Chapter 10: Sticks And Stones

Javier: "Why don't you go see Kate about your problem Clem?" Clem nods, opens a brown wooden door and steps in.

Y/N: "The sun will be rising in a few hours. Joan's people know we're holed up here, and they're gonna come looking for us. All of us."

Tripp: "Ah, for fuck's sake!" You can hear the anger in his voice. Everyone surrounds a counter beside the kitchen.

Eleanor: "Maybe it's not as bad as we think!"

Ava: "Fucking figures." Everyone argues.

Tripp: "And there's no going anywhere with those things blocking our exit."

Eleanor: "They like me! That has to help somehow." She says, meaning the new frontier people.

Tripp: "Just 'cause they like you doesn't mean they're gonna like the rest of us!"

Ava: "We're sitting ducks up here!"

Tripp: "We can't just wait around here to get shot, that's for damn sure."

Javier: "Hey, we can do this!"

Gabe: "Yeah!"

Javier: "We've gotten out of tougher jams before, haven't we?"

Tripp: "I mean, sure. But this is different."

Tripp: "We can't just cut and run--not with the herd out there. Like it or not, we're fuckin' stuck in Richmond. How the fuck are we gonna put the brakes on this thing?"

Y/N: "Joan and her people are going to be at the square, right? We need to bring the fight to them."

Tripp: "We go after Joan, our problems are solved."

Eleanor: "Great. So... How do we do that?"

Ava: "It's a good question. Joan'll probably have a full security detail with her. She'll be insulated--from us and from anybody in Richmond who doesn't agree with what she's doing."

Javier: "The best way to get rid of Joan is to get David back on top. If he's in charge again, things'll go back to the way they used to be."

Ava: "No arguments here."

Tripp: "After we take Joan out, we're gonna need some way out of this mess. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not much of a runner."

Ava: "We've got a truck--a big one--that we used to use for walker defense. It's a little busted up, but it's way better than nothing."

Tripp: "People are gonna be patrolling these streets, looking for us. How far away is this truck?"

Ava: "I'll show you."

Ava walks up to the window and looks out at the city.

Ava: "We've been expanding, pushing out further--making the safe zone even bigger. Can't promise you they've cleared all the walkers yet, but... That's where the truck's parked." A large building stands in the distance behind some walkers.

Tripp: "I could spit and hit it!"

Ava: "We steal that thing, nothing'll be able to stop us."

Kate and Clementine join the others.

Kate: "Steal what?"

Javier: "Hey!"

Kate: "Jesus, Javi! Is that blood on your shirt? You said it wasn't that bad!" She says to Clem.

Y/N: "It isn't."

Kate: "How the hell did this happen? Oh, you're bleeding right through that bandage. You should have told me as soon as you got in."

Javier: "Things went a little sideways at the end. Gabe got in the way. A guard came after me, and he stabbed me in the shoulder."

Kate: "I thought you guys were gonna be careful out there."

Kate: "I thought you guys were gonna be careful out there."

Javier: "Hey, hey. Don't worry about it. It is what it is."

Kate: "Eleanor? Can you take a look at this?" (inspects wound) "As long as he keeps it clean, it should be okay." Eleanor says.

Gabe: "Would you guys stop making such a big deal about it? It happened, it's over. Move on, already!"

Kate: "I'm just trying to make sure he's okay, Gabe."

Gabe: "What we need to be talking about is the plan. Oh, I have a bunch of ideas. I wanna be the one to go after Dad. Just gimme a gun and I'll do whatever! I know the town. I know what Dad's gonna be thinking."

Javier: "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Slow down, would you? You're getting way ahead of yourself."

Tripp: "Who's to say you're even coming along, kid?" Tripp points at Gabe.

Gabe: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Javier: "Gabe. Take a breath."

Gabe: "He's my dad! I'm going."

Kate: "It's going to be dangerous out there, and I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Gabe: "If we get to save Dad, then getting hurt is worth it. It's worth dying for! This is more important to me than anyone else. I've got a gun, and I know how to use it."

Javier: "Could you do me a favor and stop showing off for everybody! You're tough, okay? You can handle a lotta shit. You don't have to prove it all the goddamn time."

Y/N: "Nobody here is gonna let you be a martyr, Gabe. Your life is precious."

Gabe: "Life is precious?! Then how come you shot Conrad, huh? Back in the tunnel, when he came after us--he tried to bargain with you! But you thought killing him would be easier."

Y/N: "You little fuckin' asshole!" You dive for Gabe, you hit your mark and you start pummeling his face in, feeling the power in your fists you hit with all of your might till Clem and Javi pull you off. Gabe stands up with a bloody nose and mouth.

