Stand for Everfree

Back at Camp Everfree, several of the girls were on the dock modeling some of the outfits Rarity had design. Rarity looked around seeing they were two members short, "Where are Twilight and Sunset?" she sighed, "They're missing our dress rehearsal."

"No idea." April answered.

"I'm sure they'll turn up." Karai replied confidently.

"I suppose we can get started without them," Rarity called to Vinyl Scratch, "Whenever you're ready!" Vinyl grabbed a record and began playing some techno beats on a turntable, as the girls got ready. Rarity nudged Applejack smugly about the outfit she was wearing, "Hmm. Told you you'd like it."

"It's alright... I guess," Applejack looked sheepish, and asked, "I do get to keep it after camp though, right?" Rarity could only smile and nod.

Meanwhile out by one of the water pumps, Casey, Snips, and Snails were filling up water balloons, "Oh, this is gonna be so awesome!" Snips chuckled.

"A little water balloon prank after the fashion show demo is perfect for a laugh," Casey said, until the three suddenly saw Gloriosa in her new form floating by with a trail of vines following her. Casey was in shock, while Snips and Snails hid the bucket of water balloons behind them. As Gloriosa passed, Casey spoke up, "Oh, my gosh! Did you guys see that?"

"She looks... different." Snails began.

"Ya think?" Casey asked in sarcasm.

"Yeah. She looks... taller." Snips added, as Snails agreed.

Casey face faulted before bashing their heads together, "You dorks, come on!" he dragged them along to follow her.

Back by the dock, Rarity spoke up to the present campers, "This is only a preview. I've got another entire line I'll debut at the real thing," she turned to April, Karai, and Shini, "I even have outfits for you three to model."

"Us?" Shini asked.

"Really?" April inquired.

"I'm not exactly the model type." Karai answered.

"But I know you three will love it," Rarity insisted, "And who knows maybe some certain boys will be watching you three," she teased, making the three blush. Suddenly the music stopped playing, confusing Rarity, "Why did you stop the... Oh my Goodness!" she gasped, as everyone saw Gloriosa floating over with Casey following wearing his hockey mask and carrying his goalie stick.

"Everyone, get back!" Casey called, as he ran to strike Gloriosa, only for vines to pop up and ensnare him.

"Casey!" April cried.

"Let me go!" Casey struggled.

"Attention, campers!" Gloriosa declared.

"It's Gaea Everfree!" Trixie cried.

"No way!" Karai gasped.

"She is real?" Shini asked in confusion.

"Oh, no!" Flash gasped.

"We're doomed!" Bulk cried in a panic.

From the crowd of campers emerged Timber who after losing sight of his sister in the woods just headed back to camp, "Gloriosa?! What are you doing?!"

The girls looked in shock, as Applejack spoke, "That's Gloriosa? Am I goin' crazy, or are her feet not touchin' the ground?"

"Freaky-deaky!" Pinkie said, while she was also defying gravity.

"I'm too shocked to say anything about that." Karai said dryly.

Gloriosa announced to everyone, "I have an announcement to make! Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree. But don't worry, I've got this!" she clutched her claws to the ground creating a huge wall of vines to cover the entire camp, which in the process destroyed the dock.

"Oh, come on! We literally just finished building that!" Rainbow complained.

"We gotta stop her," Karai turned to Shini, "Shini, my weapon."

Shini took off her hat and reached in pulling out Karai's sword, April's tessen and tanto, and her own kusarigami, "Here."

"Thanks," April caught her two weapons and spoke to Karai and Shini, "You two stop Gloriosa, I'm gonna help Casey."

"All right." Karai answered, as she and Shini went to fight Gloriosa using their weapons while Glriosa used her magic and control over vines to repel them.

April made it to Casey and used her tanto to cut the vines to free Casey, "Thanks, April. You rule."

"No problem. Come on, we have to stop Gloriosa!" the two joined their comrades in fighting the corrupted girl, much to the campers surprise.

