Mirror Magic
In a flash of light, the group saw they were back at CHS by the statue portal. The turtles looked at themselves seeing they were mutant turtles again, while April, Karai, Casey, Shini, and Sunset saw they were humans again.
"Oh, yeah! We're back, yo!" Mikey cheered.
"Good to be normal again." Raph said, before reaching into his bag and pulled out Chompy who was an alien turtle again, "Hey, little buddy. Good to see you like this."
April stretched, "I missed walking on two legs."
"And having hands." Karai added.
"What is this?" came Starlight's voice. The group looked over and saw Starlight like Sunset had transformed into a human with a set of clothes to go with her. Her attire included black shoes, gray pants with a few tears in them, a pale light, grayish aquamarine colored shirt, a black open vest over it, a wrist watch, and on her head was a purple beanie with star symbols.
"Starlight?" Shini asked.
"Not bad a look, Star." Mikey approved with a thumb's up.
"It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it." Sunset told Starlight, while trying to keep her on her feet.
Starlight looked at her new appendages, "Are these?"
"Hands. That's right." April nodded.
Starlight looked down at her feet, "And what happened to the rest of my hoo-" Sunset cut her off.
"Feet! Those are feet. Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool." she warned her.
When the turtles saw some students walking around the school, they ducked and covered inside a bush, "Dudes, why're we hiding? They know who we are." Mikey reminded his bros.
"Maybe them, but who knows how many that don't know about us are around here." Leo replied.
"Like Sunset told Starlight, we need to play it cool." Donnie added.
"Well, we're doing a better job than Starlight." Raph said, as they watched Starlight walk like her pony self by being down on all fours. It was more awkward when a few students were baring witness to it. Sunset ran to Starlight pulling her back up to her feet. Casey couldn't help but laugh at Starlight embarrassing herself, until April punched his shoulder for being insensitive. Sunset led her human friends over behind the school, as the turtles followed.
They reached the soccer field which was vacant and deserted, allowing the turtles to come out into the open, "No sign of Twilight and the others here." Leo noted.
"Think they could be at home?" April asked Sunset.
"Let me check." Sunset began sending text messages to the rest of the Rainbooms.
"In the meantime, April and I are going to get changed into more casual attire." Karai said, as she and April went off somewhere.
When they came back, April was wearing her normal street attire minus her black jumpsuit, while Karai was in the punk attire she wore when she first met April. April spoke to Sunset, "Any word on the girls?"
"Nothing, though I did get a message from Pinkie Pie's sister Maud. She said she and the girls were on their way to the mall to catch the premiere of the new Daring Do movie. We were all given cameo scenes by the director." Sunset told everyone.
"You girls got to be in a movie?" Mikey gasped, "So lucky."
"Well, at least we know where they might be." Shini said.
"We better go there and see how they are." Leo said.
"Uh, Leo, don't you think going to the mall will be risky for you and your brothers even if you do stick to the shadows?" Sunset asked.
"Not with what I have." Donnie said, as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a electronic device.
One look at it, and April groaned, "Oh, come on, D. Not this again."
"Again?" Sunset asked.
"What is that?" Karai asked Donnie about the device he was carrying
"This is a cloaking device which analyzes me and my bros personalities and translates us into human version of us." the smart one explained.
"In other words?" Starlight asked.
"We'll be able to see ourselves the way we envision ourselves as humans." Donnie translated.
"Sounds wicked." Casey admitted.
"Not so much," April countered, "Last time Donnie used that, trouble happened."
"What did you need it for?" Sunset asked the turtles.
"It was Pizza Friday at April's school, and we wanted to get in on the action." Mikey answered.
"Why am I not surprised?" Sunset playfully rolled her eyes.
"So what went wrong?" Casey asked.
"The guys were acting too excited for their own good and made fools of themselves." April explained.
"Seriously?" Karai asked amusingly at Leo.
"Hey, it was the first time we interacted with more humans other than Casey, April, and you." Leo answered.
"Not to mention some Kraang droids were using cloaking technology to pose as teenagers there as well," Donnie said, "Luckily we defeated them and escaped ourselves."
