Tyler's Party

Stacy walked across the blacktop, an envelope in her hands. It was an invitation to a certain someone's birthday. She looked around for the one person she wanted to talk to. Over by the water fountain, there was Y/N, taking a drink. Stacy swallowed a nervous lump in her throat.

"Um... Y/N?" Stacy spoke shyly as she approached him.

"Oh, hey Stacy. What's up?" Y/N replied, turning to her as he wiped some water from the corner of his mouth.

"I got invited to a party and I'm allowed to bring a guest. So, I was wondering... if you'd like to... be my plus one!" Stacy asked, quickly blurting out that last part, blushing.

"Hmm. Who's throwing the party?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"...Tyler," Stacy answered, "Look, I know you don't like the because he always messes with Mei, but... I think this might be fun. I mean, out of the two of us, how often do you get the chance to go to a party?"

"Even if I wanted to go, this seems like a boy-girl party, which involves dancing. You know I can't dance, Stace," Y/N said, looking away with embarrassment, "I'll probably just embarrass you."

"Aww, no you won't," Stacy placed a hand his chest, "I don't care if you can't dance and people see us. I just want to hangout with you. Pleaaase?" she asked in her usually sweet tone.

Y/N released a small sigh and looked Stacy in the eyes. She was giving him that cute look that puppies and kittens used when they wanted food or attention. Wow, she must've really wanted to hangout with him if she was willing to pull that card.

"Heh. Alright, I go," Y/N said, rolling his eyes in amusement.

"Yay!" Stacy threw her arms around him in a hug, her cheek pressed against his with one of her legs lifted.

A minute later, she broke the hug. She opened the envelope and pulled out a card with a +1 on it.

"Here," Stacy handed him the card, "See you at the party," she told him in playful tone, briefly running her finger underneath his chin as she walked off.

Y/N watched as Stacy walked away, the girl having a hand on her hip. Y/N's gaze lowered as his head tilted down a bit. He couldn't help but have the urge to stare at her rear as it swayed from side to side. Wait, was she doing that on purpose? Y/N looked down at the +1 invite and blushed hard. The martial artist cleared his throat, putting the card into one of his pockets.

Y/N looked around the blacktop and saw Mei and her friends at the bleachers. They seemed to be making panda keychains to sell. They had made a ton of panda merch over the weeks. It started off with photos of kids with Mei's panda form, but they made a variety of items. From t-shirts to panda ears and tails. It amazed him how far they came.

Even Stacy bought their merch... although since it was something cute, that didn't really surprise him. That girl loved anything and everything cute. Hell, she was the first one to buy and wearing the fake panda ears and tail. She even wore them when Y/N talked to her a couple minutes ago, her fake tail swishing from side to side when she walked away with that sway in her hips.

That made Y/N blush again and he shook his head to clear his thought. What was with him? Ever since that little moment he had with Priya after the dodgeball thing, he's been thinking more about her and Stacy. He should really learn how to get his mind under control.

"Hey, ladies. What's up?" Y/N asked as he approached them, Mei counting their money.

"It's not enough!" Mei shouted, making him jump a bit. Her panda paws, ears and tail instantly appearing. Ok, she was clearly freaking out, "The concert's this Saturday and we're still a hundred short! Ugh!" she groaned.

"A hundred short?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Uh, Mei—"

"I knew we should've charged more for photos!" Mei shouted, cutting her brother off.

"Mei, I can just—"

"Ugh! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Mei smacked her paws against her forehead repeatedly.

"Mei, I can just give you—"

"Mei... breathe. It's in the bag," Miriam told Mei reassuringly with a hand on her shoulder, she being the one to cut Y/N off this time.


"Up, up, up," Miriam cut her off, "What's the point of getting to the concert if you're too exhausted to enjoy it?" she asked rhetorically, "Now, take a break..." she took the money out of Mei's paws, placing it back into the box, "and help appreciate come boys~!" she sang that last word.

"Ok, ok," Mei chuckled. She and Miriam inhaled then sighed dreamily at the basketball players.

Y/N sighed with a roll of his eyes. Subconsciously, he walked over and sat down next to Priya. A small smile appeared on the goth girl's face.

"Hey Y/N," Priya greeted him as she scooted closer to him.

"Hey Priya," Y/N greeted back.

The basketball players called out to the girls, flexing as they did so. The girls, in response, cheered.

"Woo!" Priya cheered.

"Looking good!" Miriam shouted.

"Nice calves!" Abby shouted.