"Enough of this!" Gloriosa swatted the four aside, "I will not let you stand in my way of preserving my home!" With the Gloriosa began to sing.

I have waited for the day

To send this greedy wolf away

Now the magic is my salvation

Gather close in my protection

We... will... stand for Everfree!

The vines got taller and thicker, while the campers were in a panic. April, Casey, Shini, and Karai continued to attack Gloriosa, but still kept getting swatted away while Gloriosa didn't appear to even be trying.

Behold the beauty of nature in all its glory

No need to fear the vultures at the door

Right here you have me to protect you

Within these walls of thorns

Forever free, forevermore!

Glriosa ended upbacking the four humans, as well as several campers, Principal Celestia, and Vice Principal Luna inside the dining hall, leaving the Rainbooms and other students to themselves. Timber seeing his sister was out of control had to do something. He grabbed a nearby axe and tried to chop the vine wall, only for it to keep growing back. Gloriosa grabbed the axe and looked at her brother.

They have come into our domain

Here to seal our camp in chains

But we have held it for generations

This is just a complication

We... will... stand for Everfree!

Trust in me, this is for your own good

Don't be afraid, nature is our friend

All of this beauty that surrounds us

Every lovely bloom designed to defend

Let them come, just let them try!

I'm not about to say goodbye!

This camp will be here throughout the ages

Written into the history pages

We... will... stand for Everfree!

The Rainbooms were ducking behind a boat by the destroyed dock, with Fluttershy sighing, "Oh, why do these kinds of things always happen to us?"

"What are we going to do?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow stood up, "What we always do! Save the day!"

The girls agreed, as Pinkie cheered, "Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun! I only wish we had time to make superhero capes!"

"Oh, me too!" Rarity agreed.

Rainbow sighed, "Enough about our wardrobe! We've got to stop Gloriosa from trapping everybody in here!"

"Then let's do it ninja style!" Applejack declared, as they grabbed their weapons, and took off.

"Gloriosa, you're not going to get away with this!" Rainbow called.

"If you do not stand with me, then you're against me!" Gloriosa concentrated her magic and rising up form the ground were more vines. These vines however started molding together and standing before Gloriosa were bulky vine creatures.

"Well, this is unexpected." Rarity said in surprise.

"Attack!" Gloriosa shouted, as her minions attacked.

The Rainbooms took off and fought their enemies using their ninjitsu and ninja weapons. Every time they sliced a vine monster they regenerated, but that wasn't stopping them. Rarity ponied up and used her diamond disk like a boomerang slicing the top halves off five vine monsters. Applejack ponies up and used her super strength to pick one monster up and throw it at a few more. When Fluttershy ponied up, she spoke to some gophers telling them to make big tunnels for the other campers to escape through. Pinkie ponied up and grabbed some sprinkles from a shaker and threw them at the creatures who exploded. Rainbow ponied up and was running circles around the creatures confusing them.

Inside the mess hall, everyone looked out the windows seeing their friends fight Gloriosa's plant creatures, "Oh, man. The girls are risking their necks out there." Casey said.

"What can we do?" Trixie asked.

"Yeah. We're stuck in here." Micro Chip added.

"Maybe so, but we still have friends out there who can help us." April said, as she started texting an S.O.S to the turtles.

Outside the camp, Twilight, Sunset, the turtles, and their allies raced for Camp Everfree, as Leo heard his T-phone beep. He checked the message and spoke, "It's April. Gloriosa's already there, and she's holding everyone captive."

"Oh, no." Mikey gasped.

"What about the girls?" Raph asked.

"April said, they're fighting Gloriosa now, and she's got these vine minions working for her." Leo explained after texting April back.

"I see the camp!" Mondo called, as they approached it and saw the camp was surrounded by vines.

"Anybody have a giant chainsaw on them?" Mikey asked.

"Allow me!" Slash tried striking at the wall of vines with his mace, but the vines kept regenerating, "No way!"

"How're we going to get in?" Donnie asked.

"We could try tunneling under." Sonata suggested.

