Chibi A/N: Oh thank God... The Turtles are actually doing something besides getting nailed.
A/N: Yeah yeah, I know. They should have been in play a long time ago. Blame my previous writing style/Figuring out my writing style for dragging things out.
Chibi A/N: You still have a few things to settle beforehand though, right?
A/N: Yeah a Few things. But I should be able to get them done pretty quickly. After that, we'll focus on the Turtles.
Chibi A/N: So the reader is exactly going to feature prominently here. Correct.
A/N: Yep, but if people read the lemon chapter... They know why. If they didn't well, I'll drop a few "hints".
Chibi A/N: Fair enough. Let's get this story started then!
A/N: Alright, Let's get this party started!
In Donna's workstation, she looked at the now Anthropomorphized Roxie with a look of intrigue as she thought the transformation would be... Well, Rougher, but then again Mutagen isn't exactly consistent, Hell even Splinter was surprised when she transformed within her room with ease after the Mutagen was applied, but Roxie was a little too Large for any of Splinter's spare attire. So Splinter tasked Donna to fetch her some clothes that'd fit her real quick before she left. Donna Agreed and took Roxie over to her workstation while she was covered with a towel. But what Roxie was wondering was why Donna had... Well, I'll let Her say it.
Art by azuki merun11(e621)
This is one of the Artist's OCs. Her name is Hase and I do not own her. I'm just using her for her appearance.
Roxie: U-uh... H-how did you have an outfit that was in my size? And why is it a School Uniform?
Donna nervously looked to the side as she tried to come up with a convincing lie. She doesn't want to admit that she sometimes... Uh... Role-play with herself when she thinks no one is looking.
Donna: Ummmm... I-I just like to have a large wardrobe...
Roxie was pressing X to doubt on that one since Donna was not a good liar. But what really proved that answer was as about as real as those Nigerian princes that offer old people money. Michelle bursts into the room with little to no warning without a care in the world.
Michelle: Hey Donna you finished helping out-? Oh hey isn't that one of Donna's Cosplay Outfits?
Donna looked both baffled and embarrassed as she was so sure that no one saw her wear those! Hell, she thought she hid them well enough too!
Donna: H-how did you know that!?
Michelle looked at her sister with a raised brow as if to ask if she was really asking that question. All the while Roxie looked a little amused at Donna's and Michelle's antics.
Michelle: We peak in here every now and again to check up on you from time to time. Some of the stuff you say is totally weird you know. Like who the heck is Sempi and why do you moan in a high pitch every time you say their name?
Donna has never been more embarrassed in her entire life... Ok, there were Far more embarrassing things, but this was definitely up there! Roxie felt like a change of topics was in order.
Roxie: What was the thing you needed to talk about Michelle?
Michelle looked puzzled for a second before remembering what she came here to do. Aka she nearly brain farted/got distracted by something else.
Michelle: Oh right! You finished up here Donna? Cassie already went ahead of us to scope out any survivors.
Donna's expression went from extremely embarrassed to "Oh shit, I almost forgot that a fuckin' apocalypse was happing above us"... *Deep Breath* Yeah they should probably get on that.
Donna: O-oh! U-um yes! Just let me get some of my stuff!
The Nerdy Turtle quickly grabbed a bag of Gadgets and her Bo Staff. Mainly cause they definitely needed to get out there and... You know, DO things. Like saving people, trying to figure out how to stop this strange infection from spreading, and seeing if a new bad guy is behind this or if Shredder finally lost her marbles by deciding to unless this plague upon New York. Yeah, that seemed important.
Donna: Alright let's get going!
Roxie watched as Michelle and Donna quickly left the room, leaving her all alone. She let out a sigh as she walked out of the room and bumped into August.
Roxie: Oh sorry!
At first, August didn't pay any mind to the Big Dog Gal as he was currently stressing out about his wife... He then paused as he slowly looked at her once more with a look of confusion.
August: Ummmm... My apologies but uh... Who are you?
Roxie looked a little offended at first... But she supposed her transformation did make her look completely different.
Roxie: Oh, I was the Talking Dog earlier. I guess you wouldn't recognize me since I was in a quadrupedal form.
The O'neil Detective had a look of total shock as he didn't realize she had already transformed!
August: H-huh!? Wait so you already go Transformation by Mutagen!? I thought for sure that would take some time!
The Large Doggo giggled a bit as she thought it would have too, but she guesses that she got pretty lucky.
Roxie: You and me both! I was actually kinda surprised it wasn't even painful. However, I think that's because the Mutagen Unusually reacted to my body. Well, more unusual than mutating living things randomly.
Well, that's good and all, but last August heard she was bleeding from her nose and passing out. Did the Mutagen solve that issue?
August: Well that's good and all, but are you going to be ok? No passing out and bleeding from your nose?
Roxie kinda figured someone would mention that. She does feel fine now, better actually as the problem was somewhat impairing her mind as well.
Roxie: You don't need to worry. In my quadruped state my brain was suffering a few hemorrhages thanks to being overstuffed with neurons. That caused some painful seizures and impaired mental functions. But with the Mutagen evolving and repairing my mind that shouldn't happen anymore. I'm honestly surprised this didn't happen sooner! It was like stuffing too much RAM into a computer that couldn't handle it.
She paused for a moment as she still couldn't remember Who she was before becoming a dog. That's still coming to her in fragmented pieces.
Roxie: Though I still have some memories pop up here or there. So don't be alarmed if I zone out from time to time!
August looked somewhat surprised. She kinda sounded like Donna only without the slight awkwardness sprinkled here or there. She actually sounded pretty confident.
