Episode 7: Turnabout Daring Part 1
(The Episode begins with Daring Do swinging on some vines surrounding Ahuizotl before going away with the object)
"Grrah! You have defeated me for the 100th time if I'm correct! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood!" Ahuizotl called out angrily
(Daring Do on a swing then turned around)
"The moon? No it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in Tartarus Ahuizotl!" Daring Do waved
Daring Do then got back a bit before she let's go of another vine and uses the vine she's on to charge towards Ahuizotl
"Whoooooooaaaaaaa!" Daring Do called out in excitement)
"Grrrrrraaaaaaaah!" Ahuizotl called out in fright
[To Be Continued]
"The warriors' jungle strength gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... But who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: 'The evil thief's return!'" An announcer announced
October 14, 5:31 PM
The Castle of Friendship
The Entertainment Room
"That rocked! 'See you in Tartarus Ahuizotl!'" Pinkie said in excitement as she was giggling while she began waving Twilight's broom around
(Just then Twilight began approaching her with some food until she had to dodge a nasty poke with her broom because of Pinkie)
"Whoa! Stop waving that broom around!" Twilight ordered in shock
"Oh, Twily! I didn't know you had just come back!" Pinkie apologized
Twilight then began chuckling a bit
"Of course I came back! Anyway how was that Daring Do show you just watched?" Twilight asked
"It was amazing! Daring Do's the most popular TV hero for ponies! The Power Ponies falling in close second!" Pinkie said
If I remember correctly the Power Ponies were some sort of Avengers show, when will Daring Do cross over with them that's what I want to know? Spike wants that to happen too of course
"Still... How young are those ponies?" Twilight asked
"Umm... Mostly 5 or 6 years old" Pinkie answered
"Then what the heck are YOU doing getting all excited about this?!" Twilight asked
"Hey! I'm only 15 you know! That's fif-TEEN see? I'm a teen! Not like you Twily" Pinkie said angrily
"Hey! Don't talk to me like I'm your grandpa or something, I'm only 20 myself" Twilight reminded
"Then watch it with me sometime! She's really cool! And... It's really popular! When they asked grade school fillies what they wanted to be 'Daring Do' was NO. 1" Pinkie explained showing a piece of paper she pulled out of her mane
I really worry about fillies these days
"Twily!" Pinkie shouted only to see the show was done making her frown in sadness "Well, Daring Do is done, I guess it's time to close the shop back home" Pinkie said sadly
"I guess... Wish we had some clients" Twilight said sadly
A month has passed since my trial, Starlight's murder was the talk of the town for some time... But no one paid any attention to the Castle of Friendship... How am I gonna get some friendship lessons now?
"It'll be okay, I'm sure some big client is just around the corner!" Pinkie explained
"Yeah, maybe you're right, anyways see you tomorrow" Twilight waved
"Yeah, later!" Pinkie waved
(Afterwards the duo went their separate ways as they went to do their own stuff until they had to go to sleep but two days later...)
October 16, 7:14 AM
The Castle of Friendship
Twilight's Bedroom
(Twilight was sleeing in her bed dreaming of some friendship lessons she wanted to learn to other ponies until she got a call)
Brrrrring... Brrrrring...
(Twilight then woke up while still drowsy as she levitated her phone up to her face before putting it on and onto her ear)
"H-Hello? This is Twilight..." Twilight greeted
"T-T-Twily!!!" Pinkie shouted in worry
"Pinkie? What? It's still early you know..." Twilight reminded
"I-It's Daring Do! Daring Do got arrested!" Pinkie explained in worry and sadness
"Huh? You mean the almighty comic book figure who's the first to get her TV show?!" Twilight asked in shock, worry and disbelief
"Yes! They're saying Daring Do killed a villain from her show!" Pinkie explained in worry and sadness
"...Umm... Isn't that what she's supposed to do?" Twilight asked
"Yeah on TV" Pinkie answered
"So, that means she's arrested on TV, not in real life Pinkie!" Twilight reminded
"No she's not! She actually did in real life! She strangled a villain with her own vine!" Pinkie explained in shock and sadness
"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about" Twilight said
"Just come to the entertainment room, quick! Please Twily!" Pinkie pleaded
October 15, 8:22 PM
The Castle of Friendship
The Entertainment Room
(Twilight then rushed downstairs to her entertainment room as Pinkie is seen turning the news on)
Pinkie's here... Watching television
Pinkie then noticed Twilight and motioned for her to approach to her and sit down next to her which she did before they both turned to the tv)
"Now for the morning news, the writer and actor A.K. Yearling was arrested yesterday, she played the lead role in the popular kids show Daring Do, she was arrested on suspicion of murder, the victim was Groom Q. Q. Martingale who plays the villain known as Dr. Caballeron, his body was found still inside his own costume, the vine Daring Do uses was also stuck through the body, police believe this was the murder weapon and are investigating further" The news reporter explained
"...This has to be a joke" Twilight said worriedly
"No, no, no! It's a nightmare! The Daring Do books are over! The world is over!" Pinkie exclaimed in sadness
October 16, 8:30 AM
The Castle of Friendship
Twilight's Bedroom
(Just then there was a call as Pinkie and Twilight rushed to the latter's phone which was soon found in Twilight's room as Pinkie picked it up and started the call)
Brrrrring... Brrrrring...