"Didn't you get caught?" Sunset asked.
"We almost did, until the Kraang used a ray to turn all the teens to stone." Raph replied.
"Luckily I reversed the affects, and got out of their before we were spotted." Donnie boasted.
"Still, you guys came this close to blowing your cover." April reminded them.
"This time it'll be different," Leo promised, "We can keep it casual better than last time." April rolled her eyes knowing they were going to do it anyway. So Donnie used the ray to zap himself and his bros making them look like humans.
Mikey wore light teal pants with the number 12 embedded on one of the legs, and orange short sleeved hoody with the word COWABUNGA printed on it, brown fingerless gloves, and covering his eyes was a pair of sunglasses. He had orange brown hair in an afro style. Leo wore jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with a red star in the center, and covering it was a blue unbuttoned collared shirt decorated in white markings. The hair his human self had was short and colored black. Raph had changed into a strong stereotypical jock wearing jeans with some tears in it, a red blazer with white sleeves and the letter R embedded on one side, and on his head was a red cap turned backwards as blonde hair peeked out. Finally Donnie was wearing brown shorts, a long sleeved purple shirt, over it was a light purple shirt with a yellow smiley face, and covering that was a brown vest. He wore a pair of square lensed glasses with taped keeping the two sides together. On his head was brownish purple hair.
"Wow." Sunset gasped.
"If I didn't know you guys, you really would make for good looking humans." Karai admitted.
"Hey, Shini, what do you think of your boy Mikey now?" Mikey flirted with the witch girl who giggled.
When Casey noticed Donnie's geek look, he laughed hysterically, "Oh, yeah. That look matches you good, Donnie!"
"So now that we look the part, let's go to the mall!" Mikey declared. Sunset sighed, as they headed off.
Later that day at the mall, the group was standing around by the malls water fountain. The disguised turtles couldn't shake off their excitement for being in an actual mall, but they made sure to keep it casual like they promised.
Mikey and Starlight came over while each carried an ice cream cone stacked up high, "This place is awesome!" Mikey cheered.
"I'll say." Starlight agreed, as she licked her ice cream.
"We've covered half the mall and so far we've found no one." Sunset sighed.
"I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?" Starlight asked, as she licked her ice cream.
"I got a few good ideas." Sunset answered.
"Sunset Shimmer, you've looked bothered for quite awhile." April noted.
"What's up?" Casey asked her.
"Sorry, it's just I thought coming to Equestria would help me relax. And it did, but then I remembered the issue we've been dealing with here."
"Issue?" Karai asked.
"Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria. Any number of terrible things could have happened. And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them." she explained sounding stressed.
"Deep, girl." Mikey gasped.
"Didn't know it was that serious here." April said.
"Well, the girls are probably fine," Sunset admitted, "I'm overreacting. But maybe not. I can't tell anymore."
"You really have a lot on your mind." Shini noted.
"You can talk to us about it." Starlight offered.
"Yeah, girl. Don't hide it." Mikey beckoned her, as one of his scoops of ice cream fell.
Sunset began explaining more, "I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I could never really relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head."
"I've felt that way too, Sunset," Leo admitted, "We knew the Kraang invasion on the city was inevitable and it had us on edge."
"Yeah, because of it Leo and I wouldn't stop bickering over plans." Donnie added.
Starlight spoke, "If I could add some advice... It would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening." she noticed one of her own ice cream scoops fell off.
Sunset chuckled, "Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now."
"Yup. Like that."
"That was some good wisdom, Starlight." Karai admitted.
"Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater. I'm sure they're fine." Sunset said, as they walked on.
When they arrived at the theater they entered, only for Sunset to stop in her tracks causing the others to bump her from behind, "What's the hold up?" Raph asked, only for Sunset to pull everyone to the side and hid behind a claw machine.
"Sunset, what's wrong?" April asked.
"Look there." Sunset motioned to the concession stand.
They saw a teen girl in glasses standing there while looking in a hand mirror. She had moderate azure eyes, her hair was colored strong cerulean with moderate arctic blue streaks and tied in pigtails, "Ok, what're we looking at?" Raph asked.
