A Chaotic New Friend

One morning, the girls, Spike, and the ninjas were relaxing by the animal sanctuary Fluttershy made for all the animals to relax after being treated at the vet. The ninjas looked around in wonder, "Whoa. Fluttershy, you really had this whole place constructed?" Leo asked.

"That's right," Fluttershy confirmed, "The first attempt where I had hired professionals didn't go so well because they didn't follow my instructions the way I specifically wanted."

"And that blame also falls on us." Pinkie said on behalf of herself, Rarity, and Applejack.

"We thought the experts we suggested would be helpful, but turns out their fields weren't made for building animal habitats." Rarity explained.

"Good thing, we came together and made things right." Applejack added.

"And look what you've accomplished," April looked around at the animals relaxing, "The Fluttershy from our world would be so proud."

"That's for sure." Sunset Shimmer agreed.

"Cannonball!" Mikey shouted, as he cannon balled into water making a splash. He surfaced and laughed before swimming around.

"Mikey, this place is for the animals. Not for you." Donnie scolded him.

"Technically I am an animal, bro." Mikey reminded him.

"Not the same thing." Raph replied feeling irritated.

"You don't have to be such a buzz kill," Mikey said, as he floated on the water only to look ahead seeing a shark's dorsal fin inches away from his head, "SHARK!" he screamed, and bolted from the water and back on land.

"But there are no sharks in the water." Fluttershy said feeling confused.

The fin came all the way up to shore and popping out of the water was Discord the Master of Chaos wearing a shark fin on his head. The creature laughed hysterically while literally wringing his body out of water leaving him dry, "I couldn't resist! I'm sorry!' he laughed before removing the shark fin.

"Discord!" Twilight scolded him.

Discord poofed himself by Twilight, "Oh, come now, Twilight. It was just for a bit of a laugh." The Princess of Friendship rolled her eyes.

Sunset looked shocked, before whispering to Starlight, "Is that really Discord the Master of Chaos?"

Suddenly Starlight unzipped herself to reveal it had been Discord in costume, "Why yes it really is," he answered before looking her over, "And you must be Sunset Shimmer. I've heard so much about you when spying on Twilight telling the girls about her adventures in the other world."

"What?" Twilight asked, "You've been spying on me?"

"Did I say 'spying'?" Discord asked with a suspicious grin.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you, I guess," Sunset admitted, "I didn't believe it when Twilight first told me the Master of Chaos became her friend."

"Shocking I know. Even I still can't believe it." Discord chuckled.

The Ninjas looked at each other in shock, before Karai spoke up, "What're we looking at here?"

"Another chimera?" Donnie suggested.

"Not exactly," Fluttershy answered, "This is Discord, The Master of Chaos and Disharmony."

"Master of Chaos?" Casey asked.

Sunset answered, "That's right. From what I learned from Equestria History, Discord spread his chaos all over the land making everything chaotic and confusing. But Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used the elements of Harmony to turn him to stone and undo his chaos."

"Correct. And stone body suits are not that fashionable." Discord added.

"A thousand years later he broke out of his stone imprisonment and once again tried to conquer Equestria," Twilight explained, "When we tried to stop him the first time he tricked us all into becoming the opposite of what we represent thus making us incapable of using our elements of harmony. But with a little reminder from Princess Celestia I got us all back together and we defeated Discord!" she said proudly.

Discord sat on a boulder pouting, "Way to rub salt in the wound, Twilight." he held a salt shaker and sprinkled it over him.

"But then the Princess came to us and tasked us with reforming Discord, and believed I would be the most affective." Fluttershy said.

"By showing Discord the importance of Friendship and how it's so special he wouldn't wanna lose it he started to behave... So to speak." Applejack added.

"Yes. I thought I was the one leading Fluttershy on, but she had me beat the moment she started trusting me the most." Discord admitted.

"And then you went and betrayed us to help another villain only to get betrayed yourself." Rarity noted.

"Again with rubbing salt in the wounds?" Discord asked feeling hurt.

Sunset spoke, "But Twilight said he learned his lesson and helped her and the girls defeat Tirek by providing the final key to the Chest of Harmony."