"Yes... The Castle of Friendship's owner Twilight and Pinkie speaking... What?!" Pinkie shouted in shock before she turned to Twilight "Twily! I-It's the hero in her books Daring Do!" Pinkie exclaimed in shock
"W-What?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief
"Yes... Yes of course! We'll be right there!" Pinkie said
(Pinkie then cuts off the call before she hopped on over in worry to the detention center before she stopped at the door after noticing Twilight wasn't following her)
"Let's go Twily!" Pinkie reminded
"Go? Go where?" Twilight asked
"They have Daring Do down in the detention center silly!" Pinkie reminded
"So what?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief
"So I've decided this will be our first case!" Pinkie answered
Silly me! Pinkie would do anything to help other ponies, welp I better go after her!
October 16, 8:40
Detention Center
Visitor's Room
(Soon the duo arrived and when they did they noticed A.K. Yearling sitting there angrily)
"..." Pinkie thought sadly
"What's wrong Pinkie? It's her! In the flesh!" Twilight reminded excitedly
"Umm... Is that mare really her?" Pinkie asked
"Whaddya mean 'that mare'? Of course it's her! A.K. Yearling, our client! That's her" Twilight reminded
"Um maybe I shouldn't be saying this... But she definitely did it, murder, at least once, maybe twice" Pinkie whispered in worry and sadness
"Whoa whoa whoa! What are you saying?!" Twilight gasped in shock and disbelief turning to Pinkie
"Umm..." A.K. Yearling started saying in anger
(After saying that Twilight and Pinkie turned to her nervously
"Y-Yes?!" Pinkie asked
"Are you gonna keep talking to each other or are you actually gonna investigate...?" A.K. Yearling asked
"N-No! No!" Pinkie answered nervously
I can already tell this is going off to a great start
"I know, I know, you hate me now like those cops don't you?" A.K. Yearling asked angrily
"H-Hate you?! Oh no, oh no" Pinkie answered
"No it's okay, I got arrested is all, when I got part in those fights as Daring Do, with that hat... I decided I would never show my face in public, until my life was over, it's the fans you know, I didn't want to wreck their dreams" A.K. Yearling reminded
"Oh..." Pinkie said sadly
"I guess it didn't matter, so much for my writing, I wonder what they think of Daring Do now" A.K. Yearling thought out loud before sniffing a bit in anger
"Twily!" Pinkie called out
"What?" Twilight asked
"She's a good mare, right?" Pinkie asked
"Of course she is Pinkie" Twilight answered
"Then she definitely didn't do it" Pinkie said
"..." Twilight thought "Maybe you could start by telling us what happened" Twilight suggested
"Yea of course, it seems like it was only yesterday, actually it was only yesterday that the cast and crew had gone to the Everfree Forest for a training of sorts, we went through a few action sequences at 10:00 that morning, there was a rehearsal scheduled for 5:00 in the afternoon but when 5:00 came around and the staff gathered near my replica home... Dr. Caballeron was lying in a crumbled heap near the set and when they took off his mask they discovered that Groom Q. Q. Martingale was... Dead! He had been expertedly strangeled with some vines" A.K. Yearling explained
"Some vines...?" Twilight asked while thinking
"Yes it was a long vine that I aka Daring Do uses to swing through the forest..." A.K. Yearling explained
"Alright but where were you on the day of the murder?" Twilight asked
"Well that afternoon I came to the studios at 9:00, we worked through some action scenes until noon and rehearsal was to begin at 5:00 but I was a little tired at lunch so after lunch I took a little nap a few ways from the replica house and when I woke up it was a little after 5:00! I was late for the rehearsal so I hurried to the replica house... And found everyone looking shocked, they arrested me on the spot and brought me here" A.K. Yearling explained
So she was sleeping the entire afternoon of the murder? Some action heroine!