"It's Juniper Montage." Susnet whispered.
Mikey gasped, "Oh, no! Not Juniper Montage!" he suddenly dropped the dramatics, and asked while feeling clueless, Who's Juniper Montage?"
"She's trouble." Sunset explained.
April looked at Juniper's vest seeing a familiar butterfly barrette, "Hey, isn't that Fluttershy's barrette?"
"She probably knows where the girls are." Donnie suspected.
Sunset handed her bag to Starlight and spoke, "You all wait here. I'm gonna check this out." she got up and walked to the counter.
Juniper while looking into the mirror saw Sunset's reflection. She spun around and spoke mischievously, "Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you'd show up."
Sunset kept it cool, and spoke, "I'm, uh, looking for my friends. I don't suppose you've seen them," Juniper only giggled mischievously, "Where are they?" she demanded.
"I'll never tell." Juniper answered snidely.
"You don't have to." Sunset grabbed Juniper's wrist and looked into her memories.
She first saw Juniper and her uncle Canter Zoom standing outside the theater with her uncle looking disappointed, "You're lucky I offered to get you this job after the stunt you pulled on my set!" he told her.
Juniper who looked hurt and guilty answered, "I just wanted to be Daring Do. I just wanted people to like me."
The next memory cut to Juniper facing down the Rainbooms looking angry, "Everyone would love me if it weren't for you girls! This is all your fault! Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!" she showed them the hand mirror that glowed with magic and assimilated the Rainbooms into it.
Sunset released Juniper and gasped. Juniper looked at her in confusion, "What?"
Sunset Shimmer spoke to her knowing why she had captured the Rainbooms, "I know you want people to like you. But trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you."
"Magic?" Karai asked her friends who were just as confused.
"You're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself." Juniper accused Sunset, while keeping the mirror close.
"What I want is my friends back," Sunset answered, "Please, Juniper. You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out." she implored her.
Juniper smirked, "Or maybe... I wish you'd join them!" she aimed the mirror at Sunset which assimilated her into it.
"Sunset!" Starlight and the others gasped in shock.
"Oh my gosh!" Casey gasped.
"What's happening to Juniper?" Shini asked, as they saw magic emit from the mirror and consumed Juniper making her grow in size.
Suddenly Juniper Montage stood ten feet tall, and looked like a gorgeous and yet slightly crazy looking woman wearing a purple, green, and black dress that looked like something Gaea Everfree would wear. Mikey's eyes widened, "Holy giantess!"
Juniper marveled at her beauty, "Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star!" Juniper declared, as she stomped out of the theater.
The ninjas came out form hiding, as Leo spoke, "We gotta save Sunset and the others. Hurry!" they ran out of the theater to follow Juniper.
As they trailed the giantess, her sight alone was causing several mall patrons to run and scream from her, "What do we do, Leo?" Donnie asked.
"We have to get that mirror away from her." Leo answered.
"Then let's get closer." Starlight said, as they followed Juniper while keeping themselves out of sight.
As Juniper walked around and looked at teens and people who were screaming and taking pictures of her, she was instead imagining them as paparazzi taking pictures of her and interviewing her. She turned to a little boy and his mother, and asked the child, "Want mommy to take our picture together?"
The little boy screamed in fright, as his mom ran with him to safety. Juniper strut around blowing kisses to the frightened teens. This distraction was perfect, as the disguised turtles jumped her from behind trying to wrestle her. Sadly, the giantess threw them to the floor causing their disguises to get disrupted and left them exposed, much to their shock.
Juniper looked down at the brothers in confusion, "Turtles?"
Flash Sentry who was among the many teens hiding from Juniper gasped, and spoke tot he others, "It's the Ninja Turtles!" the teens cheered, while feeling much safer.
"Great, we've blown our cover." Raph sighed.
"We'll sort it out later," Leo replied, before drawing a sword and pointed it up at Juniper, "Release our friends, Juniper!"
