Chapter 16

I headed down the spiral staircase with anxiety. I couldn't believe Zolona asked me to talk to Ember. I didn't know what to think of Echo, and I doubted Ember would be any different. Well, other than the fact where she could take care of herself.

A guard blocked the prison door. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"I've come to see the prisoner," I said.

He stepped aside.

I was relieved to see Ember alone in her cell. It must've been Dusk's and Arvin's turn to be interrogated. Lucky me considering our fiasco in the mines. Ember's short hair was tangled and matted. She pulled a piece of hair out of her face and raised an eyebrow.

"Back to interrogating again?" Ember asked.

"I wish," I said.

"If you're not here to break me, why come at all?" her lip quivered.

"Because Zolona ordered me to come and talk to you," I said.

"Zolona? Or Echo?" Ember crossed her arms. She looked to the ground and released a sigh, "How is he?"

"Got injured. He couldn't help but trip on a steep ridge. Bet he did that on purpose," I said.

Ember put her hands on the bars and clasped them tightly. "No one talks about my brother that way."

"I'm sorry, didn't you say you didn't want to see him again?"

"I wasn't in my right mind. You have to understand that."

"That doesn't qualify to kill guards, run into the mines, or almost unleash a monster."

Ember's eyes widened. "And how were we supposed to know? Zolona didn't tell us..."

"Still a crappy plan," I said.

"I wasn't the one who picked that route. That'd be my boyfriend."

"And you let him do all the decision making?"

"We thought it through. We didn't know the mines had something like that creature inside of it."

"Yeah, well the mines are a dangerous place," I said.

Ember chuckled. "The mines seem like a gateway to Hell."

"Maybe they are." I let a sly smile sneak across my face.

"I was half expecting you to shoot us. The fact you didn't means you're not as heartless as I thought you were. God... I just don't know what came over Dusk. He's a completely different person..."

I raised an eyebrow. "He was possessed. Of course he was a different person."

"No, even now. Dusk's father was so strict on his mental health, but I've never seen him like this. He's more drained... reserved. The escape changed him," Ember said.

"We removed the monster. Although, it does drain a host of their love and light while it's inside them."

"He's drained? What the hell am I supposed to do to fix that?" Ember paused for a second. "And it's your fault Arvin's dead."

"Arvin? Dead? I honestly didn't know..." I said, trying to keep my cold demeanor.

"He was killed during our escape. You should stop making others inferior, witch before you're next."

"Guess when I see a witch I can tell her that."

"I just don't get you," Ember paused, "It's almost like you're two different people."

"Let's just say something happened to me because I trusted someone, and I don't want that to happen again."

"I bet it's not that bad. What was it?" Ember asked.

"I..." I took a deep breath, "I can't remember."

"You... can't remember?" Ember asked.

I shook my head. "I only remember the past two years of my life. Everything else is a blur."

"Oh... oh god... I didn't know."

"Then stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong."

The sound of a creaking door echoed through the dungeon. Mara came into the room, Dusk handcuffed behind her with a couple guards— including 4758.

I stopped them in their tracks.

"Better watch your step," I said.

Dusk clenched his fist. "You're the one who has to be careful. After all, at least I know which direction I'm going."

"Mara, make sure Dusk and Ember are under control. I'm worried," I whispered.

My whisper wasn't soft enough to stop Dusk from hearing it. "You should be. It's hard to control rebels, isn't it? Where's Echo anyway?"

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "None of your concern, asshole."

"Ooh, a feisty one. Trust me, you're worthless to Zolona. If Echo hadn't saved you, you'd be dead right now and Ember and I would be out of this joint," Dusk said.

I cleared my throat. "Really, because I'm done with your insubordination."

"I'm not the one torturing people and keeping them like pets in cages," he said.

"Dusky, just come back in the cage," Ember said.

"She thinks you're acting differently..." I said.

"... I..." Dusk sighed and didn't speak another word.

I walked away, leaving Mara to her job.

Mara smiled. "Come on, I bet Ember wants to see you."

"635202?" the guard asked me before I got a closer look.

It was 4758. I wasn't expecting him to be there. I just wanted to check on Echo and head back to Zolona. I had no time to chat, but 4758 loved to do that. Crap, he was even more talkative than me, and it got on every single one of my nerves.

"You've been very avoiding lately. You missed out on almost all the fun the other day..."

"I've got a lot of places to be, so find it quickly." my face was cold and unforgiving.

"Ooh, I'm guessing you have someone to beat up, punish, kill..." 4758 said.

I sighed. "Not exactly."

"What could be better?"

"I have an ally who got hurt in a hike. I'm going to check on him." I gulped. Did I just say Echo was my ally?

"Him?" 4758 raised an eyebrow. "You aren't talking about Zolona's nephew, Echo, are you?"

"No, of course not."