"What will the fans think?" A.K. Yearling thought out loud sadly
"I think we should probably check out the scene of the murder" Twilight said
"Right... The Everfree Forest, I hope you win" A.K. Yearling said hopefully
"Wow! Twily! Let's go!" Pinkie suggested
I'm willing to bet 20 bucks she asks for autographs
October 16, 9:30
Everfree Forest Entrance
(The duo then began walking to the Everfree Forest where they suddenly stopped)
"Wow! So this is where they make the Daring Do show! Aren't you excited?!" Pinkie asked excitedly
(Just then somebody was heard calling out to them)
"Hey! You there! If you want to in you gotta go through me!" Somepony called out angrily
(The pony then went onscreen as we saw it was the racist chancellor, Chancellor Neighsay)
"O-Oh... S-Sorry but we're, um, lawyers" Pinkie explained in sadness and fright
"Oh yeah? Well that's great, I'm security and it's my job to make sure that gawkers like you stay OUT!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded
"G-Gawkers?" Pinkie asked in confusion
"Gawkers! Sightseers! Tourists!!! I know the type, you heard about the incident and came to snoop around like the youths these days, something horrible happens and all you can think of is sightseeing and wasting your time at a place like this, like don't you have jobs you should be doing? Or do princesses, teachers, principals, party planners and cashiers not work like the rest of us? Maybe I should become any of these stuff too, sounds like a life of ease to me, no work, just loafing around all day as you please, well when I was young things were a mite different, mind you, we didn't prance around in strange curly hair, what are the youths coming to these days, the EEA hasn't called me in..." Chancellor Neighsay rambled
(Pinkie then pulled Twilight back for a bit)
"Um Twily...? Will I grow up to be like him? Please say 'no'!" Pinkie pleaded worriedly
"I dunno! It's possible" Twilight answered
(The two then turned back to Chancellor Neighsay who had an angry glare)
"Hey! Listen when you're being spoken too! Youths of today!" Chancellor Neighsay said in disbelief
"So what do you do here at the Everfree Forest?" Twilight asked
"At the Everfree Forest we make Daring Dos fans' dreams come true! In fact in my younger days..." Chancellor Neighsay started
"No! You were a star?!" Pinkie asked in shock
"Only a little twinkle between the stars I'm afraid" Chancellor Neighsay corrected sadly
"Wo... Wow" Pinkie said in awe and shock
"This place has really downhill you know? But 10 years ago, now that was a city of dreams! Martingale was a big star back then too, he was..." Chancellir Neighsay started sadly
"Martingale?" Twilight asked in confusion
"The victim dummy! Dr. Caballeron! He has reduced to playing villains now, not exactly the best material to work with..." Chancellor Neighsay reminded sadly
"What kind of person was Groom Q. Q. Martingale?" Twilight asked
"What 'kind of person'? Oh... If only you knew! Groom Q. Q. Martingale will live on in many hearts as the ultimate action star hero! He was simply dashing in the Power Ponies series as a side character!" Chancellor Neighsay said in awe
Should I have heard of that from Spike...?
