*Chapter 25: Ocean

"I swear, this has became a regular thing! What the hell?!" Nate dragged me across the route as we were being chased by a Terrakion, who is the same as the other legendaries that's been trying to chase me all over Unova.

"If Pokémon continue to hate me, it's going to keep happening!" I shouted, dodging trees and bushes with Nate to get away from it. We managed to jump between some trees and see Terrakion looking for us. Litwick took this chance to get out and lead it to the other direction.

"It's gone... for now" Nate sighed and helped me out the bushes "never thought I'd be grateful to a ghost type for saving lives, not taking them" I giggled.

"The one radiating such tremendous presence chasing you was none other than Terrakion" Colress came from the main road we were back on "it's been a long time"

"I guess it has" I said.

"Terrakion is one of the three Pokémon who protected Pokémon from flames of a human conflict! Why on earth was it chasing you?" I nervously laughed, unable to answer "it seems likely that Terrakion had picked up the scent of danger that emanates from Team Plasma"

"Try explaining that to the other two that's been chasing us all over Unova" Nate sweatdropped.

"Oh? That's very interesting indeed that the swords of justice appeared before you! If they've been messing with you, I feel like they're trying to get rid of danger that's lurking around you" I snorted "that aside, so you plan to confront Team Plasma?"

"Look Colress, you're not really fooling me" I said "What do you want from us? Your attention is on us because we're interesting trainers or whatever, but what exactly do you want from us?" Colress smiled.

"I just appreciate the power you bring out in your Pokémon. With that, I want to give this to you" he handed Nate a weird remote "this is a prototype of my device that energizes Pokémon. You may find it useful for something" he saluted "well then, I wish you and your Pokémon a safe journey" he walked away. Nate looked at the remote in his hands.

"I don't trust that guy" I said, taking the remote and dropped it on the floor to smash with my foot "we don't need this"

"Yeah, I guess he's a little sketchy, but we can't think about that right now" he picked up the pieces to throw away later before we carried on on our journey while Litwick came back to us.

"Nice work" I smiled. Nate stopped me from running and pointed at the opening of a cave that's been forced open by machines, possibly "That's the Giant Chasm" I gasped.

"The cave that Kyurem was thought to be?" We hid in the bushes when spotting two TP grunts talking together.

"How long does 'wait until everyone else arrives' mean, exactly?" One asked.

"The area past here is important! The people heading on route 21 are definitely important, but we have an important role as well!" Nate and I looked at each other.

"Nothing seems to be going on here yet" Nate told me and took out a Pokéball "Route 21 sounds important, so let's go there first"

"That's going to take awhile on foot" he shook his head.

"No, check this out" Nate sent out a Braviary! "My Rufflet evolved when the Pokémon center accidentally gave him a rare candy instead of an oran berry. It's perfect timing. We can fly there" I gasped and went over to Braviary looking at me disgusted.

"I don't think it's going to want to carry me" I said. Nate pet it's head.

"It will after I give it some Poké cookies" Braviary perked up "If you want cookies, you're going to carry me and Cam to route 21" it slowly nodded.

"Cookies?" I asked.

"They're my moms recipe from when I was a kid. I still have the recipe in my head and Braviary loved them since we were little. If I can convince him to do anything, I'll need to offer those cookies" I put my hands together, intrigued.

"Nate-kun! You can bake? What other talents have you been hiding from me?" I giggled. He glanced away "Right then! Let's go to Route 21!" I faced Braviary with determination "Let's go!" Braviary blinked a few times before we could finally head out into the sky and look for something that looks suspicious. I got to ride on Braviary while it carried Nate by his backpack. 

"The view is amazing!" I gasped "You're so strong to be able to carry two people! You're amazing, Braviary!" Braviary just peaked at me.

"Look over there!" Nate pointed at Team Plasma's ship by a beach "Let's go!" Braviary nodded and flew us down to the beach, where Hugh was already. I jumped in the air and purposely fell on his body.

"Hugh! You always happen to be at the right place at the right time!" I laughed "Thanks for catching my fall!"

"What the fuck?! Get off of me, you clone!" He shouted. I hopped off and watched him dust himself off and glare at me "What's the big idea?! Jumping on me like that?!"

"You found the ship! Great work!" I smiled. He snorted, not amused, and went over to Nate getting back on the ground.

"I didn't sleep last night. I had to find this ship" I fixed his hair, making him look at me confused.

"You should've slept so you could give it your all. We wouldn't want tiredness to slow you down. Be careful, okay?" His face quickly went red and he deepened his glare.

"Shut up!" I giggled and finished fixing his hair. He snorted and looked over at Nate, blinking confused. I looked over at what he was looking at and saw Nate looking away. What happened?

"There's the ship" Hugh said "but how do we get in?"

"Coming!" A heavy gangplank fell with a solid thud. Rosa quickly ran down the plank to come over to us "I got it open! Come on, let's do this!" I gasped happily and jumped to hug her.

"Yay! You're finally joining us!" Rosa giggled.

"Rosa?!" Hugh was taken back "You're part of Team Plasma!?"

