Marinette POV
I have to pack everything I would need for the week Felix said we'd be there. I definitely need the miracle box, but what about Ladybug hmm well guess Ladybug will be off for a week.
I now have thing I need.
"Felix! I've got what I need!"I yell.
"Yeah okay do you want to hold it or?"Felix asked.
"Yeah I'll fly now," I reply.
"Okay then," he said.
"I can see the love," Claude said.
"OI!" me and Felix yell.
We now fly with these wings Razor gave us as well as ears and tail. Felix then lands at the train station.
"What about mon-"
"I was prepared for this so I have all my money, all of it, even my card,"
"You have a card?"
"Yes now lets get on the train to England!"
"Okay, okay," I say.
"Yayy!" Claude said like a tiny child.
Wait are we going to have to pull the parent act! Well it is normal for most children to be taller than their parents, and he is taller than us. It could work and especially since I brought 2 suitcases worth of luggage. Felix brought us tickets and we got on the train.
"Are you that boy's mother?" a lady asked me a while after I sat down.
I look over to Felix and mouth 'What should I say!?'. He then mouthed, 'Say that you are.'
"Yes I am, why are you asking?"
"Wow he's very tall how old are you?"
I look at Felix and mouth the same thing. He then mouthed '34 say that you're 34,"
"I'm 34 just real short for my age if that's your question,"
"Oh okay then I was worried that you maybe were these kids that went missing," the woman says before holding up her phone showing a news report about how me, Felix and Claude went missing.
(After the train ride)
"Felix where are we?" I ask as this is definitely not London
"Birmingham, why?"
"Where are we gonna stay?" Claude says before me
"My father had a house here as sometimes he would have to do jobs here and I have the key so we'll stay in there,"
"Why not London though?"
"If I went there my mother would know as the maids tell her everything so we would be caught plus there was only one key to the house and I have it so she can't find us. She forgot that it even existed,"
We then catch a bus so we get to the house. Once we got there, I looked at my phone, it's 4am!
"Come on in, I even payed for the wifi and stuff so we could live how we used to in Paris minus the french speaking part, well me and you, Marinette," Felix said.
"Can we teach you english!" Claude said jumping up and down.
"Yes okay," I say reluctantly.
Then I spend the next 4 hours learning english. It's surprisingly easy so I somehow am fluent in it now.
"Felix is there any food?"
"Ummm no," he admits
"Well now that I can speak english, I think we should go shopping!" I suggest
"Sure this house needs a lot of new things like beds and clothes," Felix says
Claude then says, "Can we go buy sweets and plushes!"
"Fine we can Claude," I reply.
We all go on a bus to stop the centre of the city where we were when we got here. There's so many things here and to know we have billions of money!
"Come guys lets go see if I can find some good books," Felix said before going to the book shop.
So many books and manga. Me and Claude rush over to the manga section. Ooh The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess sounds interesting! Me and Claude grab all the set from book 1 to 9.
"Pleaseeeee," we say with puppy faces.
"Fine come on, I've got enough books now," Felix said before heading over to the counter.
The girl looked at him in shock.
"Felix! Felix Graham de Vanilly!" the girl there said squealing.
"Yes it's me now can I have these books, Bridgette," he said real pissed.
"Who is she and aren't you supposed to be in Paris!" the Bridgette girl said.
"I escaped from ending up in custody and losing to a big liar, and she is Marinette my new friend. Now no more questions and just give me the books!" he yelled
"Hi Bridgette," Claude said waving at her.
"Okay here's your books," Bridgette said handing him the books.
As we walked out I noticed her waving at him continuously.
"Hey Felix why were you angry?"
"She used to stalk me to the extent that she watched me shower. Not fun at all,"
Damn she's a even worse stalker than me when I had a crush on Adrien. That is real low, I mean who would watch someone in the shower!
(After the shopping)
We finally finished with the shopping and now we are what we are currently calling home. I just noticed, the door has a stained glass window instead of a regular one and it has a blue flower there. What number house was this actually. I look and it says 56 hmm.
"Come on lets eat now!" Felix said.
We ate lunch while watching tv. Claude being Claude wanted to watch this show called Miracle: tales of Ladybutterfly and Dog Marron. They are so blind I swear it's so obvious that Ladybutterfly is Madeline and Dog Marron is Akaito.I feel like a mother because of Claude. Oh my Kagami is calling me. I answer the phone in a room full of books and toys, I think this was young Felix's old room.
"Yes hello Kagami," I say calmly.
"Where are you!?" she yells through the phone.
"I-I can't tell you Felix will kill me," I stutter.
"You and Felix are there so Claude is there as well?" I hear Allegra say taking Kagami's phone off her.
"Yes he is and he is making me feel like a mother!" I yelp.
"Well I've gotta go, btw we won't tell anyone we spoke,"Allegra said before ipgiving the phone back to Kagami.
"Yes I need to leave as Felix's mother has gone absolutely worried and needs people to be by her at all times since she keeps on fainting," she said, "Also your parent are very worried as well,"
"Okay then bye,"I reply.
"Bye Marinette," she said before hanging up.
"Marinette help me with this teenager baby!" Felix yelled.
"Yeah I'm coming!"
A/N so how'd ya like this. Now they're where I live yay! Y'all didn't expect this did you. No one would. I mean they are coming back to Paris soon but more of what this book is Felinette all because of Claude, yes we blame Claude for nearly everything now. #BlameClaude
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