"But... There was an accident during filming two years ago, he got an unlucky break after that, reduced to playing the villain on the Daring Do series! What's more, I heard they were paying him peanuts, it's enough to make you cry" Chancellor Neighsay said sadly
"Okay, so can you tell me a bit more about ms. A. K. Yearling?" Twilight asked
"She's not a bad filly but don't be fooled by her hat! You wouldn't want her on the silver screen without it, believe me, little old gentlemen watching would lose their lunch! That's probably why she thought that the Daring Do series was her 'big chance', no one was capable of doing what he did to poor Groom Q. Q. Martingale" Chancellor Neighsay said sadly
"We don't know for certain that A. K. Yearling is guilty!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Yearling? Of course she's guilty! How do I know? I know everything! That's my job" Chancellor Neighsay reminded
"But why are you so certain that A. K. Yearling is the killer?" Twilight asked
"I was standing here yesterday, I was here from 1:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 when they found the body! Now, the studio where the murder took place is to left from here, so if you want to go to the studio you have to pass by me! Only one person went by here between 1:00 and 2:30 when the murder took place" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"And... That person was ms. Yearling?" Twilight asked
"Yes, I saw her!" Chancellor Neighsay answered
"But ms. A.K. Yearling told us he was sleeping a few ways from her replica house" Twilight reminded
"Oh I'm sure he would say that, she's no fool! But he was the only one that walked by, he's the killer, you can bet your biscuits on it" Chancellor Neighsay reminded "Anyways isn't it about time for you to be heading home? There's nothing to see here so move along" Chancellor Neighsay ordered
"Um actually, we're here at ms. Yearling's request" Twilight explained
"Hmph! I thought you were suspicious lookin'! Show me a 'letter of request' and maybe I'll just let you in" Chancellor Neighsay said
"This stallion here thinks he owns the place obviously" Pinkie whispered
"Hold on, we'll be right back" Twilight said
(Twilight then teleported her and Pinkie back to the detention center which they then entered
October 16, 10:20
Detention Center
Visitor's Room
"Hello! How was the studio? They all think I did it didn't they?" A.K. Yearling asked in anger and sadness
"N-No, not at all! Isn't that right Twily?" Pinkie asked
"Right, not at all, at worst, you're a suspect" Twilight answered
(A.K. Yearling then sniffed a bit in worry and sadness before Twilight decided to talk about something else)
"So Ms. A.K. Yearling, you aren't hiding anything from me are you?" Twilight asked
"W-What? No! I'd never do that!" A.K. Yearling answered
"Just now you said that you were sleeping a few ways from your replica house after lunch" Twilight reminded
"Yes, like a filly" A.K. Yearling answered
"But the security stallion said she saw you that day, she said she saw you heading towards the scene of the crime!" Twilight explained
"W-What?! That's not possible! I... I really don't know what to say! I was sleeping I promise!" A.K. Yearling said worriedly
"Ms. Yearling, if you want me to help you, you have to tell me the truth, I'm new to this lawyer business and I need every advantage I can get" Twilight reminded
"I know... I-I'm sorry but I swear to you on my mother's grave I was sleeping, maybe the security stallion only thought she saw me" A.K. Yearling explained
What did he see...? She doesn't seem to be lying
"Anyways... About that security stallion at the Everfree Forest..." Twilight started
"The security stallion?" A.K. Yearling asked in confusion
"She's terrible! She called us 'suspicious looking'!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Y-Yes... Actually, he said the same thing to me before, 'take off that mask!' were his words I believe, he sucks up to all the bigwigs at the studio... But let him see you stumble once and he'll never let up on you" A.K. Yearling explained
"Grr! She's got some nerve!" Pinkie said angrily
"Anyways do you think you could write up a letter formally requesting my representation?" Twilight asked
"Sure" A.K. Yearling answered
(Pinkie then pulled out a letter an pen out of her mane and slid it to A.K. Yearling who then began writing the representation on before sliding it back to Twilight and Pinkie)
"Thank you" Twilight thanked
October 16, 10:56
Everfree Forest Entrance
(Twilight and Pinkie then began walking back to the Everfree Forest before they met back up with Chancellor Neighsay)
"Hey sir, take a look at this, it's a letter of request from ms. Yearling" Twilight said
(Twilight then levitated the letter over to Chancellor Neighsay who then used his magic to hold it in front of his face as he read it)
"Hmm...? Yes, yes, I recognize this bold childish scrawl and to think he would entrust his faith to youhts of such unreliable appearance... Really!" Chancellor Neighsay said in disbelief
"Really?" Twilight asked in disbelief and anger
"Anyways, you may pass but only to the crime scenes not to the unnecessary stuff like the Castle of the Two Sisters, 'No one is allowed in there' were my instructions, the good detective told me" Chancellor Neighsay reminded
"Hey, hey Twily!" Pinkie called out
"What is it Pinkie?" Twilight asked
"There are maps next to Chancellor Neighsay" Pinkie explained
"Great idea Pinkie!" Twilight said happily
"Those are 30 bits" Chancellor Neighsay said as Twilight then gave him the bits "Thank you very much" Chancellor Neighsay thanked
"Well, time to go!" Pinkie said excitedly
October 16, 11:03
Everfree Forest
Action Set Pathway
(The duo then began walking through the Everfree Forest's crime scene until they met up with detective Stygian)
"Hey! Aren't you that murderer from the other day?!" Stygian asked
"Ack! It's that confused detective!" Pinkie gasped in shock
"Hey princess, you know Prosecutor Edgeworth is all upset you know and it's all your fault! I saw him sipping tea and staring gloomily out the window!" Stygian explained angrily