Gabe: "You don't scare me."

Gabe: "You shot him! You killed him!"

Tripp: "What the fuck, Y/N?! Is he telling the truth? You murdered my friend? What the fuck did you do that for? You looked me in the eyes, man! You let me think the walkers had killed him! You were just fuckin' lying this whole time?"

Y/N: "He had a gun on them! If I hadn't killed him, he was gonna shoot Clementine and Gabe! He already shot her!"

Clementine: "He's telling the truth! When Conrad found out that we used to run with the New Frontier, he went crazy. He would've pulled the trigger. No question!"

Tripp: "I guess we'll never know, right? 'Cause he's not here to tell his side of things! You made sure of that."

Tripp: "Looks like you're a pretty fucking dangerous person to be around, Y/N!" (shoves you) "First you kill my friend, then you get me and my friends on Joan's shit list?!" (shoves you again)

Eleanor: "I think you need to give us some space, Y/N."

Tripp: "Fuck that! I don't wanna see you ever again! Maybe I'd be better off with Joan. Least I know she wants to stab me in the back. You get the fuck out and you stay gone, or I can't be held accountable. You feel me? We can take care of ourselves. Hell, we stick around you much longer, you'll probably kill us too."

Y/N: "Okay. I'm leaving. I wouldn't wanna be around me right now, either."

Javier: "We'd better go get that truck."

Ava: "I'll...uh, get my stuff, then call you on the walkie when I see things getting started in the square."

All of you that wanted to leave, leave.

Javi, You, Clem, Kate, and Gabe reach a building surrounded by a chain link fence.

Javier: "Clem, Y/N, you come with me to get the truck. Gabe and Kate, you guys hang back here. Be ready for anything."

Clementine: "Let's go."

Javi opens the fence.

Gabe: "I see what's going on. You're punishing me 'cause I told everyone what you did, right? Screw that. I'm going to get the truck. You stay behind and keep watch."

Javier: "You proved your fucking point already, Gabe. Now it's time to grow up and help us."

Clementine: _Hey, Gabe. Come on. I need you to watch my back on this one." God I hate Gabe with every fiber of my being.

Gabe: "Yeah, okay." Little prick pervert.

Kate smiles.

Clementine: "What?"

Kate: "Nothing. Gabe and I will be fine back here."

Javi, You and Clem enter the area. You walk farther down the walk way. Bulldozers and old trucks sit demolished or empty beside the road.

You look under the partially-open garage door.

Y/N: "There it is. Let's go."

You open the door. you and Clem enter the garage. You put your hand on the handle of the truck.

Y/N: "What are the chances?"

Clementine: "I'd say about 50/50."

You open the truck door.

Y/N: "Smartass."

You start to get into the truck. In another room, you see two Frontier soldiers talking.

Clementine pulls you into hiding beside the truck, where they can't see you.

Clementine: "We've got company."

Kate, Javi and Gabe join Clem and you.

Kate: "Early risers. Come on. We gotta hurry and finish before more people wake up."

Gabe: "What are we gonna do?"

Javier: "We can't start the engine--not without attracting a lot of attention. Kate, you steer. The rest of us are gonna get behind the truck and push. See if we can't get some distance between us and them."

Kate gets into the truck.

Javier: "Ready?"

Clementine: "Ready."

Gabe: "Ready."

Y/N: "I guess I am."

Javi, You, Clem, and Gabe push the truck out of the garage.

Gabe: "Turns out you needed me after all, huh? I'm just saying. I know you didn't want me to come along. If I'd stayed behind...maybe we wouldn't have been able to get the truck."

Javier: "You know I'm just trying to keep you safe, don't you?"

Gabe: "Yeah, but--"

Javier: "But nothing! You wanna keep doing stuff like this, you gotta learn how to follow directions."

They stop pushing the truck and Kate gets out.

Kate: "Don't think those guys'll be able to hear the engine all the way over here. I put it in neutral--couldn't find an ignition key in there. Guess you'll have to hotwire it. Try not to shock yourself."

Javier: "Shit. I'll need something to strip the wires."

Clementine: "They left all their supplies lying around. Bet there'll be some tools out there somewhere."

Kate: "Just try to hurry, okay?"

You open a toolbox and pick up a hammer. A walker reaches through the fence and grabs your arm.

Y/N: "Shit!"

With your other hand, you grab a pair of wire cutters and kill the walker. You put the tool in your pocket.

Javier: "Almost there. Keep an eye out while I get it started, okay?" You hand him the tools and he walks to the car and opens the driver's side door.

