Legend You Were Meant To Be
When the vine dome was shattered and the monsters destroyed, all the campers and mutants looked around in joy seeing they were victorious, "We did it! I can't believe we did it!" Trixie cheered.
"All right!" Lyra and Bonbon cheered.
"That's what I'm talking about!" Flash cheered.
"Cowabunga!" Mondo cheered as he and Snips and Snails high fived.
"Victory!" Leatherhead announced.
Timber got up before looking over and saw his sister who had returned to normal. He raced and got down to check on her, "Gloriosa?"
Gloriosa awoke and looked around in confusion, "What... What happened?"
Timber helped her sister up, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." he looked over at Twilight who smiled, before looking over at Leo seeing the Turtle was giving him a thumb's up.
The Rainbooms touched down to the ground and received applause from their fellow campers and their mutant friends, "We did it!" Fluttershy cheered.
"As always." Rainbow added.
Splinter approached, "I am proud of each and every one of you." he smiled with pride.
"Thank you, Master." the girls answered.
From the crowd came Spike who jumped into Twilight's arms, "You did it! Whoa," he suddenly saw a purple necklace hanging around her neck bearing the symbol of her star mark, "Nice bling."
The rest of the Rainbooms looked at their necklaces which bore their individual marks, "What are these?" Applejack wondered.
Sunset answered, "I'm not sure. But clearly we have some kind of connection to them."
Donnie began theorizing, "They used to be the geodes until you unlocked their full magical powers."
Rarity spoke, "I almost don't care what they are. They are gorgeous!" she gasped as an idea came to mind, "And will totally go with the other collection I was working on for the camp fashion show!" she giggled before realizing the mess all around camp, "That's probably canceled, isn't it?"
"Looks like we got some cleaning up to do." Rainbow said.
"And you won't do it alone," Leo assured, "We'll all pitch in and help clean up, won't we?" Leo asked his friends. The mutants agreed, "Then let's get to work.
And so all the campers and mutants were cleaning up the camp removing the vines and brambles. Slash and Leatherhead were carrying bigger pieces, while looking shocked at Applejack carrying bigger ones like it was nothing. While cleaning up, all the campers got to know more about their new mutant friends forming new friendships. Micro Chip was particularly enjoying talking science with Donnie and Rockwell, Raph was showing off Chompy to several girls who were awed by the little alien's cute charm, Mikey was having fun with Snips and Snails by pranking some with the water balloons they filled up earlier. Even Leo was getting to know such boys and Flash and Timber better seeing they weren't just smooth talking pretty boys as they appeared to be.
Gloriosa walked up to Celestia, Luna, Bishop, and Splinter prepared to confess her wrongdoings, "I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had, and instead I've made it the worst." she looked down, until Splinter laid a hand on her shoulder surprising her.
"While you had good intentions to protect a place you hold close to you, Gloriosa, you chose to face this problem alone instead of reaching out for someone."
"I know. My mistake and I paid the price," she sighed, "Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich."
"No. It's not," Celestia voiced protest, "This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included."
Luna continued, "Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?"
"We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away!" Twilight said.
"But what can we do?" wondered.
Mikey gasped, "Why don't make him think this place is haunted? We'll scare him into not wanting this place at all." he got smacked by Raph.
"And risk him telling others not to come to this place because of that?" Raph asked.
"We're gonna need to be less drastic than that, Mikey." Donnie added.
Twilight gasped, as she looked to Celestia and Luna, "If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past."
"And maybe we can get them to help save it!" Sunset Shimmer said.
"Oh! Like a fundraiser?" Applejack suggested.
"Or a ball?!" Rarity gasped with joy.
"Our band could play!" Rainbow cheered.
"I could help write a new song just for the occasion!" Fluttershy offered.
"And we can sing back up." suggested, as the Rainbooms and turtles looked at them skeptically.
Aria spoke, "We've taken vocal lessons and we can sing like we used to back then."
"Minus the whole power stealing." Sonata finished.
The campers cheered with excitement, as Gloriosa spoke, "Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?"
"Why not in the Crystal Cave?" Leo suggested.
Rarity gasped, "A Crystal Ball! I love it!"
"I admire everyone's enthusiasm. Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone." Gloriosa said in concern.
The Rainbooms answered, "We got this!"
"Ugh, enough with saying that!" Raph snapped, and the girls chuckled.
"Well, campers, mutants, everyone. We got work to do!" Leo declared, and everyone got to work in preparing for their Crystal Ball.
