Mentor and Student Reunion

On a train bound for Canterlot, the ninja bros, their friends, Spike, and the girls were all seated and enjoying the ride. Mikey was kicking back before speaking up, "Man, bros, when was the last time we actually rode on a train from the inside and not on top of?"

"We never have, Mikey." Raph replied.

"Exactly," the funny one said, "It's a lot comfier riding inside it than on top."

"Yeah. Too bad this is a regular old steam locomotive and not like the subway." Donnie noted.

"I like it this way," April admitted, "Gives us a chance to stop and appreciate the scenery at a slower pace."

"My thoughts exactly." Leo agreed, as he kicked back.

In another seat Sunset was sitting with Twilight and Starlight while looking a tad nervous, "Are you ok?" Starlight asked.

"I'm fine," Sunset sighed, "Just a little nervous."

Twilight spoke up, "I know it's not going to be easy, but you're doing the right thing."

"I just hope after all this time she really has forgiven me." the unicorn sighed.

Twilight smiled, "Trust me, Sunset Shimmer. If there's one thing Princess Celestia is known for is forgiving. Especially since she herself felt guilty over what happened."

Suddenly the conductor called out, "Canterlot station! This way out please!"

"We're here!" Mikey cheered.

"That was a fun ride." Karai admitted. So the group got off and started walking through the city.

As they walked the streets of Canterlot, Sunset was taking in the scenery remembering just how beautiful Canterlot was when she was still living in Equestria. The ninjas from New York looked around seeing how clean it looked, and every pony walking around were dressed and groomed all fancy-like. Much like in Ponyville, the ponies of Canterlot were also giving the brothers questionable looks.

"As if getting gawked at by the ponies of Ponyville was bad enough, this is even worse." Raph grumbled.

"Yeah. Look at all of them," Mikey noted, "It's like Canterlot's filled with nothing but upper class ponies."

"Quite right you are, Mikey." Rarity answered.

"Great, we're going to be dealing with a bunch of elitist snobs." Raph continued to grumble.

Rarity gasped, "Raphael, such rude language! While it can be true some ponies in Canterlot do act superior to those of other places, but you'll soon find out there are plenty of ponies here who are not so biased towards others."

"Oh, yeah? Like who?"

Before the fashion unicorn could answer, a voice spoke up, "Rarity!"The unicorn looked over to see her dear friends Fancypants and Fleur.

Rairty smirked, "Right on time," she trotted over, "Fancypants! Fleur! So wonderful to see you two."

"And as always it's a delight to see you." Fleur agreed, as the two ponies each embraced her.

Fancypants looked to the others, "Princess Twilight and company, a joy as ever."

"Same to you two." Twilight added.

Fancy noticed the newcomers with them, "Oh, it appears you have additional members in your entourage today."

"That's right. First this is Sunset Shimmer." Twilight began.

"Nice to meet you both." Sunset greeted.

"A pleasure, my dear." Fancy greeted with a kiss to her hoof.

"Sunset was born here in Canterlot but moved away some time ago." Twilight explained, while covering up the truth.

"Well, you must be overjoyed to be returning home." Fleur guessed.

"Sort of." Sunset replied.

The two unicorns took noticed of the ninjas, particularly the brothers, "And who might these friends of yours be?" Fancy asked.

"They're friends from another side of Equestria," Twilight turned to them, "Everypony, this is Fancypants and Fleur De Lis."

"Now be good ladies and gentlecolts and introduce yourselves." Rarity instructed.

The group nodded, as the four humans turned ponies went first, "It's nice to meet you two. My name's April O'Neil."

"I'm Casey Jones."

"My name's Karai."

"And I'm Shinigami."

"A pleasure, my dear ladies." Fancy greeted them.

Fleur looked at them, "Forgive my bluntness, but you girls are quite lovely."

The girls felt sheepish, and blushed a bit, "Well, thanks." April said trying to hide the redness on her cheeks.

Fancy then turned to the brothers, "And who might you boys be?"

"I'm Leonardo. These are my brothers Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael." Leo introduced them.

"Pardon my curiosity, but I've never seen ponies like you before." Fancy said.

"Indeed," Fleur agreed, "I've never seen a pony who walks on their hind hooves."

"Well, like Princess Twilight said, we're from another part of Equestria." Leo covered up.

"Yeah. We're special." Mikey grinned.

"Clearly. Well, any friend of Rarity and the Princess of friendship is all right by me." Fancy said.

"And me as well." Fleur agreed, with a bat of her eyes making the boys hearts race.

"Well, it was wonderful to see you two, but we really must be heading towards the castle now." Rarity said.

"Yeah. Don't wanna make the princesses wait." Applejack added.

"Indeed. Well, have a pleasant day you lot." Fancy said, as he and Fleur took their leave.

Pinkie turned to Raph grinning, "Still think Canterlot Ponies are all elitist snobs?"

"Ok, maybe not all of them." Raph admitted.

"Yeah. Fancy and Fleur are cool in my books." Rainbow admitted.

"Come on, let's keep going." Twilight said, as they pressed on.

When they reached the castle, Sunset looked up at the structure in nostalgia, "I'll never forget the first day I walked through these doors and throughout those halls."

"Well, hope you're ready for another trip down memory lane." Spike said, as the group entered.

As they walked through the halls, Mikey took notice of two guards standing completely still bearing a firm look. He walked up to one and started making funny faces. When he got no reaction he just kept on making weirder faces and funnier sounds. He laughed, "Guys, they don't even respond!"