Kate: "I'll check on the guys in the office."

Gabe: "Clem and I will look out for walkers."

Javier: "Okay. Here goes."

Javi uses the hammer to pry open the panel in the truck.

Javier: "Wire cutters should help with this."

Javi cuts the wires.

Javier: "Gotta connect the battery to the ignition."

Javi connects the wires.

Javier: "Let there be light."

The truck's headlights turn on. Walkers break down the fence.

Javier: "Oh, shit!"

Clementine: "Javi, hurry up!"

Javi cuts another wire.

Javier: "Don't get electrocuted, don't get electrocuted..."

Javi connects the wires, and the car turns on.

Y/N: "Hey! Let's go! Now!"

Everyone gets in the truck and Javi drives away.

Frontier Soldier: "Fuck! They left the gates open!"

Javi parks the truck in the middle of a street.

Javier: "The square is a couple of blocks away. This is a good place to wait."

Kate: "Do we have enough gas?"

Javier: "I'm not about to turn the engine off again."

Kate: "What now?"

Javier: "We wait for Ava to call us on the walkie."

Kate: "So... Nothing for us to do but sit and watch the sun come up."

Gabe: "Well, I know we've got something important to do. I'm teaching Clem to play euchre." He takes a look over at you and smiles. That smug bastard.

Clementine: "That's not a real thing."

Gabe: "It's a card game! Come on. It's fun."

Gabe deals the cards.

Clementine: "Where'd you even get this?"

Gabe: "My dad. There weren't enough, 'cause the rules are kinda obscure."

Clementine: "Not surprising, considering I've never even played the game."

Kate: "It's nice to be driving around with a couple kids in the backseat again. Really takes you back, doesn't it? Just you, and me, and Gabe...and Mari. Better times."

Javier: "You're right. This is nice. Like if I just close my eyes, we're right back where we were. All of us, together."

Kate: "Do what I do: try to think about the nice stuff. Not...everything that happened after."

Gabe: "Ha! Gotcha!"

Clementine: "Oh, come on! That's not even a good rule!"

Gabe: "Still gotcha."

Kate: "Guess he's stopped playing it cool with her."

Javier: "Hm?"

Kate: "Uh, in case you haven't noticed, Gabe's got a little crush on Clementine. He like-likes her, you get it?" You snort.

Javier: "I hope it works out for them. I really do. They're good for each other. I think."

Kate: "Think their first official date will be target practice?"

Javier: "Then skinning and eating a wild animal."

Kate: "Ah, young love."

Kate: "It's so...normal. You know? Like, as crazy as things get, as terrible and tragic and just plain stupid... There's nothing more wonderfully ordinary as two kids falling for each other. Not that they're there yet. But to feel something that intensely for another person? Kinda like the best drug there is. Well, one of the best drugs."

Javier: "When I was his age and I liked a girl, I was a fucking wreck. Sweaty palms, and stomachaches, and--"

Kate: "Boners behind math books? We knew. Every time, we knew."

Javier: "See? Hell on earth."

Kate: "It's unfair. That's all I'm saying. That they're feeling what they're feeling right now, and... When that sun gets a little higher, it's right back to the fight. I just wish...he could've had a childhood. You know? I wish I could have given him that. Him and Mari both. They deserved better than this. Better than what got handed to them."

Javier: "That's why we're doing this thing, right? So he can have a better life after everything's said and done?"

Kate: "You're right. I know you're right."

Kate: "I hope you know, Javi... Having you there with me, right by my side, all this time... That's what made the difference. You're so sure of...what you're doing all this for. You didn't run away. You could have. But you didn't."

Javier: "I'm here so I can set an example for people--for Gabe, especially. Someone to be proud of. Someone who...sticks around."

Kate: "I get it."

Kate: "I know you have your reasons. You don't have to share."

Kate: "There is no graceful way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it: I know we've had moments, you and I. And they're always...a little hot, and a little confusing, and...maybe some of them haven't meant anything at all, but... Before whatever happens tomorrow happens, I need you to know... Whatever this thing is between us--I want to give it a chance. And I know the fact that David is back in our lives now makes this whole thing a little more...complicated, but... Do you feel the same way? I'd really like to know. Before things get crazy. We might not get another chance! No pressure or anything, right? Maybe I should have stayed quiet."

Javier: "Let's go for it. We've gotta try, right?"

Kate: "Oh, my god, really?"

Javier: "Really."

Kate: "So, are we gonna..."

Javier kisses Kate.

