5. Kaskara
The Underground is just as grimey as it sounds. Inside what used to be the subway(which was replaced by the Tram), is a city of rejects among rejects. Those charged with more violent crimes against the Cardinal were sentenced to live in the worse parts of the island and in the city of Kalokairi that was The Underground-literally. A clusterfuck of illegal activities occurred here, one of which was unregulated street fights. Although competitive fighting wasn't illegal on Juniper, there was strict rules about who could fight who and what levels of Light was allowed. Most found it boring and restrictive. I thought it taught great discipline.
The address Deci gave us was to a brothel in the center of the underground. Once again, are uniforms were an issue. Those who dwelled in the underground weren't allowed to attend Wiccs and neither were their descendants. After many unwelcomed stares, Arlo tossed a cloaking spell over are clothes. The blue and gold turned into stained grey sweats. Arlo added the stains for "pzaz."
Dark, wet, and menacing, the underground gave me the heebee-jeebees. Luckily, the brothel wasn't too far from the entrance. The bouncer didn't think twice before letting us in. Arlo's cloak was stronger than I thought. I really had to stop underestimating him.
The brothel was packed with life. It was set up similar to an arena with all levels visible from the first floor. Half naked men and women were dancing on the main floor, people were drinking on the second level, and far above on the final level, a group of men in all black towered above it all. I could only assume the large man in the middle was King Drak. Arlo and I swung passed the naked and the horny and up to the second level, but were stopped as we tried to approach the final floor. A women in all black refused us access.
"This floor's for King Drak and his associates only. Beat it," She turned attention back to the party below her.
"I need to speak with Drak," I pleaded.
"So does every other young thing in this joint, now beat it," Her voice remained apathetic, clearly I posed no threat to her. Boy, was she wrong.
With one swift motion, I grabbed her arm, twisted her around, and pinned her up against the wall.
"I just need a few minutes of his time," I pleaded once more.
"Boy, are you gonna regret that," she threatened, her voice somehow more monotoned than before. I laughed. I clearly had the upper hand. Then she proceeded to grow about five times her original size.
I let go as she began tower over me. Now, I was already on the taller side, but she stood a good two feet above me... and a good two feet wider.
I took a few steps back, assessing the situation. She was larger and presumably stronger than me. Therefore, she was slower and clumsier than me. She charged at me, throwing a few swings. I swiftly dodged. After letting her get a few more attacks in, I quickly figured her out. She's entirely upper body and brute strength. Her technique was non existent and-frankly-lazy.
I backed away from her, body low, watching as she rushed towards me. Waiting till the very last second, I slid between her legs, rolling back onto my feet. I turned around to watch her struggle to slow down. Unable to control her speed, she tumbled over the glass ledge and to the floor. I rushed to the edge just in time to watch her hit the ground, smacking into(and crushing) a table. So much for a soft landing. Although extremely painful, the fall wasn't nearly enough to kill her. She let out a groan of pain as she shrunk back into her original form. I let out a "yes" with satisfaction. It was almost too easy!
Arlo gave me a nudge. I looked around to see the party had come to a halt. All eyes went from the body that fell from the sky to me. I tucked my smile away and quickly looked for an escape route. Just as I was about to yank Arlo down the stairs, a slow clap caught my attention. I turned to see a very small man in a bright purple suit clapping, festively it seemed. Soon, the men in black behind him joined in, and the patrons of the brothel soon followed suit. The ruckus Arlo and I walked into return sooner than it went. I turned back to the purple suit man who gestured with a single finger for me to come up.
I listened to the finger and headed up to the man, Arlo right behind me.
"Who are you and why haven't we met?" Purple suit asked. But before I could answer, "Wait-don't answer till you've had a drink. You even old enough? No? Yes? Well, if anyone asks, you are!" He had a fit of laughter.
I didn't know whether to be suspicious or comforted, but I took the drink and had a seat. There was no way on Arcanpnea I was drinking something handed to me by a stranger. Arlo opted to stand. The look he gave me said "this was all you." I gave him a nod of understanding.
