Terrible news

On Saturday morning, the Rainbooms were kicking back outside CHS by the statue/portal, as Rainbow spoke, "I tell ya, having these new powers has been so awesome for us." Rainbow said, while drinking from a juice box.

"I'm just glad you're not using them to cheat at soccer." Sunset replied.

"I'd never do a thing like that. But rushing to grab a quick snack or beverage is another." Rainbow said.

"Even if you've forgotten your textbook at home?" Pinkie nudged Rainbow, who felt embarrassed.

"Well, it's certainly made my work at the farm easier," Applejack noted, "I've been able to carry more bushels of apples than even Big Mac."

"And I can levitate all my essentials over to me without having to get up." Twilight added.

"The diamonds I've been able to create make my new designers outfits more stunning." Rarity put in.

"And being able to talk to the animals at the Rescue Center makes working easier." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks to my new magic I've been able to make a new delicious type of cupcake," Pinkie began, "Pop Cake! It'll leaving a popping feeling in your mouth." she giggled.

"And to think this all happened a week ago." Spike reminded them.

"Yeah, when we saved Camp Everfree from being destroyed." Rainbow added.

"All thanks to us and our friends." Sunset smiled, as they thought of the turtles.

Twilight's phone started ringing, and she checked the I.D, "Girls, it's Leo," she answered it, "Leo, hi. We were just talking about you guys. Wait calm down, and tell me what's wrong? What?!" the girls looked surprised at Twilight's reaction, as she spoke to Leo in concern, "Oh, my gosh. Are you all right? That's good. What? Oh, no. Yes, of course we'll come right away. We'll see you then. And, Leo... I'm so sorry." she hung up and looked at her friends in sorrow.

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Spike asked.

"Are the turtles ok, darling?" Rarity asked in concern.

"They're fine, Rarity. But they ran into Super Shredder." Twilight explained.

"Super Shredder?!" the girls gasped.


"Are they all right?" Applejack asked.

"They're fine, but..." Twilight looked away.

"But what?" Sunset wondered.

"Master Splinter." Twilight answered.

"What?" Pinkie asked in concern.

Twilight shed a tear and answered sadly, "Shredder got him."

The girls gasped, as Fluttershy spoke in shock, "Oh, no!"

"Sensei." Applejack gasped.

"Shredder." Spike growled.

"No! He can't be," Pinkie began, "He can't be gone! We just got him back!" she cried, as Rarity held her to keep her calm.

"They say they're having a memorial for him at April's family farm in Upstate New York," Twilight explained, "I told Leo we'd come."

"Of course we are." Sunset agreed.

"We can't miss this." Applejack added.

"We owe it to sensei to attend." Rainbow said.

"I'll contact Princess Twilight, she has to know about this." Sunset pulled out her journal and began writing a message to Twilight's Princess counterpart.

"Let's hope she's available this time." Rarity said with hope.

As if answering her question, Princess Twilight and her Spike emerged from the portal, "We got here as soon as we heard." Princess Twilight said.

"So Splinter really is gone?" Spike asked with a whimper, as Fluttershy rubbed his head while trying to smile to keep Spike in good spirits.

"I'm afraid so, Spike." she answered.

"And the turtles?" Princess Twilight asked.

"They're ok, but they're also grieving for Splinter." Twilight answered.

"We better get to April's Farm right away." Sunset suggested.

"Though how can we find it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Leo gave us directions." Twilight replied, as she looked at the directions on her phone.

"But how're we going to get there?" Dog Spike asked.

"Don't worry, we can all pile in my family's pick up truck." Applejack offered.

"Then let's go!" Rainbow called, as they all hurried.

Later on Applejack was driving her family's pick up truck, with Rainbow Dash in the passenger seat. In the back were the rest of the girls sitting with their heads down mentally mourning for the loss of Master Splinter.

As Applejack drove she recalled a one on one training session with Splinter during her beginners days as a kunoichi in training.