Kate: "Okay. Yeah! Shit. We're doing this! You do realize we're gonna have to have a weird conversation with David, right? It's the right way to play this. He already got the sense I was pulling away. I just wanna be able to tell him, in person. It'll feel better that way."

Ava: (over radio) "Javi! It's an execution over here. She's planning to hang David, in front of the whole crowd! You've gotta get over here now! Don't bring the truck. If they see it, they'll kill him right away. If you can just get into the square--"(radio cuts out)

Javier: "Shit. We've gotta get over there. Now!"

Javi, You, Clem, and Gabe get out of the truck.

Kate: "I'm going to hang back here, with the truck."

Javier: "Keep the walkie close by? We'll tell you as soon as we've got David."

Javier kisses Kate.

Kate: "Good luck."

Y/N: "Nothing else from Ava?"

Javier: "Nope. And it sounds like a crowd out there."

Clementine: "It sounded like Ava got cut off by something...or somebody. Wish we had some idea of what we're heading into. Like, is the whole plan shot? Or did she just have a little setback? I hate not knowing..."

Javier: "I'm getting a little worried about Ava. Something must've gone wrong. Something must have happened."

Gabe: "We're not gonna know what went wrong until we actually DO this thing. So--let's do it, already."

Javier: "You ready?"

Gabe: "Ready as I'm gonna be."

Javier: "Glad to hear it." The four of you walk along the road towards town square.

Joan and David are on the platform in the square; David stands on a stool with a noose around his neck. A crowd is gathered around the stage.

Joan: "I don't know about the rest of you, but--I didn't want to be here today. The people of Richmond deserve to be safe! David García has to be punished for what he's done!"

Javier: "Shit..." The four of you step into the crowd, blending in.

Gabe: "We can't wait for the others, can we?"

Joan: "For years now, Richmond has been governed by one simple principle: strong council, strong community. But unfortunately, the actions of one of the members of that council--our security guard David García--have put us all in danger."

David: "She's lying to all of you!"

Joan: "I'm sorry to have to show you this. Truly, I am, but you all need to see! Just look what he's done!"

A Frontier soldier removes a sheet to reveal the corpse of Badger. Shes saying david killed him. But you really did.

Joan: "He murdered this man in cold blood!"

Joan: "Is this who we want in charge? Someone this reckless?! This cruel? Not if I have anything to do with it!"

Gabe: "Can't believe this is really happening. She's gonna kill him! She can't do this to him. He's kept them safe!"

Javier: "Try to keep your cool. Joan's smart, but we're smarter. We just have to be careful."

Y/N: "We can't screw this up, Javi."

Joan: "Javier! Y/N. I'd heard you were planning to crash our little party. Why don't you come on up here? Show your face to everyone. I'm sure these people would like to hear what you have to say. Don't make me ask twice!"

Javier: "Happy to! Been waiting for this all day..." You and Javi steo in fornt of the crowd.

Joan: "Then I'll try not to disappoint you!"

Joan: "She said you came here because you wanted to save your brother. Admirable...almost."

Joan: "Don't know how you thought you were going to pull it off. Considering it's all of us...against the three of you. But I guess hope springs eternal."

Javier: "And that's exactly what I'm planning to do."

Joan: "Appreciate the honesty. Which makes this so much harder..."

Joan: Here in Richmond, people who put themselves before the group don't last long. Bring them out!

Frontier soldiers bring out Tripp, Jason, and Ava.

Tripp: "Get away from me!"

Ava: "You're making a mistake!"

David: "Ava!"

Clementine: "Oh, no..."

Gabe: "They had them this whole time!"

Joan: "David wanted to tear this whole place down. He told his people where to find our gun supply, and sure enough, they picked us clean. You really thought you could ride into town and stage a coup? With our own damn weapons? Something like that... I can't just let it go. You've put me in a no-win situation here! So I'm gonna do the same thing to you. Both of them deserve to die for their crimes. However, Javi--I'll let you spare on of them. Just one."

Clint: "Joan, are you sure about this? We never agreed to killing all these people!"

Joan: "It's really up to Javi, isn't it? All eyes are on you. Maybe this will help you make up your mind... Boys?"

Frontier soldiers point their guns at Gabe, Clem, you, and Javi.

Joan: "Come on, Javi. Who's it going to be? Your friend... Or your brother's lieutenant? Or your friends older brother who he hasnt seen in years?"

Tripp: "Oh, come on! This is fuckin' stupid!"

Ava: "You can't be serious! Goddamn you, Joan."

Tripp: "Do the right thing, Javi!"

Ava: "How could you do this?"

Javier: "Tripp has to live. He's invaluable."