"My name's Ky-anna. Yeah, Kyanna. With two ns," I held up two fingers and gave a nervous laugh, "I was sent here by Deci. She says you have a special book that I need." I was starting to reconsider taking a sip.
"A special book, huh? How much does this book mean to you?" He asked.
I thought about lying, but I didn't know how far that'd get me, "It means a lot, sir."
"Sir? Pssh, cut it with the formalities here, call me Drak." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. It was cold and rough. I liked him.
"It means a lot to me Drak. I was hoping you'd let me take a loot at it." I suggested.
"I like your moxie, kid. Manda here's been deserving of an ass kicking! Maybe now she'll take her job more seriously," he laughed at himself, "but sadly-everything comes with a price. Ya willing to pay a price for this book of yours?" He leaned towards me. I nodded.
"Fantastic! Follow me." He directed. For a man who barely came up to my stomach, he commanded a room. Confidence and power coursed through him and he knew it.
Arlo and I followed him into an elevator. Drak pressed the bottom button, and down we went. The elevator sank rather quickly. Arlo backed against the wall and I dropped to the floor, both of us clinging to some sort of stability. Drak was unmoved, almost bored, by the elevators movement. The elevator came to a stop with a violent jolt. Somehow, both Arlo and I's faces became acquainted with the floor.
Drak turned towards us, "Yes, the ride can be quite daunting for first timers." He walked out of the elevator with a pep in his step. Arlo waddled out. I crawled right behind him.
After regaining some balance, we followed Drak down a corridor. He stopped at a large metal doorway.
"What's your name, baldy?" Drak asked.
"Arlo," Arlo replied. I stared him down. This was not the time for honesty.
"I appreciate the honesty, kid. You get to watch from the box with me." Drak boasted.
"Watch what?" Arlo asked.
"Your friend "Kyanna," he motioned air quotes, "kick some major ass!"
"What?" I questioned?
The door opened. A full on arena appeared. The seats were packed. I looked to the otherside to see two slim women with large swords. They looked identically: short black hair, tight orange jumpsuit, white face mask covering their mouths and nose.
"Those are the Sato twins. Somehow, they've defeated all my best players. Take 'em down, and I'll let you have whatever book you want." Drak offered.
I took a deep breath, "Got a whip?"
Drak's face lit up. He disappeared through a hidden door behind us.
"You sure about this, Kya?" Arlo put a hand on my shoulder.
"You handled the uppity witch, I can handle the eccentric kingpin." I reassured him.
"Okay, I'll be cheering you on." He smiled, patting me on the shoulder.
"Besides, it's the only thing I'm good at," I retorted, wondering if he knew I was serious.
Drak reappeared from the dark with a leather whip in hand, placing it in my hands. I gripped the handle, raising my arm up and watching it dangle. I took in the length and width of it. This would have to do. I look back into the arena. The crowd was getting antsy. Bloodthirsty fucks.
"Have your eyes always done that?" Drak asked, "Nevermind, I like! Adds a little spice to ta the whole thing you have going on here," Drak headed down the hall, dragging Arlo along.
I mouthed "green eyes?" to Arlo who nodded. This felt like the right time for that to kick in. I planned to consult the journal as soon as this fiasco was over. I was hoping Knott was serious about it being a guide.
"By the way-it's a fight to the death," Drak hollered before slipping behind the hidden door, trapping Arlo with him.
My chest tighten. I've never fought to the death before. It was against everything I was taught at Wiccs. Number one rule of combat: Death is not an option. You'd only ever murder as a last resort. The only time this rule was null and void was in war. I don't think Sensai Klaus would consider this war.
I wrapped the whip around my left arm, gripping the handle. I closed my eyes, reminding myself why I was here. Something or someone ancient thinks I'm a guardian of the entire realm. I needed answers. This was just one step closer. Deci might've been an arrogant bitch, but she did have a point. Knowledge was valuable. This was just me paying for it.
Stepping into the arena, I opened my eyes. I was ready for battle.
