
I'm just slipping into a decent sleep when I hear Clifford shift in bed beside me, jabbing unintentionally into my gut, jolting me awake. Slightly peeved, I sit up, my eyes blurry to the feeble sunlight trying paint the walls a dim morning yellow.
"Guess it is about time I did wake up." I still have the right to grumble about it.
The others soon rouse themselves and so we prepare for the day. I have the wonderful privilege of trying to get Clifford up, but he hardly stirs, mumbling about wanting more sleep. Though I understand his complaint, I need him to suck it up like the rest of us and get ready. The kid's not budging, though, even when the others are ready to return to the temple- he refuses to get up. I have to give props to his mother for getting him up during the school days.
"Clifford," I growl, my patience meter dropping exponentially. "I don't have time for this. Get up."
"No," He groans into his pillow.
Sighing, I know I'm going to have to make a decision so I look at the others with an exasperated expression.
"You guys go on, I'll get him up and we'll meet you there."
They give me an understanding nod then file out, on their way to sift through piles upon piles of dry books in hopes of answers I should be looking for.
I watch the door close as they leave, staring for a second before collapsing next to the eight year old, my face in a pillow as well. This time, I do have a pillow to release my pent-up frustrations in, but I don't because Clifford's next to me and I don't need him bombarding me with questions about why I'm so stressed out.
We lay there for about five minutes before the responsibility in me tugs at my feet, telling me there's work to be done. As much as I would love to curl up in this cot and sleep my worries away I know it's all fantasy.
With the others not around to witness what I'm about to do, I resort to the old fashion yank 'em out of bed routine my mom used to do to me when I wouldn't get out of bed. It takes him by surprise so it's easy to set him on the floor.
"Now get ready, we're already behind."
He grumbles and pouts like I expected he would but after a bit he starts to wake up to his usual self- which is probably more irritating to deal with than his groggy phase. We head out into the early morning streets which are already alive with overwhelming energy.
In juxtaposition, the temple is like a haven from the chaos outside.
We come into the library where already the table is littered again with books- maybe even more than yesterday. Elle is setting two more thick volumes down as she spots us come in.
"Anything of interest?" I ask with some light optimism in my voice.
Olivos vaguely shakes his head, fixing his spectacles to peer closer at a scroll, while Sephora ignores me outright; I'm really beginning to dread the seeds of resentment I might have accidentally sown with her yesterday.
"Nothing yet but I have faith," Elle answers, returning my lean optimism with a zealous burst of her own.
It's back to feeling useless as the only two equipped to research do their thing and the rest of us just fart around contributing nothing but our warm bodies.
Secretly, some small part of me wants to wander the halls again, maybe head down to that nosy girl's study, but I restrain myself, mostly because I remember how nerve gratingly irritating she was. So, as the hours slowly slug by, I sit around gaining grey hair over everything there possibly is to worry about at this time.
Finally, Clifford pipes up with something that actually adds to the betterment of the group.
"I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
It was starting to get around that time and noting the weary way Sephora and Olivos rub their eyes, I can tell lunch is the perfect time to break and refresh.
"How about we all go out and see what we can find?" I suggest.
"That sounds like a nice idea," Elle nods, already getting up.
"Should we all go?" Olivos asks.
I shrug. "Why not? Fresh air will do us good."
So we abandon the stuffy library and the hushed temple to immerse ourselves in the sunlight and bustle of the city. Of course, it's hard trying to keep Clifford on a tight leash but he does help freshen up everyone's spirits with his ample energy.
We find a nice tavern that serves a pretty good beet and rabbit stew that we take to eat outside in the open square. As Clifford chats excessively to two children he's run across and Coxen takes Elle to admire some jewelry, I'm left alone with Sephora and Olivos- who's engrossed in conversation with an elderly, but intellectual, beggar. This leaves me alone with no one but Sephora to make pleasantries with.
I never thought I'd be having a Ruthford level amount of awkwardness between Sephora and I. Though it's more like a tense awkward, I'm still shifting uncomfortably in my seat as I eat, that is, until she speaks up.
"Forgive me for my choice words yesterday, Mallory," She drops her gaze into her lap. "I was not in the right mind frame when I spoke."
Turning to her slightly, a small fire of hope and relief kindles in me.
"You're fine. I'm sorry for what I said as well, I wasn't in line either."
I notice a subtle smile curve on her lips before she finally takes a breath and looks up at me, a blatant question of concern in her eyes.
"If I may voice my concerns, though. I felt as if you weren't-" She let her thought drop for a second as she juggled whether or not she should press the issue. I don't give her any reassure to press it simply because I don't really want her to. She finally gives me a apologetic smile, shaking her head. "Perhaps another time."
"Of course, anytime."
Truthfully, I pray she'll forget about it.
Just as I resume eating, I notice a shift in the atmosphere of the place. There's an urgent ripple of whispers spreading throughout the square, leaking to the rest of the city. Sephora catches it too, glancing uneasily at me as we try to hear a clear eavesdrop of the rumors.
"Did you's true...they swear it, they saw him...a group of them I tell you...the king."
My poor heart probably has cardiomyopathy by this point, just from the sheer amount of stress I've been putting it under.