August: *Chuckles* Whoever you were in that previous life must have been pretty smart.
Just after he said that April was passing by looking a little suspicious as she was sneaking around a bit. August noticed her strange behavior and wondered why she was doing it. Though Roxie bet him to the punch as she had a pretty good idea Why she was acting like that.
Roxie: Hey April, whatcha doing?
The Reporter jumped a little after she said that as her gaze quickly turned towards Roxie and her brother.
April: I-I um... N-nothing... You look, uh... Different Roxie! *Nervous Laughter*
Oh? Was she trying to deflect the conversation a bit? Sounds like she saw something a little... *Clears Throat* Lewd~.
Roxie: Uh-huh... Say how's Y/N doing? I heard he was training with Usagi for a bit.
That made April start to nervously sweat a bit as she Knew what you were doing, but she couldn't exactly admit that as she Might have seen what you and Usagi were doing. Which could possibly mean she was watching you two do some... Training~.
April: U-uh they're doing fine. Just sparing.
Roxie gave her a slightly mischievous grin as she planned to tease her a bit. A little light-hearted fun wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
Roxie: In that case, they shouldn't mind if I pop in and show Y/N my new body.
August watched as his sister's eyes widened soon after Roxie said that. Which made him slightly confused seeing as... Oh wait never mind he quickly put two and two together... And being a Sibling decided to join in on that teasing.
August: Oh I'm sure he'll love your new body... *Cheeky Grin* I bet it's just So wonderful to snuggle up to.
Annnd August just gave away what they were doing... April glared at the two with the expected look of someone who was currently retraining herself from-.
April: You two can go fuck yourselves, you know that?
O-oh, never mind. I guess she Was going to say that. April quickly storms off as Roxie stares at August with a furrowed brow.
August: What? What did I say?
Roxie then rolled her eyes as we continued to follow April. Where was she going? Well, she's trying to find Splinter for some Tips. It's obvious that she was planning something, but she wanted someone with Experience to help her out a bit. Last she checked Splinter was talking with Lilly about something. While the Master Rat Gal should have been training you rather than Usagi, What are the chances that training turns into Training like with Usagi? Yeah probably pretty high, in any case, April is gonna make sure she's next in line on the Bone Train as she arrives at Splinter's room.
April(Internal): Wonder if Lilly and her already finished their talk... Well guess there is only one way to find out.
April opened the door to see that Splinter was still talking to Lilly... Well, she Was talking to Lilly. They stopped as soon as April opened the door.
Spinter: April? Is something the matter?
April looked behind her to see if anyone else was coming before entering the room. Lilly quickly noted the fact she was acting suspiciously.
Lilly: You uh... Got something on your mind?
The White Tiger Gal asked as she watched April dart her eyes across the room. But before either could question why she was acting so strangely, April looked at Splinter and said this.
April: Uh... Can you give me a Few pointers on... Uh... H-how to have... *Clears Throat* S-sex?
Lilly looked Absolutely baffled that she just came here to ask Splinter how to properly Do the Dirty like that, sure there was hesitation but damn that was a bit blunt. Splinter on the other hand was slightly amused and a bit flattered that April would seek her wisdom on such a delicate topic. I mean she certainly knows her way around Yo- *Fake Cough's* I mean she knows a thing or two about the topic.
Splinter: *Giggle* Of course. I hadn't had someone ask me about that in ages. Last I recall one of my students asked me this when they were going through an Awkward phase in their lives.
While April was a bit relieved that Splinter didn't laugh or make jokes, Lilly was wondering if she should leave since this topic seemed a bit personal.
Lilly: I should probably-.
Before the White Tiger had any chance to finish what she was saying or even get up, Splinter stopped her.
Splinter: No, you're staying right there.
O-oh... Uh, Lilly started to get a little worried now. Judging by that sly smirk she has something planned for her and April.
Lilly: I-I... O-ok...?
Before any of you ask, it won't lead to any Make Out Sessions between April and Lilly... Not yet anyway~.
Splinter: *Pats the floor next to her* Come over here dear.
Ok, now April was starting to get worried... She wondered if Splinter was gonna pull something out like a giant dildo or something. Regardless April headed over and sat down next to Splinter.
Splinter: Now then, let me propose an... Idea~. I can certainly teach you how to have sexual intercourse... But I think doing is far better than simply being Told what to do. So why don't we bring Y/N here and all of us have some Fun~?
Lilly looked a little hesitant since while you Do tickle her fancy, she felt like this might be a little too... Quick. However, April didn't see much harm in it since she did offer to share You... Even if she didn't get first dibs. Something she was made abundantly clear after seeing Usagi teaching you the ways of The Bunny in Heat.
April: Well I did agree to Share Y/N... *Looks at Spinter* Though it would have been nice to have been First you know.
Oh yeah, April figured that Splinter was the first one to Canoodle Doodle with you. How did she know this? Welp from Vale, yeah the Tiny Snake Gal was watching You Tango Dango with nearly every Turtle and their Master(Mother) aside from Racheal. Which April is pretty confident will happen sooner rather than later, Dispute her reluctance to trust you. Splinter giggled as she was caught red-handed.
Splinter: *Giggle* Guess you can't keep a good reporter out of the loop. Then again once everyone knew he had a Third Leg... Well it was all downhill from there~.
Well then, Lilly went from slightly hesitant to pretty intrigued within an instant of hearing about the size of your Long Horn.
Lilly: Wait his Dick is huge?
Both April and Splinter stared at her with raised brows almost in complete unison. Like as if they were wordlessly asking "That's really all it took?" to which Lilly looked to the side.