"You are in no position to be giving me orders. Especially when I have this," she was about to use the mirror, only for it to suddenly pull itself away from her, "What?" she struggled to hold onto it, before noticing April using her mental powers to pry it out of her grasp. The mirror finally came out of her hand and April caught it.
"I have it!" April called.
"Give me that!" Juniper tried to grab it, only for April to jump away, and accidentally hit the mirror onto the floor causing it to crack.
"Oh, April, seven years bad luck!" Mikey warned her about the crack.
"It's worse," April answered, as she was concentrating. I'm sensing something wrong with this mirror. If it keeps breaking the world the girls are trapped in will collapse and they'll be gone forever."
"Forever?" Raph and Casey gasped.
"Music to my ears." Juniper said, as she tried to take the mirror back from April.
"Karai!" she tossed the mirror to Karai.
The former bad ninja jumped up and grabbed it, "Got it!" she started dodging Juniper, until Casey swung in and readied his goalie stick.
"Goongala!" he knocked an explosive puck at her that exploded distorting her.
Mikey and Shini used their chain weapons to create a trip wire which they stretched out behind Juniper who was backing away. Mikey spoke to his crush, "You know what they say, Shinigami."
"Let me guess," she began, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall?"
"Exactamundo!" he called, as Juniper tripped backwards and fell to the floor with a thud, "Awe, I forgot to yell Timber." he pouted.
"You have the mirror?" Leo asked Karai.
"Right here." the girl held it.
"Question is how to get them out of there." Donnie wondered.
Juniper got up looking angry, "Give me that!" she tried to grab the mirror, only for Starlight to take it from Karai. The student of Twilight hid behind a plant, and answered, "No! This mirror is nothing but trouble. You have to realize that."
"What I realize is that you are just like those other girls! I wish you'd join them!" she ordered.
"Starlight!" Leo and Donnie called, as Starlight aimed the mirror away, only for everyone to realize nothing happened.
Starlight was relieved, as she dodged Juniper and started running with the others away from her, "Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror!" She saw Juniper throw the plant at her making her jump for it.
Unfortunately, as she hit the floor the mirror cracked again, "Watch it before it breaks completely!" Raph called.
Starlight hid behind a sunglasses stand and held the mirror out, "I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!" the mirror only cracked a bit more.
"Well, so much for that." April said dryly.
Juniper laughed, "Looks like you can't use it, either!"
And so Juniper continued to grab the mirror from Starlight, only for her to toss it to Leo, who kept tossing it around to his bros, and their friends. Raph spoke, "What do we do now?"
"If she's the only one that can use it, how can we get her to get the girls back?" Mikey asked only for him to break the mirror more.
"Give me that mirror!" Juniper demanded.
"But our friends are trapped in there." Starlight answered.
Before Juniper could speak, a music video appeared on the malls TVs featuring the Rainbooms and their former enemies the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts performing a sing and dance number which only infuriated the wannabe diva, "Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!" she growled before punching the TV screen.
"And she's lost it." Shini said, as the group dodged her punches.
"That's what all this is about? Fame?" Leo asked in disbelief.
"And one chance?" April asked, "Whoever said you only have one chance?"
"Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?" Starlight asked.
"Like what?!" Juniper demanded, as she ripped the roof off the sunglasses stand.
"How about a friend?" Mikey guessed.
Juniper's anger subsided, but still growled, "Who would want to be my friend?"
"I would." Starlight answered.
"Me too." Karai added.
"Why?" Juniper asked.
"Because we understand you, Juniper." Karai began, as Starlight continued.
"You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life." Starlight pleaded.
"Yeah, June, listen to what she says." Mikey added.
Juniper looked saddened, "I've already made too many mistakes. What I've done is... is... unforgivable."
"No, Juniper," April began, "We know they'll forgive you. But first, you have to set them free!" Starlight held out the mirror to her.
Juniper took the mirror from Starlight, while the turtles worried hoping they were right about this. Juniper began, "I..." she saw Starlight, Karai, and April smiling comforting to her, "I wish I could make up for my mistakes."
