Teenage Mutant Ninja Ponies
Outside CHS the Rainbooms were lounging around by the portal to Equestria looking like they were waiting for someone. Rainbow sighed, "How much longer do we have to wait?"
"Should be soon, Rainbow Dash." Sunset answered.
"But it feels like it's been hours." Rainbow complained.
"Maybe if ya stopped complaining so much time would move faster." Applejack joked, as she and Pinkie laughed.
Twilight felt her cellphone ring and checked her messages, "Good news, girls. They're right on top of us."
The girls looked up seeing a helicopter flying over the school. Suddenly eight figures jumped out of the chopper and started falling before releasing parachutes allowing them to drift towards the ground with ease. The figures removed their parachutes to reveal their mutant turtle and human friends from New York city.
"Guys!" the girls cheered, as they ran over to their friends.
"It's good to see you." Twilight told Leo.
"Great to see you too." Leo agreed.
"Nice chopper, where'd you get it?" Rainbow asked, as Karai answered.
"Actually it's part of the foot clan. Some of the vehicles I salvaged from Shredder after he fled the city."
"Air travel is the best." Mikey cheered.
"So you're all really up for it?" Sunset Shimmer asked the group.
"You bet. Although Raph was skeptical." April motioned to Raph.
"Going back to Equestria and becoming a pony again was not something I want to relive."
"He changed his mind when I showed him Chompy's adorable face." Mikey showed them Chompy.
Rainbow went over to pat his head, "Hey, little guy. Good to see you."
"I was actually all for this idea," Donnie admitted, "We never got a chance to explore much of Equestria last time. I'm curious to see how things work and operate there."
"Plus after dealing with Kavaxas, we could all use a break from the city.' Leo added.
"I simply cannot believe you all actually fought a demon." Rarity gasped.
"Not to mention ghosts." Fluttershy shuddered.
"It was nothing we couldn't handle." Casey boasted.
Sunset turned to Karai and Shini, "Though I'm surprised you two came. What about monitoring the Foot Clan?"
"Don't worry, Adagio said she and the rest of the girls can keep things under control while we're away." Karai assured her.
"And the Mighty Mutanimals have city patrol covered for awhile." Raph added.
"So where is this portal to Equestria, anyway?" Shini inquired.
"Right here." Sunset showed them the spot on the statue.
"This is where Princess Twilight came through from Equestria?" Leo asked.
"Her and Me," Sunset added, "I haven't gone through this portal since the day I stole her crown. Back when I wasn't so nice," she sighed, only to receive comfort from her friends, "But I'm ready to go back and see Princess Celestia to make amends for leaving her on bad terms."
"That's a big step, Sunset Shimmer." April commended her.
"I know. And I'm glad you decided to come for moral support." Sunset smiled.
"We would've come with ya, but unfortunately we got a lot of stuff to do here." Applejack explained.
"But there's always next time." Pinkie winked.
"Now Princess Twilight's expecting us?" Leo inquired.
"Yeah. So let's go. I'll take the first lead." Sunset said.
"Anything we should know about before we go through?" Casey asked.
"Well, you know anything that comes from Equestria turns into a human. Or in Spike's case a dog. So the same applies to humans who go there." she explained.
"So there's no telling what type of pony or anything we might become?" Shini asked.
"Afraid so."
"Well, we'll just have to chance it." April said.
"I'm really not looking forward to walking on all fours again." Raph grumbled, as he tucked Chompy into a satchel strapped to his shell.
"Oh, stop complaining." Donnie replied.
"Ok, guys. Here we go," Sunset looked to the girls, "I'll see you guys when I get back.
"Bye, Sunset!" the Rainbooms bid her adieu as Sunset went into the portal.
"Come on!" April told her human friends who each went through the portal.
"Me first!" Mikey called, as the turtles tried to get in first until they were able to squeeze into it together.
"I hope they'll be all right." Fluttershy hoped.
"They'll be fine, Fluttershy. They're with Sunset after all." Applejack reminded her.
"I also hope it goes well with her and the Princess." Rarity said, as they all hoped it would too.
Meanwhile in the land of Equestria, inside the Castle of Friendship was Princess Twilight and her friends were waiting around the active portal. Rainbow Dash sighed, "Are you sure they're coming?" she asked Twilight.
"They should be here soon." Twilight said, until she saw the mirror glow.