The moment I hear mention of Xalale, even if hushed rumors, my hand flies to the pouch on my wrist. I scramble to get into it. My heart takes another nose dive into my feet as I see the glowing stone.
"This is why you need to put it in between your womanly purse so you can see it!"
I checked it last night before going to bed but it was dead. Now it's glowing like a Christmas bulb, it's so bright, which means the rumors are probably true. He's either heading this way or he's already in the city- I'm not waiting around to find out which.
Jumping to my feet, I hurry over to snatch Clifford from his group and locate Elle and Coxen. From the pale look on their faces, I can gather they've heard the whispers as well. Sephora disengaged Olivos from his lively discuss and the two come to where we are.
"How did we not notice this sooner?" Elle trembles.
"That's not important," I say. "We have to get-"
Fortune has fled from our presence and we're now at the mercy of dumb luck to get us through.
Riding into the square, followed by three more horsemen, is Xalale. I can see him scanning the now uneasy crowd, searching for one thing: the stone.
With its master so close by, the stone is just aglow in my pouch, practically a beacon for him. My body flips into adrenaline mode the second he stops scanning and locks eyes on me.
My hand still gripping Clifford's, I take off in the opposite direction, pushing through the throngs of people without thought as I hear the cry of the crowd and the steady clomping of hooves behind me. Though my mind is separate from my body during these kinds of episodes, I know my feet are taking me to the temple. Why? I don't know. I just know running on instinct has saved me before, it can save me again.
I have faith without needing to glance back that the others are hot on my heels, clearly following my lead. It doesn't help matters, though, that we're at the disadvantage of having to plow through confused people while Xalale has easy access with a horse.
My hope is rekindled, though, once I spot the steeple of the structure up ahead, spurring me on for the final sprint. My hands tremble like a palsy victim's as I swing open the door to get in. Tossing Clifford in- who's, of course, asking a billion unanswerable questions right now- I hold the door open as Elle and Sephora dart in followed by Olivos and Coxen. Xalale and his foreboding companions have just come into view, hastily dismounting and approaching the door, which feels just as heavy as it looks. We manage to slam it shut just as I hear a sharp metallic sound ring out then hit the ground.
I know a mere door isn't going to hold them back for long, so saying to hell with tradition, I dart out of the antechamber into the main building. There, the others are huddled in a corner- except Clifford, who always gets excited whenever seeing Xalale again (like a goddamn puppy after seeing its owner again).
"What are we to do?" Olivos stutters worse than I've heard him in a while.
Raking my hand through my hair, I try to come up with some feasible solution but it's a little hard to think when there are people hunting you down.
"We...uh-" I am not a leader, I don't have a clue what else we can do. "Maybe we can...urm-"
"In the Fates' good names," A familiar voice comes from behind. "What is occurring before me?"
We turn to face the voice which belongs to the same, nosy youthful looking girl with the plum headscarf. This time, she wears a perplexed, slightly bewildered expression which makes her pale face all the more darker and mystic. She studies our fearful expression then looks with resolve toward the entrance, wordlessly making her way to the front where the sound of the doors opening and heavy, menacing footsteps can be heard. The others retreat even further in fright, though like an idiot, I'm frozen stiff; I'm honestly curious about what the girl is going to do.
I catch a glance of the one person I didn't want to see flanked by two other brutes, possibly more but the girl stands in their way, a very small roadblock but with a very powerful commanding presence.
"How dare you come into this sacred temple with bloody business," Her voice cuts deeper than the sharpest blade. "Violating the Fates' holy resting place with your malign agendas. I will not permit it here."
Xalale sends her a withering glare but she doesn't back down despite his intimidation; I admire her boldness in the face of such a thing. As if to back her up, I place my hand on the hilt of my weapon, never letting my eyes off of Xalale, who glares over at me.
Without looking over at me, she continues to stare him down with hard scrutiny.
"I know your business is with her but as long as she and her companions claim sanctuary you will not release chaos in this temple. You and your men are welcomed to peacefully partake in rituals, but there will be no animosity present in this place. Understood?"
Xalale slowly returns his searing glare back to the girl who adds, her voice low with gravity-
"You ought to know the severity of the Fates' wrath firsthand, your Majesty. They will deal more harshly than they have previously with you."
I notice his fists clench just a bit tighter and his jaw work a little more at that. He watches with her with hard eyes for several, prolonged seconds before finally turning his back to her, leading his men out of the building, the doors shutting behind them.
Though they're gone, we stand in our same defensive stance until she finally turns away and looks over at me, the only one who remained to hear what she said. Her face settles into a mediational expression that restores some of her pleasant innocence.
"You may claim sanctuary as long as you remain in this temple. I will not have a tyrant come to terrorize the faithful, I will not permit it."
She closes her eyes for a second then reopens them with almost a look of clarity and surprise. "Ah! He is him, the one who hurts with more than the sword."
A pure look of despair flashes in her eyes followed with a wry smile that is less subtle than her suppressed grin.
"I now, more than ever, wish to understand where such happiness lies in such thoughts."
With that, she shuffles off like one of the many spirits drifting overhead, leaving me still gripping the hilt of my sword.
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