The mirror suddenly glowed and Juniper was back to her old self size and all, while the Rainbooms landed on the floor with a thud, "That had to hurt." Casey groaned.
As they got up, she saw Starlight, "Starlight, everyone! You did it!" she hugged the girl.
"Twilight!" Leo ran to her and hugged her.
"Leo!" Twilight hugged him back.
"Pinkie Pie!" Mikey cheered.
"Mikey!" Pinkie embraced him.
They looked around seeing the mall patrons had witnessed everything. Starlight spoke to Sunset, "So much for laying low."
"There goes our secret too." Leo sighed.
Sunset spoke to the two, "I think even Princess Twilight and Master Splinter would understand."
The group turned to Juniper who bore a guilty look, and spoke, "I'm so sorry."
"It's ok. We've all been there." Sunset Shimmer assured her.
"Really?" Juniper asked in confusion.
Starlight explained her story, "Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special."
"Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process." Twilight explained.
Sunset went next, "Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world."
Karai went next, "Tried to destroy my father and my friends here because I was led to believe they were my enemies."
Finally April spoke, "Overpowered by an alien crystal that made me destroy one of my friends on a molecular level."
Juniper's eyes were wide in disbelief at what she was told, until Pinkie broke the silence, "Wow! We are a really forgiving group!" the group giggled, as Mikey spoke up.
"So can we see this Daring Do movie?" the group smiled liking the sound of that.
Later on back at the portal statue, Juniper was finally making friends with the girls, while their friends from New York told them what went on in Equestria. Rainbow Dash, Raph, and Fluttershy were playing with Chompy. Twilight spoke to her friends from New York, "I can't believe you dealt with so much."
"You better believe it, Twi." Leo replied.
"And Blade Swipe sounded so dangerous." Rarity said in worry.
"Well, it wasn't all his fault." April replied.
"Being mutated by the Kraang, shunned by the ponies from the past, and manipulated by Dark Codex," Donnie listed things off, "In the end he was just an unfortunate victim."
"But he's become our friend now, and is going to be doing a lot of good for Equestria," Sunset continued, "That much we guarantee."
"Juniper!" came a male voice.
They looked seeing a man coming over, "Hey, isn't that?" April recognized him.
"He's one of the alumni from Camp Everfree." Karai recalled.
"Uncle Canter Zoom?" Juniper asked.
Her uncle stopped before her and looked relieved, "I heard what happened at the mall. Are you all right? You're not hurt are you?" he asked in concern.
Juniper was surprised to see her uncle was that worried about her, and knew his disappointment in her was justified, and answered, "I'm fine, Uncle. Thanks to my friends here." she motioned to everyone.
Canter looked to the group and saw the turtles, "You're the turtles from Camp Everfree."
"Nice to see you, sir." Leo greeted casually.
"It's good to see you boys again," Canter shook Leo's hand, "In fact I'm glad I ran into you here. I have an idea that you might be very interested in."
"What's that?" Raph asked.
"I'd like to make a movie that revolves around you guys."
"A movie about us?" Donnie asked.
"Yes, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie!" Canter said dramatically.
"Sweet!" Mikey cheered, "Though how would our characters look? You gonna use actual life-like turtle costumes, or cheap CGI?"
Leo spoke up, "Don't worry about what you use. It's your movie so it's your choice. Just make sure you don't tell anyone that we're actually real."
"You have my word, Leonardo. I just know it'll be a hit." Canter said, as he took his leave.
Starlight spoke to the group, "It's sad I'll have to be going. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you."
Sunset spoke up, as she looked inside her new journal, "Maybe you don't have to yet. Twilight just wrote me back. Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Have fun!" the girls cheered, as the ninjas smiled.
Starlight nudged Sunset, "So, think you can stay focused on the positive?"
"Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment, right?" Sunset asked.
"Right?" Starlight confirmed, as the group laughed.
"And I think we'll stick around for a bit too before heading back to the city.' Leo added.
"I'll let my dad know we're at least back in our world so he doesn't have to worry." April added.
"Well, team, I'd say we earned ourselves an extended break." Leo said, as they all agreed.
TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.
My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.
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