The Revelation

Later on behind the mess hall cabin, the girls were telling their friends what happened to them out in the Spirit world. After explaining everything, their friends were surprised at what they were told, "Whoa, sounded intense out there." Karai gasped.

"Yeah, and it felt so real." Applejack added.

"I can't believe you guys faced opponents like Armaggon, Dregg, and Subprime." Raph said in disbelief.

"And you, Rarity, were actually willing to get covered in filth?" Mikey joked.

"Laugh if you will, Michelangelo, but just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I can't fight dirty." Rarity said with her head held high.

"Sounds like you all did great out there." Twilight smiled.

"We did, and who knows maybe you'll conquer your own spiritual adversary too." Sunset added, while Twilight hoped the others didn't think it was Midnight Sparkle she was referring to.

"Well, I certainly need a wash after fighting in the mud," Rarity said, "Then afterward we can finally do a run through of the fashion show on the runway."

"Dock." Applejack reminded her.

"Sounds like a plan." April admitted.

"I'll be right with you, just need to get something." Sunset Shimmer said, as she left to head back to the Sapphire tent. As she walked past the boat house she could hear the voices of Gloriosa and Timber arguing from inside.

"I just wished you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" Gloriosa began, as Sunset Shimmer listened in and heard Timber respond.

"Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!"

Sunset looked suspicious, "I knew it! He wants her to get rid of the camp!" The door flung open luckily not slamming into Sunset, as Gloriosa stormed out followed by her brother. She spotted Timber sneaking off into the woods, and spoke to herself, "I better warn the turtles." she pulled out her phone and called Leo.

As the turtles were hanging out in the forest, Leo heard his T-Phone ring and answered it, "Hello? Sunset Shimmer, what's up? What?! Don't worry, we'll be right there." he hung up.

"What's the latest?" Raph asked.

"Sunset found Timber sneaking off into the woods after overhearing an argument between him and Gloriosa. Now she's certain he's behind these Gaea Everfree related incidents." Leo explained.

"So let's get the drop on the dude and expose him." Mikey said feeling hyped.

"First we meet up with Sunset Shimmer, come on!" Leo ordered, and they took off.

In the woods, Timber was sneaking around making sure no one was watching him, while unaware of Sunset Shimmer trailing him from behind. Sunset saw the turtles drop in, "Where is he?" Donnie asked.

"That way." Sunset said, as they followed the path before feeling the earth shake a bit. They pulled back some tree branches seeing someone enter a cave in the rock quarry. They could see a magenta glow coming from inside it. The cave itself was practically blocked by huge boulders with only a small enough crevice for someone to squeeze into.

"Whoa." Mikey gasped.

"That must be where the magic at camp is radiating from." Donnie said.

"Now we know why he didn't want anyone going around the rock quarry." Raph realized it.

"I better call Twilight." Sunset pulled her phone out.

"Twilight?" Leo asked.

"I know it'll be painful, Leo, but if Timber Spruce is behind these incidents then Twilight has to know." she dialed up.

"Yeah, otherwise she'll be falling for a psycho." Mikey joked, only to get smacked on his head by Leo.

After receiving the text, Twilight and Spike wandered through the woods on their way to the rock quarry. She could see the same magenta glow from over the treetop, "What is that?" she asked, before walking right into a spider web, making her shriek as she pulled it off.

Sunset clasped her mouth shut and shushed her, "This way." she said, as Twilight and Spike followed Sunset and the turtles.

They showed the two the cave where the glow continued pulsing, "What is going on?" Twilight asked.

Sunset explained, "I think it's Gaea Everfree. Or rather, someone who wants us to think she's back. C'mon!" they went to the cave entrance, until Sunset turned to the turtles, "I think you guys better stay out here."

"What?" Raph asked in shock, "You're not serious."

"Sunset, if there is something in there you'll need our help." Donnie warned her.

"But if there isn't you'll only risk exposing yourselves," Sunset countered, "Besides only Twilight and I can fit through this crevice."