Lilly: I-I mean he probably has a good personality too... Um... Totally... *Clears Throat* I'm just gonna shut up now before I dig myself any deeper.
That would be wise. Splinter smiled a little as she rolled her eyes a bit before looking at April.
Splinter: Alright... So here's the plan~.
Chibi A/N: Oh you dick.
A/N: What!? I can't build up some anticipation for what Splinter is cooking up!?
Chibi A/N: Yell Duh! Of course, you can, but blue balling the Readers is not going to be healthy for us in the long term dude...
A/N: Yeah Yeah, I know. Can we get back to making a Chapter with the Turtles actually doing something?
Chibi A/N: With what you've been watching, *Looks at the Reader for a sec* It's Jujutsu Kaisen by the way, I'm a little concerned you'll pull a Toji Fushigiro and have one of the girls get Headbutted so hard it knocks them silly.
A/N: Look I HAVE to do that to someone in this Chapter so I can get that shit out of my head! So either it's the Turtles or I'm gonna-!
Chibi A/N: If you're gonna make a new Character then you might as well let me have a fuckin' crack at it you cheeky bastard.
A/N: O-oh... You can Write?
Chibi A/N: Bitch I'm just a mini version of you with a huge head. Now get the fuck out of my way!
A/N: Ok! Jeez!
Chibi A/N: Good, now back to the Story.
*Cracks Knuckles* Aite, let's do this. So the Turtles were Patrolling without Usagi because she to busy reproducing with You. Which they don't actually know what is happening so they figure she'll catch up later. Right now they're trying to save anybody they can, but so far they haven't run into any civilians. Just these Blighted Husk's that used to be people... This actually upset the Turtles a bit after seeing so many people turned into those monsters.
Leona: What could have done this?
She asked no one in particular as she scanned the streets from the edge of the rooftop. Donna was collecting a Sample from one of the ones they... Had to Kill. Then again an argument could be made that they were already dead, but this wasn't exactly like a Zombie plague.
Donna: I... Don't know. All I can say is with how aggressive and resilient these Things are it's a bad idea to get swarmed by them. Local Law Enforcement and Military were probably overrun within hours.
Michelle was surprisingly quiet since you can't really joke about this. But she tried to at least hold out hope that they can beat this... It's just gonna take one hell of a miracle to pull it off.
Michelle: You can make a counter to this Right Donna?
Donna looked down at the Husk they killed... It was of a Woman that looked a lot like a mother. Meaning that they might run into... Well, I'm sure you can connect the dots on that one.
Donna: I hope so Michelle... For everyone's sake.
Racheal looked at the streets with a slightly dull look of pity. Sure she fought some of these things before, but they were pretty mutated. Not to mention that Cat and Jack(M) were there to save her ass if needed. Looking at the situation before her, she's understanding why Jack(M) doesn't want to get involved. If he experiences more than this... Well, it doesn't paint a pretty picture of his past experiences.
Racheal: Yeah, what's worse is these things can Mutate into different variants. I got teleported by some sort of Magic Black Cat who showed me one with completely Pale Skin and bugling muscles. Thankfully the Trade-off for them mutating is that they gain a weak point we can exploit, a Black Orb that served as their cores. Break those and they'll drop.
After she said this they see something walking through the crowd... Looked like... A guy with burnt clothes? Wait does he see-... Oh Shit!
Leona: EVERYONE!!! Get Down Now!
All of the Turtles quickly dive out of the way of an Incoming Fire Ball that nearly blasted them off the roof of the building! They quickly leaped towards a fire escape on the side of another building before the building they were on collapsed! Donna and Michelle were halfway up the fire escape when whatever attacked them came leaping toward them! Quickly thinking on their feet, they dived through a nearby window and ducked as a blast of flame shot through the shattered opening!
She didn't have to say that twice! Both quickly got up and bolted down the hallway of this apartment complex! They quickly leaped down the stairs as another blast of Flame came their way from the other end of the hall. Havik chuckled to himself as he was delighted to find some targets to burn to ashes.
Havik: *Chuckle* Now this is fun~. Getting thrown here wasn't all-.
The Pyromaniac Monster was swiftly kicked in the face by Racheal who dove through the window, Leona quickly dived threw and delivered yet another kick to Havik's back.
*Foooowsh!* *BAM!!!*
With the force of both Blows Havik was sent flying into the wall on the opposite side of the hall. Soon after that Donna threw one of her Gadgets, a Frost Bomb up the stairwell before diving down the next set of stairs where Michelle is. Seeing the bomb Racheal and Leona bash down some apartment doors...
*BOOOOM!!!* *Fooowsh!*
Leona and Rachael managed to dive into separate rooms just in time as the Hallway was covered in Ice, along with Havik who was largely unfazed thinks to him quickly heating up his body before the Bomb could completely freeze him.
Havik(Internal): Damn, that was close... I should get caught off guard like that...
Speaking of which...
The floor underneath Havik's feet was blown up causing him to fall down onto the floor where Donna and Michelle is at. Before his feet even hit the ground Michelle struck Havik's face with her nunchucks before he had time to react. Havik then felt Donna's Bo Staff bash the Pyromaniac Monster's back as Michelle and Donna began Jumping the Shit out of him! However, they quickly stopped once the air around them grew hotter and quickly lepted back. Good call as Havik was quickly surrounded by a protective ball of Flame, looking fairly unfazed by the damage the two were causing to his body.
Donna(Internal): Our blows aren't doing anything to him... He must be one of those Mutations Rachael warned us about. He's a pretty advanced one too given his ability to speak. But where the hell is his Core? Is he hiding it within his body?