Ava: "Son of a bitch..."

David: "Javi, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Joan: "You're not making David happy--but I respect you for sticking up for your own people! Shoot him."

Javier: "Wait! I said Tripp should live!"

Joan: "You did, but there's something else you need to understand... Betrayal."

Eleanor: "You can't do this!"

Tripp: "Fuckin' figures."

Joan: "I can do anything I want! You brought this on yourself. Do it."

Javier: "Joan..."

Y/N: You can't--

Javier: "Wait!"

Javier says nothing.

Tripp: "No!"

Tripp is shot in the head.

Eleanor: "No!"

Gabe: "Oh, my god! They really shot him!"

Joan: "Now, David, it's your turn."

Javi steps forward, but the New Frontier draw their weapons. Clem, Gabe, you, and Javi put your hands up.

Clint: "I can't believe this! This isn't how we do things. This is madness!"

Y/N: "Stop her, Clint! Is this the process you trusted?"

Clint: "No!"

Joan: "Think about this, Javi. You know what's gonna happen here. You ready for that?"

Clint: "We don't murder in Richmond, we exile. That's how we've always done things. How about you take David and the rest of your people and just get the hell out? Go far away from Richmond, and then whatever you do is up to you."

Joan: "I'm sure the herd outside would like that."

Gabe: "She thinks she's sending us out there to die!"

Clementine: "She's counting on it."

Clint: "Everybody, put your guns away! We're gonna handle this peacefully."

The New Frontier puts their weapons away and Gabe, you, Clem, and Javi lower their hands.

David: "Don't listen to them, Javi! They're fucking butchers, all of 'em! Shoot that bitch! Take her out! She deserves it! If you don't do it, I fucking will! Let me outta here! I'll tear her apart!"

Y/N: "Go to hell, Joan!"

You shoot Joan in the left eye, killing her.

A Frontier soldier kicks the stool out from under David, and he starts hanging, choking painfully.

Everyone in the crowd screams and flees. Gabe runs up to David. Javi attempts to follow, but is blocked by the fleeing crowd. A Frontier solider fires at him, accidentally killing Richmond citizens while trying to hit Javi, who runs away. He shoots a soldier and climbs onto the stage. You dodge around some bullets and hol onto the stage.

Gabe holds David's legs up to keep him from suffocating. Javi shoots a soldier. He climbs onto the stool and cuts the rope. You and Gabe pull David behind the stage while being fired upon. Clint runs away.

David: "You son of a bitch!"

David: "Get back here! Gabe, I need you to cover me! We've gotta make things right!"

Gabe: "Oh! O--okay..."

David runs off.

Gabe: "Dad needs us! We gotta get out there"

Y/N: "David's not thinking right. What's worth more: his revenge, or your life?" Wheres Clem? You almost forgot about her.

Gabe: "I...think you're right."

Javi, you and Gabe hide behind a pillar as a soldier fires at them. Javi peeks out and shoots him. Clementine takes cover in the entrance to a subway tunnel as several soldiers fire at her.

Y/N: "Shit! I've gotta help her!"

Javi fires at the New Frontier.

Javi, you. jump off the stage and shoot a soldier. You two and Gabe take cover in the tunnel.

Clementine: "We had a way out of this, Y/N! Why did you have to go and shoot her?

Clementine: "Ah, shit! Get down!"

Kate: (over radio) "I hear gunfire! What the hell is going on over there? Are you guys okay? Do you need a pickup? Or do you have things under control?"

Javier: "Stay away from the square! It's too risky! We'll come to you!"

Kate: "I--I can't hear you! It's too loud!"

A soldier throws a smoke bomb at Clem, you, Gabe, Javi, and you leave your hiding place, getting separated. You try to wrestle the gun from a soldier.

You takes the gun and knock out the soldier with a hit to his face with the blunt end of the weapon. Knocking him out. You look around and see Clem and Javi approaching.

Kate drives toward javi you and Clem.

Clementine: "It's Kate! She's coming for us!"

A soldier throws a molotov at the truck, lighting it on fire.

Javier: "Oh shit!"

The three of you jump out of the way. Of the truck.

Javier: Oh, god--

Clementine: "Javi! You've got to get over there before--"

Y/N: "Shit..."

The truck explodes, creating a hole in the wall.

Javier: "Kate!"

The herd of walkers wanders into the city. Leaving all of you in danger.

Y/N: "Shit! Run!" You hear your screams echo off the walls of Richmond. The screams and cries of it's citizens go around your ears in a hot daze. Your trapped in the city with a flooding of walkers...

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