Rockwell looked over the wall and smirked, "Or maybe, we go over."

"Think you can levitate all of us, Doc?" Sunset asked.

"I can sure try." Rockwell began focusing and levitated everyone up.

"Wow!" Mondo cheered.

"Ugh!" Rockwell strained.

"What's wrong, Doc?" Pete asked.

"I've never lifted this much weight before!" Rockwell strained, as the group started coming down.

"Twilight, you have to help, Rockwell." Leo told her.

"I don't want to use too much. Midnight Sparkle could take over."

"Twilight, our friends are in there!" Sunset reminded her.

Twilight seeing the gravity of the situation had to risk it, "Ok." she used her magic to help Rockwell levitate everyone up and over the vine wall before landing safely behind the dining hall.

"Come on, we must go through the back." Bishop ordered.

"Wait, but if we set foot in there then we..." Leo and his fellow mutants knew they'd risk exposing themselves, until Splinter spoke.

"Sometimes rules are meant to be broken." The group nodded, and snuck inside.

Inside the dining hall, everyone trapped inside waited for April's so called friends to come and help. Celestia spoke to the girl, "Are you sure they're coming, April?"

"And how do we know we can trust them?" Luna inquired.

"They're coming and they always keep their word." April assured them.

Suddenly from out of the shadow parts of the dining hall, the turtles emerged making the captured campers worry. The turtles held their hands up showing they meant no harm. Celestia spoke to her students, "Don't panic," she and Luna approached, and spoke to them, "Who... are... you?"

"More like, what are you?" Luna inquired.

Mikey answered, "Not very into labels."

Raph continued to explain, "Some call us strangers, freaks, monsters."

Donnie took it, "Just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies, love our city, this camp, and our friends."

Leo finally spoke, "And right now, our friends that are fighting with magic need our help."

Luna appeared skeptical, "Give us a reason why should we believe you?"

"Luna!" Celestia scolded her.

Leo held a hand up telling her Luna was allowed an opinion, "You don't have to take our word for it. Take it from them." He poitned to April, Casey, Karai and Shini.

April spoke up to give the turtles support, "Yes, the news about the Kraang Invasion and the Tricereton Invasion in New York City, these four are the ones that stopped them and saved our world. We were helping them as well." she motioned to Casey who nodded.

Karai went next, "It's true. These four have also taken down Oroku Saki, The Shredder, my fraud father and saved us all from destruction. They even helped me in seeing that he lied to me about everything and reunited me with my true father, Hamato Yoshi, Splinter." She motioned Splinter over, which then he steps out of the shadows as well with the Mighty Mutanimals and Dazzlings.

"Yes, these wonderful four, my sons have done more for the city and anywhere else on Earth." Splinter motioned to Bishop, who opened up the bottom of his shirt to reveal his true Utrom form, much to everyone's shock.

Utrom Bishop spoke, "They are correct. They too saved the whole Universe from extinction for the sake of my kind and the humans."

Luna whispered to Celestia, "And I was going to ask him out to dinner when we got home." Celestia playfully rolled her eyes.

Leo spoke, "We've all been doing our part to protect our city and the ones we love most, our friends. And we think we may have something to offer. We're gonna need..."

Raph held out his hand and said, "Strategic Leadership!"

Leo placed his hand on top of Raphs and said, "Strong Instincts!"

Mikey placed his hand on top of Leos and Raphs and then looked at Donnie, "Logical Wisdom!"

Donnie finally placed his hand on top of Mikeys, Leo's and Raph's and said, "And Boat Loads Of Heart." They break and pulled out they're ninja weapons with confidence and determination. Thereby earning an impressed look from both Celestia and Luna and looked at each other, both with the same idea in mind, letting the Turtles through to help the girls outside.

"Come on, team let's help out!" Leo said, as the Turtles and Mutanimals barged the door down allowing them to escape.

Outside, Gloriosa watched in anger, as the Rainbooms were destroying her minions, "Why are you fighting me?! I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you!"