"Umm... So?" Twilight asked
"Hey! If he's depressed it could've been your fault for doing sloppy detective work!" Pinkie reminded angrily
(Stygian then turned to the ground in silence as sniffing is heard)
"!!! ... ... ..." Stygian thought in sadness
"Umm, detective?" Pinkie called out in confusion and worry
"I think you hurt his feelings" Twilight reminded
"Oh no! I... I'm sorry!" Pinkie apologized worriedly
"Well, I think his feelings are easioy hurt" Twilight reminded
"You're right Pinkie, it's all my fault, I can blame other people all I want but I know the truth in my heart!" Stygian said sadly
"Hey, hey! Don't take it so hard! There's always the next case!" Pinkie reminded
"Yeah, I suppose you're right but still what exactly are you two doing here?" Stygian asked
"Umm well... We're on this case too!" Pinkie explained
"Huh, if that's so you may investigate however you like around here" Stygian suggested
"I'd say he's a good pony alright" Pinkie said
"Alright but if you don't mind we'll start by asking you questions" Twilight said
"No worries go ahead" Stygian said
"First off what's down the path to the left? It looks like a tree fell down over the path" Twilight asked
"Oh yeah, that way's kind of dangerous, you should stay out, there's nothing down there anyway, that's where the staff's meeting place aka the Castle of the Two Sisters used to be, they don't use it anymore though" Stygian explained
"Still what happened to the tree there? What happened that caused to break off?" Twilight asked
"Yeah what's up with that thing? It looks kinda busted" Pinkie reminded
"Oh, the wind was pretty strong yesterday which caused it to fall over, it took some other trees down with it too" Stygian explained
(Twilight then pointed to another side)
"This is the entrance to A.K. Yearling's replica home right? The place where they found Groom Q. Q. Martingale's body correct?" Twilight asked
"Let's go in and check it out Twily!" Pinkie suggested
(The two began walking there only to stop in front of a black and yellow tape)
"Hey! It's closed off!" Pinkie said in shock, worry and sadness
"Looks like you need the security lady's agreement to get in, it makes sense that they would want to keep the non-detectives out" Twilight reminded before turning back to Stygian "Anyways detective, how is your investigation going?" Twilight asked
"Well, it's... Hey! I can't tell you that" Stygian reminded angrily
"Twily... Maybe you need to be a little more indirect with your questions" Pinkie reminded
"Right, so detective, mind if I take a look at what you got?" Twilight asked
"What I got?" Stygian asked in confusion
"The autopsy report! The latest version if you please" Twilight explained
"Hmm... Right, right, sorry about what happened last time though" Stygian apologized
"It's alright" Twilight said "So why was ms. Yearling arrested?" Twilight asked
"Simple! The murder took place right over there in studio one, now, the victim entered studio one at approximately 1:00 PM at that time there was none other than the victim in the studio, according to the autopsy report the time of death was 2:30 PM, only one person went to the studio between 1:00 and 2:30! And that person was none other than ms. A.K. Yearling! No one else! If you think I'm lying ask the security stallion at the main gate" Stygian suggested
"Twily! If that's true...! Anyone would think that Yearling did it with that kind of evidence!" Pinkie reminded worriedly
"Thanks for cheering me up..." Twilight thanked sarcastically before turning back to Stygian "Anyways about the security stallion..." Twilight started
"Oh, that sweet old stallion, what a gentlecolt!" Stygian said in awe
"Huh? A-Are we talking about the same person?" Twilight asked
"When I showed her my badge she gave me a donut and some coffee!" Stygian explained
"Remember what ms. Yearling said, he's a sucker for authority" Pinkie reminded
"She even gave me a piece of valuable evidence!" Stygian finished explaining
"What?!" Twilight and Pinkie gasped in shock
"What kind of evidence?!" Twilight asked in worry
"Well, that photo, the photo of Daring Do heading towards the scene of the crime!" Stygian explained
"What?! Who took that?!" Pinkie asked
"See the camera up on that tree?" Stygian asked before turning to the automated camera on the tree which presumably had a lot of tape on the camera
"The gate? You mean the one with the welcome sign?" Pinkie asked
"Yeah, whenever someone walks by that camera automatically snaps a photo of them!" Stygian explained
"Oh no Twily! He has evidence! We're finished!" Pinkie shouted in worry
Funny, for someone with hard evidence he doesn't look happy
"..." Stygian thought in worry
Twilight then turned to Stygian in worry
"What's wrong princess? You seem worried" Stygian asked with a forced smile
"Don't look so happy when you say that" Twilight suggested
"Oh hoh hoh hoh hoh!" Stygian laughed with a forced grin
"Umm... We'd like to ask the employees here some questions..." Pinkie explained
"Sure thing, go wherever you like, of course you're not going to find any clues I haven't already found hah hah hah!" Stygian said with a forced grin
I'm glad somepony here around here seems to be enjoying themselves
"Twily let's go! We've got a free pass to the place! Now's our chance to check things out!" Pinkie suggested
October 16, 11:34
Everfree Forest Entrance
(The two then ran out of the Everfree Forest in search for Chancellor Neighsay only for Pinkie to find him eating a few ways from them near some computer
"Twily! Look! The security gentlecolt is in the guard station stuffing his face with donuts! I guess all cops like their donuts!" Pinkie said laughing a bit
"Yeah and they're soft enough she doesn't need teeth to chew them..." Twilight explained
Just then Chancellor Neighsay heard them talking making them turn to her
"Hey you! Well? Are you satisfied that Yearling is guilty?" Chancellor Neighsay asked
Urk! She had to make my life harder by giving that photo to detective Stygian...