She mentally thought as if something with that much intelligence could alter the position of their weak point... That could pose some problems. Worse if they can actually control the size of it as well. It'd be like trying to find a Needle in a Haystack while blindfolded and wearing mittens.
Havik: *Stretches* Allllright then... *Crack's Neck* Who's coming at me first?
After he said this Leona jumped down from the hole above and quickly slashed off Havik's arms! Racheal quickly followed that up by throwing her Sai's directly into his Skull embedding them deep into his head. Yet Havik simply took their blows as Racheal ripped out her Sai's and started to combo with Leona's Duel Straight Katana's. While they did Slice and Stab him enough to make any Normal enemies into lunch meat at this point, Havik was unfazed as he simply regenerated quickly, Grabbed one of Leona's Katana's, And... Well does this...
Yeah, he breaks one of Leona's Katana's, now that might seem bad but you'd be surprised how often that happens. Like damn, the hell they made out of to be breaking more than Kit-Kat bars? Regardless, both Leona and Racheal quickly Jumped back towards Donna who was setting something up with the Help of Michelle.
Leona: *Sigh* Damn it... That was the fifth one this week! *Mumbles* Gotta get a new one... Again.
While Havik just Enjoys being a punching bag for people. He probably has better shit to do, so he's gonna kick it up a notch! So he began to charge towards the Turtles with Flames in his hands, ready to do what Shredder couldn't and cook some Turtles. He foolishly ran straight into the line of fire of one of Donna's Gadgets, a Plasma Gun! Both Rachael and Leona stepped into rooms on the side as Donna fired off a shot.
*Rrrrrrr!* *BAWOOM!!!*
Havik was then blasted threw the wall at the other end of the Hallway and landed on another rooftop. While his body looked mangled as hell, he still got up with ease while regenerating.
Havik(Internal): Attacking me with a Heat-Based Weapon? How foolish of them. Though the sensation was... Interesting~.
He thought as he formed a ball of Super Heated Plasma. While he had Planned on throwing it at the Turtles, he quickly found them to be gone.
Havik(Internal): Really? They fleed? *Sigh* What a waste of-.
Without warning Racheal came in from behind and drop-kicked the back of his head for the second time, Leona quickly stabbed his chest with her remaining Katana, Michelle attacked his stomach with her nunchucks, and lastly, Donna was Carefully watching his body to see any abnormal movements while setting up a Makeshift Railgun from a safe distance... She is really resourceful with those gadgets huh?
Leona(Internal): He doesn't take much damage from direct physical attacks. So we have to find his Core which is most likely hidden. If we can get him to expose it then Donna can take it out, but we can't make our intentions obvious. So we'll make it seem like we haven't figured out what his kinds weakness is and keep pelting him with attacks.
And pelt him with attacks they do as Racheal focused on the Head and Shoulders, Leona focused on the Upper Chest and Back, Michelle focused on the Stomach and legs, and Donna focused on staying hidden and waiting for an opportunity to hit his weak spot. What Donna theorizes his Core is the source of his pyrokinetic abilities. So when he heats up his body they'll be able to pinpoint where it is by finding the origin point of the flames emanating from his body. The problem is he does it so quickly Donna has to keep a consent eye on him while assembling her Makeshift Railgun. Obviously not an easy thing to do but they don't exactly have a choice since all of the Turtles are confident that this guy will just try to hunt them down or worse, Burn the entire Block down just to get to them.
Donna(Internal): Come on... Come on... Show you're weak point...
Donna was clearly nervous as she began sweating a little while putting the final components into her Makeshift Railgun. Once she finished she carefully watched Havik. However, just as it seemed like he was about to unleash another sphere of fire something caught everyone's attention.
A Building across the street was suddenly demolished by something slamming into it. Havik used this direction to try and utilize his Fire Sphere to damage Racheal, Leona, and Michelle. The Girls noticed this and quickly dodged out of the way, but Leona's remaining Katana gets pretty much melted leaving only a hilt.
Leona(Internal): I seriously have to get more durable weapons...
She mentally noted since as stated before, this happens more than it should. Not that her sister's weapons haven't broken on them during battle before, it's just that Her weapons are apparently made of fucking glass. So she's gonna have to start using martial arts and be more careful since she doesn't have a reach advantage anymore. But what concerns her and her sisters more is the fact something smashed into a building and caused it to collapse. Is something throwing debris or something from a distance?
Havik: Aw what's the matter? Some building collapsing caught your-.
Before he could finish a Gray Blur suddenly darted passed the Turtles and grabbed Havik by the face...
And proceeding to absolutely bury the Pyrokinetic Monster into the rooftop causing a good portion of it to collapse. The Turtles were quick on their feet as they managed to avoid being dragged down into the hole with Havik. To their total confusion, some normal-looking dude in a Gray Hoodie was standing over Havik who actually seemed to be reeling from that hit.
???: *Sigh* You guys aren't very fun are you? Not to mention pretty damn Weak.
This stranger has a sort of presence to his voice... Something that put the Turtles on edge almost immediately. It was a combination of Honed Aggression and Provoking Mockingness. That last description fits pretty well since Havik looked PISSED as he raised both his hands to this stranger's chest.
The Turtles quickly dive into any cover they could find on other Rooftops and Buildings that were close by as Havik Unleashed a Massive and Explosive jet of Flames right in the Stranger's face. The Night Sky was suddenly lit up by Crossing Flames, these flames were hot enough to partly melt the building the Stranger and Havik were in. Once Havik finished trying to turn this guy into a steaming pile of ashes, the area around them bearly looked like a building anymore and more like a molten creator.