"Are you a triangle? 'Cause you acute!" Mei shouted, she and the girls laughing in amusement.

"Oh, God, that was painful..." Y/N muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. Math jokes were never funny... and his sister was a dork for using one.

"You're so weird," they heard Tyler say. Turning around, they saw the wannabe jock behind the bleachers.

"Hey!" Miriam said.

"Are you spying on us?" Mei asked.

"Not cool, man!" Y/N told him.

"I want to talk to you, Lee," Tyler said. The twins looked at each other then back at Tyler, not knowing which twin he was referring to, "Mei," he clarified.

"Forget it," Mei said, her and the others turning away.

"Fine. Wonder if your mom knows her "precious little Mei-Mei" has been flaunting the panda all over school?" Tyler asked in a knowing tone.

The five kids gasped. The twins furrowed their brows. While Mei stomped her way over, Y/N leaped into the air. Y/N did a flip over the bleachers, landing in front of Tyler before grabbing him and lifting him by the collar of his hoodie, Tyler screaming as Y/N pinned him against one of the poles.

"That's none of your business!" Mei shouted, having transformed into her panda form.

"O- O- One more step and I'm telling her everything!" Tyler countered with fear, holding up his phone with a picture of Mei in her panda form, "Now put that thing away and here me out!" he told the female twin.

Mei growled and reverted back to her human form, "What do you want?" she asked with a mixture of anger and annoyance.

Tyler sighed and pulled out an admittedly cool-looking flyer.

"I want to throw a sick birthday party. An epic one," Tyler told them, handing Mei the flyer.

Mei raised an eyebrow. She looked at the girls, who shrugged. She looked at her brother, who shrugged as well.

"It's this Friday. If you're there, everyone will come. Simple as that," Tyler told her.

"A party?" Mei questioned.

"Yeah, Stacy told me about that. I'm her plus one apparently," Y/N told her. Hearing that made Priya narrow her eyes.

Tyler sighed, "Look, I've done you a favor keeping my mouth shut. All I'm asking for is one back," he said.

"Hmm..." Mei rubbed her chin, "I'll... do it," she said, "But! It'll cost you one—no, two hundred bucks," she told him, holding up two fingers.

"Ok," Tyler replied nonchalantly with a shrug.

This shocked Mei. Enough to make her eyes shrink to the size of pins and for her tail to appear.

"Uhh, hold please," Mei said before running over to her friends, leaving Y/N and Tyler alone for a moment.

"Dude, your family must be loaded if you can agree to that so quickly and casually," Y/N commented.

"Eh, kind of," Tyler shrugged, "You know, I had a feeling Stacy was going to invite you. She must really like you," he teased. Y/N shook him, bang his head against the pole, "Ow!"

"Shut up!" Y/N yelled, glaring at him with an annoyed blush.

"Hey dorkbag," Mei called out to Tyler, the boys turning their heads towards her through the bleacher steps, "We're in," she told him, Tyler's face lighting up.

"What?" Y/N looked at her with shock and disbelief.

"But you only get the panda for an hour, and we're not bringing any presents," Mei told him.

"Deal," Tyler said, reaching out, he and Mei shaking hands.

"You can let him go now, Y/N," Mei told her brother.

At his sister's request, Y/N released the boy. He then walked around the bleachers and back up the steps where Mei stood.

"By the way, were you trying to say something earlier?" Mei asked as she turned into her brother.

Y/N sighed, "Nevermind. It's not important anymore," he replied with a roll of his eyes.

The truth was, he could've just given Mei the rest of the money. He had saved up money from pet-sitting, dog walking, and doing art commissions. He was saving up for whenever the next gen consoles came out, but he knew how much this concert meant to his sister. He was going to give Mei and her friends the money so they'd have enough for all four tickets. However, given what just transpired, that was no longer an option.

Oh well. At least now he could still save up.

Lee House/Temple...

It was early in the evening. Y/N and Mei stepped out of their rooms respectively. Mei looked at the flyer given to her by Tyler while Y/N looked at the +1-card given to him by Stacy. The twins looked at each other and nodded before putting the items away.

"Ok, I'm heading off to mathletes," Mei said.

"And I'm going with her because I need help with the current subject in math," Y/N added.

"See ya later," the twins said in unison as they tried to walk off.

"Wait! What about dinner? I made all of your favorites," Ming stopped them, gesturing at the banquet of food on the table.

Mei looked at the food, her mouth starting to water. She held back her urges.

"Thanks, but Miriam's dad is, uh... ordering pizza," Mei lied.

