Legend of Gaea Everfree
Down by the docks of Camp Everfree, the campers and the counselors were gathering around with Rarity gazing out at the lake in amaze, "Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it? It looks like a diamond shining in the sun!"
"It sure is different form what we're used to seeing in the city." April admitted.
"Yeah. I it can be good to get away from the hustle of New York from time to time." Karai admitted, feeling peaceful in who knows how long.
Fluttershy smiled and spoke, "It is lovely out here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the birds that land on your finger." she said, as a bird landed on her finger.
"I think that only happens to you." Rainbow noted, as Casey chuckled.
Gloriosa was currently going over safety rules about the lake with the campers, "Lake activities are available every day until sunset, so if you want to , sail, windsurf, or swim, just let me know."
Bishop spoke up, "And if there is any trouble, do not be alarmed. I am trained in both first aid and CPR."
"Would that include the Heimlich maneuver?" Casey asked, "Just wondering."
"Of course." Bishop confirmed, while noticing V.P Luna looking at him with the thought of getting CPR from him.
Down by the docks, Fluttershy was feeding bread pieces to the ducks swimming by, "Aren't they just the cutest?"
As Twilight was walking on the dock, one of the boards cracked making her fall back. Leo who was watching from behind a cabin with his bros gasped, "Twilight!" he wanted to go to help her, only to see Timber catch her.
"Whoa! I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me." Timber flirted, while Twilight giggled.
Leo rolled his eyes, "Ugh, again with the lame quips."
"I know, that one's so old it's dead." Mikey agreed.
"What were you thinking, Leo?" Raph asked, "Were you really gonna just run out there and help her with all those kids around?"
"I acted on impulse, Raph." Leo explained.
"Well, keep it together." Raph warned him.
"I know."
"Leo, we've noticed how you've been watching Twilight ever since we got here." Donnie noted.
"What? She's my friend, and I worry about her. She's not exactly like her princess counterpart."
"Are you sure you're not just jelling because Timber's getting close to her?" Mikey teased.
"You don't know what you're saying." Leo turned away.
"What would Karai say about this?" the youngest continued to taunt him.
"Knock it off, Mikey." Leo warned him, until they overheard the counselors discussing the loose board on the dock.
"This is a safety hazard," V.P Luna began, "I suggest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp." the students groaned.
"But lake activity is one of the best parts of camp." Casey complained.
Gloriosa calmed them, "Oh, I'm sure it won't have to be for the remainder of camp. Just needs to be patched up a bit. I've got this!"
Suddenly an idea came to Applejack, "Huh. Or maybe we do! If you ask me, this whole dock needs to go," she lightly kicked one of the stumps that fell over, "Building a new one could be our camp gift. Sure, it would benefit us, but a nice new dock would benefit future campers, too."
"Great idea, Applejack." April agreed.
"Sounds like a plan to me." Shini agreed.
Timber voiced his opinion, "I don't know. It's an awful lot of work. I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on doing other fun camp stuff because you're so busy building a dock for future campers." Timber shot Gloriosa a look making his sister annoyed, which didn't go unnoticed by Sunset.
Rainbow spoke to Timber, "I hear what you're saying, Timber, but we're Canterlot Wondercolts. We've got a reputation to uphold! And there was no way we're gonna leave this place without contributing the most awesome camp gift ever! I'm with A.J. Building a new dock is definitely it! What do you guys think?" The campers cheered, as Gloriosa shot Timber a smug look.
"Looks like it's settled then."
Timber replied sounding irate, "Looks like it."
Sunset who was still observing the two spoke to April, "That's some tension all right."
"I'll say." she agreed.
"Can't you use your powers to see what's going on?"
"I've been trying too, but something's been blocking my ability." April answered.
"That's weird." Sunset said.
And so the campers got to work on their project by tearing down the old dock and building a new one. As the turtles watched from their hiding place, Donnie spoke up, "I kinda feel bad watching them work like that, while we sit around and do nothing."