Raph looked and it and spoke, "True, I mean if Mikey tried squeezing in he'd get stuck."

"Hey!" Mikey growled.

"All, right, but be careful in there. Both of you." Leo warned them, especially Twilight. The girls nodded and squeezed into the save with Spike following.

They walked through the cave that was giving off a white glow somewhere, along with sparkling geodes embedded into the walls, "This place is beautiful." Twilight marveled.

Sunset looked around feeling tense, "There's Equestrian magic here. I can... I can feel it."

Spike suddenly looked confused, "Wait. I thought Timber was just faking there was a magical nature creature. Are you saying it's real?"

Twilight was suddenly taken aback, "Timber? What does he have to do with any of this?"

Before Sunset could try and explain, a soft voice answered, "Nothing," they looked at a dark spot in the cave to see Gloriosa coming into the light, "It's all me." she bore an insane grin while her eye twitched.

The girls and Spike were left in shock and confusion at thie revelation, as Sunset spoke, "Gloriosa? But... Timber. I was sure he was the one trying to make it seem like Gaea Everfree was back. It was you who was trying to scare everyone away?"

Gloriosa walked around them, "I would never try to scare anyone away from Camp Everfree." Sunset Shimmer grabbed onto her arm and her magic enabled her to see what was going on with her.

She saw Gloriosa in the camp's office with Filthy Rich standing before her and speaking, "My, oh, my. You fell behind on your payments, Gloriosa. I own the land now."

Gloriosa pleaded desperately with him, "Please. My great grandparents founded this place. It's been in our family for generations! You have to let the camp stay!"

"Instead of turning it into a spa resort that will line my pockets with more money than this camp ever could?" he chuckled greedily, "I don't think so."

Gloriosa continued to try and reason with him, "Please! I-I-I-I just need a little more time!"

Filthy Rich rolled his eyes deciding to show mercy, "Fine. I'll give you 'til the end of the month. Hmph." he left the office, while Gloriosa could only cry.

Sunset could see another flashback of Gloriosa sitting on the same log Twilight did in the forest still crying, "What'll I do?" her tears trickled onto the pond water, and she saw a magenta magical wisp fly by. She followed it leading her to the same cave they were in, "Wow." she saw a white stalagmite rock formation, and seven colorful geodes embedded in it. Gloriosa touched them and gasped as magic was surrounding her. She pulled herself off and landed on the ground seeing she pulled five of the geodes out. There was a purple one, an orange one, a yellow one, a blue one, and a white one.

Another flashback showed Gloriosa and Timber in the office, with Gloriosa wearing the geodes around her neck like a necklace. Timber tried talking to her, "You don't know what those things are!"

"But I know what they can do!" Gloriosa extended her arm out to two plants hanging in the office, and vines started growing from them and were picking up stuff from atop the desk, "I've been practicing! I can control their power now!"

Timber was still skeptical about this, "You don't know that for sure!" When he saw his sister wasn't going to listen, he just stormed off only for Gloriosa to stop him, "This is our camp, and it's being taken away! If this has to be our last week here, I'm going to use whatever it takes to make it count!" she growled.

"Just take it easy, we're supposed to meet Scout Master Bishop soon, so don't lose it." Timber warned her.

"Don't worry about me." Gloriosa said firmly.

Suddenly Sunset could see it was Gloriosa who was the one responsible for causing Sandalwood and Derpy's boat to crash into the dock by making vines rise up form the water below to give them a push to shore, but the push was a lot stronger than what she planned for. Another flashback involved Micro Chip and Trixie going to try fishing in the stream, but saw the water was all dried up. She looked around and saw a bunch of boulders were blocking the water. She used her magic to make vines move the rocks to unblock the water giving the two campers something to fish in.

The next flashback was once again of Timber and Gloriosa arguing, but this time was the whole argument Sunset listened in on moments ago, "You were using magic all over the place! I had to tell them something to cover for you! What did you want me to do?!" Timber argued.

