*Chapter 35: Fancy
"This place is bigger than I thought..." I walked around the building, looking at people using guns to hit paper targets and repeated their triggers on their guns to get a good shot, but so far I've only seen these people in plain sight behind glass windows. The place Nate should be in would be private "Keep leading the way. The sooner we find him, the sooner we can get this over with" Lampent cheered and directed me around the building in search of Nate. What could he be doing in a building like this?
"Lamp!" Lampent called me to keep following.
"I'm coming!" It was easier on Lampent to follow the aura of Nate's body instead of missing it when we pass a door. I wasn't as tired as I was earlier, thankful that my prayer went through, which meant I'll have to be asleep all day if this search takes awhile.
"I wonder what that guy wants from Nate" I asked myself "What kind of job was he talking about?" I slowed down my tracks and walked casually when security was walking the hallways. I acted casual so they won't find me suspicious, and go running again after I lose them in a corner.
"Come on... Where are you, Nate?" Lampent stopped at a random hallway with very few doors that were wide apart from each other, different from the rest of the building.
"Is he in one of these rooms?" I asked. Lampent floated to the closest door and pointed at it. The usual gun shots were heard, and it was behind a door with the number 6. The door was slightly open. I peaked inside sneakily and saw Nate holding a large gun in his hand. Nate..?
"How does it feel to be holding that?" Phoenix, his friend, asked him before pointing at a paper target at the far end of the room "Think you can hit a bullseye every time?" Nate snorted and carried the gun like a professional towards the target. I watched him shoot the gun like a natural! What is going on..?
"I knew you still had it in you" Phoenix patted Nate's back when he was done "Does that mean you'll help?" Nate looked uncomfortable "Blake, come on! Why is it so hard to convince you to do this with us?"
"I have a job now, Phoenix! I'm a cop! I have a responsibility! I shouldn't even be here right now when I'm suppose to be a bodyguard to the girl I'm with!"
"Oh wow, so Blake's a cop?" A girls voice laughed "That's rich" I looked at the door confused, feeling my heart shatter a bit. There's a girl in here... I-I mean... how many people are in here?
"Take it as a good thing! If Blake is a cop, he can give us private information on people we need to take care of" another guy spoke.
"Yeah, that's cute and all, but he's only a bodyguard to some spoiled princess or something" someone else said "He's not really a cop"
"I don't need to be here right now. I can't go back to what this is. This girl is my top priority, and I tend to keep it that way. If I'm caught without her on my side, it can cause me my job! She's the one that got me this job!" Nate said. I leaned on the wall and hugged my legs, deciding to just listen in.
"I don't really care, Blake. You should know this job better than anyone. It was your fault you got caught. This won't happen again if you just focused" the girl said.
"What got you caught anyway? Were you thinking about something?" There was a silence.
"I think it was because the girl he liked got a boyfriend and he was distracted by that" Phoenix said "Poor guy, all because of a girl. I hope the girl that your guarding won't fuck up your chance in this job. It's big. Just listen, okay?"
"What do you want? Get it over with so I can leave. I only came here to set you guys straight about my decision" Nate said.
"Alright! Here me out! The target is the mayor of Black City" I arched my brow "he owns the fanciest hotel in this city. The request is pretty big and risky as it is, but this man's father promised a large amount of money for us to kill his son" I stared at the wall wide eyed. Nate's an assassin..?
"What did this guy do for his own dad to pay to get his son killed?" Nate asked.
"He stabbed his own mom after a simple disagreement" The girl explained. I cupped my mouth to prevent myself from gasping "This man is so wealthy that he threatened his family that if they report the murder, he'll ruin their lives. They're terrified, so this job is set" nobody spoke for awhile "Although he's the mayor, its rumored that he likes to kidnap young girls and sell them off to the black market here in the city"
"W-Well..." Nate said. I looked at the door "For someone as dangerous as this guy... I guess I can. I just need to be extra careful. I don't want Looker to find out about this"
"That's the spirit!" Phoenix laughed "Say, so about this girl you're guarding. What is she like?"
"Why do you care?"
"I'm just curious!"
"I left her in our hotel room. She gets tired when the sun sets, so she's going to stay in that room all night. She doesn't wake until the morning" he explained.
"That's oddly specific..." one guy said "anything else?"
"She's strange... She makes my job harder. She's a handful, actually. She plays too much and she never gives me a break" I smiled "but she's really cool... She's strong and fearless. She's dependable and saved my life, along with my friends as well when we defeated Team Plasma. If she wasn't there, we would had been screwed"
"That's so sweet" the girl chuckled "She sounds interesting. I want to meet her"
"Absolutely not"
"You two share a room together? I bet she's fun to feel up on if she doesn't wake during the night" I snorted at the sentence one guy said.
"Shut up!" Everyone laughed at Nate. I shouldn't be here right now. I shouldn't be here to distract Nate if the last time he got caught was caused by a distraction.
