You get hurt

(quick A/N~ I am so sorry, I have been dealing with a lot and was racking my brain for something and this is what i came up with. On another note- MERRY CHRISTMAS!) 


It was late one night and you were staying up waiting for Edward to get back from a hunting trip. Around 1 in the morning you got thirsty you fell while walking down the dark stairs; consequently, breaking your leg. Edward felt so guilty about it and never left your side once he found out. 

" I am so sorry my love, I never meant for this to happen." He said for the millionth time that night after you got home from the hospital.

"Relax Eddie, It wasn't anyone's fault." You reassured him for the last time as he lifted you to his chest,  being very careful of your leg. He smiled as you curled up to his chest and fell asleep with a smile gracing your lips.


He decided to take you on a hike to the top of the mountain so you could watch the sunset together. But as he was setting up the blanket you were exploring though the woods when you stumbled into the path of a very angry mamma snake. Apparently they don't like it when you nearly fall on top of them. So in fear she bit you. 

"AHHHHH" you scream rang through the air like a hot knife through butter. In an instant he was by your side and the snake was gone. He inspected the wound and ran you to Carlisle.

After Carlisle determined that the snake was not venomous and had you bandaged up You began to feel bad about ruining your date, and when you voiced these feelings he simply smiled and kissed your forehead while holding you gently in his arms.


He was reading in his office when you decided to play with his tools. You giggled lightly as you listened to your heart beat with his stethoscope, he smiled watching you play like a little kid until you sliced your finger on a scalpel

"owie" you whined as you put a band aid on the small slice. The second Carlisle smelt the blood he had your hand in his and was placing a kiss on the tiny wound.

"No more messing with my tools, ok dear?" he said as he sat you on his lap in his office chair. You nodded and smiled, kissing him softly


Dedicated to RavenClaw2004 sorry if it's bad

"Babe....babe....babe let's go swimming" Emmetts clear, deep woke you from your everyday afternoon nap. With a sigh you nodded and heaved yourself off the couch, only to be swept up into Emmetts, huge, marble arms. "Oof" you grunted as all the air was forced out of your lungs
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Emmett asked, oblivious to the fact that you were gasping for air while holding your chest.

Emmett quickly set you down once he noticed, rubbing your back and whispering sweet nothing's in your ear as your chest slowly loosened and you were able to breathe again.


You were wandering the halls of the Volterra castle when you walked into the room where they were training a newborn. As soon as the new born smelt the blood coursing through your veins he had you pinned to the wall, his teeth just inches from your delicate neck.In the same second Demetri had the newborn across the room so Jane and Alec could dispose of him. 

Although you weren't hurt very badly you still ended up with a few bumps and bruises from where his body slammed into yours and where you back hit the stone walls. Let's just say that Caius was more than enraged when he got the news.

Yay, I updated! As i said,I am still dealing with a lot but I will try to update when i can.Bye for now my unicorns!

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