"Y/N, what about you?" Ming looked at her son with hopeful eyes.

Y/N looked at the food and narrowed his eyes. He looked at his mother with furrowed eyebrows. She had made all of Mei's favorites. Some of the foods he ate were on the table, but he wouldn't call any of them his favorites.

"Thanks, but I think I'll go with the pizza," Y/N said, looking away with a slight huff.

"Save us leftovers. Come on, Y/N," Mei said, taking her brother by the hand.

"What if I come with you?" Ming offered.

"What?!" both twins said in shocked unison.

"What're you doing? Linear equations? Geometry? I've got a double-jointed elbow. Look, I can make a perfect circle," Ming said while rotating her arm in a circle.

"Wow! Yeah, but it'll be super boring," Mei waved her off.

"It will," Y/N said quickly.

"Wouldn't you rather hang with Dad?" Mei gestured to their father, the man perking up as everyone looked at him.

There was a short pause.

"Let's get my flashcards," Ming said, pushing Mei out the door.

"Ooh, that's cold, Mom," Y/N winced, seeing his father's upset face, "Sorry, Dad," he told the man before running to catch up with his mom and sister.

"I was mathletes champion in grade eight, you know," Ming said as they stepped out the door.

"Uh-huh," the twins said, though Mei's tone was of panic while Y/N's was of uncaring.

"They called me "The Uncommon Denominator"!" Ming said holding her finger out like a gun then pretending to blow smoke off it.

"Oh, God, the math puns..." Y/N groaned while pinching the bridge of his nose. Now he knew where Mei got it from, though that wasn't hard to figure out.

"Oh, uh, Jade Palace is on tonight. Can't miss that, right?" Mei tried to speak to their mom.

"Now, who's the weak link? Priya and Abby seem bright enough... but Miriam? I mean, she's a nice girl, but she's slowing you down," Ming said, clearly not listening to what her daughter was saying.

"That's a little harsh," Y/N said, remembering that his mom really didn't like Miriam for whatever reason.

"Mom, you really don't have to come," Mei said, still trying to talk her out of it.

"Don't be silly. We're already on the way," Ming replied, only for Y/N to step in front of her.

"Mom, we don't want you to come!" he shouted, causing Mei to gasp with her hands covering her mouth. Ming looked at her kids with distraught. Y/N sighed, "Look, Mom, we just—"

Y/N was cut of by the palace door shaking. Everyone, including two cats and kitten that were near the door, watched as it shook and rattled. They could hear chattering in the distance. The cats yowled, one of them picking up the kitten by the back of its neck as they ran off. The lock then came undone, the doors flying open. Stepping in were four fully-grown women wearing sunglasses.

"Mei-Mei!" the four women took their sunglasses of and approached Mei, affectionately messing with her face and hair.

"Aunties? What're you doing here?" Mei asked.

"My guess, they're here for the ritual. Even though only two of them are our actual aunts," Y/N commented, hearing comments on Mei's weight and which of their parents she looked like.

"Ladies," a new voice said. It was Mei and Y/N's grandma, Wu. Wu stepped forward, now in front of Ming, Mei and Y/N.

"Mother," Ming greeted Wu. Wu looked at Mei then held her face in one of her hands.

"Hey, grandma," Mei greeted her as her grandma checked her face out.

"Poor dear. It must be so difficult, keeping that unruly beast at bay," Wu said, "Your family is here now, Mei-Mei, and we will take care of everything." She said, she and the four other women leaning in towards her.

"Uh, I'm here too, ya know," Y/N said with a roll of his eyes, though he got no response.

Y/N sighed. It was clear that this was going to be a Mei thing, with everyone focusing all their attention on her. He could leave right now and probably no one would even notice. In fact, that's what he did. He just stepped out without saying a word.

Tyler's Party...

"Is this the place?" Chun asked as she pulled up to a large two-story house with a basketball pole in the front yard.

Y/N double-checked the card to make sure.

"Yep," Y/N gave a confirming nod.

"Remember, if Mei gets out of control in her panda form, just use that technique I taught you," Chun told him, Y/N nodding in understanding, "Alright, enjoy the party, kiddo," Chun said, affectionately ruffling his hair.

"Thanks, auntie," Y/N smiled.

"Oh, and Y/N?" Chun called out to her nephew just as he opened the car door, "Be sure to have fun with your little girlfriend... but not too much fun," she teased at him with a wink.

"J- Chun! Stacy and Priya aren't my girlfriends!" Y/N groaned with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

"I never gave a name, let alone two," Chun said smugly.