"Why didn't yoou tell us about the security photo sir?" Twilight asked
"Hmm? Oh that? I just thought it would be more thrilling to talk with the detective himself! These things are important you know, oh, just to the left from here is the computer with the low battery camera that took that photo, it's my job to check the photos everyday you see, this computer is in a central position, no matter where you go from here you pass by my station first! Now poor Martingale, he went to the studio just before 1:00, the murder happened right around 2:30, see? The only one I've seen go through here between 1:00 and 2:30 was Yearling herself! The security camera got a good look at her too, if she's not the one that did it, I don't know who is" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"Maybe... It was you?" Twilight asked
"Gyah, hah ha hah! Good one ms. Sparkle" Chancellor Neighsay said between chuckles
She thinks I was joking
"Was the victim Groom Q. Q. Martingale a popular actor?" Twilight asked
"Oh, he was the biggest star in the program!" Chancellor Neighsay corrected
'Was'? A bit tense?
"Oh yes! He was great as one of the sidekicks in 'Power Ponies'!" Pinkie explained
"That too yes, he shone the brightest! Back in the day making a star like him play 'Dr. Caballeron'... It's a disgrace I tell you! Martingale took it pretty hard and who can blame him?" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"So about the security camera..." Twilight started
"Oh yes, the camera, it's automatic, it can tell when somepony walks across of it's way see? Then it snaps a photo! Apparently it records the time when it takes a picture too but I don't bother myself with those details I just view all the photos on the computer over at the computer right there, I check 'em everyday before going home" Chancellor Neighsay explained
"Alright, thanks for the help" Twilight thanked
October 16, 11:58
Detention Center
Visitor's Room
(The duo then quickly went to the visitor's room and when they arrived they noticed A.K. Yearling was gone)
"..." Twilight thought
"Apparently they have ms. Yearling in questioning" Pinkie explained
"Hmm... Right" Twilight thought out loud
[Flashback Start]
"Look, that camera takes a picture automatically when someone walks by and it took a picture of A.K. Yearling" Stygian explained
[Flashback End]
I have to ask her about that photograph!" Twilight reminded
"Oh well, let's try again later" Pinkie suggested
October 16, 12:08
The Castle of the Two Sisters
"Twily! This is where they do all the behind-the-scenes stuff!" Pinkie explained before she noticed the stairs and on the left side was a picture of A.K. Yearling "Hey! Look! There's Yearling's dressing room! No one's here this soon after the murder I guess, let's take a look around!" Pinkie suggested
"There's some remains of yesterday's lunch scattered around, everyone was probably too shocked to clean up, there's a cupcake wrapper on the ground minus the crumbles which I assume fell off" Twilight explained
"Mmm! Cupcakes! That would have hit the spot" Pinkie said dreamily
"You just had a cupcake!" Twilight reminded
"Yeah but I have a second stomach just for food emergencies" Pinkie explained
"A piece of stone here has been taken off, that's a pretty big hole, a filly could fit through here I bet" Twilight thought out loud
"Yeah, if you snuck in that way you wouldn't have to pay at the gate!" Pinkie reminded
"Well, if you want to leave that way be my guest" Twilight said
"Right!" Pinkie agreed before she realized what she agreed too "Hey! I'm not a filly anymore!" Pinkie reminded
(Twilight then approached the dressing room door and opens it)
"The door to the dressing room is not locked" Twilight explained
"Hey Twily! Let's take a look inside! Maybe we can find something as a souvenir...?" Pinkie suggested excitedly
"What do you mean 'find'?!" Twilight asked in shock, worry and confusion
"You never know! There might be something like... Daring Do's show traps!" Pinkie explained excitedly
"We don't need a trap!" Twilight reminded
(But Pinkie didn't listen and just hops into the dressing room while humming)
And that's the most dangerous idea for crying out loud!