Casey decided to join in and made faces at the guards to, "Wow. They really don't respond. What a bunch of stiffs." Casey laughed.

Raph smacked the back of their heads, "Will you quit messing around?"

"Yeah. Leave them to do their job." Donnie added.

Leo turned to the guards, "Sorry about this, sirs." The guards said nothing, so Leo just pressed on with the others.

They entered the throne room to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on the throne. One of the guards announced, "Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle and company!"

The two sisters came down from the throne to greet them, "It's so good to see you all today." Celestia began.

"As well as your additional guests." Luna noticed the group from New York.

The group approached, as Leo spoke, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, we are honored to meet you two. I am Leonardo, and these are my comrades."

Celestia nodded, "Twilight has told us so much about each of you during her time in your world."

"And it is a pleasure to finally meet all of you," Luna began naming them off, "Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April, Karai, Casey, and Shini."

"Though you boys look a little different from when I last saw you that brief moment." Celestia recalled how they appeared in Canterlot one day only to take off.

"Yeah. Portal travel here through the mirror has changed us from the portal we used to get here before." Donnie explained.

"As long as I'm standing up straight and have hands I ain't complaining." Raph replied.

Karai whispered to the rest of the humans turned pony, "Wow, she and her sister looked beautiful before from CHS, but their pony selves are just..."

"I know. They're gorgeous." April marveled at their beauty.

Sunset Shimmer spoke up, "Princess Celestia." The group made space as Sunset approached.

"Sunset Shimmer." Celestia greeted, while standing tall.

Sunset looked down and spoke, "I know I didn't leave you on good terms, and I wasn't the most well-behaved student. And to top it all off I just ran from you the last time I was temporarily here. But I just had to come back and see you. I had to let you know I am so sorry for all I've said and done to you and Twilight. I just hope one day you can forgive me." Sunset was suddenly taken aback, as she found herself being embraced by the Princess of the Sun who was shedding tears of happiness.

"I already have." she answered.

"You have?" Sunset asked in confusion.

"Twilight told me all the good you've done for the students of Canterlot High, as well as the doppelgangers of her friends there," Celestia began, "You even showed her own counterpart how strong friendship can really be. And to have helped them save their entire world from destruction, you've proven you truly have become better than you were before. I am very proud of you."

Sunset smiled with tears in her eyes, "I missed you so much, Princess."

"And I've missed you too." Celestia held her close.

The group smiled at such a touching moment, while Mikey and Pinkie were bawling up a storm. As Leo watched Sunset and Celestia embrace he saw how it reminded him of his relationship with Master Splinter as not just sensei and student but father and son.

Later on, the group was having tea and biscuits in the parlor, as the Princesses got to know Twilight and Sunset shimmer's friends from the other world, "The enemies you've faced before sound truly devious." Luna began.

"They were nothing we couldn't handle." Raph boasted.

"From ninjas to mutants and aliens. And I thought we faced powerful opponents." Celestia said.

"Well, the enemies of this world sound like they could give Super Shredder a challenge." Leo admitted.

"Yeah, I mean a centaur-dude that absorbs power? Doubt Shred-head could face that head on." Mikey said.

"And yet you were able to take on a demo-dragon." Luna recalled.

"But it wasn't easy." Karai noted.

"Plus up top we were dealing with nothing but ghosts." Casey added.

"If it weren't for our father returning to help us we wouldn't have lasted too much longer." Raph said.

Celestia nodded, "Splinter sounded like a great mentor and an even greater father from what Twilight has told me."

"He was the best." Mikey said dismally.

"And we will miss him." Leo sighed.

Celestia laid a hoof on the leader's shoulder, "Even with him gone, Twilight has said you've led your brothers and friends even through the worst of times be in on your planet or out in space. You are a brave soul, Leonardo. And I know you will continue to honor your father's memory and legacy."

Leo smiled before bowing his head, "Thank you, Princess."

Celestia turned to the others, "And to all of you. I hope you'll continue to keep your city safe from whatever else is out there."

"You can count on us, your majesty." April promised.

"And if worst comes to worst, we'll have Sunset Shimmer here to help us." Raph held her close.

"Oh, Raph." Sunset blushed.

Celestia spoke to her, "Perhaps being a ninja was better suited for you after all?"

"Well, I admit it wasn't at the top of my list of what I wanted to be," Sunset admitted, "But my training has made me feel stronger and faster than I ever did."

"Me too." Twilight agreed.

"It's done each of us good." April added.

"If only there was something for us to fight here, we'd show your our mad skills." Casey put in.

"We came here to relax, Casey. Not to fight." Donnie reminded him.

"What Donnie said." Mikey agreed.

"I don't know, I also wish we could fight something." Raph admitted.

"We can do that when we get back to New York." Leo replied, wanting him to drop it. Unknown to them, a crow had been watching them through a window before flying off.

The crow flew away from Canterlot and headed North. It flew up a mountain range before closing in on a bipedal figure wearing a black cloak and was practicing martial arts movements. The crow landed by him, and the figure spoke, "What have you to show me my pet?"

The crow emitted a beam from his eyes projecting an astral image of the ninjas from New York. The figure gasped upon seeing the four brothers, "Ponies that stand up like that? It's impossible! Wait, those four are carrying ninja weapons. And so are those mares. Interesting. It seems the Princesses have new soldiers in their ranks trained in the same style as myself. Perhaps I should look into putting them to a test to see how they measure up." he snickered.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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