Stepping out from it was Sunset Shimmer back in her unicorn form, and was wearing her new outfit since the Friendship Games, "Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight cheered, as she embraced the pony.
"It's good to see you, Twilight. And the rest of you." she told the pony versions of her friends.
"Where are the others?" Spike asked.
"They should be right behind me." Sunset answered, as they saw four more figures step out of the portal.
They saw it was April, Casey, Karai, and Shini who had been transformed into ponies. April and Shini had become unicorns, Casey a pegasus, and Karai an earth pony. Their manes matched their original hairstyles and had similar colored tails to go with them. Each of them were also wearing the same clothing they wore in their world and carried the same weapons they had such as April's tanto and tessen, Casey's goalie stick and baseball bat with his metal hockey mask resting a top his head, Karai's tanto, and Shini's Kusarigama with Hypno Ball.
April had a yellow coat and a number five representing her cutie mark on the flank part of her black and yellow jumpsuit. Casey had a gray coat and on the flank of his black suit was his cutie mark being a pair of hockey sticks crossing each other. Karai had a white coat like Rarity's and on the flank part of her outfit was the symbol of the three toed dragon colored red, and finally Shini had a lighter gray coat, and on her flank was a witch hat like the one she wore.
"Whoa." April gasped, as she and her humans friends looked themselves over.
"Look at us." Karai gasped.
"This is certainly very strange." Shini admitted.
"Dudes, check it out! I got wings!" Casey showed off.
Twilight smiled seeing her friends from New York in Equestria, until she and the others heard a crashing sound. The group looked over and saw four green colts lying on the floor groaning, "Oh, wipe out." Mikey groaned.
"Well, that was fun." Raph said in sarcasm.
"My head." Donnie groaned.
"Come on, team. Let's get up." Leo ordered, as they got up surprising everyone.
"Leo?" Twilight asked.
"Twilight?" Leo asked.
"Guys, look at yourselves!" April gasped.
"Why did we come out looking ugly?" Mikey asked in worry.
The turtles looked at themselves and saw they looked exactly how they looked when they went to Equestria while battling Krang and Subprime, with a little twist this time. They were standing on their hind legs like people, and their forearms weren't hooves but were just like the way they were as mutant turtles.
"Oh, yes! Thank you!" Raph cheered as he kissed the muscles on his arms.
Mikey looked down at his hind hooves and cried, "Dudes, we don't have any toes!"
"We didn't last time, Mikey." Donnie reminded him.
"I know, but having fingers and no toes feels weird." Mikey replied.
Casey laughed, "You guys went from mutant turtles to mutant ponies!"
"How's this possible?" Leo looked himself over, "Donnie?"
"Well last time we came to Equestria we traveled through a portal ray made from technology," Donnie began, "But this time we went through a portal powered by magic."
Twilight spoke up following along, "It's possible the magic converted the four of you into ponies while also taking in the account of your mutant DNA making you a human pony hybrid of some kind."
"Best possible theory." Donnie agreed.
"Hmm, I wonder," Karai pondered, before she morphed into her mutant snake form taking the ponies by surprise. She looked at herself before shifting back into her pony form, "Looks like I can still change into my mutant form at will even as a pony."
"Let me try something," Shinigami used her magic and suddenly transformed into her black cat form, before changing back, "I still got it." she smirked.
Twilight smiled before embracing the turtles, especially Leo, "It's great to see you guys again."
"And it's great to see you, Twilight." Leo replied.
"We sure missed ya." Spike said as he fist bumped with Mikey.
"Spike? Is that really you?" Casey asked.
"Better believe it, Casey."
"Wow. You're a lot smaller than we thought you'd be even for a dragon." Raph stated.
Spike scowled at Raph's words, only for April to stroke his spine, "Come on, guys. I think Spike looks cute for a dragon."
"Thank you, April." Spike smiled while enjoying the spine strokes.
Mikey walked over to Shini and checked her out, "Nice look, Shinigami. Loving that tail of yours."
Shini giggled, "You have a way with words, Michelangelo."
Donnie himself was looking swooned by April's pony look, "April, you look amazing yourself."
"Well, thanks, D. Though it should feel weird walking on all fours like this." April looked down at her hooves.
"You'll adjust to them in no time." Twilight assured her.
