Spirit Quest pt 2
In the spirit world, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack had conquered their spiritual adversaries while the others were about ready to face their own. Rainbow Dash had wandered into an underground cavern. She walked through a puddle of water while noticing their were torches on the walls to give her light.
Rainbow looked around suspiciously, "Someone must be down here if these torches are lit," she shouted, "All right, whoever's out there! I'm ready for ya!" she did not receive an answer, only an echo. She rolled her eyes, "Yeah like they're actually going to answer me so casu-" she was cut off as blaster shots were being fired at her, "Whoa!" she jumped to the side by a boulder with her naginata armed.
The ones that were firing on her were multiple Kraang droids armed and ready to fight, "It is the Rainboom known as Rainbow Dash!" one spoke.
"Kraang, eliminate for Kraang!" the droids started shooting again.
Rainbow spoke to herself, "What luck, trapped in a cavern with a bunch of Kraang... Awesome!" she cheered. She jumped out of hiding and twirled her naginata to deflect some laser shots. She ran at the Kraang and started striking them with her weapon, and even tricking the Kraang into shooting at one another, "Let's see if you Kraang can keep up!" Rainbow Dash used her speed power and snatched the blasters from every Kraang droid leaving them confused.
"Where are Kraang's weapons?" one asked.
"Hey, boys!" the Kraang looked over seeing Rainbow Dash standing by a pile of Kraang blasters, "Looking for these?" she kicked them off a ledge and into the water sinking, "Whoops. Now ti finish this!" she used her speed and cut down the droids making them poof away, "Oh, yeah!" she pumped a fist, "Master Splinter underestimated me. I'm not cocky, I'm just that good." she said smugly.
She was cut off as a blaster shot almost got her from behind. She quickly jumped to the side to look and see Subprime stomping onto the scene laughing, "Maybe against few incompetent Kraang, but against me... Well, you're out of your league."
"Oh, not you..." Rainbow groaned.
"That's right, rainbow girl! Kraang Subprime returns!" he started flexing his small tentacle muscles, "You like that, don't ya? Do you like this? Huh! Yeah, you like that. Now come quietly or I vaporize ya."
"How about no!" Rainbow attacked Subprime head on, while avoiding the buzz saws of his exoskeleton hands She continued to attack the Kraang feeling over confident.
Subprime started blasting at Rainbow Dash who was using her ninja to dodge. She was so caught up in feeling proud of herself, she didn't react quick enough when Subprime grabbed her by the throat.
"Can't breathe!" she wheezed.
Subprime aimed his left hand blaster at her, "Now to eliminate you, and all other filth like you!" he laughed.
Rainbow Dash groaned, as she was starting to lose her air supply, 'Master Splinter was right, I can get cocky,' she thought, 'Well, not anymore!' she swung her legs to Subprime's blaster arm wrapping her legs around it. Doing so made the blaster shoot at Subprime's right arm which held Rainbow Dash. She was freed from Subprime's grip and grabbed her spear again, "You know Subprime you and I are a lot alike."
"What?" he asked.
"Both of us are confident in what we do, but we're also cocky," she began, "But the difference between us is this... I learn to not be cocky!" she used her speed and ninja to bash at Subprime and ended up knocking him off his exoskeleton and onto the cavern floor.
"Kraang Subprime will not be outdone by a stupid rainbow haired girl!" he declared.
Rainbow frowned, "Don't call me stupid!" she threw her spear at a stalactite from the cavern ceiling. The strike made the pointed rock come falling down right on the Kraang. Subprime screamed in a panic as the rock crushed him. Rainbow smirked seeing she was triumphant, "Cockiness conquered... I'm so awesome!" she cheered.
Elsewhere, Fluttershy had been walking through the forest hearing all sorts of animal noises which didn't sound so friendly. She kept turning from one direction to another, "Oh, dear. This place certainly is scary. In sure wish one of the others was here with me," she said, before seeing some silhouette's reflecting off a wall. She looked and saw the silhouette's looked like her friends, "Girls! It's you!" she cheered, as she ran to find them, "Oh, I'm so glad to see... you?" she stopped when she came around a corner and saw it wasn't her friends, but rather Foot soldiers.
The Foot ninja armed themselves while Fluttershy was frightened, "Uh, sorry I thought you were someone else." she made a run for it, only for three to block off her retreat, "Eep!" she shrieked.
The ninja started attacking Fluttershy who shook off her fear enough to fight back against her opponents, "Oh if only I had a better way to fight them." she said, before hearing the chirping of birds, "Really?" she asked before ducking a punch from one Foot Ninja, "Thank you." she said, as the birds continued to be eyes in the sky telling her when one was going to attack her from behind or in another blind spot.