"Relax, D. They look like they got it covered." Mikey replied, as they watched the campers work without looking tired.
April was currently drawing up a blueprint for a new dock, with the others around her voicing their opinions, with Twilight beginning, "We can reinforce the foundation."
"Make it nice and sturdy." Applejack added.
"And we can add a wood-carved sign that says "Camp Everfree"." Applejack put in.
"And little boxes with food so you can feed the ducks and fishies." Fluttershy smiled.
"Oh, we'll add lanterns so you can see at night!" Rainbow finished.
April after finishing her drawing showed the group, "Well, what do you think?"
"Awesome, design, Red." Casey answered.
"Perfect." Shini agreed.
Rarity gasped, "It's stunning! And will make an absolutely perfect runway for my camp fashion show!"
Karai rolled her eyes, as Applejack spoke up, "More importantly, it will be a great place for docking canoes and feeding the wildlife."
"Oh, you say "tomato", I say "perfect place to showcase boho-chic stylings"." Rarity cheered.
"You're really looking to this aren't you?" Karai crossed her arms.
"What do you guys think?" Twilight asked the three adults.
"It's going to be a lot of work, but we can do it!" Principal Celestia answered.
"Then let us begin." Bishop said.
"Yes! Adult supervision!" Pinkie cheered.
And so everyone was getting to work in building a new dock. Rainbow Dash was hammering some nails into the planks, as Applejack watched her, "Huh, nice hammer. Where did you get it?"
"Uh, duh. The toolbox." Rainbow asked feeling it was a dumb question to ask.
"Hah, that's cool. I made mine." Applejack held up a handmade hammer.
"Wicked, A.J." Casey admitted.
"Thanks, Case." the two smiled at each other.
As Timber was building a lantern for the dock, Twilight noticed it, "Making lanterns out of solar-powered garden lights! Pretty crafty there, Timber!"
"You think that's crafty? You should see my macaroni art. I'm like the Picasso of noodles." Twilight giggled at his smooth talk.
By the turtles, Leo stared at them feeling disturbed, "Pardon me while I go barf in the woods." he walked for the woods.
Principal Celestia spoke up to the campers, "All right, now. You've made a lot of progress, but it's going to be getting dark soon. We can pick this up tomorrow between our other camp activities."
Gloriosa continued, "Everyone, get cleaned up, and we'll gather by the fire pit at eight to share s'mores and scary stories!"
"S'mores!" Pinkie cheered, as she held all the ingredients for s'mores in her arms.
Mikey watched feeling envious, "Oh, man. They get to have s'mores?!"
That night at the campfire, Rarity was telling everyone a scary story, "And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!" she screamed in a panic, but noticed nobody else was scared, "Purple and burgundy, darlings! The same color family!" she screamed again, only to see no one was getting it."
"She's definitely not good at this, is she?" Shini asked Karai.
"Obviously not." Karai replied.
"Uh... that was a terrifying story." Applejack told Rainbow.
"Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again." Rianbow laughed.
In the bushes, Raph was clamping Mikey's mouth shut as he was trying to scream, "Will you stop screaming, that wasn't even scary!" he whispered to him.
Mikey got his mouth free, "I know. I just wanted to scream." his brothers sighed.
Vice Principal Luna cleared her throat, "Anyone else have a spooky story?"
Casey got up, "No prob, V.P. Casey Jones has a story that's gonna scare you right out of your socks." he smirked.
"Oh, this ought to be good." April muttered to Sunset and Twilight who chuckled to themselves.
"Prepare to be shocked and frightened by the story of a monster simply known as, The Creep." Casey began, much to April and the turtles surprise.
"The Creep?" Twilight asked.
"How original." Trixie said in sarcasm.