Rachael(Internal): Holy Fuck that was a Nuclear Response!
She menially thought... And that's saying something since she's been a little hot-headed before... at least that's what she'll admit anyway. Oh, where is she? Well, she was behind an Airducks on a nearby rooftop with Michelle and Leona. Donna was cut off from the others as she had to dive through a Window to escape the blast, but they could see her throw a Window taking cover behind a Crate. She was probably in a warehouse of some sort, but Rachael could tell she had a look of astonishment as she had a clear view of what was going on.
Donna(Internal): He didn't ever Try to dodge! He just took the hit!
The Gadget Maker thought as she saw the Stranger just standing there with his top half still engulfed in flames, all while having a smirk.
???: Well if getting pissed brings out your best, then go ahead. Get angry. At least you'll be an entertaining distraction then.
The Turtles quickly covered their heads as every window around the Block was shattered due to the force of that backhanded blow. It also instantly snuffed out the Flames on his upper torso. As Havik caught himself on the ground with a half-shattered jaw, Donna got a good look at what the Stranger looked like now that his Hoodie, and probably everything else he was wearing on his upper torso, was burned off completely. For starters, he's built like a brick-shit-house which given the amount of power he just displayed fits. Secondly, his entire body was covered in battle scars which were mostly large slashes. However, there were a few shallow scars, as well as what seemed like bullet wound scars, here and there. But the main draw was his face. There was a Horizontal Scar over his eyes and a Vertical Scar over his right eye making a lop-sided cross scar. He was clean-shaven and had mid-length hair, though those aren't why his face was unique. No that was the look he had upon it.
Donna(Internal): He's enjoying this...
She thought as Havik tried to burn him again with his left hand. The Stranger swiftly grabbed his wrist and casually redirected it away from his head. Havik tried to use his right hand to deck him in the face with a fireball, but the Stranger caught that hand too... And you already know what's gonna happen next.
Yep, the Stranger Headbutted the FUCK out of the pyromaniac's face. Havik looked like he had just been hit by a truck, yet the blow was far less powerful than the backhand from earlier. What was going on? Donna didn't have time to ponder that as the Stranger threw Havik in her direction.
Donna(Internal): OH SHIT!!!
Donna bearly managed to get out of the way from the path of destruction. She didn't even look back to see the devastation, the Smart Gal just Legged it out of there and dived through a window. She clung onto a pipe and Swiftly climbed upwards. Good thing she did as when she reached the top, the Stranger leaped up and pretty much slammed down into the Warehouse so hard it leveled it.
Yeah, Donna to that as a queue to get the fuck away from that as quickly as possible. She quickly found Racheal, Leona, and Michelle on a different rooftop. She quickly ran over towards them, leaping across gaps and vaulting over obstacles. Her sister quickly caught up with her as the Chaos of the Stranger's and Havok's battle raged on taking out a couple more buildings across the block.
Leona: Donna! Are you ok!?
Leona shouted as they quickly took cover under a billboard. All the while Rachael watched as Havik was gut-punched hard by the Stranger, he would have been knocked back but the Stranger held him by the arm as he beat the hell out of the Pyromaniac Monster.
Michelle: Yeah! You were nearly turned into Turtle Soup!
As Michelle said that Rachael saw something that made her heart sink and her eyes widened. The Stranger with a manic grin on his face, looked directly at the four.
Leona: Michelle! Do you really think now is the time to-!?
*ba-Ba-BA-BAAAM* *SMASH!!!* *C-creeeeeeeeeek!*
Leona's sentence was caught off by Havik suddenly crashing into the billboard above them after being kicked through a few buildings by the Stranger.
Racheal: MOVE!!!
*CreeeeeeeEEEEEEEEK!!!* *SMASH!!!*
Yet again the Turtles evaded another near-death experience by jumping to a nearby building by smashing through the windows of another nearby apartment. They quickly bolted towards the roof of the building so they could keep moving. They can't exactly move through the streets since they were probably flooded by Husks. But when all of them got up there, someone was waiting for them.
???: *Grins* Howdy~.
The Turtles completely froze as a chill ran up their spines after being directly addressed by the Stranger. His voice had a sinister tone to it as he was planning something... They would soon find out what that was as the Stranger pointed towards the four girls.
???: Let's play a little game. If you four survive then I'll tell you a little secret. *Chuckle* I promise it's a doozy! The game starts...
He paused for a mere second as a Piller of Flame erupted behind him. Havik with Rage and Fire in his eyes(Litrally) lunged straight at the Stranger with his palms aimed right at him.
???: Right now.
Ohohoho Shit! That one was a big one! The girls were still on their A Game though as they dodged that with speeds they didn't even know they could reach! They were split into two groups. Michelle and Leona were the first, Rachael and Donna were the second. The first ground leaped across another rooftop slightly lower than the one they were on. The second quickly used some nearby lamp posts to cross over the block to the side.
Leona(Internal): Who the hell is that guy!? Are they even Human!?
She thought as all the Turtles saw the Stranger tanked that massive blast that essentially disintegrated half a building. The Stranger and Havik were in mid-air... Well, actually what I should say is...
Havik Was in mid-air before the Stranger threw him like a ragdoll at the second group who wasted ZERO time and immediately started booking it across the rooftops they were on. Hell, they were climbing Fire Escapes and building so fast they made Parkour Pro's look slow. Adrenaline and Self Preservation Instincts are a hell of a thing, aren't they?
Rachael(Internal): That bastard threw that thing at us on purpose!