The crowd roared with life as I stepped in, some even laughing at my presence. I took it as a challenge. Ever since I started kicking Arlo's butt(when he isn't using The Light), I haven't had a suitable opponent. Hopefully, these two might put up a decent fight.
I met the twins in the middle, sizing them up. They were smaller and taller than me. Interesting. For two twigs, it's hard to think they'd go undefeated. Something else must be at work. As the ref dragged on about rules-everything goes till someone dies-I searched the twins.
Something was off...My eyes widen as I watched a purple mist flow between the two of them, swirling and tightening around them like a boa constrictor preparing lunch. I eyed the ref wondering if he could see it. He seemed unphased. I looked back at the twins, realizing what was there all along. The twins weren't twins. It was a duplicating spell. No wonder they never lost, ya can't kill something that's two places at once. She's probably not even entirely in this dimension. I'd have to find a way to make her whole again. I looked down at the whip. Ding, ding, ding! I have a plan!
The reff asked us if we were ready. I nodded and the "twins" copied. With a blow of his whistled, the action began.
Immediately, the "twins" were on the offense, attacking from both sides. The swordsmanship was strong. I continued to doge as she went for more deadly swipes. She'd swing for the head, I bend back. She'd jab for the chest, I dip to the right. It took me longer to discover than I'd like to admit, but just like every other fighter, she had a pattern. What one "twin" did, the other mimicked, but only one could go at a time. So as one went for my side, I knew the other would immediately go after the other. A strong tatic, considering she probably goes against untrained fighters. Too bad for her, I've very experienced.
With one "twin" on my left and the other on my right, I jumped and front flipped forward, surprising myself by sticking the landing. I'd never done that before. Gaining some distance, I rolled out the whip, twirling it above me and slamming it to the ground. The crowd oohed and ahhed at my display. I couldn't help but smile. Not because the crowd was applauding, because I knew Arlo was shaking his head at my antics. He was probably quaking in his seats. For his sake, I'd skip the tricks and treats, and get straight to the ass kicking.
The "twins" sprinted at me, each coming for one side. I ran between them, pulling the whip back and launching it at the left one, catching her. I guessed she was the lead one, I guessed right. As the "twin" caught in my whip squirmed, the one in front of me stood and watched. With one swift motion, I unraveled and flung the one in my arms into the other. They both fell like dominos. The crowd gasped. I giggled.
They both sprung back up, swords at the ready. Sadly, brute force wasn't going to slam her back into one. Thankfully, I had another idea. This time, I sprinted towards them.
I pulled my left arm back as I approached the left one. Wising up to my antics, the left twin moved out of the way. But I wasn't aiming for her. My whip found its way around the right ones neck. I pulled, tightening it, and dragged her on the grown and towards me. I tied the rest of the whip around the left one's wrists, trapping it. The right one froze, worry stopping her in her place. I winked, letting her know I knew exactly what she was up to. While she was caught up in disbelief, I grabbed the sword abandoned on the ground by the left one.
I nodded at her, signaling for her to come at me. Her face harden, and she charged. Our swords clashed back in forth. The sound of metal slamming against each other over and over filled the room. I matched everything she had. She was struggling to keep up. I was faster and stronger and better trained. The only thing she had going for her was hog-tied and ten feet away. Still, she persisted. I admire that.
I slammed my sword against hers, forcing it to the ground. Tossing my sword, I jumped up, swinging my body around and catching her head between my thighs, I flipped my self over, bring her with and slamming her head into the dirt. I leaped up grabbing both swords. I climbed on top of her. With both swords crossed, one on each side of her neck, I loomed over.
"What're you waiting for?" She asked, breathing heavy. She definitely had a concussion.
"Shift back into one, I'll let you live," I offered.
"Shift back and you live," my voice was soft. I wanted her to know that I didn't want this any more than she did.
"Okay," She agreed.
I got off her, walking a few feet back and giving her space. The crowd booed. I watched as her eye closed. She was struggling to concentrate and the crowd wasn't any help. Soon chants of "finish her' echoed throughout the stadium. Her eyes popped open. I gave her a smile. Everything will be okay.