Twilight had gotten addresses and names from past campers from Gloriosa and began mailing out invites with Timber and Leo helping her. Rainbow Dash used her super speed to deliver all the invites to the guests. Inside the cave everyone was decorating the place for the Crystal Ball with Rockwell and April using their psychic powers to hang decorations and lights, while Twilight used her own magic to help them. Even Fluttershy was using her ability to speak to birds to hang some decorations as well. Mikey and Pinkie were setting up the snack tables with treats, while trying hard not to sneak any for themselves, while Raph and Sunset were supervising them. On one table Derpy was placing a tray of muffins down at the same time Pigeon Pete was putting a tray of bread rolls down. The two looked at each other curiously, before they smiled at each other. Outside Flash, Bulk, Slash, and Leatherhead were clearing the entrance by lifting up the boulders, and as before were shocked to see Applejack lifting the bigger rocks like it was nothing and chucking it across the forest. Rarity used her diamond powers to create a shining diamond chandelier on the cave ceiling, while Donnie was using his genius to create makeshift disco lights.
Then the night of the Crystal Ball came and guests were piling in. As the turtles, Celestia, Luna, and Splinter were showing them in, the brothers saw approaching was their old friend Jack Kurtzman, "Kurtzman?" they gasped.
"Hey, there, boys. Good to see you." he greeted them.
"You attended Camp Everfree too?" Mikey asked.
"Oh, yes. I was in the same year as these two lovely ladies." Jack flirted at Celestia and Luna who looked embarrassed.
"Oh, Jack, you haven't changed." Celestia blushed.
"Well, come on in, Jack." Leo welcomed him inside.
After all the guests entered, the Turtles joined in the Crystal Ball. All the mutants were wearing bow ties for the occasion, while Casey, April, Karai, and Shini were all dressed up with designer outfits courtesy of Rarity. Casey was in a black tuxedo while having his hair slicked back, April was in a sparkling yellow gown while having her hair down, Karai was wearing Japanese dress robes colored black and gray, and Shinigami wore a purple and black sparkling gown with star designs on it.
They all watched as the Rainbooms began playing and singing a new song Fluttershy wrote, with the Dazzlings providing back up vocals.
Twilight Sparkle:
I used to think that stories were just that
Set in stone, concrete as a fact
It didn't dawn on me
That I could change history
Sunset Shimmer:
Now I know I'm writing my own song
Fight my way to the ending that I want
I'll turn a tragedy
Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle:
Into an epic fantasy
The Rainbooms:
Hey, hey, hey
You can be a hero (hero) too
Take my hand, I'm here for you
Come away with me
Be the legend you were meant to be
You'll always be Everfree
Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah
To be the legend you were meant to be
Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah
To be the legend you were meant to be
Clips of pictures were taken of everyone having the best last week of camp ever, especially now that the turtles and their fellow mutants didn't have to hide anymore. Raph was fishing with the Rainbooms and caught a whopper. Karai, Shini, and April were having a pillow fight in one of the tents with the girls, with April using her powers to pummel everyone with pillows. Casey and the members of his Floor Hockey Team stood together for a picture. Mikey and Mondo were goofing off with Snips and Snails. Slash and Bulk were arm wrestling with the big turtle defeating the strong boy. Lyra and Bonbon were surfing atop Leatherhead out on the lake, as the gator mutant swam. Fluttershy and Pigeon Pete were meeting all the bird life in the forest with many of them sitting on Pete's arms. Even the Dazzlings were being accepted by everyone once they saw they weren't so bad despite their past mistakes.
There was a time when fear would hold me down
'Cause I let it chain me to the ground
Rainbow Dash:
Look at me now, I'm soaring high
It's never boring in the sky
When I know I've got friends on my side
Whatever trials, I'll take them all in stride
Together we will shine so bright
A radiant brilliance in the night
The Rainbooms:
Hey, hey, hey
You can be a hero (hero) too
Take my hand, I'm here for you
Come away with me
Be the legend you were meant to be
You'll always be Everfree
Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah
To be the legend you were meant to be
Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah
To be the legend you were meant to be!
The group cheered and applauded, as Gloriosa took the stage and addressed everyone, "Thank you all so much for coming! And for helping us raise enough money to... save Camp Everfree!" she declared with happiness. The campers cheered upon their success, and the guests were equally glad.
The only one not happy was Filthy Rich who was truly looking forward to tearing down the camp. With nothing else to do he turned around and headed for the exit. As he passed the turtles, they knew he was T.O'd about losing with Mikey laughing, "Later, Filthy dude!" Filthy Rich didn't even both to look back at the turtles. As he walked to the exit, water poured down on him courtesy of a bucket hanging from above. He walked away drenched and humiliated. The turtles turned to their younger brother who laughed, "Dr. Prankenstein strikes again! Booyakasha!"
Gloriosa spoke to the Rainbooms, "Thank you. For everything. Oh, if I'd just asked for help in the first place..."
Rainbow spoke up, "Hey, don't sweat it, it's kinda what we do."