"I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" Gloriosa shouted.

"Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!"

Sunset snapped out of it and spoke, "Timber wasn't talking about letting go of the camp. He was talking about you letting go of the magical geodes!" Gloriosa shirked back wondering how Sunset found her out, "All those things you were doing to make this week the best week ever. Every time you used magic to do them, you caused another problem somewhere else! Timber was... covering for you!"

Gloriosa looked suspicious, "How do you know what I was doing with the geodes? How do you know about the magic?"

Sunset Shimmer answered, "I can see things. Feel things. Because I have magic, too," she motioned to Twilight, "And so does she. And so do our friends."

Twilight tried giving her own two cents to dissuade Gloriosa from her dark path, "Gloriosa, Timber wasn't wrong. Maybe you should stop using magic. Too much of it can be dangerous if you can't control it."

Gloriosa continued to bare a look of insanity, as she spoke, "Oh, I got this. And I'm going to use it to save my camp," she looked back at the remaining two geodes, "I just need more power!" she reached for them.

"No!" the two girls cried, as Gloriosa used her magic to ensnare the two in vines from the ground.

When Gloriosa added the last two geodes to the others, she could feel all of the magic coursing through her veins. Her body rose from the ground and vines wrapped around her legs and upper torso. Her clothing disappeared, replaced by a multi-green colored full body dress with vine-like designs, purple forest leafs and long brown wooden colored gloves that reached just bellow her shoulders. The necklace connecting top, which also had purple leafs on the outlines. Her shoes were replaced with long stockings, brown vines wrapped around her legs and two daisies placed at her angles. Her hair became longer, moving in an intangible wind, turning into a glowing cyan color with light aquamarine streaks. Her skin became a sickly cerise gray, her eyes became as black as night, her pupils now light brilliant green and a mask of moderate raspberry surrounded the outline of her eyes. A brown headband rested on her head, decorated with glowing green stones.

The new Gloriosa smirked at her new appearance and spoke to the girls, "Sorry, girls. I know what I need to do. But I feel like we're not on the same page. So..." She levitated to the cave exit.

"Gloriosa!" the two struggled, "No!"

Outside the cave the turtles who had been watching from the sides saw Gloriosa levitating out, much to their shock, "Holy pepperoni!" Mikey gasped.

They saw her use her magic to make vines seal off the entrance of the cave with boulders, before levitating off. They went back to the entrance, as Raph spoke, "That did not look like Timber at all."

"That was Gaea Everfree!" Mikey cried.

"Then you think Timber was working for Gaea Everfree?" Donnie asked developing a new theory.

"It doesn't matter. Twilight and Sunset are trapped in there!" Leo reminded them, as they tried moving the boulders.

They tried their hardest, but the boulders weren't budging, "There's no way we can move these things, Leo." Raph said.

"Yeah, even the four of us combined couldn't move them." Donnie agreed.

"But how're we going to get Twilight and Sunset out of there?" Leo asked, until they saw a magical aura surrounding the boulders and they were suddenly moving aside to reveal the cave entrance. They saw Twilight, Sunset, and Spike come out, "Twilight!" Leo ran over and embraced the girl, who returned the embrace. The two realizing how close they were parted while looking embarassed.

"You all ok?" Raph asked Sunset.

"We're fine, Raph. Thanks to Twilight" Sunset motioned to Twilight who smiled sheepishly.

"So what happened in there?" Donnie asked.

"Is Timber working for Gaea Everfree?" Mikey wondered.

Sunset shook her head, "We were wrong, guys. It wasn't Timber. It was Gloriosa."

"Gloriosa?" the turtles gasped, as Raph spoke, "Well, we were suspicious of her too. She was too peppy to be normal."

"Not to mention the eye twitching." Mikey added.

Twilight spoke, "She's been using these magical geodes from inside this cave to help try fix any problems happening at camp, but that in turn only made more problems. Timber was only trying to cover for her."