"D-Don't be ridiculous!" Rosa pouted "I'm just doing what Hilda would have done!" She looked down shyly, blushing a bit "It's been long enough... I believe we can do this together now. I have a lot to lead on" she took my hands "I'm on your side now, Camie!" I smiled and took out some spare clothes "where did those come from?" Banette, of course.

"No questions. Go change somewhere then we'll take care of the gang. I'm sure the thud alarmed them" she quickly nodded and went to hide behind a rock.

"So she's been a spy the entire time?" Hugh asked.

"Yeah!" I said "it's a long story. Let's save it for another day"

"Alright, that's fine by me. I'm going on, come on, Nate" Hugh ran onto the ship. I looked at Nate staring at the rock Rosa was hiding behind. He flinched when feeling me staring at him and looked at me.

"Don't even think about it" He blushed and looked down "Why don't you go with Hugh and I'll wait for Rosa?"

"I'm not allowed to leave you-" I snorted, annoyed that he really bothered saying that.

"Wasn't the first time" he looked guilty and ran onto the ship. I sighed, feeling bad for guilt tripping him, but it had to be done. If he never left my side, I wouldn't have done what I did to an old man.

Rosa walked away from the rock with her uniform in hand, wearing some spare winter clothes I had "Its a good thing we're the same size" she giggled. I took the uniform and stored it in Banette "Camie, I'm so glad you're here" she put her hands together "I wasn't so confident in thinking about joining those guys, but now that you and the guys are here to help, I don't have to worry about messing up" she played with her fingers "I got scolded at all the time by Zinzolin for messing up and it was so hard to not cry. If I cried, I'd get bullied" I brought her into my arms.

"That's unforgivable! Don't worry, your big sister is here to defend you" she hugged me back happily.

"Where have you been, Camie..? After all these years?" I pulled away to hold her face.

"We'll talk about this later" She nodded and followed me into the ship, where Nate and Hugh were nowhere to be found. Not even a grunt was around "They must've ran the grunts off. Okay, Rosa. Where should we go first?"

"This way" she pointed north. I held her hand and we ran together to a section in the ship and found Nate and Hugh battling against two grunts. Hugh was battling with a Emboar while Nate was fighting with a Zorua from Driftveil.

Rosa sent out her Serperior and joined in on the battle. I sent out Frillish I captured the other day and made the battle end much quicker than intended.

"You're kidding..." one of the grunts spoke "four against two? We have to tell the others!"

"No! We have to protect the switches!" The grunts ran off before we could stop them.

"Switches?" Hugh asked and came up to Rosa "Rosa, hey" Rosa blushed and played with her fingers nervously. I hid my surprise at how she was behaving in fronting him "Do you know anyone on this ship who has my little sisters Purrloin?" Rosa looked at him surprised.

"Her Purrloin? Oh yeah! I remember you told me about that! Well..." she played with her fingers again "I believe the Shadow triad-"

"Got it!" Hugh interrupted and turned to Nate checking out the barrier keeping us from getting through to probably the captains area "Let's look for those switches those guys were talking about! Let's split up!" He ran off. I watched him run off, too blind to see what was happening in front of him.

"Looks like we should go ahead and look for the switch, is what an idiot would say" I stuck my tongue out, mocking him "He totally forgot that Rosa knows where things are" Rosa nervously laughed.

"You're right. You're going to end up making this job a lot easier" Nate told Rosa. I frowned and bit my lips, remembering the illusion I experienced in Banette "I'm so glad you're safe, Rosa" Nate hugged her. I took a step back to give them some space.

"I'm alright. Thank you for your concern..." Rosa smiled and let go "Where have YOU been? You and Camie just disappeared from the face of the earth!" Nate rubbed his head "You guys didn't even know each other, did you?"

"No, of course not" Nate said.

"I left five years ago. It's actually a coincidence Nate left a year after me, but there's no relation. I actually went to Sinnoh" I admit. Rosa cupped her mouth in shock. An alarm went off around us.

"Warning! Warning! Intruders in the vessel! Everyone, please respond" the intercom announced.

"Everyone knows we're here now. Let's move!" Nate ran forward. I took Rosa's hand again and we went out to activate the switches after fighting against dozens of grunts getting in our way.

"That took longer than it had to" Hugh said after we came together again "The switches are switched. What happens now?" He asked Rosa.

"O-Oh... We can go face who is driving the ship. Zinzolin should be where we first were behind that barrier" she explained.

"I couldn't find the shadow triad, but that can wait. I'm ready to beat some ass" he punched his open palm. Rosa smiled at his aggressiveness, not even fazed that his mind was on something else.

"It's open" Nate pointed at the path without the barrier "it's colder this way. Cam, you need a jacket"

"Huh? Why? I have a long sleeve" I showed him my pink long sleeve and hugged Rosa's arm that's wearing the only thick jacket I had "I'm fine!" Nate flicked my forehead "hey!"

"Put on a jacket, Cam" I whined and put on one that wasn't as good as Rosa's was "that's better" he zipped up the zipper and made sure it was snugged correctly "alright, let's go" he ran off with Hugh. I lifted the collar of my jacket to hide my blushing. Seriously Nate, do you have any idea what you're doing..?