Afterward, the Rainbooms joined in the party as Vinyl Scratch started mixing some slow music for the guests to dance to. Twilight walked up to Leo and offered her hand, "Care to dance, Leo?"
"Sure!" Leo answered, as he got up and walked with Twilight to the dance floor.
Mikey seeing this got confident enough to walk up to Shinigami, "Hey, Shinigami, how about moving it with me on the dance floor?"
Shini chuckled, "If you insist." the two went to join them.
April grabbed Donnie's hand, "Come on, D. Let's join them."
"Sure thing." Donnie blushed, as they followed.
Casey sighed, until Applejack took his hand, "Come on, sugarcube. Let's have some fun." Casey smiled deciding it's better than being miserable.
Raph looked around wishing Mona Lisa could be here with him, until Sunset spoke, "Come on, big guy. Let's not waste the night away."
"Ok." Raph smiled.
As Spike was playing with a party streamer, Rarity picked him up, "Come on, Spikey-Wikey. I could use a dance partner."
"Sure." Spike barked happily.
Slash walked up to Fluttershy, "Say, Fluttershy, would you like to dance?" he asked nervously.
Fluttershy smiled, "Sure." she took Slash's hand and went to the dance floor.
Pinkie went over to Leatherhead, "Come on, Leatherhead, let's join them!"
"But I don't dance." the gator answered sheepishly.
"Come on, it's easy! I'll show you." Pinkie took Leatherhead to the dance floor.
Rockwell hovered over to Rainbow, "Care for a dance, Rainbow?"
"Can you even..." Rainbow asked.
"Why I'll have you know I was a real hoot at college parties." Rockwell boasted.
"Prove it." Rainbow answered.
"Well, then let's go!" Rockwell smirked, as he dragged Rainbow along, "If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you!"
Mondo watched as Pete was dancing with Derpy while sighing, until Lyra and Bonbon approached, "Hey, there. Mondo Gecko, right?" Lyra asked.
"Yeah. And let me see... Lyra... And Bonbon." he guessed.
"That's right." Bonbon confirmed.
"You got someone to dance with?" Lyra asked.
"Actually, no. But it's all good." Mondo lied.
"Right," Bonbon called his bluff, "So listen, Lyra and I were wondering if you'd like to dance?"
"What, really?" Mondo gasped.
"Uh-huh." Lyra confirmed.
"With both of you?"
"Is that a problem?" Bonbon wondered.
"No way, dudette. Let's do this!" Mondo cheered, as he followed the two friends to the dance floor.
Splinter who was wearing traditional Japanese dress robes offered his hand to Celestia, "Shall we dance?"
Celestia blushed, as Luna nudged her to accept, "Sure, Master Splinter."
"Call me Yoshi." Splinter answered, as they joined the teenagers.
Bishop approached Luna, "I know I'm probably not your type, but would you care to dance?"
Luna smiled, "Of course," she took Bishop's hand and danced, "You know if you're not too busy still think we could have dinner some time? If you can eat at all?"
"That would be complicated, but how about a movie instead?" Bishop offered.
Luna smiled at the offer, "Works for me."
As Leo and Twilight danced, the girl spoke up, "Thanks for all you've done for me, Leo. I really appreciate it."
"That's what being a friend is all about, Twilight." Leo answered, and suddenly received a peck on the cheek by Twilight leaving him in a state of stupor.
"Yeah. It sure is." Twilight confirmed while blushing.
Walking up to the two was Timber who spoke up, "Mind if I cut in, Leo?"
Leo looked at Twilight before turning back to Timber and smiled, "Go ahead." he passed Twilight off to Timber and watched them dance.
Karai patted his shoulder, "That was very big of you, Leo."
"He's a good guy. Better than I gave him credit for." Leo admitted.
"Yeah-yeah. Come on, let's dance." Karai took his hand and they started dancing.
As Twilight and Timber danced, the boy spoke, "Not to brag or anything, but it's pretty cool how I saved all those campers from those Rubus fruticosus," there was an awkward pause, "Blackberry brambles."
Twilight answered, "I'm familiar with the genus. It's just a little weird you say you saved the campers. I thought I saved them."
"Yeah. But I saved you from falling on the docks so that you could save the campers. So technically, it was all me." Timber countered.
Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled, "I'm really glad I met you."
"Uh-oh." Timber said in worry.
"That sounds like a goodbye. And here I was hoping we'd still be able to hang out. Maybe get dinner and catch a movie?"
"Yeah. I'd really like that." Twilight admitted.
"Oh, good! I was hoping that's what this meant." Timber said.
The two gazed into each others eyes, and looked ready to make a move, until Gloriosa came between them, "Oh, uh..." she chuckled nervously, "Sorry. I need to borrow Timber. There are some donors I really want him to meet. They were good friends with Mom and Dad."
