Ponyville Tour

Twilight and here friends left the castle with their friends from New York looking around outside, "Whoa." the turtle brothers gasped.

"This is Ponyville?" Karai asked.

"Uh-huh." Pinkie nodded.

"It's beautiful." April gasped.

"And cleaner." Donnie noticed.

"Starting to miss the city already." Raph said to himself.

"Raph!" Leo scolded him.

"Just saying."

"I actually think it's quite colorful." Sunset admitted.

"Come on, we'll show you the town." Twilight offered.

"Then let's go!" Casey jumped up and flapped his wings only to fall flat on his face.

"Ooh!" the ninja brothers groaned.

"Good one, Jones." Karai chuckled.

Casey got up, "What gives? Are my wings broken or something?"

"Just because you have wings doesn't mean you can use them right away, Casey." April replied.

"April's right," Twilight confirmed, "I wasn't able to fly perfectly when I first got my wings. Luckily Rainbow Dash helped me with that," she gasped, "Maybe she can help you, Casey."

"Really?" Casey turned to Rainbow.

"Sure thing, Jones. With my guidance you'll be soaring higher than you'd ever imagine."

"And hit the ground harder when you fall." Mikey joked, as everyone laughed, while Casey scowled.

As they walked through town, the ninja crew started taking in the sights while noticing all the many different ponies with different coats and mane styles as well as cutie marks. The Ponyville residents couldn't help but glance and stare at the ninja brothers, which make Raph feel uneasy.

"Even the ponies here are judging us?" he asked.

"Not so much judging you," Twilight replied, "They've just never seen any pony walk on their hind legs before."

"Yeah, Raph, lighten up and consider the fact we don't have to hide for once," Mikey added, until he stopped and started moving to a beat, "Hey-hey, I'm feeling a rhythm here," They looked over seeing Ponyville's resident DJ Vinyl Scratch mixing some beats on her turntable by the park area where other ponies were shaking it up, "Oh, yeah, boy! That's my jam!" he ran over to the crowd and started break dancing while leaving the other ponies surprised. Mikey was too busy busting a move to even noticed their reaction. Vinyl who was also surprised just allowed it and continued mixing music as long as there was dancing.

When Mikey finished he did a finger point gesture at the ponies. Suddenly they started cheering and applauding for the newcomer's performance. Mikey got up and ran his hand across their hooves, "Thank you, thank you, you're a great crowd!" he went back over to his friends, "I love this place already."

"You'll soon see there are still some similarities between both our worlds." Twilight said.

"Like pizza?" Mikey asked hopefully.

Twilight giggled, "That's one."

"Hey, guys!" came a voice, as three little filies were running over.

"Applebloom, perfect timing," A.J said, as she motioned her little sister and fellow crusaders over, "We got some friends here for ya'll to meet."

The three fillies saw the ninja group and looked amazed at the four brothers, "Who're you all of you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"My name's Leonardo." Leo introduced himself.

"Donatello's my name, inventing is my game." Donnie boasted.

"What up, little ones? Name's Michelangelo." Mikey greeted.

"I'm Raphael." Raph said.

"My name's April." April introduced herself.

"Call me Casey Jones." Casey declared.

"My name's Karai."

"And I'm Shinigami."

"And my name's Sunset Shimmer." Sunset introduced herself. Even though she knew of the three younger girls from school she remembered she hadn't met their pony counterparts.

"Well, I'm Applebloom."

"My name's Sweetie Belle."

"And I'm Scootaloo. Together we're the..."

All three fillies declared in their loudest voices, "Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

The group cringed at how loud they were, as Casey spoke, "The what?"

"Cutie Mark Crusaders," Applebloom replied, "Originally we crusaded all around looking to find our cutie marks, until we discovered our purpose in life is to help others discover their special talents."

"Sounds a big job for three young fillies like yourselves." Donnie noted.

"Actually it's not bad at all." Scootaloo assured them.

Sweetie Belle looked at April, Karai, and Shini, before speaking, "Wow you three are really beautiful."