Yeah, wouldn't be much of a Game if he didn't make it a challenge to survive. At least that's how the Stranger views it. Both Donna and Rachael made it across another building before...
The Building behind them was engulfed in flames as a violent explosion erupted once Havik angrily leaped toward the Stranger... Who of course made Leona's and Michelle's night more difficult as he stood behind them with a smirk on his face.
???: You might want to move faster~.
Yeah, he didn't even need to tell them even once, Leona and Michelle were already Gone by the time they noticed the Stranger was behind them. They were already across the block after using the street lights as jumping posts.
???(Internal): Huh, there pretty quick.
The Stranger caught Havik's punch which caused the ground underneath him to crack. Havik then opened his palm to attempt to blast him with flames again but was swiftly thrown towards the downtown area. You better buckle your fuckles because here is where shit gets wild! As the Turtles quickly started to book it as far away from the fight as possible, a Massive pillar of flame erupted in the distance and the Turtle Gals saw a massive hand made out of fire grab a building, crush it into a ball, and hurl it towards the Stranger. Luckily the first shot was were the Stranger who was about a block-... Wait why is he picking up a pebble?
*Flick!* *SMASH!!!*
Of course... He just flicked the pebble so hard that it broke the Ball of Melted Building hurling towards him! Now its fragments were gonna shotgun themselves across the area! The Turtles probably had a fucking guardian angel(*Wink!*) at this point as Leona and Michelle just Bearly evaded a car-sized fragment that smashed hard enough to cause the ground to shake! They quickly jumped down to a neighboring Pizza Joint, however, you didn't think it'd be That easy would you?
*WHOOOOSH!!!* *SMASH!!!* *Crumble!*
The ground underneath Michelle and Leona quickly gave way as a piece of rubble the size of a mini fridge crashed in from of them. Both of them quickly found themselves in the kitchen as Leona picked herself up off the ground.
Leona: Michelle! Are you-!?
She looked over to see Michelle eating some Pizza that somehow looked freshly prepared.
Michelle: *Nom* *Nom* *Looks at Leona and speaks with a mouth full of food* What? It'd be a waste of good pizza!
Leona looked unsurprised that her sister would stop and eat Pizza during a time like this. But another falling piece of debris the size of a watermelon flew right back Leona's head quickly reminded them of what they should be doing... Getting the fuck outta there!
Leona: *Grabs Michelle's arm* Let's go! We need to move! NOW!!!
She said while pretty much yanking Michelle away from her delicious-.
Crushed Pizza Pie... Michelle can't describe the amount of sorrow she felt as she continued to run for her life. A moment of silence for the fallen...
*Deep Breath* Anyway... Leona and Michelle quickly bolted back onto the roofs, Rachael and Donna were Booking it on the other side of the block through some Buildings which Unluckily for them had Husks in them. Donna quickly Bashed two in the face while Racheal was on Point and kicking doors down while shanking any Husk's ankles that got in her way to slow them down. They were worried about being chased by them seeing as the absolute barrage of rubble following them.
Rachael: *Pant!* *Pant!* You doing ok Donna!?
She shouted while kicking another Husk in the face knocking them to the side. Donna quickly tripped two more before leaping over a crawling Husk.
Donna: Oh! I am just DANDY now that my system is full of adrenaline thanks to the two FUCKING WALKING CALAMITY'S FIGHTING AROUND US!!!
Well damn, Donna was in a Slight panic which is currently manifesting into some rather aggressive rage. Honestly, Rachael is surprised she's the calm one in this situation.
Rachael: Y-yeah... That's fair.
She replied as she really hoped Donna wasn't gonna pass out during this whole process. Speaking of they quickly jumped onto a fire escape on a nearby apartment block as they took a brief moment to catch their breath.
Donna: *Pant* *Pant* Oh thank god! The flying rubble stopped... *Pant* *Pant* Thing's can't get... *Pant* *Pant* Much worse, right?
*Tap tap.*
Donna felt someone tap her shoulder and she turned around to see... Well shit...
???: Hello~.
Yep... Both of their asses just puckered up so tight even Black Holes are taking notes. The Stranger watched with a wide grin as both Racheal and Donna heard what sounded like distant screams of pure rage.
They quickly did so as Donna was mentally kicking herself for saying that as they ran faster than they ever thought was possible. Soon after they reached around two rooftops away from the Stranger, Havik quickly slammed into him causing a massive Shockwave sending Racheal and Donna flying across the block. The good news is they're relatively ok on the landing thanks to their shells, Even Greater News is that Donna and Racheal land near Leona and Michelle. Now for the Bad news, it's starting to get Really fucking hot due to the heat Havik's putting out as his Skin glowed with burning cracks while his eyes and mouth looked like the deepest pits of hell.
Havik: *Fiery Growl* IT'S TIME TO END THIS!!!
The Scared Stranger looked disappointed as he crossed his arms upon looking at the Terrifying visage of the Hellish-looking opponent.
???: Unfortunately, you're correct.
The Pyromaniac Monster quickly lunged at him intending to punch a hole into his chest.
*Smack!* *Shatter!*
However the moment his fist made contact with the Stranger's chest, his hand and forearm shattered like glass.
Havik: *Angered Growl* What's happening!?
He shouted in rage as his body began to slowly harden like obsidian. The Stranger stared at him still maintaining his glare of disappointment.
???: A mistake only a Child would make. Allowing your power to run rampant across your body is one of the most fatal mistakes one can make if the person in question has no idea about it. Even a novice would understand that.
The Scar Covered Stranger stated as Havik tried to walk towards him causing his feet to shatter making him stumble. His limbs grew more stiff as Havik seething with rage as he could no longer move.
