Chapter 19 : oh well she's back
You smile, I melt
Laksh's POV
"Hey! everyone as it is you guys already know who I am, I mean it would be kinda rude if you don't know your classmate who studied here with you in this very school for like 14 or" She looked down at the paper nervously, her hands shook clear out visible in the big projector screen.
"It's 12 years actually... but how would I remember you know I lost my memories!?" she forced out a laugh awkwardly, then flinched at what the person said not clear enough to get it, behind the camera.
"I guess too soon to make a joke of it?"
Now, this was Avi Shukla.
Her signature high pony was missing rather had her chocolate brown hair with streaks of blue in two plaits like of some kid. The feisty girl with smoky eyes was in some bright flowery patterned dress.
What had happened to Avi Shukla?
My fierce competitor my rival. The person who never hesitated to fight head-to head with me. Where had she gone?
The befuddlement was shared by the entire class. We were shocked, taken aback by how the accident had changed her.
Two weeks before, Avi had a fatal accident where she lost both of her parents. She and her cousin(Ryan) had survived with severe injuries. She was admitted to the ICU where she laid unconscious for approx 48 hours and came back on the third day. According to the rumors which now appeared to be true she lost her memories. She didn't know anything. She didn't know who she was.
We weren't allowed to visit her, understandable not being the family members or related to her anyhow. The hospital didn't consider friends or enemies in the list of relations of the patient. Quite biased attitude.
Neither her boyfriend Ishaan nor her best friend Tanya knew how she was. Was she fine? And how can anyone outsider meet her....not that she would ever care if I visited her. Because for her I was just an opponent who always stole the first place academically who she didn't like at all.
When I heard about the accident I felt guilty slightly because I had only arguments with her though it was always her bumping into me and yelling at me.
So how do you feel when someone you have never been kind to, had to go through something worse. Had lost both of their parents and their memories. I felt a strange pang for her. I couldn't even imagine myself in her shoes.
Hence, when our class teacher at the beginning of the session of class 11th. In the very first period brought forth this video message from Avi. My heart stopped, I literally stopped working when I heard her name. I thought I would never hear about her and Avi had just been erased off from our lives.
I never cared for anyone in the school. My first goal had been to pass out with top grades so I hadn't bothered to be a part of high school drama or making cherished friendship goals which rarely last after high school's over. I had my eyes on long term goals. However, I won't deny those arguments with Avi and our popular rivalry did impact my school life. I was unknowingly looking forward to them every day, which I knew about, during her absence.
"This is Post Avi Shukla," Avi said gesturing to her. She was grinning she was smiling broadly. This was really Post Avi Shukla because the one, I knew never smiled this much.
"I received so many cards and flowers from you guys. I am thankful but I am sorry I don't know anyone of you" she looked genuinely sorry more about that she didn't remember us than losing memories of us.
"I was surprised that Pre Avi Shukla had so many friends I am impressed with her. But I don't feel that was her or I am her. I know very little about her. Actually, you guys know more about her than me and it's hurting" her voice turned wobble but she kept the smile on. "Anyway, I have talked to the doctors" she looked back giving them a nod.
"They said I don't have to act like Pre Avi if I don't like it. I don't like it honestly, I don't want to live with the fear I am doing it wrong. So I want to start new. I want to make new memories. I want to come back to school as a new student. As Post Avi Shukla. Can you all do this for me? Can you all pretend that I am different? Can you help me make some new memories in my Post Avi's perspective? Can I know you all once again and can you just please refrain yourself correcting me as I should behave? I might look weird I might act strange you can call me a freak. Because this is how I am right now. I don't know how to be anything otherwise, for a while. If it's not bothering anyone then I hope to see you all around.. byee" the screen turned blank as she vanished waving.
She was joking she had to be joking.
But the bandage looked real
Her words sounded genuine
But she was different it wasn't her
The smile got stamped in my mind. This wasn't her it was some innocent and undiscovered part of her towards which I felt an overwhelming need to protect her. It was shocking. Was it guilt? It had to be guilt or sympathy because I never liked her, I thought so
The class was confused so were the teachers. Was Avi just pretending? But why would she do that?