"No you're not!" shouted Leo, as everyone looked to see their friends and allies emerging from the cabin, "You're doing this for yourself, and yourself alone!" Leo pointed a sword at her.

"What are you?!" Gloriosa demanded.

"We're the dudes, that's gonna mow you over." Mikey joked, and Mondo laughed with him.

Bishop spoke up, "All right, my friends, let's fight!" he armed himself with an Utrom blaster and began blasting at the vine creatures.

"Ninjas, take 'em down!" Leo ordered.

"Mutanimals, go!" Slash ordered.

"Come on, girls!" Adagio called to her two friends.

And so all three groups followed by Karai, April, Casey, and Shini joined in the fight in taking down the vine monsters. Pete and Bishop were shooting at the vine monsters, Rockwell was using his psychic waves to push them off their feet, Slash was slamming his mace into them, Mondo was skateboarding around dodging their attempts to grab him, and the turtles were slicing down and stabbing at the monsters.

Karai shifted into her snake form and used her snake hands to bit and rip the monsters to pieces. As the campers watched this, Micro Chip spoke to Sandalwood and Flash, "Is it wrong if I still find her hot as a snake creature?" the two didn't know how to answer, while Sandalwood shrugged.

"I wish we could do something to help them." Flash said.

"But how?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah, what can we do?" Trixie asked.

"Well, this is our camp too, right?" Flash asked.

"Yeah!" Bulk agreed.

"So I say we get in there and help them any way we can!" Flash called.

"Yeah!" they agreed.

"Going out there unarmed would be a poor move, my young friend," Splinter began, before smiling, 'I find it best to always come prepared." Splinter had tossed many of the campers a ninja weapon to use.

Vinyl was given a pair of shuriken star wheels, Trixie had a bisento axe, Flash held a pair of Mamba Duo Swords, Lyra and Bonbon each held a ninja flute, Bulk dawned a pair of Ninjitsu Boxing Gloves, Snips and Snails each held two Eskrima Sparring Sticks, Octavia was given two Jitte Daggers, Derpy wore two Tegaki Hand Spikes and two Ashiko Shoe Straps, Micro Chip twirled a ninjitsu scythe, Sandalwood held up a ninjitsu shield with the yin yang symbol on it and in the center was the Hamato clan symbol, Thunderbass carried two samurai katana swords, Valhallan had two scissor pincers on his arms, Cherry Crash held two three bladed scythes connected by a long cable, Mystery Mint held two katanas like Leo, Crimson Napalm held a pair of sais like Raph, and Blueberry Cake held a bamboo bo-staff.

"Now, are you all ready to fight for your friends and this camp?!" Splinter asked seriously.

"Yeah!" the campers cheered.

"Then go!"

Snips called to his fellow, "Yeah, come on, let's get in there!" he and Snails locked fists and pumped it up before leading the charge against the vine monsters. The campers used their weapons to strike the monsters in any way.

The dazzling joined the Rainbooms, as Adagio spoke, "So you got new powers now? I'm impressed."

"You three are here helping us?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Surprised us too." Aria admitted.

Splinter watched seeing without ninja training their drive alone was enough to help them fight for what they believed in. He turned to Celestia and Luna, "I would advise you two to join them."

"But we don't know how to fight like that." Celestia answered.

"Indeed, wouldn't we be a burden?" Luna inquired.

Splinter spoke to them, "It is a father's job to protect his children, just as a sensei to his students. It is also a Principal and Vice Principal's job to protect their students."

Celestia moved by his words turned to Luna, "He's right, Luna. We can't let them do this alone. We have to do it."

"Yes, sister." Luna agreed.

Splinter tossed Celestia a Hanwei Scimitar Sword and to Luna two Daburu sword/staff weapons, "Then come. Let us join our students!" the three joined the fight.

All throughout camp, the campers and mutants were fighting the monsters. Timber made his way through the fights before calling out to his sister, "Gloriosa, this isn't the way!"

Gloriosa looked down at her brother still looking insane, "I appreciate your concern, Timber, but I got this!" more vines started emerging and covering the ground.