Fluttershy whipped out her blowpipe and started blowing darts hitting all Foot Ninja making them go poof. Fluttershy sighed in relief, "Thank you my little bird friends," she thanked them only to suddenly jerk to the right as if she was bumped, "What was that?" she suddenly jerked again once again feeling like she was bump, "What's going on?"
Suddenly appearing out of thin air before her was Bebop, "Ha-ha-ha! What up-what up-what up, girl?" he combed his mohawk back.
"Oh, my goodness! Bebop?" she gasped.
"I gots a score to settle with you looking at me with those death eyes, girl," Bebop began, "Because this time they ain't helping ya!" he started sliding and dancing around while fire lasers from his belt.
Fluttershy was dodging the shots, while trying to fire some more darts from her blow pipe. Bebop however was using his dance moves to dodge around, much to Fluttershy's worry, "Here's a little something else for ya!" Bebop fired an energy mohawk at her. The attack missed bu the explosion from it knocked Fluttershy off her feet.
"Come on, Fluttershy, you can't give up!" she picked herself up and stared Bebop down, "I'm not afraid of you!"
"Oh, really?" Bebop asked, "Well, are ya afraid of what ya can't see?" he quickly went invisible putting Fluttershy on the defense Much like before Bebop was knocking her around, while she was incapable of seeing him.
"I can't fight him without knowing where he is," she said to herself, before remembering what Splinter told her, "No. I can't be afraid. Master Splinter said I need to be brave like the Lion. And I know some friends who can help, "Animals of the forest, find my opponent!" suddenly coming to Fluttershy's aid were many squirrels, birds, bunnies, and raccoons who were using their animal senses to find Bebop.
Fluttershy watched as the land animals were crawling around on something, while the birds looked like they were pecking at something, "Hey! Get off me! Beat it! Don't touch the hair!" Bebop's voice came.
Fluttershy seeing Bebop was right in front of her took the chance and ran straight before delivering a kick into thin air. This made Bebop reappear looking like he was nailed in the stomach making him back up, "Dang, for a girl as light as a feather, you hit hard!"
"I will not be afraid! I will be brave!" she declared, as she felt braver than a Lion, while Bebop felt he could see said animal right behind her. Fluttershy ran at Bebop fighting like she never fought before. She jumped backwards gaining distance and fired one more dart at her enemy. The dart nailed Bebop right on his snout making him go poof. Fluttershy took a breath of relief, as the animals who assisted her gathered around, "Thank you so much, all of you." she patted some of their heads and smiled.
Sunset Shimmer after parting ways with the girls found herself wandering about another section of the forest, "Ok, I've been on this trail for awhile now, I just wish I knew what I was looking for," she looked around seeing everything appeared to be calm, "Hmm. Forest is too still. Something has to be close," she started hearing rustling among the trees making her look up at them. When she saw them calming she pressed on, only to suddenly get knocked to the ground from behind, "What, the?" she looked and to her surprise saw Snips and Snails in their demon forms during the Fall Formal, "Snips? Snails?"
"We used to respect you because you did whatever it took to get what you wanted." Snips began.
"Even if it meant lying and cheating your way." Snails added.
"Now look at you, a shadow of your former self!" Snips mocked.
Sunset got up, "You two don't scare me any more than you normal selves do." she grabbed two kunai.
"Then we shall teach you to fear us!" Snails declared, as the two demon boys flew in to attack Sunset.
Sunset Shimmer blocked their aerial attacks much like how she fought the corrupted Aeons in outer space. As she fought she started formulating a plan and started climbing up a tree for higher ground. She grabbed onto a vine and tried to swing to another tree while Tarzan yelling. Unfortunately she didn't swing far enough and ended up dangling from the vine she grabbed onto, "Uh-oh."
Snips and Snails smirked, as they began flying right at her from opposite sides. Sunset looked back and forth between the two who were getting closer. Just as they were right on top of Sunset, she smirked and let go of the vine and landed onto a bottom branch that was right below her. Because of this, Snips and Snails were on a direct path with each other. They were coming in so fast it was impossible for them to pull up. The two could only scream as the collided into each other and went poof.
Sunset smiled before climbing back down to the ground, and looked around as if expecting something, "You may as well show yourself now. I'd rather we get it over with." she called out.