Applejack was doing some basic training exercises with Splinter by punching his palms with all her might, "Harder, Applejack! Punch like you mean it!" he ordered, as Applejack began punching harder and harder until she wore herself out.

"My knuckles have never been so bruised before in my life." she panted.

Splinter spoke, "That is the result of hard work and determination. I can see you have both those qualities."

"I sure do, sensei." Applejack nodded.

"Always remember to get where you are going you must make an effort to help yourself and anyone else." Splinter explained.

"Hai, Master Splinter." Applejack bowed her head to him. Applejack's flashback ended, as the country girl smiled to herself knowing how Splinter's words truly stuck with her.

Next to her Rainbow Dash was recalling her own one on one moment with Splinter.

In the turtles lair, Rainbow had just defeated Applejack in one of the turtles arcade games, and began boasting, "Oh, yeah! Who's awesome? I'm Awesome! Who's awesome? I'm Awesome!" she did a dance before bumping into Splinter, "Oh, sorry, sensei."

"Rainbow Dash, I'd like a moment with you in the dojo." he said.

"Ooh, someone's in trouble." Raph laughed, only to receive a glare from Rainbow.

She followed sensei into the dojo and took a seat next to him, "I notice you have a competitive spirit, Rainbow Dash." he began.

"Yeah. I like to be the best of the best. To show how awesome I really am." Rainbow answered.

"While I commend you for always rising up to challenges against opponents, you must not let your competitive nature get the better of you," Splinter began lecturing, "For that is one thing that led to me and the Shredder into our rivalry."

"But, sensei, Shredder was already not so right in the head, right?"

"Not so. Like you, Saki also desired to be the best, but his desire pushed him far from the point of a friendly rivalry. And when Tang Shen came into our lives, he no longer wanted to become better just to outdo me, but to win her heart, as well."

"And see where that got him." Rainbow replied.

"Precisely. Never let your competitive spirit become your only focus, for it can blind you and increase your ego."

Rainbow was moved by Splinter's words and spoke, "All right, Sensei. I'll hold back on being too competitive. Especially with my friends." Splinter smiled seeing his words get through to her.

Rainbow Dash smiled knowing not to be like Shredder and become so caught up in being the best it meant forsaking everything.

In the back of the truck, Pinkie sighed while remembering Splinter and all of his wise wisdom.

In the kitchen of the lair, Pinkie was enjoying some candies, while Splinter was licking a cheesesicle from the freezer. Splinter took glances at Pinkie, as the girl noticed, "Is something wrong, sensei?"

"No, Pinkie. It's just looking at you reminds me of how happy Tang Shen was when we were together." he answered.

"You really loved her, huh?" Pinkie asked.

"She was my whole world. She and my daughter. When we first met, I knew it was love from the start. She was always there to pick me up whenever I was down and keep me going in the right direction. And I admit I had been stubborn when holding her back from wanting to see more of the world just so she could stay with me and run my family's dojo when father was reaching his final moments." Splinter sighed.

Pinkie saw how hurt Splinter looked, and recalled Mikey telling her about the time he and his bros went to the past and saw Tang Shen herself. She spoke to Splinter, "I'm sure despite that she still loved you. And she still would. I mean look at you, you raised four turtle boys as your own children. Teaching them the rights and wrongs. Even if they're still a bit dysfunctional, but that's what makes them who they are."

Splinter looked at Pinkie and spoke, "Continue to bring laughter and smiles to everyone you know, Pinkie Pie. For you are a true beacon of happiness to your friends."

"Oki-doki, sensei." Pinkie saluted.

Next to Pinkie was Fluttershy who remembered that Splinter was practically just as kind as she was when it came to those he cared for.

She flashed back to one time she was offering her last slice of pizza to Mikey who was whining about still being hungry. Despite the others telling her not too, she still decided to be nice to the wild turtle. Fluttershy got up and walked to grab a drink, only to see Splinter, "Oh, sensei."

"Your kindness is truly very rare, Fluttershy." Splinter began.

"I just couldn't watch Mikey go on still being hungry." she answered.