His smile widened. "Good. I'm glad we're still on the same terms. He's the opposite of every ideal we represent."

"Ever talk to him?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, thank Zolona for that. I can't stand the look in his eyes." 4758 clenched his fist and slammed it against the wall.

I jumped back, alarmed by his response. "Really?"

4758 regained his composure. "Can't you see it too? Every glance he takes is like he's wondering about the world around him. His eyes are full of hope, love, kindness, and every single time I see him look around the castle curiously with those eyes, it sickens me. You know?"

"Really? Me too..." I said.

I didn't understand what 4758 was saying. Even if his eyes looked right through me, his words were the knives. It wasn't like he was trying to throw any knives either. I was the one who had the stone wall around me. It made me irritated, offended, and sickened by his words, when others found them sweet and amusing. A name like Raven penetrated me.

"Well, I'm hoping you can go back to training once everything is said and done," 4758 said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

4758 chuckled. "This charade Zolona's pulling won't last forever. They'll die sooner or later. Either that, or break apart their morals..."

"Right." I bowed my head.

"Come on, lighten up 635202." 4758's face was a smile. "It's only a matter of time before you and I will be squaring off in The Test. I already took out that timid prisoner the other day. That pathetic guy didn't know how to fight, or, at least what he knew wasn't strong enough to be considered fighting."

I didn't respond.

His eyes widened. "Don't tell me you actually care about the prisoners. I thought you were unbreakable."

"I am. I've had mentors and allies my entire life. Nothing is a game. I stay on task, get my job done, and, yes, I'm stone cold," I said. "I haven't changed a bit."

"Haven't you though? You're not the same person I remember."

"There's no way. I'm the same stone wall you've always trusted." I shook my head in denial.

"Are you sure you haven't cracked a little?" he asked.

I sighed. "I've had a lot going on."

"Like... ?" he asked.

"Parts of my memories might be coming back," I said.

"That's a lot going on," he said, but he wasn't amused or curious about my comment. His face looked worried.

"I need to get going," I said.

I left the room. I had a sinking feeling 4758 was right. I had to change Echo, not the other way around. With a grimoire in my grasp and the possibly tools to read it in my reach, I had to do it tonight. I'd find a way to restore my memories and learn what Hell I endured to become Zolona's left hand.

I watched as Suerte looked at me, green eyes glowing, before hissing and heading up the stairs. That cat was always trouble, but he was at it more than usual since Echo, Dusk, Ember, and Arvin showed up. Maybe he hated them as much as me, or maybe he had something up his sleeves.

Nice one, 635202. There's no way a cat would do anything, even if your familiar. You need to check on Echo and talk to Zolona. Stop fiddling in fairytales. I smiled.

I had seemed to do that more, smile. Not the wicked smiles I normally did, but genuine smiles that used to sicken me. Maybe 4758 was right about me. Maybe, I was beginning to change. I hoped I'd be able to change Echo before he changed me.

I headed towards the hospital ward, still thinking about what Dusk, Ember, and 4758 said to me. What I had said about Echo to 4758 confused me. One moment I said I hated him but the next he was my ally? What was wrong with me?

Crap, if Zolona knew about how that conversation went down, I'd be falling out the tallest window in the castle. I wished to make my heart as black as it could be— but I couldn't. I really couldn't with the shining light that Echo strived to be.

There was something that made him likable, but I couldn't explain it. An uneasy feeling in my bones arose in my bones just thinking about it. He was different than anyone I'd met before— alien. Yet again, maybe I was the alien. Hell, I hadn't been to the outside world like Zolona, Mara, or even Echo. I was the strange one.

I entered in the hospital ward to find people in there.

"What the..." I cut myself off. What are these people doing in the...

Someone played the lyre, and I had a feeling that I knew exactly who. The notes were lightly tapped, the flicker of sounds giving off a gentle and calm vibe. Every note was played with feeling, passion; you could feel it just hearing the melody.

"Please do the new song," a voice said.

"It'll be better when Ember sings it," a familiar voice said.

Echo sat at the piano with several people next to him. He elevated his leg on a nearby chair with a pillow underneath it. Cora, Jordan, and the people getting treated listened to him. I only stood there in awe as I watched.

"That's ridiculous! You have an amazing voice," Cora said.

"This is a duet. It wouldn't make any sense unless..." Echo paused. "Oh, hello, Raven."

"I checked in on your sister for you. She's upset because Arvin passed on, but..." I said.

His eyes widened. "Zolona promised no one would hurt them. Why would she let Mara..."

I stopped him. "Dusk did this. Not Mara. Their escape."

"That again... they went through all that trouble only for Arvin to get killed..." Echo said.

"Please, sing the other song," Cora said.

Echo turned away. "I don't know..."

Jordan's eyes widened. "Come on, man. You're pretty good."