"Why would she need to use magic rocks?" Mikey asked.

Sunset answered, "Well, Filthy Rich had a part in it. Gloriosa and Timber couldn't pay the rent on the camp, and Filthy Rich owning the land planned to tear it down and put in a spa resort."

"So his appearances have only been pressuring Gloriosa." Leo realized.

"Now she's taken too much of the magic and became what you saw her as." Spike finished.

"We got to stop her." Leo said.

"Then perhaps you require assistance?" came a familiar voice. The turtles, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike looked over and coming out from the trees was Master Splinter with Bishop.

"Master Splinter!" The turtles cheered, as they ran over and embraced their father.

"My sons." he held them close.

"What're you doing here?" Donnie asked.

"Bishop contacted me and informed me of the trouble happening here," Splinter began, "He sent a portal bringing me right away." Bishop smiled and nodded in confirmation.

"Sensei." Sunset greeted him.

"Sunset Shimmer, I can see it in your eyes your journey into the Spirit World was successful." Splinter smiled.

"Thank you, Master," she answered, before turning to Bishop, "Bishop, Gloriosa, she's the one-" Bishop cut her of.

"Yes. I'm aware of the situation, Sunset Shimmer. I had my suspicions Gloriosa was behind these certain occurrences at the camp, but I had to make sure. Now my suspicions have been confirmed."

"What is the trouble here?" Splinter inquired.

"Long story short," Spike began, "Gloriosa's been using magical geodes to try and make time at camp perfect, but she's only been causing problems."

"She's determined to protect this camp from being sold, sensei." Leo explained.

"Even willing to go all plant crazy." Mikey trembled.

"Then she must be quelled before she hurts someone." Splinter said.

"Well, it's a good thing we came too." came another familiar voice. The group saw coming from the same direction and Splinter and Bishop was the Mighty Mutanimals.

"Slash!" Raph cheered, as he fist bumped with his former pet.

"Good to see you, Raphael." Slash greeted, and climbing out from his shell was Chompy who growled happily.

"Chompy, what're you doing here?" Raph asked, as he picked him up.

"When Bishop came to get us, Chompy cried to come." Slash explained.

"Oh, I love you too, little guy." Raph nuzzled Chompy.

Donnie saw Pigeon Pete was alongside the Mutanimals, "Pete, where have you been?"

Pete was suddenly confused, "What?" he turned to his fellow mutants, "Didn't you tell the guys I was going South to see some relatives?"

Slash and Rockwell looked a tad sheepish, "We may have forgotten to tell them." Rockwell admitted.

Pete sighed in exasperation, "And you all call me a bird brain."

"With the Mighty Mutanimals, we really stand a chance now." Mikey cheered, as he and Mondo Gecko high fived.

"And it is not just the Mutanimals," Bishop answered, "I have brought additional support, some you already know of."

Walking out from the forest and into the clearing was who else but the Dazzlings armed with their ninja weapons,"Ta-dah!" they presented themselves.

"The Dazzlings?" Sunset gasped.

"Aren't those the sirens you defeated at the battle of the bands?" Twilight asked.

"And fought in New York?" Spike asked.

"One and the same." Leo confirmed.

"What're you three doing here?" Raph asked suspiciously.

"Keep your shell on, Raphael, we're here to help." Aria replied.

"That's right." Sonata grinned.

"We understand if you're hesitant to accept our help, but we're finally ready to do something real good instead of evil." Adagio promised.

Sunset spoke up, "Well, good. Because we need all the help we can get."

"So what's the situation?" Sonata asked.

"A girl's gone crazy with magic and is heading towards camp." Mikey explained.

"We have to stop her before she hurts someone." Donnie added.

"Then let us hurry!" Splinter ordered, as the group charged through the forest to get back to camp, while hoping Gloriosa hasn't done too much damage yet.

TMNT Принадлежит Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Принадлежит Hasbro.

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