Casey ignored Trixie and began, "It all began with six friends traveling up state to one of their friends old family farm for the weekend. Just to get away from the city. The place wasn't so bad. Sure it was old, miles away from the nearest town, and had an ugly scarecrow to boot. But the friends made the most of it. Then that night, as they were sitting out on the porch admiring the star filled sky, they started hearing a noise. At first it sounded faint, which wasn't bad at first. But when it started getting closer, they all scrambled back into the farm house and locked the doors and closed the windows. It was quiet for awhile, until suddenly the power went out. Not wanting to be left in the dark, one of them took a chance and went outside to check the fuse box. Five minutes after leaving, the others heard him scream!" the campers shook, as Casey smirked having them where he wanted them, "They ran outside to where the fuse box was, but saw no sign of their friend. All they found was the flashlight he used to see and next to him a puddle of glowing green goo. Frightened, they searched around the farm house for any leads on their missing friend. Then two of them heard something coming from the barn house. They went to investigate, but when they entered the barn the door closed on them locking them inside. They tried to find another way out, but to no avail. Suddenly they heard the same sound from earlier inside the barn and knew whatever was out there was trapped inside with them."
In the bushes, Raph was speaking to his bros, "You know Casey's not doing too bad a job on this." he noticed Mikey was cowering under some leaves, "Honestly, you're such a wimp."
Casey continued his story, "The other three heard the screams of their friends, and ran to the barn. After getting it opened, they saw no sign of the three. Only another puddle of glowing green goo. They ran out of the barn and tried to find their friends, only to discover that ugly scarecrow that watched over the field was missing. They went into the corn field thinking it fell over, but started hearing rustles among the corn. At first they dismissed it thinking it was squirrels or such running through it, until two of them screamed. The last one looked around the maze of corn seeing no sign of them, but the same green glowing goo. He ran out of the field frightened as could be feeling whatever took his friends was close by. Suddenly he felt someone grab his shoulders from behind. He dismissed it thinking it was one of his friends pulling a prank on him. He turned around to discover he was wrong. Standing behind him was a seven foot tall well built creature made from mud and swamp dirt with the same green glowing goo found at the scenes pouring out through his mouth, and was wearing the overalls of the scarecrow and a bag with eye holes over his face. He stared at the boy like a zombie, until roaring at him. The boy panicked and ran for it, with the creature following him. Despite the boy running for his life, the Creep as he referred to it as was a very fast runner. He quickly ran into the barn and locked the door before the Creep impaled the door with a pitchfork. The boy was scared out of his mind wondering how he was going to survive this monster's warpath, until he heard groaning coming from inside the barn. He looked behind some boxes and saw his friends who had been transformed into grass and mud creatures like the Creep. He thought his friends had enough humanity in them to recognize who he was, but they began coming right for him. He backed away to the barn door, and suddenly a big arm punched a hole through it and grabbed him..." he looked away before spinning around to reveal he was now wearing his hockey mask with grass pieces on top and the sides of his head, "AND IT WAS THE CREEP!" he bellowed.
The campers screamed in a panic, with some falling off their log seats. Mikey screamed as well, but no one could hear him because of their own cries of fright. When everyone calmed down, Casey laughed hysterically, "Oh, man! You should see the look on your faces!"
April despite knowing how the story really went did feel shaken up with how Casey told it. Karai whispered to April, "Did that really happen?"
"Not entirely the way Casey told it." she whispered back.
Vice Principal Luna spoke, "Thank you, Mr. Jones, for that thrilling tale. Any one else?"
Timber spoke, "I have one. But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!" Fluttershy held Spike close, as Bulk held both Snips and Snails close to him in worry, "It's time I told you about the legend of Gaea Everfree." Timber began, as the turtles listened in close.
"Many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest. Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a camp. But once they started building, strange things started to happen. One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin! They screamed and ran outside, only to see the giant creature rising from the earth! She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land. They begged her to let them stay and build their camp, to share this wonderful place with others. Gaea Everfree finally agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own."