"That may be, but it's kindness like yours shows you have a big heart."

"Thank you, Master Splinter." she blushed.

"And a big heart is what truly connects you to those close to you, family and friends."

"And I love being close to them." she answered.

Splinter put his hands on the girls shoulders, "Never lose hope in your kindness, Fluttershy. For as long as you show kindness, it can be inspired and passed onto others who will also share that kindness."

"I'll remember that, Splinter." Fluttershy smiled, and hugged the rat man who hugged her back.

Fluttershy shed a tear at the memory, knowing her sensei's words would remain with her forever.

Rarity who was too deep in sadness to think about her appearance also thought about Splinter and what a loving and kind man he was even for a mutant. And was very respectable to those he considered close to him.

She recalled one day in the turtles lair, she was in the dojo waiting for something, until Splinter stepped out of his room to reveal he was in a new Japanese robe designed by Rarity that was colored purple with the Hamato symbol decorated on it with small traces of gem pieces in it.

Rarity spoke, "Well, sensei, what do you think?"

Splinter looked himself over, "While I have never been one for looks, I admit this robe looks truly remarkable. You truly have a creative mind, Rarity."

"Thank you, sensei." she smiled.

"And your generosity is most appreciated. I have never met anyone who would go out of their way and do something purely out of the goodness in their heart."

"Doing things for others is what makes me happy. Especially seeing their happy looks." Rarity explained.

"Keep on being generous, Rarity. And one day you shall receive it in return when you need it the most."

"Thank you, Master. And I promise to never stop being generous." The two bowed their heads to one another.

Rarity while thinking about Splinter also shed a tear, wishing that such tragedy didn't have to happen to such a good person.

Sunset was thinking about Splinter, and remembered a time when she explained to him what she did in the past.

Sunset was sitting before Splinter, and spoke, "I've been trying so hard to make amends for what I've done. Even though I've finally been accepted at school, I feel like there's still more I have to do."

"The road to a fresh start isn't always easy, Sunset Shimmer. It is noble that you have come so far since turning over a new leaf," Splinter began, "But you mustn't keep this veil of grief over yourself as a reminder of who you once was, or you will never feel truly accepted among your students no matter how much they tell you."

"Thanks, Master Splinter. Talking to you has really helped calm my nerves," Sunset smiled, before sighing, "I just wished I heeded the words of my first teacher better."

Splinter laid a hand on her shoulder and spoke, "I know Princess Celestia would be very proud to see how much you have grown."

Sunset smiled again feeling better, "Yeah. She sure would be."

Sunset Shimmer smiled to herself knowing how much of a better impression she made with Splinter, than how she did with Celestia in the past. But still felt sad over the loss of her mentor, 'First Fugitoid and now sensei. Well, I won't let Splinter's death be in vain, just as the Professor's wasn't.'

Princess Twilight thought about Splinter knowing he was also like a second mentor to her, and felt sad knowing Leo would be taking his death the hardest out of all the turtles.

She flashed back to a time she was having tea with Splinter in the dojo, "Sometimes I do worry about my position as Princess. Like what if I'm faced with having to make an important decision and the fate of everything could be on me." Princess Twilight explained.

Splinter answered, "Ah, Twilight. You must not let your fears cloud your judgment. For a leader must have a clear mind and be confident in oneself. I have told this many times to Leonardo when he had doubts about himself. Trust in your instincts and judgment and you too will be an effective leader." he sipped some of his tea.

Princess Twilight smiled, before sipping her own tea, "Yes, Master Splinter."

Finally Twilight Sparkle of planet Earth though not knowing Splinter for that long, or on the same level as the rest of the girls still felt dismal about hearing his passing. She remembered how it was his words that helped her see that it wasn't the darkness of Midnight Sparkle in her heart, but the light of a true friend who would do anything to help those she cared about.

She thought to herself, 'With Master Splinter gone, and Super Shredder still out there, I fear a storm is coming.' The Rainbooms continued their way to Upstate New York to rendezvous with their friends not even knowing the half of what was bound to come.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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