We agreed for her sake. Tanya her best friend I honestly didn't like her at all she uses people for her own benefit, gave a speech as to how we should do it and be there for her by this. I just rolled my eyes at her. She noticed giving me, a sharp warning look. Which she meant that I should be completely out of it. Like I would.
I was absent when Avi joined the school. I just couldn't manage to make myself face her. I didn't know why I was worried about the second impression but I couldn't do it. Maybe I missed the Pre Avi I didn't want to alter her image in my head to something so gentle and fragile version of her.
I just couldn't forget her previous self
The one I used to know
When the preoccupied mind is running on and on. When your steps have become your unconditional reflex they know better than you the destination by now. They take your body robotically while your mind is somewhere else and somehow in this dis-connectivity, you are stuck.
Monotonously struggling to be the bridge between a mindless body and in trance loving mind. This is an autopilot mode. Which now, I was habitual of. I lost all hope of getting excited anymore. Same school, same lame students, same annoying teachers, same nowhere taking me lectures I found no hope of ever-changing this broken record, it would go on and on for my rest of the high school.
But I was wrong I did find it that day. The solution to my restless soul residing in a young body found something that could make the left three more years of my high school less tedious.
It was the usual day just being the start of the next session of the new class.
I stood behind the crowd which I failed to see than just a time pass as to why people were gathered around the bulletin board?
"I am in 9C!"
"9A shit.."
For loner students like me we didn't see shuffling of students into the different sections as some major change provoking aspect, the least I could care was that if the details were sent through online way so now what was the commotion about?
To be sure of I got the correct section.
I looked at the chart for classes 9.
Others part away making my way easy.
They seemed to be intimidated by my laid back/uncaring attitude..
how funny
Or they weren't still over of, me punching Ishaan that good for nothing Ishaan for messing up with me. It was just a punch. That broke his nose but 2 weeks suspension?? The principal was just being dramatic.
I rolled my eyes.
I saw my name in the class 9-C column it was the same. I guess these people can't remember a simple section.
"Hey!" Someone called from beside me.
I side glanced. That short-tempered short girl with smoky eyes, always trailing behind Tanya. I categorized people like that, it saves me from remembering useless names. But I knew her name how can I forget her?
I looked in front ignoring her
"Hey!" she said again.
I was going to leave when my sleeve was tugged.
I turned back. Was a little irritated now," what?"
"Can you find my name up there?" She asked fluttering her eyelashes trying to appear cute.
I found it near to amusing that she thought I know her name.
I did a show of searching on the board then I shook my head," nope, there is no one named annoying "
I turned heading towards my class. What a drag...
"Hey, you!" She called
I stopped but didn't turn back
"Look I found you in 9-C, 'asshole'!"
Since then there started our rivalry. Avi Shukla and I were in the same class in the same row. I, at the back she in front. She spread rumors about me being a criminal son's and my father was a seven murdered runaway criminal. As if I cared.
Nothing matters more than my grades to me. So I didn't bother correcting it.
Only stupid people would believe in such rumors. Which happened to be almost the entire school.
But who knew that airheaded would challenge me in ranks? And I found it quite entertaining
Our rivalry grew more and more intense. With Avi being more and more annoying she won't back down I think she deliberately liked bumping into me trying to get some reaction out of me. She wasn't bad at studying but she wasn't even that good to compete with me. Fool
I don't know why she was so bent on to bring my grades down or defeat me to get the first rank in the class.
Nevertheless, I won't let it happen to some mere B+ grades one
I couldn't manage to keep my composure when she was around she got on my nerves and I didn't step back from riling her up.
Between us was a line a very thin line which we were barely able to keep up on its side because she won't mind throwing punches at me and I can't raise a hand on a female. But she was so damn annoying I wanted to start punching the things around. Both of us having temper didn't help much in our case.
I remember that day,
The bell rang announcing the last period got over. The bustling of the students trying to rush out as soon as possible.
I leaned back at my chair, stretching my legs out watching them leave.