"No you don't!" Timber tried reasoning with her.

Leo ran to Gloriosa and called from below, "Gloriosa, listen to your brother! You have to listen to reason. At this rate you'll destroy the camp and all of us with it!" Suddenly to Leo's shock, Gloriosa used vines to ensnare Leo lifting him up to her level.

"Leo!" his brothers shouted.

Gloriosa spoke to Leo with her voice sounding crazier, "Then so be it!" she used her vines to strangle Leo who started losing air.

"Let him go!" Raph screamed.

"Leo!" Twilight cried.

April used her tessen and psychic powers to cut Leo free and he landed back on the ground safely, "Thanks, April." he caught his breath.

"Please, Gloriosa! What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!" Timber pleaded.

Sunset spoke up, "That isn't Gloriosa. It's someone who's been consumed by Equestrian magic."

Timber spoke back to his sister, "Whoever you are, you have to let my sister go! Please, Gloriosa, come back! I need you! Gloriosa!"

But it was too late, Gloriosa encased herself in a vine cocoon and more vines started growing. The campers and mutants started getting entangled making them incapable of breaking free. Twilight and Sunset met back up with their fellow Rainbooms and stood together as Rarity projected a diamond barrier around them.

Rarity grunted while keeping her shield as stable as possible, "I can't keep this up forever!"

Sunset turned to Twilight, "It's up to you. You can use your magic to pull the brambles apart!"

"No. There's too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can't!" Twilight doubted herself.

"It's the only way! You have to embrace the magic inside you!" Sunset pleaded.

"What if she takes over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into Midnight Sparkle and only make things worse?"

"That won't happen!" Sunset answered, "We won't let it." the shield started cracking.

Twilight tried concentrating her magic, but was holding back out of fear. Rarity fainted into Applejack's arms, as Sunset tried to help Twilight, "Come on, Twilight! You have to be stronger than she is!"

Deep in Twilight's mind, Midnight Sparkle appeared before her mocking her, "You will never control me! I will always be a part of you!" she laughed. Midnight Sparkle merged herself into Twilight who slowly sprouted her old wings, horn, and aura glasses.

"NO!" Twilight cried.

Suddenly an astral form of Sunset appeared, "Twilight, listen to me! You are in charge!"

Astral forms of the other girls appeared, as Rarity spoke, "You are a light, darling! A force for good!"

"Yeah! You can kick the darkness's butt!" Rainbow encouraged her.

"We're here for you, Twilight!" Pinkie cheered.

"And we'll be here, no matter what!" Applejack promised.

"We believe in you!" Fluttershy encouraged her.

Suddenly Leo appeared, "Just as we always have!" appearing behind Leo was astral forms of his brothers, and all the friends Twilight made having since been with the turtles.

"The time is now, Twilight. Show them what is truly in your heart!" Splinter ordered.

"You... are not... Midnight Sparkle!" Sunset declared.

Twilight hearing all their words of encouragement spoke up, "No! I... am... Twilight Sparkle! And the magic I carry inside me is... the Magic of Friendship!" she declared, as her Midnight Sparkle wings shattered and her horn disappeared.

Twilight ponied up and flew out of the shattered dome. She used her magic to open up Gloriosa's cocoon.

Gloriosa was in shock at this surprise, "No! Stop!"

Suddenly the geodes form her necklace left her, and each one went to a specific Rainboom. The yellow one went to Fluttershy, the orange one to Applejack, the blue one to Rainbow Dash, the pink one to Pinkie Pie, the white one to Rarity, the red one to Sunset Shimmer, while Twilight held the purple one. All the Rainbooms ponies up once again in newer forms, complete with new clothing and new hairstyles.

They flew up together with magic with their new magic circling them, "And now, as our friends the Turtles always say," Twilight began, as the Seven Rainbooms shouted, "BOOYAKASHA!" their combined magics shattered the vine dome, destroyed the monsters, and freed everyone from their restraints.

TMNT Belongs  Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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