October 16, 12:15
The Castle of the Two Sisters
A.K. Yearling's Dressing Room
A.K. Yearling's dressing room... So this was where he was sleeping? Or at least this is where he claims he was sleeping
"No one actually saw him taking a nap here did they?" Pinkie asked
"Right and there's a picture of him near the crime scene" Twilight reminded
(Twilight then turned to the bag next to her alongside Pinkie)
"Hmm? This must be Yearling's bag" Pinkie thought out loud
(Pinkie then galloped over to it and when the arrived she began opening it)
"Hey, don't open that" Twilight called out worriedly
(But soon enough Pinkie found something as she pulled it out)
"Look!" Pinkie called out pulling out the employee's badge
"An employee's badge, that must be Yearling's, it says 'Access to sets'" Twilight thought out loud
"Let's take it Twily!" Pinkie suggested
"Borrow, you mean borrow it" Twilight corrected
(Twilight then turned back to the table)
"There's a bunch of snacks on the table, they must give these to the employees, some tea and cookies..." Twilight thought out loud
"Twily... I'm hungry!" Pinkie said
"You just had a cupcake!" Twilight reminded again
"Yeah but I have a seperate stomach for nervous eating" Pinkie explained
How many stomachs does this girl have?!
October 16, 12:39
Everfree Forest
Action Set Pathway
(Soon the duo arrived back outside of the action set near Daring Do's replica home)
"This is the crime scene correct, the set where they found Groom Q. Q. Martingale's body?" Twilight asked
"Yep so let's go in and check it out Twily!" Pinkie suggested
"I wonder if this employee's badge we borrowed from the dressing room will work..." Twilight thought out loud in worry
(The two then approached the tape as they showed the employee's badge and told them they were A.K. Yearling's lawyers before they both got accepted to enter the set)
"We're good!" Twilight said
"Amazing! We're in!" Pinkie said excitedly
She's way too happy for someone visiting a crime scene
October 16, 12:43
Everfree Forest
Daring Do's Replica Home
(The two then got to the scene of the crime which caused Pinkie to stand still making Twilight worried as she turned towards her)
"..." Pinkie thought
"What is it?" Twilight asked
"..." Pinkie thought
"You're real quiet all of a sudden" Twilight reminded
(Pinkie then turned to Twilight in confusion while pointing to the white tape on the grass which positioned Martingale's missing body)
"Doesn't it give you shivers Twily? That white tape! It's so... So real!" Pinkie thought worriedly
"Well, Dr. Caballeron did die here and Daring Do killed him and the murdrr weapon was a vine, sounds pretty real to me..." Twilight agreed worriedly before she shook it off
(Pinkie then noticed a ladder which made her point to it excitedly)
"Look, a ladder!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly
"That's a 'step'-ladder" Twilight corrected
"So? What's the difference? You need to stop judging things based on narrow-minded cultural assumptions Twily!" Pinkie reminded
"R-Right... Sorry..." Twilight apologized nervously
This girl is OUT there!