Discord perked up, "Exactly. And as you can see we're all one big happy family!" he stretched his arms out and hugged the group of ponies.

"Discord, too tight!" Rainbow wheezed, until he released them.

Discord looked over at the ninjas and poofed before them, "And you must be the famous ninja turtles from the city called New York City," he appeared before Leo, "You must be Leonardo, the leader in blue. You must do whatever it takes to get your ninjas through."

"Well, kinda. Yeah." Leo admitted, as Discord went to Donnie.

"And you're Donatello, the fellow who has a way with machines."

"Like a turtle do." Donnie boasted.

He perched on Raph's head and spoke, "And let's not forget Raphael who has the most attitude of the team." Raphael growled before trying to smack Discord off, but missed and smacked himself only making him more angry.

Discord leaned on Mikey's shoulder and spoke to him, "And the one of a kind Michelangelo, who everypony knows where to find when it's party time."

"You know me so well." Mikey said happily.

Discord appeared before April, "You're April O'Neil, the kunoichi of the group," he dipped her while looking down at her, "My you look lovely."

"Uh, thanks?" April asked, feeling creeped out, while Donnie growled.

Discord released April and floated to Casey, "And, Casey Jones, self proclaimed number one vigilante."

"Self proclaimed?" Casey asked feeling insulted, "I worked hard for that rep, yo!"

"No. You pretty much gave that to yourself." Raph put in, making Casey scowl in his direction.

Discord coiled around Karai like a serpent, "And Karai, former baddie turned goodie, just like me." He hissed with his snake tongue."

"You ever hear of personal space?" Karai asked feeling disturbed.

"No, but if you hum a few bars, I can fake it." Discord joked, making Karai roll her eyes.

Finally the master of Chaos appeared before Shini, "And Shinigami. I wonder if you are as good at your magic as you are beautiful." he flirted.

"Hey! Back away from her, pal." Mikey warned him.

Discord poofed over to Mikey, "Oh, I'm sorry. I heard you got a thing for her. Good choice." he nudged Mikey.

Raph sighed and spoke to his bros, "Just what we need. Another Mikey."

"Yeah another... Hey!" Mikey shouted.

"Discord's not so bad once you get to know him." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. He's got a funny sense of humor," Rainbow added, "You just have to think like him to understand him."

"Can't he ever act normal?" Donnie asked.

Discord appeared before Donnie gasping, "Celestia, no! I will never do that again."

"Again?" April wondered.

Fluttershy explained, "Discord tried being normal once and it's not such a good idea for him to not be himself."

"I just can't believe you're able to actually use chaos for good." Sunset said in disbelief.

"Actually it doesn't sound so farfetched," Leo began, "Master Splinter taught me the world is made up of two halves, and one can't live without the other. Light and Dark, Day and Night, Order and Chaos."

"So it doesn't matter which side you come on, because it's needed in no matter what world." Karai added.

"Yeah. If everything was all Order and Rules it would be Dullsville." Mikey said dryly.

"Got that right," Casey agreed, "I mean what's wrong with a little chaos in life?"

Discord appeared in between Mikey and Casey before pulling them close, "Oh, how wonderful you see just how important chaos can be!"

Starlight spoke up, "Plus it was thanks to him and some of my other friends we were able to save Twilight and the others from some of our other enemies."

"And we did it all without magic!" Discord declared, before stretching his head over to whisper to April and Karai, "And you wouldn't believe how hard it was to do that."

"Well, if the girls here say you're all right by them. Then you're all right by us Discord." Leo offered him his hand.

"Why thank you, Leo," Discord shook on it with him, "So any chance you ninjas can show me some of your ninja moves?" he asked before poofing himself in black ninja attire before doing some ninja stances and moves while making karate grunts.

"We just finished morning training." Raph replied.

"I'll make us pizzas." Discord tempted them.

"Let's get started!" Mikey quickly answered, while the rest of his brothers felt motivated enough. And so the group went someplace away from the sanctuary to practice their ninja styles, while unaware of Blade's crow watching them from among the many other birds in the Sanctuary's trees.

TMNT Belongs Nickelodeon.

My Little Pony Belongs Hasbro.

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