"Save me another dance ok?" he asked Twilight.
"Sure." she answered.
She looked back and saw her friends and the Turtles smiling at her, "Adorable." Rarity cooed.
"Good thing Gloriosa came in when she did otherwise..." Leo smacked the back of Mikey's head shutting him up.
"He does seem like a pretty cool guy." Sunset admitted.
"He has his good points." Leo added.
Rainbow zipped in, "You know what else is cool? Our awesome new superpowers!" she continued running all around, "I handed out, like, four hundred fliers, set up the stage, and still had time to pick up pizza! I love my super-speed!"
"Pizza!" Mikey grabbed the pizza box from Rainbow to snack on.
"About that. I think the crystals are the source of the superpowers." Sunset said.
"Makes sense since they came from the geodes Gloriosa took." Donnie added.
Fluttershy gasped, "You're not gonna ask us to give them up, are you?"
"That'd be a bummer." Mikey said with a slice of pizza on his head from pigging out.
"No. In fact, I think maybe we were meant to have them all along." Sunset answered.
"Me too." Twilight agreed followed by the others.
"With those dope powers imagine all the good you can do. Like be super heroes!" Casey cheered.
"Let's not encourage them, Casey." April replied.
"April is correct," Splinter said, "Power like that must not be used carelessly otherwise it could be your own downfall."
"We'll use them well, Master Splinter." Sunset promised.
"Just as we learned in the Spirit World." Applejack added.
Splinter smiled, and turned to Twilight, "And Twilight. I have a gift for you."
"A gift?" she asked.
Splinter presented to her a Kamayari Sickle Spear, "Hey, that's the same weapon Princess Twilight uses." Pinkie remembered.
"And you're giving this to me?" Twilight asked.
"Though you are different from your Equestrian counterpart, you both are still so very similar. And no better weapon is best suited for Twilight Sparkle, than this." The rat explained.
Twilight smiled, "Thank you, sensei." she accepted it.
"Way to go, dudette!" Mikey cheered.
"Now you're really one of us." Raph added. And so they all returned to the Crystal Ball to have fun.
Afterward, Sunset, Twilight, and Leo snuck away and relaxed outside the cave. Leo gazed up at the stars as Twilight stood close to him. Sunset was enjoying the sight as well, until she looked curious, "There is one thing I'm still wondering about, though."
"What's that?" Twilight asked.
"Where did the magic that hit this cave come from?" she wondered.
"Who knows." Twilight answered.
"It's certainly a mystery." Leo admitted.
Unknown to them, all the way back at CHS, the portal statue that connected both Equestria and their world stood with the horse statue still broken from when Midnight Sparkle blasted it at the Friendship Games. There was a crevice on the platform where magical energy was leaking out from. This truly did mean more adventure and mysteries awaited the Rainbooms in the future.
The next morning, the Rainbooms, the Turtles, and their mutant friends had finished repairing the dock again, "Third time is a charm. Or is it fifth? I've lost track."
"All that matters is that the runway is finished." Rarity replied.
"I think you mean the "dock"?" Applejack corrected her.
"Oh, to-mah-to, tomato." she brushed it off.
"Still it looks good." April admitted.
"And hopefully it stays this way." Casey added.
"Uh-huh." they agreed.
Karai turned to the Dazzlings, "Say, girls. You don't have anyplace to be after this, do you?"
"Why do you ask?" Aria inquired.
"Well, Shini and I were talking and we've decided..." Karai began, as Shini finished.
"We would like you to join us in restoring order to the Foot Clan."
The trio's eyes lit up, as Sonata asked, "You mean it?!"
"Sure. It'll be like old times, except we'll be fighting the good fight and not for power." Karai answered.
answered, "We'd be honored to help you, Karai." she and Karai shook on it.
"This is such a touching moment." Mikey wiped a tear from his eye.
"Let's celebrate!" Pinkie tossed, streamers into the air along with a few marshmallows and sprinkles. The confections landed on the dock and being infused with her exploding magic caused them to self destruct destroying the dock... again.
The whole group stood in shock while bearing shocked expressions, as the girls hairs were blown back and frazzled. Rarity gasped in shock before fainting. Mikey spoke up, "I'm not cleaning that up!" he was prepared to leave.
"Yeah, me neither." Raph walked away with his bro only to bump into Splinter who had tools prepared.
"It is not noble to walk away when our friends require assistance, isn't it?" he asked.
The two sighed, "No, sensei."
"Good. Then we will all pitch in and rebuilt it." Splinter offered, making the Rainbooms feel relieved.
"Fine," Raph replied, "But once we're finished, we're keeping Pinkie Pie as far away from it as possible!" the group laughed as the got to work once again. But it didn't matter how long they'd have to work. As long as they were with their friends, it was all worth it.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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