(Pinkie then turned to the camera on the director's seat)
"Wow! Look at that camera! That must cost a ton!" Pinkie exclaimed in awe
"Yeah! So don't touch it!" Twilight ordered
"Whoa! It's heavier than I thought!" Pinkie exclaimed in shock as she held the camera on her hooves and struggled to hold it
(Just then somepony aka Prim Hemline rushed into the room only to steal the camera and put it back)
"Hey! You! No touching that!" Prim Hemline shouted whilst rushing to the scene
"Ah, um, sorry, my partner is kind of, y'know..." Twilight started
"'Y'know'?! No, I don't know!" Pinkie reminded angrily
"Umm... Who are you?" Twilight asked
"Who, me? I'm Sassy Saddles, the assistant here, I help with props and stuff, moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera" Sassy Saddles explained
"We're lawyers representing ms. A.K. Yearling" Pinkie explained
"Oh, you're A.K.'s people" Sassy Saddles realized
"'A.K.'...? Oh, A.K. Yearling, I get it" Pinkie realized
"I don't envy you guys one bit! But... Do what you can for A.K. okay? He's never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent..." Sassy Saddle reminded
"Don't worry! Leave it to us!" Pinkie suggested
"But before we do could you tell me anything about the day of the murder?" Twilight asked
"Yes, I was in the studio the whole day, I was the only assistant on staff that day you see" Sassy Saddles reminded
"Only one assistant?!" Pinkie asked in shock and disbelief
"Yes, well, the studios aren't doing so well right now and yesterday was only rehearsal for our action sequences" Sassy Saddles explained
"I see, neat!" Pinkie said in awe
"In the morning, we went through the action sequences in the employee area, A.K. and Martingale were there along with everyone else" Sassy Saddles explained
"The employee area--- Thar's where Yearlings' dressing room is right?" Phoenix asked
"Yes, that's the place, after eating lunch there mr. Martingale went to studio one and then I saw A.K. go into his dressing room but I didn't see either of them after that" Sassy Saddles explained
"Did you know that A.K. Yearling was sleeping in her dressing room?" Twilight asked
"No! I wouldn't go there unless I had some urgent message for her... I mean, it's her private... What kind of a pony do you think I am?!" Sassy Saddles asked angrily
"W-What kind...? No, no, I'm sure you're a fine girl, um, sorry" Twilight apologized nervously
So much for getting a confirmation on Yearling's alibi
"Twily! What about that security lady?! If someone else came into the studio she must have seen them!" Pinkie reminded
"Yeah you're right" Twilight said in agreement while thinking
"So what do we do Twily? We haven't found anything, if A.K. was the only one who came to the studio... Then he has to be the killer! They even have a photograph..." Pinkie reminded worriedly
"Hmm..." Twilight thought out loud
"Umm... Sorry... I know you're busy" Sassy Saddles apologized
"Not really" Twilight corrected
"Actually, there's been something bothering me" Sassy Saddles explained
"Ah hah! That's what I'm talking about! A clue! A lead!" Pinkie said in relief and excitement
"Well, I don't know about that but that day just after noon I sensed someone was here" Sassy Saddles realized
"You 'sensed'?" Twilight asked
"Yes, several times" Sassy Saddles answered
"Some other studio employees maybe?" Twilight asked
"No, I don't think so, the only thing we had scheduled was an action scene runthrough, I was the only assistant here that day, I have a feeling it was someone from... Outside" Sassy Saddles explained worriedly
"R-Really?!" Twilight asked
"But wait, if someone had come in here... Wouldn't that security lady have noticed them?" Pinkie asked
"Yeah you're right" Twilight realized
"I'm sorry, I don't have any better informmation than that" Sassy Saddles apologized
"No thanks! That helps us a lot, anything helps, let's go put that security lady on the spot!" Pinkie suggested
October 16, 13:15
Everfree Forest Entrance
"What? You're still here? Really! You look as though you've seen a ghost!" Chancellor Neighsay said in disbelief
(Twilight then began opening her mouth before Chancellor Neighsay knew what she was gonna say and glared at her)
"What? I saw that suspicious look on your face!" Chancellor Neighsay asked angrily
"I wanted to ask you again about yesterday... You came here at 1:00 PM correct? And the estimated time of Martingale's death was 2:30, are you sure that powers was the only one to go through here between those times?" Twilight asked
"Sure as can be!" Chancellor Neighsay answered
"But we have a witness who thinks there was 'someone from outside' that day" Pinkie explained
"What?!" Chancellor Neighsay asked in shock
"Are you absolutely sure you were here watching the whole time?" Pinkie asked
"..." Chancellor Neighsay thought in shock and worry
"Ma'am?" Pinkie asked in worry
"Who was it? Who told you that? Who dares question ME?!" Chancellor Neighsay asked angrily
"Eek!" Pinkie gasped in shock
"Alright, you better tell me and quick you stupid ponies! Somepony's been complaining about the work I do, right?!" Chancellor Neighsay asked angrily
"Uh... Um, we were just talking to the assistant in studio one" Pinkie explained
"Hey! She's not even a full time employee! All you filles are like that nowadays, running your mouths like there was no tomorrow, saying this that and the other thing, well when I was young let me tell you that we knew a thing or two about respecting our elders back then we did and it's a crying shame that you youths today just say what you please about poor old ponies!" Chancellor Neighsay reminded in enragement
(Afterwards Chancellor Neighsay roared before he teleported off to somewhere else to calm down)
"He left..." Twilight said worriedly
"Well Twily? This is our only chance to do what we can without him looking over our shoulders!" Pinkie said
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