"Get up asshole I need to close the door"
She yelled from the front of the class.
I closed my eyes propping my head back on my hands behind it."I have a name"
"Like I would ever call you that, just get up don't waste my time!"
"You don't need to stay behind for me," I said dryly.
"I am not staying behind for you" She marched towards me.
I bit my lip suppressing a smile. She got a punishment to see through all the classes of the hallway had their doors and windows closed and lights flicked off. It was for breaking the windowpane of the classroom, for the third time. Looks like shorty had a habit of taking out anger on the windows by kicking them.
"Then go," I told opening my eyes finding her standing right over my head glaring.
She and her so-called best friend Tanya did the same dress-up look.
High pony and short skirt.
In her case short height too.
"Don't provoke me I am warning you" she said pointing her finger very near to my eye.
I pulled her finger down surprising her she didn't pull back squinted her eyes, suspiciously. I drew it down to my lips her eyes widened then I bit it.
She pulled it back, immediately"you bit my finger! Are you an animal! You pervert!" she yanked my collar staring straight into my eyes I tilted my head interested to know more and where this was going.
"Don't ever"
I watched her pink glossed lips.
"Do that I swear I'll kill you" she head-butted me then pulled back, swirling around.
"I need to sanitize my mouth now," I said dropping my elbows on the desk what's with my heartbeats now?
She turned, her red cheeks with anger or blush?
"I need to cut my finger off now" she replied with a deadpanned look
"By the way, you kissed my finger first, am I too attractive for you to handle?" she said hotly flicking her hair.
My eyes twitched with irritation and I was a little abashed by myself.
"I thought you looked desperate"
"Excuse me?" she warned me to retreat.
Oh That I won't
I got up casually taking my time to answer. And I knew this annoyed her most. The class was empty now. I took leisure steps then looked at her, " working so damn hard to get the basket boy's attention? Must be very desperate now"
She looked furious, "don't be a jealous asshole. It won't be you even if you begged me on your knees"
"airheaded and desperate are not my type" I shot back.
She gave me a murderous look, "non-existent is your type?" Then Stormed out and locked me in the class.
I punched the door angrily. Damn it I had had to get back home early today.
Then there was a day when she was absent. I felt relieved no nuisance for a day. She was absent on the other day too. She wasn't the absentee type but who cares at least there won't be any bothering I should be happy. Then she didn't come on the third day. Then the fourth... Ninth and soon I realized I was counting her absence when I should be glad I was back to my privacy my lone self. Not only I was counting her absence but also I was curious as to why she was absent? Who was she annoying now?
Was she alright...
Post Avi was cheerful
Post Avi was better at choosing friends
Post Avi was funny she believed in her own rumors
She called me Lux and also started calling Laksh when she herself sworn off she won't ever
Post Avi didn't remember Ishaan too; that made me glad a little too much. Kavya told me about Ishaan offering her to spy on me. Kavya and I were childhood friends. Avi didn't know about it. I offered her the same to confuse Avi because one thing I know both the Avi's didn't like complications.
Post Avi was vulnerable too
She was lost in her thoughts
She didn't focus in classes
I decided to help her I couldn't refrain myself from not to, major part is that when she would get her memories back I'll tell her she was tutored by her rival
She was getting back I could see her how she used to get angry at me like before
But I didn't realize that when I would start getting closer to her she would again slip away
Kavya told me Avi got her memories back. She fainted in the boys' locker room Ishaan found her. What was she doing there even.? After that, she seemed to be dizzy and unresponsive. Her Aunt was called then she was taken to the hospital. I regretted leaving school early without checking on her.
Her memories were back, old Avi was back
But she didn't remember what happened in these 6 months? I should be relieved or disappointed. I didn't know.
Moreover about her parents...
I grimaced, rubbing my face how will she take this now...
I looked down at the mobile in my hand and called her number my eyes tightly shut. Please be fine
"Calling me at the wrong time asshole? How dare you!"
Oh well she's back
This chapter was difficult to write 😓 well anyway meet ya people in the next update. Thankuuu for ya support dearies ❤️❤️
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