The three girls blushed, as Shini spoke, "Well, aren't you sweet?"

"And she's not wrong." Mikey backed Sweetie Belle up.

"How come you fellas are standing on your hind legs?" Applebloom asked Leo.

"Let's just say we're very special ponies." Leo answered, not wanting to go into detail.

"Cool. Well it's nice meeting ya'll, but we better get back to our clubhouse and see if anypony else needs our help." Appelbloom said, ad the Crusaders took off.

"What a nice buncha kids." Casey admitted.

"Yes, though they do get themselves into trouble through their little mischief." Rarity noted.

"Hey what kid doesn't?" Mikey asked.

"You should know. You get into mischief all the time." Raph reminded him.

"Hey! I do not!" Mikey argued, "Only on days that end with 'Y'."

The group gave him a dry expression, "Every day ends with 'Y'." Starlight replied.

"Yeah? So?" Mikey asked obliviously.

"Is Mikey really all there?" Rainbow asked Donnie.

"Well, his brain ain't quite ripe yet." he answered.

"Come on, every pony." Twilight said, as they carried on.

They walked around town where the girls showed their friends more spots, "Down that road's the Ponyville School House for all fillies and colts to learn. Over there's the store I get my quills and parchments."

"She keeps buying from their on a daily basis because she keeps using up her entire stock in one day." Spike snarked, as Twilight gave him the stink eye.

Karai looked ahead and saw another building that looked like it was made of sweets, "What's with the gingerbread house?" she asked.

"That's Sugarcube Corner," Pinkie explained, "You won't find any place better that sells delicious sugary treats. I should know it's where I work."

"Dentists must make a lot of money if that place is so popular." April said.

"They do." Pinkie grinned.

"So does this world have any sports at all?" Casey inquired.

Rainbow answered, "We got loads of sports here. There's Bowling, Hoofball, Buckball, Horse Hockey..."

Casey cut her off, "Horse Hockey? I'm sold."

"Maybe later, Casey." Leo replied.

Suddenly walking over was the Mayor of Ponyville, "Good afternoon, girls."

"Good afternoon, Mayor." Twilight greeted.

"I was just walking by until I happened upon these new faces with you," Mayor Mare motioned to the ninjas, "Out of towners?"

"Something like that?" Twilight answered.

"Well, it's pleasure to meet you all. I'm Mayor Mare Welcome to Ponyville."

"Thank you, Mayor. This is a nice little town you got running here." Casey admitted.

"You won't find a better town than Ponyville," The Mayor chuckled, until she noticed the groups weapons, "Oh. Interesting weaponry. Tell me, are you soldiers?"

"We're ninjas, actually." Leo replied.

"Ninjas? I never would've guessed," the mayor replied, "Well, I hope you all enjoy your stay here in Ponyville."

"We will, ma'am." April replied, as the mayor left.

"So Equestria has princesses and mayors?" Donnie asked.

"Precisely," Twilight confirmed, "Moving on." they pressed on seeing more places like Rarity's shop, the Ponyville Spa, etc.

When they arrived at the edge of Ponyville, Mikey noticed a forest up ahead, "What's that creepy forest over there?"

"That's the Everfree Forest, you shouldn't go in there alone, especially during the night." Applejack said.

"Everfree?" the group asked.

"So it's a forest here and not a camp?" Casey asked.

"That's right," Sunset answered, "Princess Celestia told me that forest was once home to her former palace before Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon."

"In that forest things seem to operate like they do in your world," Twilight explained, "Animals care for themselves, the clouds move on their own, plants grow by themselves."

"Is that really so shocking?" Karai asked.

"Different laws of physics." Donnie stated.

Mikey's stomach started grumbling, "Hey, I'm hungry. Can we get some chow now?"

"I'm getting hungry here too." Rainbow agreed.

"I also feel famished." Rarity put in.

"Then let's go to Sugarcube Corner. Follow me!" Pinkie zipped off.

"She's faster than the Pinkie Pie we know." April said in disbelief.