Timber spoke to the campers, "So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is... Gaea Everfree!" he spoke in a loud and scary voice. Suddenly appearing behind Timber was a pair of green eyes which made the campers scream.
Stepping into the light of the campfire was Gloriosa, "Hey, guys! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"
"Then why did you come out of the bushes like that?" April asked suspiciously.
"I... took the scenic route, because the forest is beautiful at night. But no one else should do it without a guide, kay? All right, everybody, time to head to your tents." As the campers were heading back to their tents, Snips spoke to Gloriosa.
"Oh, hey, Gloriosa. Do you have extra toothbrushes? I forgot mine."
"Sure do! I'll get one for you."
Snails was shuddering, "I'm scared of the dark! Do you have flashlights?"
"Of course! I got this!" She showed the boys off leaving the Rainbooms, Karai, April, Casey, and Shini to themselves.
Spike struggled, as Fluttershy was holding him tight, "Fluttershy?"
"Sorry, Spike. I that story got to me."
"Why? It can't be real." Applejack replied.
Rainbow spoke, "I don't know. Gaea Everfree could be some creature that got booted from Equestria and ended up in this world. That's what happened with the sirens."
"You think maybe it's actually a Kraang creation?" Casey asked, "I mean Kraang Prime said they used mutagen on the primates thousands of years ago which created mankind, right?"
"That could be a possibility." April admitted.
Applejack answered, "Eh. Sounded more like something that Timber was makin' up just to scare us. At least I hope it was. Last thing I want is to have camp ruined by some power-crazed magical creature."
Rarity added, "Oh, hear-hear. We've had to deal with more than our fair share of those. At the Fall Formal, a musical showcase, New York City, Outer Space, the Friendship Ga..." she saw Twilight was looking uncomfortable and shifted her speech, "Well, I mean, you know, everything turned out all right, of course." she chuckled nervously.
"Mmm. I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna turn in." Twilight headed back to the tent.
Sunset looked to everyone, "Maybe lay off bringing up what happened at the Friendship Games? I think she's still pretty sensitive about it."
Pinkie Pie spoke with a full mouth, "Our lips are sealed."
"Still that story was frightening." Mikey said, as the turtles came out from hiding.
"So have you guys thought about where you're gonna sleep tonight?" Sunset asked the turtles.
"We're doing our own camping in the woods." Leo answered.
"Well, don't go too far.' April warned them.
"Yeah. Gaea Everfree may be out there." Casey joked, only to get elbowed by A.J.
"Here, guys I saved you some s'mores." Pinkie offered each of the turtles, who accepted them.
"Thanks, Pinkie. I'm starving." Mikey ate his s'more."
"Delicious." Donnie said, as he ate.
"Well, we're going back to our tents, you guys be careful." Sunset said, as the group headed back.
Out by the woods at the edge of the campgrounds, the turtles were sitting around until Bishop came over carrying spare pillows and blankets, "I know this may not be much, but it's all I could salvage from the storage." he offered the turtles the blankets and pillows.
"Thanks, Bishop. We'll see you in the morning." Leo said.
"Goodnight, my friends." Bishop took his leave.
So the brothers laid on the grass with their heads on their pillows, as Mikey spoke, "You guys really think Gaea Everfree's some creature from Equestria or Kraang mutant gone wrong?" he shivered.
"Mikey, you're taking that ghost story too seriously." Raph sighed.
"I don't know, Raph," Donnie replied, "Given our past experiences with mutants, monsters, and aliens, anything can be possible."
"The kid probably tells that story to every camp group every year." Raph continued to be skeptical.
"You really shouldn't deny the possibility. I mean after what we experienced on our spiritual quest some thing's are more real than we think." Leo said, while remembering the deer spirit.
"Whatever, bros," Mikey yawned, "I'm gonna catch me some winks." he fell asleep.
"Night, guys." Donnie said, as he covered himself up with a blanket. Leo and Raph did the same, as they covered themselves up and fell asleep knowing tomorrow was another day.
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