Havik: GO... TO... HELL...
Those were the last words the Pyromaniac Monster said as his body genitally shattered. From the remains a black orb rolled out towards the Stranger...
*STOMP!!!* *Crunch!*
Which he shattered without a second thought. The Turtle were watching that happen from a safe distance and position as they caught their breath... Well, Michelle wasn't even tired, but she was mourning the loss of that Pizza that got crushed earlier.
Donna: *Whispers* You think he knows we're here?
Rachael slowly looked at Donna with a slightly twitching eye as she Jinxed them the last time by saying something like that... And this time was no different.
???: Yes. I do know you four are here.
Yep, Loona and Michelle felt their butts pucker too after hearing them Right behind them! They quickly leaped back out of his range as he glared at them all.
???: It's not hard when you can sense every footfall for miles around. Of course, all of you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't you?
The Turtles stood ready for anything, but they couldn't help but be unnerved by the Stranger's presence. Not to mention not that everyone has a good look at him, some of his scars should have ended any normal being... But he was anything but normal and I don't mean Average Normal I mean Their Normal. Their bodies were screaming for them to run, but their subconscious minds were forcing them to stay. None of them don't dare say a word or even advert their gaze away from him. Perhaps out of some primal sense that they would be instantly destroyed if they were to do anything out of this Monster's tolerance.
???: As a reward for surviving that devastation without even a single fatality, I'll give you a little insight into the world you all seem to be blind to.
He said while still maintaining that slight grin filled with a sinister energy that seemingly had no notable rival from their previous foes. Soon after he said that two things happened. The First was a small piece of nearby debris from his bout with Havik began floating in the air and quickly morphed into a smooth sphere as if it were liquid as it hovered to his left. Speaking of liquid, the Second thing was a small nearby puddle that flowed into the air and another sphere as it soon started to glow blue seemingly cleansing it of any impurities within it.
???: You see I can control two elements utilizing Magic. These elements are Earth and Water, due to my high Concentration and Density of my Magic I am deeply in tune with the very earth you tread and the water within everything and I can manipulate them freely within reason. I'm even able to sense the water within your bodies but only when I'm fairly close. However, I didn't utilize a single element during my battle with that sad excuse for a Mage. All I used was Raw Magical Ability and physical strength.
He paused for a moment as the Water Sphere and the Earth Sphere formed into what looked like a representation of various elements. Five in total, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and seemingly the one above them all Lighting.
???: There are many ways of using Magic, but I'll tell you about the simple one that I partly described, Elemental Magic. While it's the easiest to pick up it is still hard to master though it isn't the Hardest. These Five are the base elements and they have plenty of sub-elements attached to them. I'll let you figure out the details assuming I decide to let you live as I haven't decided on your fates yet. However, I will tell you that one of these Elements are more dangerous than the others and it's no surprise that it is Lighting. If mishandled it can be dangerous to the user, but if one were to master the element they'd be a Powerful Opponent indeed. A shame those who have Mastered it are so rare as most either waste their potential or end up killing themselves on accident.
He paused for a moment as the Water and Earth started to form from the representation of the elements to silhouettes of four people. One looked like Thor, Another looked like Raiden, the Third looked like Zeus, and the Last had a Very Familiar silhouette... To top it off the Fourth Figure was above the others as if it was a sign of superiority or higher power over the others.
???: But there are exceptions to the rule. One's with the rare ability to master the Element of Lighting with relative ease given their natural resistance to the element. However, above even these who posed as your Gods for a time is one that is Blessed by chance. One with the ability to produce and conduct the element with not only never suffering advertise effects, but greatly benefiting from the element as well. Much like me with Earth and Water.
Soon after he said that he seemingly released the spheres causing the water to slash onto the ground and the ball of rubble to crumble to pieces. He then continued while the Turtles remained frozen in place by their conflicting instincts.
???: Seeing as my ability and mastery to manipulate both Earth and Water down to a fundamental level makes me near impervious to any other element, Lighting is the only thing that can harm me. Yet so far the people who have wielded this element haven't impressed me in decades. The self-proclaimed Masters of Lighting has proved to be a disappointment due to their belief one element naturally counters another. When that is far from the case, sure they might have an initial advantage but that does not guarantee Victory. Let me ask you this, If Lighting supposedly holds a dominant advantage over Earth... Why does natural lighting bearly phase the tectonic plate? By their logic should it not split the ground in half due to its dominance over it? The answer is obviously no, the ground simply absorbs the energy produced by the lighting which disputes.
He paused to kneel down and reach down to the ground. The Stranger then scooped up the concrete ground below him as if it were fresh clay as he began molding it by hand.
???: One must understand how other elements react to Earth and vice versa. If they were truly masters of Lighting as they claim they would know how their element truly functions with the world around them. Otherwise, they will never grow beyond their limited worldviews.
As he said this he molded the solid concrete into various shapes and sizes while standing you. He displayed impressive skills at molding things by hand as well as a deep imagination as he made a very beautiful-looking and highly detailed Tree with just his finger.
???: Change occurs regardless of one's position or views of the world. They can choose to embrace it and continue to grow themselves...
The Turtles jumped a little as the Stranger suddenly crashed the beautiful Tree he carefully crafted without hesitation.
???: Or they can choose to become stepping stones for those who will. That or wither away in some cave somewhere spouting nonsense to anybody who will listen. Now then...
He paused to look at the Turtles who had been on edge this entire time. He rubbed the back of his neck with a look of contemplation. Luckily they don't have to wonder what he was thinking as he said what he was thinking out loud.