"So now that ya'll are getting in touch with your new bodies, think we could get some introductions here?" Applejack asked.
"Oh, right. Silly me," Twilight said feeling sheepish, as she decided to to introduce both sides, "Girls, you already know Sunset Shimmer. And the rest are my friends from New York City in the other world. There's April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, and Shinigami. And these four are my friends the turtles or used to be turtles. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael."
"Hi!" Pinkie waved them hello.
"Pinkie, good to see you here." Mikey cheered.
"Thanks, even though we never met."
"Yes, you all know the girls from their counterparts back in your word, but remember these aren't the same girls you're familiar with." Twilight explained.
"Still nice to see you all." Mikey said, until another unicorn approach and stood at Twilight's side.
"And this is my student, Starlight Glimmer."
"Nice to meet you all. Twilight's told me so much about each of you." Starlight greeted.
"She's mentioned to us about you too." Donnie added.
"Yeah. Quite the troublemaker weren't ya?" Raph asked with a smirk.
"Raph." Twilight said firmly.
"It's ok, Twilight. I can handle it." Starlight assured her, while still feeling a little embarrassed.
"So you're Starlight Glimmer?" Sunset asked, "I've heard about you from Twilight too. Trust me if anypony understands you it'd be me."
"Yeah. Twilight did tell me about you too, Sunset Shimmer." Starlight and Sunset locked hooves.
Raph suddenly felt his bag shake. He opened it up to reveal Chompy who after coming to Equestria had transformed into a regular old turtle, "Chompy, how're you little guy?" he nuzzled with him.
Upon seeing the animal, Fluttershy's eyes lit up, "Oh my goodness!" she zipped over to Raph to get a look at the reptile, "Who's this adorable little thing?"
"This is Chompy Picasso. He's actually an alien turtle back in our world." Raph explained.
"Oh, he's so cute." Fluttershy cupped Chompy's face while nuzzling with him.
"So you guys are real ninjas?" Rainbow flew around them.
"That's right. We've been training in the art since we were very young." Leo answered.
"Well with the stories Twilight told us you all sound like extraordinary fighters." Rarity said.
"Thanks. I know I'm awesome." Casey boasted.
"If anyone's awesome around here it's me." Rainbow got in his face bearing a smug look.
"Yup, definitely Rainbow Dash." Donnie noted.
"So have you guys been up too recently?" Spike asked.
"Spike, have we got stories to tell you." Raph replied.
They all sat down and told the pony girls about their latest battle against the demodragon Kavaxas leaving the girls in shock, "Whoa, that Kavaxas sounded like a real hothead." Pinkie joked.
"I know. Especially since none of our basic attacks had any affect on him." Leo added.
"Not even my psychic powers did much damage." April put in.
"And Tiger Claw actually used him to bring back Shredder?" Spike asked in shock.
"Yeah, but not in the way he hoped." Karai replied.
"But thanks to me I was able to use that seal to put Kavaxas back where he came from!" Mikey declared.
"You were all lucky," Twilight began, "A demodragon is by far one of the nastiest creatures in Equestria history. Summoning one is suicide unless you have means to control one."
"They exist even here?" Raph asked, "Let's hope we don't run into one."
"But I'm glad to hear you guys got to have one last chance to say goodbye to Master Splinter." Twilight smiled.
Leo smiled back, "I'm sure sensei wished you and the others were there to see him off as well."
Starlight turned to Sunset, "So you came here to finally make peace with Princess Celestia?"
"That's right. I've been gone far too long from Equestria. And I parted with her on bad terms. I want to show her I've truly changed since that day." Sunset explained.
"Well, you'll have plenty of time for that, but for now why don't we show ya around Ponyville?" Applejack asked.
"Thanks. Never did have a chance to see Ponyville up close before." Sunset admitted.
"Ooh, you're all gonna love it!" Pinkie cheered.
"Let's hope the locals won't find us an eyesore." Donnie said on behalf of himself and his bros.
"Don't worry, we'll make sure you guys won't feel out of place." Twilight assured them.
"And before the day is over, you'll be one of us in no time." Pinkie added.
"Well then let's have a tour of Ponyville." Leo said.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey cheered.
"Booya what?" Starlight asked Twilight.
"Just a little battle cry." Twilight answered, as she and the rest of her friends set out to show the group from New York around Ponyville.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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