"No kidding." Sunset agreed.

"Well, we better hurry." Leo said, as they traced their way back to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hope this place is as good as Pinkie said it was." Raph said.

"Trust me, it is." Twilight assured, as they opened the door to hear party poppers go off.


They saw the whole interior of the shop was decorated for a party, and more than half of Ponyville was present with Pinkie Pie, "What's this?" Shini wondered.

"Your welcome party, Shini." Pinkie grinned.

"Welcome party?" Leo asked.

"Of course, Leo. You're new to Ponyville, and it's only fair you all get one of my welcome parties." Pinkie explained.

"All right. A Pinkie Party!" Mikey cheered, as he joined in.

"Well, it would be rude to deny now." Leo said, as the rest of them joined the party.

As they partied, each of the ninja ponies were getting to know more about the residents in Ponyville. Donnie was talking science with Doctor Whooves, Mikey was forming a big brother bond with most of the school ponies, Shini was doing a little magic for the kids using her illusions, and even Karai and Sunset Shimmer were getting to know Starlight Glimmer some more which was good for Starlight to get perspective from more individuals who walked down a dark path.

"I can't believe you actually tried altering time." Karai said in disbelief.

"Yeah, and every time I did the future only ended up worse." Starlight replied.

"Well, you did the right thing with listening to Twilight." Sunset assured her.

"I know." Starlight smiled.

"Just as I made the right choice to believe Leo and the others who knew the truth about my past." Karai added.

"I can't imagine what it had to be like growing up under the tutelage of someone like this Shredder." Starlight said.

"At first it was ok, but just because he treated me like a daughter he wasn't soft of me when I had to be strong," Karai replied, "Then after finding out the truth he started acting more crazy claiming everything he did was out of love and that Splinter was the cause of everything that happened." Starlight continued to listen while the pony brothers were enjoying some of the sugary sweets.

"Mm. This cake is good." Leo said, as he took a bite out of some cake.

"I'll say." Raph agreed, while chowing down.

"Only a day here and already the ponies are making us feel welcomed." April said, seeing how nice the Ponyville residents were.

"No kidding. The people in New York wouldn't be as kind as they are." Casey stated.

"You know maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea." Raph admitted, as they all enjoyed the party.

That night at Twilight's castle, the princess of Friendship was setting each of them up in their own rooms. She was currently in a room with Leo, and spoke, "Hope you like it here, Leo."

"I'll be fine, Twilight. It looks comfy enough." Leo looked around the guest room.

Twilight smiled, "I really am glad you guys are all here."

"I'm glad to be here too." Leo replied, as the two embraced.

When they broke, Twilight spoke, "I better go help Casey, he's probably gonna have trouble trying to tuck his wings under the covers." the two laughed, "Goodnight, Leo.

"Goodnight, Twilight." Leo replied, as suddenly got kissed by Twilight who trotted out of the room. He touched a finger to his lips and blushed while flashing back to the party they had after defeating Super Shredder.

The girls decided to stay and party with the friends. A little bit later, Leo decided to step in the dojo for a bit. He took one look at the two pictures, one of Master Splinter standing with Tang Shen and Karai as a baby, and the other of himself with Splinter and his brothers. By looking at them both, Leo still felt grief over the loss of their father/master. His eyes began to water, until he heard something.

"His spirit will live on you know?" said voice. Leo turned and noticed it was Princess Twilight.

"Oh, Princess. How long were you standing there?" Leo asked, as he was wiping the tears away.

"Enough to recall how you feel on this," Princess Twilight responded, as she approached Leo, "Aside from all of us, I know how the impact affected you the most." she said as she wrapped her arms around Leo, who felt like he needed it. The two remained that way until they broke.

"Thanks, Princess Twilight," said Leo, "Listen, since were opening up more, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." Princess Twilight had her hand on Leo's shoulder as she stopped him there.

"Actually I already know what your going to say."

"You do?" Leo asked.

Princess Twilight nodded her head and asked, "It's about you having feelings for me and my counterpart, right?"