"Raven? Do you mind helping me?" Echo asked.

"With what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The song is a duet, but he can't sing it by himself," Cora said.

I sighed. "I suppose. It's only for a music lesson though."

"Thanks," Echo smiled.

I took a deep breath. I hadn't practiced a lot of singing, and I needed to. Zolona always told me I could sing as a hobby. She was always a singer. She told me her best friends used to sing with her, so there was no reason for music to be banned.

I looked at his lyrics and sighed. I needed to work on his song choices.

He played the piano, which sounded as if the wind was softly blowing around me, leaves against the ground. I felt as if every note he hit was meant to be in play. He instrumental skills were straight on, I could give him that much.

His voice was unique, but it wasn't extraordinary. It was wonderful to listen to though. Every note seemed to bounce like he was on some cloud. His range wasn't the best I'd heard. But it was good enough to draw me in, even if it croaked like it was incomplete. Maybe it was the emotion, or maybe it was the fact that he did have a pretty decent range. The lyrics seemed to be coming from him, but yet they applied to me.

"But the nightmares cannot hurt you

If you only believe

That you can drive them back

Instead of escaping in a dream.

It's time to stand and rise,

What should make you more satisfied?

Becoming who you are, not fearing the dark, and loving the people who don't drive you apart?

Hope will carry us through,

Love will give us the strength we need too.

Dreams will take us even higher than we imagined," I sang before we hit the chorus.

"This is our time,

And fear will never stop us.

As long as we fight for what is right

We can shine who we are.

No one will get in our way.

We can take back who we are, drive away the dark,

Stop the nightmares, and stop the haunting. You can face your fear," we sang.

He stopped playing.

The last chord was incomplete. Echo stopped with a jolt.

"Why did you stop?" a voice asked.

"I haven't finished it," Echo said.

"You... what?" the voice asked.

I turned to find Zolona.

"Why are you praising him for things you scorn me for?" I asked.

Zolona squinted her eyes. "I haven't."

"Bull," I said.

Echo attempted to calm me down. "Raven's thinks it's strange when you ask her to close more of her doors, and ask me to open all of them."

"You mean something different to me. I don't want to lose Raven again." Zolona sighed.

I raised an eyebrow. "Again? You lost me before?"

Zolona sighed. "You had made a friend in someone I didn't trust and they ran into The Forest of Unknown Darkness. You followed, and went missing for three days."

"Three whole days?" Echo's eyes widened.

"I was worried to death about her, so I sent Mara. When she got there, Raven was beaten and knocked out. We were able to revive her back to health, but she had lost all of her memories. I wasn't going let anyone hurt her by using friendship again, so I told her to be emotionless." Zolona lowered her head.

"I'm here, you know?" I asked. A friend in someone she didn't trust... she didn't mean that boy with the emerald eyes, did she?

"That's why," Zolona said.

Why didn't she tell me about this crap before?

"How's your leg?" Zolona asked.

"Okay, but I can't do anything reckless for the next couple of days while it's bandaged," Echo said.

"That means no hiking or physical training. Not like he'll do anything," the healer said.

Zolona sighed. "That gets rid of tomorrow's plans."

"Guess we get to choose something else," I rolled my eyes.

Echo smiled. "My friends can have a day off from questioning. Besides, they'll enjoy it."

"I'd have to put guards wherever we take them because of their escape," Zolona said.

"I still think it's a good idea," Echo said.

Please don't. This is obviously a ploy to escape. Zolona wouldn't be that stupid and...

Zolona paused for a moment and smiled. "Alright."

My jaw dropped.

Echo smiled. "Thanks, Aunt Zolona."

"Well, Raven, I came to drop off Echo's dinner. Mara has other plans, so we can talk about that things you wanted to discus earlier," Zolona informed.

I sighed in relief. "That's great."

Zolona handed Echo his food before she left the room.

Echo grabbed my arm. "I hope you get everything straightened out."

His palm simmered on my skin even worse that before. "Geez, Echo. You sure you're not feverish or something?"

"I don't think so. The

I shoved his arm off me. "Why would you write about your worst fear? Haven't you already faced it and won?"

Echo's face darkened. His skin paled and he gulped. "They had to heavily drug me when I got here. I passed out, so I had them again."

"Those same nightmares?"

He nodded.

"Still bad?" I asked.

Echo slowly nodded. "I just feel like I need to hide from them. Sometimes, I wish Ember could get in my head and fight them off."

"You can't have her fight all your battles." I rolled my eyes.

I turned to exit the room.

"I know, but as my nightmare says: 'Whatever you choose, you won't win,'" Echo said.

I paused, gears in my head in a full rotation.

I knew that statement from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. A chill ran up my spine just thinking about where I could've heard that, but I quickly shook it off and headed towards the dining room. I couldn't let him pull me into his crap. His problems weren't mine after all. 

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