I'm not sure how, but she got the message. Within moments, her tied up doppelganger disappeared. The crowd was silent.
I helped her up. I looked around the arena to find Drak and Arlo in a clear box to my right. Drak was disappointed. Arlo was relieved.
"I won't kill her. She clearly can't kill me. You've had your show. Let us out!" I hollered.
The crowd turned to Drak, waiting for him to the call the shots on how their supposed to react. Drak began to clap. The crowd followed. They hooted and shouted! I felt disgusted. Not with the crowds behavior, but with myself. I enjoyed that a lot more than I'd ever admit. There was a tingle in my stomach at the thought of her life being in my hands. Butterflies in your stomach were meant for crushes and love not blood lust. I just wanted to grab the book and Arlo and get the fuck out of The Underground.
Drak faded into the background, pulling Arlo with. His face cold and unexpressive. I didn't know he was capable of wiping that grin off his face.
As the door opened, I hobbled with my former opponent in hand. As soon as we were inside, she collasaped;she was more injured than I planned her to be.
Drak appeared, very unhappy.
"I said it was a fight to the death, girl," he lectured.
"I didn't agree to murder," I protested.
"Well, I don't make any money unless there's a body. Now me and everyone else who placed a bet is in the hole. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I say you've got about twenty seconds to get out of my face or I'll give ya a body," I warned.
"Is that a threat?" Drak asked, taking a step towards me.
"Wanna find out?" I asked. I was done playing his games.
"Nope!" Drak laughed, "ya win, kid! You can take a peep at your book and then leave."
"That it?" Arlo asked.
"Nah. You two never set foot in the underground ever again or I'll have you skewered on spikes and displayed outside the brothel like the animals you are." Drak answered, smile still intact.
I nodded, walking along down the corridor behind Drak with the "twins." Her body grew heavier with every step. I needed to find her a doctor.
"What's the name of the book you're looking for?" Drak asked.
"I'm not sure, but Deci says you have a book on Enchanters," I replied.
Drak stopped in his tracks, "on what?"
"Enchanters," Arlo answered.
"I'm sorry to tell ya this kid, but I have no fucking clue what an Enchanter is," Drak said.
"But Deci said-"
"I told ya once "Kyanna," and I'll tell you again, I have no fucking clue what an Enchanter is." Drak shrugged.
I stared Arlo looking for answer. Sure, Deci was beyond sketchy, but she had no reason to lie. Or did she?
"Wait-why were you two kids talking to Deci anyway? That old hag is nothing more than a liar and a cheat. I wouldn't trust her with her own two front teeth," Drak started.
"Kya, Deci played us. But why? What does she get out of this? As far as she knows, she's been well compensated." Arlo was asking all the right questions.
"Easy. It was a distraction. She needed ya out of the way for somethin'," Drak answered.
"Drak, what time is it?" I asked.
He glanced at his watched, "A little half past six. Why?"
"How long have we been here?" I gulped.
"A little over an hour. Again, I ask, why?" Drak hated being out of the loop.
"Arlo, where are we normally around 5:30?" I stared at Arlo, hoping he was catching on.
He gasped, "enjoying a Cornelius Black dinner."
I handed the "twins" to Drak, "Take her. Get her some medical attention. If I find out she's dead, I will come back and you will pray to the Gods you're able to put me on a spike."
I nodded at Arlo and we sprinted out of the underground and back to the town square just in time to catch the last Tram.
The eight minute tram ride home felt like a light year.
All I could do was think of good things. I would get off this tram, run down a few blocks, burst open the door to find Kitten and Honeycomb watching cartoons on the couch while Papa sketched designs in the kitchen. They'll ask why we missed dinner, and I'll say "boy have I got a story for you."
We'd sit in the kitchen and Papa would be so worried, but so proud of me and Arlo. He'd give us warning to never do that again, but commend us on all are quick thinking. Kitten would call me a badass for fighting in the underground and then get scolded for swearing. Honeycomb would say it was "cool" that Arlo deceived Deci "like that" and then proceed to avoid eye contact for the rest of the night.