Leo's face turned red for a bit as he spoke, "I...er...yes. It is the truth. I take it either your counterpart or Sunset might've told you about that?"

The Princess of Friendship nodded again and spoke, "Both of them told me about it in Sunset's journal, not long before arriving back. You've been wondering since the day we met that I've been looking at you oddly during our meeting right?"

Leo nodded as Princess Twilight continued, "Not only was I intrigued by your story and appearances but I sorta began to develop a feeling myself. The same kind that I once felt towards Flash Sentry. I didn't want the others notice on that as well, but when Sunset and Twilight told me about your feelings, I knew that it might be time to share you mine."

Leo was surprised upon hearing that he was not the only one with secret feelings before Princess Twilight spoke again, "I really think it's lovely, wonderful, and really sweet. And here's something to show my appreciation and honesty to you."

She then leaned forward to his right side and whispered, "This rightfully belongs to you, and always will." She then placed her hands onto Leo's cheeks and then had her lips touch Leo's for what was one other than a hidden kiss. Unaware to the two, Sunset and Twilight and soon everyone else were hiding behind the entrance looking inside and saw everything. Some were surprised at that and the rest were cooing in silent and a little bit teary eyed by that touching moment. The two remained that way for a little bit before breaking. Leo then opened his eyes and was in state of stupor and his face all red.

"WOW! I have never felt such experience in my life," said Leo, "That was really beautiful!"

"I'm really happy that I did as well," said Princess Twilight with a blush.

The moment was suddenly interrupted by a loud thump. Both Leo and Princess Twilight looked over to where the thump occurred. It was both Mikey and Pinkie on the floor, grinning sheepishly. They both looked at each other and knew the secret was out.

"You can all come out now," said Leo as he and Princess Twilight rolled their eyes and had a sly smile on their faces. With that the whole group came out of hiding and looking all very excited, all cooing and giggled a little from that special moment.

"I'm just lost in words." said Fluttershy with tears of joy in her eyes

"Well I'll be!" Applejack said in a proud state and sly smile on her face.

"That was so beautiful and adorable!" Rarity said, as she had tissues wiping her face, trying to prevent the mascara from running down her face.

"Oh man. That was totally wicked!" shouted Casey.

"I can't believe you two did that!" April said with smile on her face.

"I can! That was really really really wonderful!" Pinkie bounced around feeling a lot of joy flowing through her.

Mikey joined her along, doing his usually dance routine and shouted, "I've been right all along! WOOP WOOP WOOP!"

"That was awesome!" Rainbow shouted, as she had her arms around Leo and Twilight.

"Way to go you two," said Donnie as he patted them both on the backs.

"All I can say is, its about time." said Raph with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

"I'll say," both Spikes spoke as they leap up in joy.

Karai approached the two and spoke, "That was pretty hardcore you two." as she then embraced the two. They both returned the favor.

"Truly marvelous." said Shini, very impressed by that performance.

Sunset and Twilight approached and embraced Leo and Princess Twilight "We're so proud of you both, finally opening up your secret feelings." said Twilight.

"We couldn't even be more happy that you both finally released it, after so long." said Sunset.

Both Leo and Princess Twilight looked at each other with faces all red and smiled, "Guess its not so much secret anymore." said Leo with his left hand scratching his back head as Princess Twilight giggled a little bit and spoke.

"Now that this group knows about it, best not go spreading it out to everyone else, whether the City or at CHS." instructed Princess Twilight.

"We Pinkie Promise." said Pinkie, as the whole group recited the promise, this time with the Turtles, April and Casey along side.

"Cross our heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in our eye." the group said. Karai and Shini giggled a little bit, never hearing such a thing before.

They all laughed and finally embraced each other in a big group one once again. Afterward they all went back to the party.

The flashback ended as Leo smiled before climbing into bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking of Master Splinter, "Sensei, you'd really love Equestria." he soon drifted off to sleep knowing tomorrow would be filled with new surprises.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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