"That's so cute! Are you two a couple?" Rosa asked me, excitedly. I looked down and shook my head.

"Of course not. That would be stupid" I smiled at her "come on" we followed the boys to the end of the hallway, where we saw them facing Zigzag and a grunt beside him.

"Dude! What happened to your face?" Hugh asked Zigzag having a black eyes, a cut on his lip, and a bruised cheek.

"Shut up! Why don't you ask-" Litwick circled around him "What the-?!" Litwick was keeping him from blurting out who beat on him, and it would be best if nobody knew.

"The Pokémon below us!" Rosa yelled out. The iron floor exposed the floor beneath us, where a familiar Pokémon with dead eyes was in a tank.

"Don't tell me..." Nate gasped, making sure Rosa and I were behind him.

"Yes, what you see is real" Zigzag smirked, trying to hit Litwick messing with him "This is the legendary Pokémon of ice! It's name is Kyurem!" He laughed to the ceiling. I stared at Kyurem in the tank, moving slowly and making weak noise "the ice missiles we fired into Opelucid city were created with Kyurem's power and Team Plasmas technology!"

"You bastard! Do you know how many people could be suffering right now!?" Nate shouted "I bet you didn't like the cold either, old man!" I smirked, making Zigzag notice and cower down his voice a bit. 

"Your face is horrendous... You are a threat to Team Plasma, so you will be eliminated right now"

"Not with me around, you won't!" Hugh said. I stood beside him to ready myself to fight with my body.

"Come closer. I dare you" I said. Zigzag glared and took a step back. Hugh turned to me.

"I'm not going to lose to Team Plasma! Back off, you! I don't need help-"

"Shut up" I eyed him "This is my fight just as well as it is yours. We just have a different reason to be here" he glared and turned back to the grunts.

"Why are you children doing this? Why did you do something as dangerous as sneaking into our base?" Zigzag asked. I played with my hair while the conversation was happening between him and Hugh about his Purrloin that ended up being his late grandfather's Pokémon passed down to his sister, so it's why he's so dedicated to find it.

"An individual's feelings..." Zigzag shook his head "to you, that's probably a matter of great importance. But from the perspective of other people, it is a trifling matter indeed. Compare those feelings against the majority of this ship! This ship itself is a device that uses the Pokémon Kyurem's power! With this ship, this time we will conquer Unova!" He turned to look at a machine behind him "it looks like Kyurem has fully recovered. We'll put the DNA splicers to good use. I'll let you take care of them, Shadow triad!"

"You coward! Fight us head on instead of letting someone else do your dirty work!" Nate exclaimed. The shadow triad ended up appearing and grabbed him, Hugh, and Rosa before disappearing. I smirked and cracked my knuckles, making Zigzag gulp and stay firm where he stood.

"A coward indeed. What a stupid old man... Don't you know when to stop?" The grunt with him covered him "What? Do you really think you can touch me?" I laughed "the Shadow triad can't even stop me, so how can a simple grunt like you do?" I hung my head sideways "It's not a good thing to leave me alone without my friends, so you did this on yourself. But because I need to get back to my dear sister, do what you want. I don't have time to mess with you" one of the Shadow triad appeared behind me "I'll take my leave" I offered my hand covered with my glove. He softly took it and brought me to the beach where everyone was.

"Camie!" Rosa came running to hug me. I slowly hugged her back and looked up at the ship starting to change form and take flight in the sky.

"Damn you! Team Plasma!" Hugh shouted at the sky at where the ship left "No matter where you fly, I won't let you get away!"

"Where are they even going..?" Nate asked. I hung low on Rosa, applying weight onto her.

"Camie? Camie!" She laid me on the sand so my head can rest on her lap.

"Cam! What happened?" Nate came up to feel my face "Did you get cold again?" I smiled and chuckled.

"No, it's a bit more complicated than that. Nate... You haven't done your job well lately" he flinched "even if I made you go ahead onto the ship... That's why I've been feeling this way. I am not supposed to be left alone. Anything that happens won't be witnessed if any of you are around me"

"What do you mean, Camie..?" Rosa questioned.

"Sorry I'm late..." Cheren came running to us "What happened?" I sat up, not wanting this attention right now. We don't have time for it, even if I feel awful.

"Nothing... Nothing to worry about" I turned to Rosa "Sister, where are they going?"

"I believe they're flying toward the Giant Chasm" She explained. I nodded and took her and Nate's help standing back up.

"It's gotten late, Cam. Are you sure you can keep going? You don't have enough energy at night" I slowly nodded.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to sleep. I don't care if I'm tired" I looked at Rosa frowning at me "My sister needs me. I'm here to help her in every way I can"

"Camie..." She hugged me closely "Thank you... somehow, I always knew you were still out there. You've been exploring Unova just to find me. Hilda and Melanie would be proud" I smiled, trying my best to stay up. I don't care how tired I am after the fights we've been doing in that ship. I'm prepared for anything, even if I'm kept from doing my best once the sun sets.

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