Papa, Arlo, and I would agree to continue the Enchanter business in the morning, but it was more important to rest right now. I'd walk Arlo home and thank him for everything he did today. Then I'd hurry home, tuck Kitten into bed, say goodnight to Papa, and stay up another hour with Honeycomb hearing all about his day. I'd fall asleep to the sound of Mew's purring and thank the Gods for my family and Arlo and Sensai Klaus' teachings and for all the wonderful folks in my l life.
The Tram landed.
Arlo and I sprinted towards my home. Arlo used his light and sprang ahead of me, somehow, I was only a few feet behind him. I watched him burst into the front door. I ran rat behind him, ready to embrace my family.
The place was trashed. The living room had been torn apart, couch stuffing littered the floor and TV cracked. I ran into the rooms, all three empty. I began shouting for Papa and Honeycomb and Kitten, but received no reply. I finally crept into the kitchen, running into Arlo. He covered my face.
"Please don't look." He begged. I don't think he's ever begged a day in his life.
"Longboy, please. I gotta find them," I begged along with him. He moved his hands. I watched as tears rolled down his cheeks. I watched how much it pained him stepped to the side. I fell to my knees.
On the table, flat on his back, Papa laid still. Eyes wide open. A machete was lodged into his chest.
Blood splatters painted the kitchen. On the wall in front of me: Thanks for the favor! This was Deci's doing. I clung to my chest trying to claw at the heartache. Soon the pain spread across my whole body. My stomach churned. My boans ached. My brain ceased to function. The only thing I could see was my bloodied Papa.
I crawled towards him. I leaned against the table and held his hand in mine. Still warm. I sobbed violently. I was so close. If I fought a little quicker or I ran a little faster or I didn't make a deal with that bitch...Papa would still be here. If I had trusted my stupid gut, my Papa would still be here. He'd be warming up leftovers on this table instead of laying dead on it.
Arlo punched the pantry door with frustration. It popped open. Honeycomb dropped out of it.
"Honeycomb? Honeycomb? Kharin!" Arlo shouted, trying to wake him. I watched Arlo check his pulse. He shook his head, cradling the body.
"Honeycomb!" I screamed. I reached out to Honeycomb, but I couldn't get there. He was too far. He was gone! My sweet little Honeycomb...and I didn't even get to say goodbye.
I watched as Arlo rocked back in forth in disbelief. He hadn't spoken to Honeycomb in a week. Did he even remember the last words he said to him.
"Kittanna!" I shouted. I used the table to pull myself up. I couldn't take another death. I had to find Kitanna. She had to be breathing!
I heard a "meow" against the kitchen door. I looked at Arlo who went to open the door.
"No!" I yelled, shaking my head. She can't see this. He nodded in understanding.
I forced myself to stand and answer the scratching at the door. I slowly opened the door to find my sweet little Kitten. Bloodied and bruised but still alive.
I picked her up and walked her into the living room. I cradled and cooed, hoping to calm her. Oh. How was I supposed to tell her that two of the most important people of her life were gone? Or did she already know? Did she see it happened?
Kitten slowly transformed in front of me. I grabbed a blanket off the couch to cover her.
She was crying, "I tried, Kya! I promise! But Mew grabbed me and I couldn't stop them! Kya, I couldn't stop them!" I could barely understand her through her sobbing. "They were bigger than me, Kya! I couldn't stop them!"
I pulled her into my chest and sobbed with her.
"Kya, Kya you have to go with Mew now!" Kitten became frantic.
"What?" I asked.
"Mew. She's a meta-met-she can morph like me!" Kitten was shouting.
"A metamorph?" I asked.
"Yes! We were playing outside when they came, and she couldn't stop them because she's small, too. So she saved me."
"Where's Mew, now?" I asked, wiping Kitten's tears. She took her small fingers, and wiped away mine. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
"I'm right here," a woman's voice spoke from behind me.