"We better go" I stood up to leave. I lost my balance and pressed on the door beside me, causing me to fall back against the wall. Everyone in the room went silent. I cupped my mouth and made a run for it at the same time the door opened and a hand snatched my hair and pulled me into the room, causing me to scream and fight my way free before I was raised in the air by my hair to face everyone staring at me, especially Nate, who looked shocked.
"Look what we have here. A spy!" Phoenix said, throwing me against the wall. I whined at the pain and held my head to hide my face from everyone "Who do you work for?!" He grabbed my hair to pull me away from the wall and grabbed my cheeks to pull me into his angry face. That. Hurts. "Are you wired? Are you going to speak?! Hello?!" My anger was building up on how this man was handling me.
"P-Phoenix..." Nate shakily spoke, staring at me darting my eyes into Phoenix's eyes that were on Nate "I-I wouldn't do that..."
"Shut up, Blake! I can handle this!" He looked back at me and froze when looking into my eyes. He was frozen on the spot "What the fuck..?" He stuttered and suddenly yelled at my face "Are you deaf?! T-Talk!" He squeezed my cheeks harder, making it hurt more "where's that wire on you?" his hand grabbed my breast unexpectedly. I popped my hands single handedly, ready to throw a punch.
"Phoenix!" Nate shouted before I threw a punch into this bastard's stomach, knocking the air out of him and fall back in pain. I was about to bounce back at him and beat him up before Nate pulled me back by the arms "Cam! Stop it! Control yourself!"
"Why should I?" I laughed "He put his hands on me first! He deserves to get beaten the fuck up!"
"I'll take care of it!" I got my senses back after getting touched inappropriately and stopped fighting Nate to be let go "Why didn't you stay in the room!?" He yelled at me.
"You just left" I admit.
"I didn't think you were listening!"
"I was" he groaned and face palmed "You're not allowed to leave me alone, Nate. The contract is not over yet" he put his hands together to take a deep breath and adjust himself.
"Look, I know that! But why did you have to come and look for me?! It's dangerous outside!" I glanced away.
"Yeah... I know" he lowered his hands.
"Did something happen?" I held my chin and peaked at Phoenix staring at me like I was a monster.
"I was groped" I went up to Phoenix to throw my foot up in the air and slam it towards his body, but got pulled away before I could hit him.
"Control yourself! Dammit!" Nate shouted "You're suppose to be asleep! It's late! The moon is out!"
"Yeah, I know" I smiled "but I asked permission if I can stay up longer" he rubbed his face, looking annoyed.
"I don't even know what that means..." I giggled and looked at everyone staring at us.
"Wow! That's the girl you're guarding?" A blonde guy laughed "She doesn't look like she needs it if she can knock down Phoenix!"
"This just won't do..." the girl with black hair with a sexy outfit that's too short for comfort crossed her leg over the other "If she overheard what we were talking about, it only means one thing. Well, what do you know?" Everyone turned to me smiling at nothing in particular. I don't really much mind all this, but to think I've been traveling with an assassin!
"Hey, I wasn't the one that left the door open" I giggled and explained everything I heard since I first arrived to the door. Nate cupped his face while facing the wall, shocked to know that I've learned the truth "It's not really that big of a deal. This isn't much different than what you wanted to do when you were little" Nate looked back at me "You wanted to take care of those who hurt people and serve justice. Interesting that you chose to be an assassin, but it's okay" he completely faced me as I looked over at the target he shot. I squint my eyes to see that he didn't miss a shot! "Wow! Look at that target! You got them all! That's amazing!"
"I-It is?" I giggled.
"I would never judge you, Nate" he frowned "If this is what you want to do, you can do it. I can certainly see why you said that what you did is worse than what I did. I think you won" I looked at everyone "Everyone is an assassin here... That's so cool!" Everyone looked at each other confused. The girl came up to me and leaned down to stare at my face.
"You are... strange" she leaned back and held her hips "You know about our business. In normal circumstances, we'd have to kill you" she searched my eyes for any hints of fear I didn't have "But I'll make an exception" Nate pulled me towards him.
"What are you getting at?"
"She could be useful" Phoenix said "If this girl is strong enough to punch the air out of me, I can see potential" I put my hands together, interested. Phoenix took my shoulder "If you want to come out of here alive, you'll have to do what we say"
"Phoenix, no" Nate warned. I smiled up at Phoenix.
"I don't plan on dying from the likes of you" Phoenix blinked confused at me "If I'm considered useful, then I'm guessing you want me to help you?" He nodded
"You'll be helping us. Only under one condition" he handed me a small gun "Go ahead and take a shot and we'll determine how useful you are" Nate pushed him away from me before I could take the gun.
"No! That's out of the question-!"
"I'll do anything for Nate!" I blurted out, catching everyone off guard. I hugged myself and turned to Nate looking dumbfounded "You're one of the most honest person I met in a long time. I admire it very much... It makes me upset that you bothered asking me to promise you to never keep a secret from you when this is what I had to find out. I knew you'd never tell me about your past, so I thought this may be the only way to know... that's why I came" I looked down "I can help you with this mission"
"Cam... I'm sorry I hid this from you, but I can't let you do this. I'm supposed to keep you out of trouble. You don't have to do this-" I got snatched away by Phoenix.
