Sleeping Beauty (Aurora)

Everyone knows the Walt Disney version. Aurora gets cursed, falls in a deep sleep, prince wakes her up with kiss, happily ever after and all that good stuff. Let me tell you, Disney sugar-coated the hell out of the original. The one true thing was that she was put in a deep sleep but in the original, it wasn't told how that happened until later in the story. Also, her name was originally Talia.

In the original, a king finds an "abandoned" old castle and in it, he finds sleeping beauty. Upon seeing as she is unconscious, he decides to take advantage of that and rapes her. Yeah, you heard me right. FRIGGIN RAPES HER MY DUDE!!! After the king is done with his "business", he returns to his own palace. But he left the castle unaware that he had gotten her pregnant with fraternal twins. 

In the original, the author just so happened to completely ignore how she could stay asleep through labor. But anyways, after the twins came into the world, two fairies helped care for the twins for the time being. But another strange turn was taken and the fairies try to breastfeed the twins. Yup, you heard me right. 

Apparently, the fairies don't know the difference between fingers and breasts. So instead of sucking on the boobs, they started sucking on her fingers. Apparently, she had a flax splinter in her finger which caused her to fall into the deep sleep. The babies sucked on her finger so hard, the splinter was able to pop right out.

When she wakes up and finds two children at her sides, she doesn't scream like a normal person would. She actually picked them up and started to breastfeed them herself. If you thought it couldn't get any worse, you are mistaken.Only a short while after that, the king returns in attempt to claim the children.

When the king returns, he tells her what he did. Yup, the man told her that he took advantage of the situation and raped her. I'm guessing the deep sleep had affected her brain functions because instead of taking her children and running away, they became friends. Not long after that, Talia became his mistress. I say mistress because the king left out one very important detail, HE WAS MARRIED!!! 

So let's slowdown a bit. Y'all remember maleficent right. Its this one right here:

In the original, she wasn't an evil fairy. She just so happens to be married to a certain cheating rapist. Yup, in the original, she was THE KING'S WIFE! Eventually, the queen finds out about the affair between her husband and Talia. She tricks Talia into sending the children to the palace and orders the chef to slaughter them and feed them to the king. Apparently child murder was okay back then. The chef didn't have the heart to it so he hid the children and cooked two lambs in their place.

Since "cooking the children"wasn't enough for the queen, she kidnaps Talia and attempts to throw her in the fire. Talia tries to defend herself but the queen was having none of it. She was out for blood.

In an effort to stall her execution, she asked to remove her clothing because they were covered in jewels and pearls. The queen allows her to do so and with each layer, she screams. Hearing her screams, the king finds her and saves her before they can throw her in. The queen tells the king that the children are dead and that he ate them. In a rage, he orders the guards to throw the queen in the fire. Shortly after the execution, the king learns that the children are still alive.

Everyone is reunited and the king and Talia get married. If you think it's the end, you're wrong. Flashback to the king raping her, it wasn't just rape. IT WAS NECROPHILIA!!!! For those who don't know what necrophilia is, it's when someone has sex or sexual contact with a corpse. In the original, it was said that she was stretching some flex when some got in her skin and killed her.

She seemingly passed out. When her father found her unconscious, he tried to wake her up just to be found dead. Her body was in the abandoned castle as a sort of tomb.  

Moral of the story: Good things can happen when you're sleeping --BLEGH 

the original story was written by Giambattista Basile in 1634

767 words

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