???: Should I kill you four the hell of it? Or should I spare you and take a gamble if you lot even understood what I just said? Hmm... Choices... Choices.
The Turtles stood there ready for whatever assault this man might do, even though they know they were totally screwed. However, they seemed to have lucked out as the Stranger began slowly sinking into the ground beneath his feet.
???: I think I'll be patient for now and see if any of you bear fruit... Or at the very least be better entertainment than that Orb masquerading in another's flesh. Who knows, we might never meet again. But in all honesty, I couldn't give less of a damn, either way, none of you can give me what I Truly want.
After saying this he completely sinks into the ground and after a few moments his presence is gone and all of the Turtles breathe a sigh of relief.
Michelle: That guy was kinda scary...
Her sister quickly glanced at her with a bit of a "No shit, you think?" Look as whoever that guy was they needed to avoid him as much as possible.
Lorena: *Sigh* Let's just get out of here before he decides to change his mind...
No augments were to be had there, even Rachael wanted to get out of there before that maniac came back. If he does of course... So they quickly left the scene of absolute devastation and quickly resumed their patrol, all while most of them were thinking about what the Stranger said... Except for Michelle, she's looking out for another Pizza shop that Wasn't crushed.
Cassie was currently wondering what in the hell caused such a commotion! Seriously she had to duck in a bakery store to avoid getting crushed by falling debris!
Cassie(Internal): Thank god that's over...
She thought thinking nothing would scare her at this poi-.
Jokotsu: Ah Cassie, good to see you again.
HOLY HELL!!! I mean, Cassie jumped a little at the Feline's sudden reappearance. Seriously this pussy cat was Quiet when he wants to be.
Cassie: Ah! Jesus man! Could you at least announce yourself next time?
She said with a surprised tone, as to be expected. But then her eyes wandered over to see... Oh boy, another anthropomorphized animal person... Which was a tiger, as if One wasn't enough.
Cassie: Uh... Who are you and what's your thing?
Tigress just narrowed her eyes at the mask-wearing human and just stared at her. Obviously, she wasn't exactly in a talking mood since she just saw everybody she cared about get murdered back in her home universe about an hour ago.
Jokotsu: This is Tigress, she's from a completely different universe which she just watched Die before her very eyes not too long ago. Does that answer your question?
Cassie just looked at the Judgemental domestic cat with a bit of a mild Fuck You glare as he could have said that before she made herself look like an asshat. But here we are.
Cassie: You couldn't just Lead with that?
She asked with a Slightly annoyed tone. Which wasn't entirely unexpected by Jokotsu seeing as he had a bit of a smug face.
Jokotsu: You didn't give me the chance to.
Cassie's eye twitched slightly as she contemplated putting Jokotsu in a bag and throwing him into a river. But sensing a much-needed change in topic, Jokotsu went back to Tigress's need for shelter.
Jokotsu: Anyways, Tigress needs a place to stay and You know exactly where to take her!
Yeah, Cassie is still keeping that clear jackassery in the back of her mind later. Revenge is coming and she will be waiting with a bucket of water. But for now, she had to take Tigress back to the Turtles hideout... Guess her normal hangout spot is gonna be freaking Packed by the end of the day.
Cassie: *Sigh* Alright fine. I'll take her back and head back up here to find more survivors. *Under Breath* Don't know why he didn't just Teleport you there in the first place...
Once Tigress heard Cassie mentioning she was looking for survivors... As well the fact that Jokotsu could have just teleported her there in the first place, she looked at Jokotsu who had another smug look on his face as he Clearly planned for this.
Tigress: Probably because he expects me to help with your mission.
Yeah, both of them were glaring at Jokotsu with annoyed looks while having some similar thoughts of Magic Cat abuse. It's no surprise that Jokotsu decided to dip when he did.
Jokotsu: That would be the case, Ta Ta~.
Both Gals looked annoyed as the Magical Cat disappeared in a puff of smoke. Cassie sighed as she figured he had a Good reason for just dumping Tigress onto her lap like this. While Tigress just looked annoyed that Jokotsu would just ditch her as soon as someone else could take her off his hands.
Cassie: *Sigh* That Jackass... So uh... Bit of a dumb question when looking at ya, but can you fight?
Tigress only replied with just a single eyebrow raise which quickly answered Cassie's question.
Cassie: Yeah I was right, that Was a dumb question... *Trailing Sigh* Alright let's get going.
Soon after she said that Tigress nodded as she might be still in graving the death of her world, but she could set that aside to at the very least attempt to save this one. She can't really stand by while people are probably dying out there, it just doesn't sit right with her if she ignores the troubled state of this world to mourn her world. Even if no one would really blame her. So she'll pitch in and see where this will go. Probably about all she Can do really.
Tigress: Lead the way.
She bluntly stated as the two headed out in search of survivors. However, they failed to notice that they were heading toward the same area as a few figures in the distance were going to as well.
A/N: Alright, I'm calling it here... So who was that dicking around with the Turtles?
Chibi A/N: That's for me to know and everyone else to speculate on. All I'm gonna say is the dude is a bit of a Chaotic force right now as he is on nobody's side but his own.
A/N: Ah... Fair enough... So anything else to add or...?
Chibi A/N: Nope, Just that. Nothing that-.
A/N: How did you-?
Fem A/N: Doesn't fuckin matter how! *Whips out a Belt* It's time for an ASS BEATING!!!
A/N: Oh fuck!
Chibi A/N: U-uh! We hope you enjoyed this chapter and we'll see you next time! Stay safe out there!
Chibi A/N: *Scream of pure terror*
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