I turned to find a red and gold, feathered and scaled, polymorph in front of me. A blonde stranger stood next to her.
"Mew, is that you?" I asked. She nodded. "I don't understand, Mew. Mew, what's happening?"
"You're an Enchanter, love. I'm your consort. I was sent here to watch over you till you came of age. I was going to wait till tonight because I knew Cornelius had planned a birthday dinner. I'm so sorry I did." Mew placed a claw on my shoulder. Her words were a punch to the gut and a dagger in the heart.
Arlo walked out of the kitchen, startled by scene in front of him.
"Don't worry." I couldn't manage an explanation. I'd forgotten I had a consort, entirely.
"I know it's hard, Kya, but we've got to go. It's no longer safe for you or those around you as long as you're on this island," Mew stated, rubbing my shoulder. Was Mew even her real name?
"I can't leave Juniper, Mew. The Cardinal-"
"The Cardinal is where we're going. They're gonna help us," I interrupted her with my laughing, "what's so funny?"
"The Cardinal won't help the a descendent of the Abolish," I stated.
"Maybe not. But they'll sure as hell help an Enchanter. Especially one they asked for specifically. Now, C'mon. This is Patty. She's the Port Master that's gonna help us out of here, okay." Mew tried to pull me towards her, but I resisted.
"No, I can't leave Kitten. I'm all she has." I stroked her precious face.
Arlo came around the couch and took Kitten out of my arms. I let him.
"I've got Kitten. You go. Save the world." Arlo stated.
"But what if they come back? What will you do?" I asked.
"I'm the best Magi on the island. Kitten's the feistiest thing in the realm," Arlo said.
"But what if they come back?" I wasn't letting this go. I wasn't gonna let them be murdered, too.
"The people who came here were a part of the Arch. A rebel group who's one and only goal is to destroy the fates. They must've gotten word that you were an Enchanter and probably wanted to get rid of you to to annoy the Fates. This mess was just a warning towards you: Either their side or no side. They knew they'd have no luck killing you, but could kill everything around you," Mew explained.
"If it makes you feel better," Patty spoke up, "I can port them to my island. It's not too far from the capital and you'll be able to visit. They can stay with my family and I till the coast is clear. I'm sure my little brother will get along with Kitten real well."
I looked to Arlo then Mew then Patty. Each seemed to have good intentions. I looked at sweet little Kitten, clinging to Arlo with all she's got. It was like she was afraid he'd disappear if she let go.
"Okay." I agreed to Patty's proposal.
Patty nodded and within seconds, two portals appeared in my living room. I hugged Arlo and kitten, holding on long enough to remember what they felt and smelt like till I could hug them again. I whispered "I love you" to them both. Arlo told me he loved me. Kitten told me she loved me more than anything in the world. It hurt to let go.
"We're gonna head in, I'll send word as soon as we arrive. You've got a minute to enter that portal once I'm gone," Patty said.
Kitten and Arlo waved one last goodbye before stepping in. Patty followed.
"They're in good hands. I promise," Mew swore to me.
"If I find out that even a single hair is out of place on either of their bodies, I will pull every scale off your body piece by piece and make you eat them," I promised. Mew stepped back from me, beak hanging open. I didn't care if Mew's been by my side since I was a child. Her carelessness cost two people their lives. If Kitten and Arlo died, I was dragging her and Patty and the rest of the world with.
I wasn't going through this portal to save lives and defend the realm. I was going to this portal to train and harness whatever newfound powers I had, so that I could take Deci and the Arch down. I wouldn't rest till her head was sitting pretty on a stick.
Leaving Papa and Honeycomb's lifeless bodies behind made me sick. I didn't even have time for a proper funeral. Mana would probably come searching for Arlo and stumble onto the bodies. She'll give then a respectful burial.
I quickly stepped outside, staring at the weed in front of me. I plucked a piece of the vine and tossed it in my pocket. It was the only reminder of home that I needed.
I walked back in and took one last glance at the kitchen door then stepped into the portal.
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