Suddenly appearing from behind her was Sunset's evil self She-Demon, as she was known as, "Wanting to cut to the chase? How delightful," she chuckled, before noticing Sunset bearing a firm look at her, "You don't seem at all surprised to see me. Could it be you actually saw this coming?"
"Only you would be my greatest adversary," Sunset began, "Plus after facing those two jokers it was a dead give away."
"No matter, because now's the time for you to face your true inner self," She-Demon began as she floated around Sunset taunting her, "You had the magic and power to bend anyone to your will. You had the power to rule everyone, and you gave it up for friends!"
Sunset looked down with guilt, "I admit, I wanted all the power to myself and make everyone worship me because I thought I deserved it all," she looked back up with courage, "But that was then and this is now. I'm a new person, completely opposite from you!"
"You say that about yourself, but have you forgotten how everyone treated you in the aftermath? They just looked at you with loathing hate." She-Demon continued to mock her.
"As I said before, that was then and this is now. But perhaps you need it spelled out for you another way." Sunset stated, as she armed herself and began to sing.
Was all I desired (I desired, all I desired)
But all that grew inside me
Was the darkness I acquired
When I began to fall
And I lost the path ahead
That's when your friendship found me
And it lifted me instead
Sunset jumped at She-Demon, and the two fought it out with Sunset striking with her kunai daggers and ninjitsu. She-Demon was flying around to dodge, while blasting Sunset with magic blasts. Sunset however used her ninja to dodge the shots.
Like a phoenix burning bright
In the sky
I'll show there's another side to me
You can't deny
I may not know what the future holds
But hear me when I say
That my past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today
She-Demon dove down to strike Sunset, but the girl grabbed her by the arm and threw her back. She-Demon almost crashed into a tree, but pulled up before collision. She continued to fly at Sunset, but the girl kept dodging. With every time She-Demon past Sunset, she touched the demon's arm and was able to read her mind and tell how she was going to strike next.
Is what I believed
Would be the only way
To set me free
But when it disappeared
And I found myself alone
That's when you came and got me
And it felt like I was home
Sunset looked past She-Demon while remembering how it was Princess Twilight who taught her the importance of Friendship, while Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were the first ones to give her a chance at redemption. She recalled at the Battle of the Bands how it was her that reunited the girls during their falling out and added her own power to defeat the Dazzlings. She then remembered how at the Friendship Games despite how she wasn't able to keep the magic under control, she was able to teach the Twilight Sparkle of this world the importance of Friendship
She then recalled the adventures she had with the turtles, April, and Casey in New York City and Outer Space. She even remembered the friends she made while doing so, from Master Splinter, the Mighty Mutanimals, Sal Commander, Mona Lisa, Bishop, Traximus, and even Fugitoid whom she could see reaching out for her to give her the final bit of courage she needed.
Like a phoenix burning bright
In the sky
I'll show there's another side to me
You can't deny
I may not know what the future holds
But hear me when I say
That my past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today
She-Demon could see a fiery aura surrounding Sunset Shimmer which made the villain worry. As the sun shined through onto Sunset through the trees, the girl had gained a phoenix like form and her intense glow illuminated onto She-Demon. The villain screamed, as the darkness was extinguished from her and in her place was Sunset's last form Daydream Shimmer. Daydream smiled as Sunset Shimmer landed before her and spoke.
"Well, done, Sunset Shimmer. You have truly conquered the ghosts of your past, and now you are ready to face the true enemy that lies ahead for you." Sunset and Daydream bowed their heads to each other in respect, before Daydream Shimmer dissolved into light particles that entered into Sunset who smiled feeling victorious.
Back at Camp Everfree, the turtles were talking with their friends while close to the forest, "Any words on them yet?" Twilight asked.
"Still nothing." Donnie answered.
"I sure hope they're all right." April replied.
Karai looked into the distance of the forest and gasped, "Whoa!"
"What is it, Karai?" Shini asked, as everyone looked in the direction Karai was facing and became shocked as well.
Coming towards them were the Rainbooms, who bore a look of seriousness on their faces, with some of them particularly Rarity who looked dirty and filthy from the fighting they endured while in the spirit world, "Holy chalupa." Mikey gasped.
The Rainbooms stopped before the group, as Twilight spoke, "What happened out there, girls?"
"Are you all ok?" Casey asked.
"We're fine, Casey." Applejack answered.
"Better than we've ever felt." Fluttershy added.
"We're finally ready to face whatever is going on here at camp." Sunset declared, as the Rainbooms stood proudly, as the scene shifted to a black and white comic panel look.
TMNT Принадлежит Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Принадлежит Hasbro.
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