"You have to be extra sure you want to do this. We may just spare your life now. It's up to you. This is a dangerous job. Someone can end up killing you in the process. Nate was caught by police before he got the chance to snipe at someone" I looked at Nate looking away.
"I was arrested for simply having a deadly weapon aimed at something. The police knows nothing of my past killings. I've been in juvy for years already. I don't want to get us in trouble"
"I never been caught" I admit, making Nate snap his head at me "the only reason why the police knows of what I've done was because I told them" I turned to Phoenix "What I did wasn't as bad as what you guys do, but I'm willing to help" I walked up to the desk where Nate's gun was and saw some ninja knives on the table "I never held a gun in my life, but I can do this" I threw as many stars as I could before Nate stopped me and pulled me back, seeing the stars land on his bullseye
"Y-You've got to be kidding me..." his jaw dropped.
"Then that settles it! No backing down on this" the girl said "I don't know what you guys were talking about, but if you're good at hiding yourself and can throw like that, that's useful! So what is it? You hid drugs or something?"
"Yeah, something like that. My father was a drug dealer before he died" I admit. Everyone nodded and came up with a plan to get me involved. Nate pulled me over to the corner to speak privately.
"Cam, this is ridiculous. Why are you bothering to get involved in something like this? I didn't even want to do it until..." I held his cheek "Cam..."
"It's going to be fine. I'm not letting you out of my sight. You've been messing up on your job a lot, so I'm not going to allow you to leave me anywhere. I'm especially not going to let you do something that can get you caught again. We still have that vacation scheduled with everyone. I'm doing this with you no matter what" he frowned at me "I'm here with you... We're partners" he took my hand and raised it up a bit.
"You're impossible... but I can't get you to drop this, so I have no choice. Just don't mess this up, please" he sighed "How did you do that with those stars?" I giggled
"Jealous that I'm as talented as you?" I winked, teasing him, and looked at everyone staring at us.
"What at you staring at?" Nate asked, annoyed.
"I think I got the perfect plan" The girl smirked at us "Glad to have you onboard" she took out some measuring tape "Before we can start, I need to take some measurements"
"Huh? For what?" Nate asked.
"Don't worry, I'll have you fitted as well. This is all part of the plan. Cam, was it?" She raised my arms and wrapped the tape around me to measure me for whatever reason.
"No, that's what I call her. Don't give them your real name" He told me "This is Echo. She works on the inside jobs" he pointed at the guy with a eyepatch on his eye "That's Knight, he also works on inside jobs" he pointed at the blonde guy "That's Fang. He's the escape artist that helps us get away with his Pokémon"
"Escape artist? So why didn't he get you?" I asked.
"Because Nate's stupid self didn't tell us police were behind him. He just let them arrest him!" Knight shook his head. Nate looked away.
"You let yourself get arrested..?" I asked. Phoenix held my shoulder from behind to look at me.
"I'm Phoenix. I'm the guy that talks to everyone on the ear pieces everybody wears. You can say I'm the tech guy. I'm in charge of where everyone goes and make sure everything goes as plan" I nodded, understanding.
"So what am I going to do?" I asked. Phoenix smirked and went over to a nearby box and to take out a boa that looked very soft "Oh!" I took the soft material and admired how soft it felt "This is beautiful"
"Isn't it? Don't worry, it's not real Pokémon fur" I sighed in relief "The plan is to get you all fancied up like a celebrity and go meet the target head on. Echo was supposed to do that, but I have a feeling you'll do great"
"What?! No!" Nate panicked.
"Yeah! This dude is known to kidnap young girls, so Echo simply won't do" Echo slapped Phoenix on the face.
"Are you calling me old?!" Phoenix laughed, not effected by the slap at all.
"Relax! You agreed that this was a good idea!" Phoenix held my arms "You don't really have to do anything. Just win him over and take him to a private room we set up in that hotel"
"Phoenix, no! You're not going to treat her like an object! I won't let anyone touch her inappropriately" I stared at how concerned Nate was for me. I sighed in awe on my defense "Did you really just come up with this?"
"Sort of, but no worries. You'll be there with her" Nate was taken back "You will be her body guard. Nothing new, am I right?" Phoenix smiled "It'll be more believable that she's a celebrity if she has a body guard. From how beautiful she is, she will do the job perfectly. Think you can do this?" He asked me. I excitedly nodded, ready as I ever been.
"I'll give it my best performance!" Nate groaned and went to the wall to pound his head against it "So I have lure the target then and send him to a private room... seems easy enough" I softly patted Banette "And you're going to kill him in that room?"
"Fang will teleport Nate to the roof top of the hotel across the street and snipe him before the target gets the chance to touch you any further. I wouldn't want you to witness a murder, so when you're ready, say the word we'll come with and close your eyes" I cupped my mouth and giggled, excited for what there is to come...
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