"...Ugh!" Y/N groaned, facepalming before stepping out and closing the car door behind him, his aunt chuckling at his discomfort.

As she watched her nephew approach the house of the birthday boy, Chun's playful smile fell into a somewhat straight face. She opened the glovebox and pulled out a painting. It was the same painting Y/N had made back when they first started his training on chi control.


"We'll start your chi control tomorrow," Chun said with careful strokes of her brush. Y/N nodded in understanding. She took a glanced at her nephew's painting, her eyes widening a bit, "Y/N, that's... that's quite the image you've painted there," she commented, intrigued.

"Like it?" Y/N showed her the painting. The image depicted a wolf and a Chinese dragon circling each other in a yin-yang style, "It's been popping into my head a lot lately for some reason."

"Yes, it's... it's very nice, Y/N-Y/N," Chun smiled lightly, affectionately running her fingers through the boy's hair. When he turned away, Chun's smile fell to a look a concern.

[End of Flashback]

Chun sighed.

"Have fun while can, nephew. You're more special than you think..." Chun muttered to herself before shifting the gear into drive and riding off.

Y/N walked up to the door of Tyler's house. The dude must be loaded if he has a house this big. He rang the doorbell and, a minute later, the door was answered by none other than the birthday boy himself.

"Hey Tyler," Y/N flicked his head at the athlete.

"Where's your sister? I'm paying for the red panda," Tyler reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, she'll be here, keep your headband on," Y/N said, pushing Tyler aside as he walked in.

Y/N looked around and saw everyone either standing or sitting around. Everyone was even separated, boys on one side and girls on the other. Tyler sat on the couch that the boys were on while Mei's friends were on the couch on the side that the other girls were on. There was a lame song playing in the background, but no one was dancing. It was safe to say that this party was dead.

"Man, this party is lame..." Y/N commented bluntly.

"Hey Y/N," Stacy smiled at him.

"Hey," Y/N smiled back.

Stacy was about to the approach her friend, only for Priya to stand and stop her.

"Uh, Stacy, can I talk to you alone for a sec?" Priya asked with a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

Stacy followed Priya over to where the stereos were, over by a window.

"That was a pretty sneaky move you pulled, making Y/N your plus one to Tyler's party," Priya commented, folding her arms with narrowed eyes.

"It's all about seizing your moment, sweetie. Boom!" Stacy said with a snap of her fingers, her other hand on her hip in a sassy pose.

This made Priya growl. The goth girl then sighed.

"Look, you can dance with him if you want. But don't you dare try to kiss him!" Priya said sternly while pointing a finger at the blonde.

"Alright. I promise I won't kiss him—on the lips," Stacy said, Priya smiling a bit, "But if he's the one that kiss me..." she added sly, glancing at Y/N, causing the smile on Priya's face to disappear, "Well, that can't be helped."

The two looked at each other. They had both known Y/N for a long time, ever since they were little. They each had their moments with the boy in question. Those hugs that they had given him weren't just to one-up each other, they genuinely liked Y/N. They like liked Y/N. Judging by the glares the girls were giving, if this were an anime, there'd be sparks of electricity colliding between their foreheads.

Priya snorted through her nose like a bull.

"Look, let's just wait until Mei gets here. It'll be more fun once she arrives," Priya said, choosing to drop this before it escalated into a catfight.

"Fine," Stacy said as she and Priya returned to their original positions.

Some Time Later...

Y/N sat on the arm of the couch on the side with the other guys. His head perked when he felt a familiar energy approaching the house.

"Mei's here," Y/N said, hopping of the arm of the couch.

"It's about time," Tyler smiled.

Y/N unlocked the door and opened it before Mei even had a chance to ring the doorbell. Standing there was his sister in... that crappy red panda costume from their temple. Y/N stared at her with a straight face.

"Hey, Y/N," Mei greeted her brother with a grin.

"Oh, God," Y/N muttered, "What the hell, Mei?" he asked as his sister stepped inside, closing the door soon after.

"What are you wearing?" Tyler asked, walking up to Mei.

"Hey Tyler! Happy Birthday!" Mei said nervously with a grin.

"I'm paying for the red panda, not this garbage! Deal's off!" Tyler said, some irritation in his voice.

"Wait! Can garbage do... this?" Mei said as she started to dance... badly, "Or this? Stir the porridge. Come on, guys, stirrr the porridge!" she said while gyrating her hip and arms in a stirring manner

Mei yelped as she was yanked by the arm by Y/N. Her brother pulled her over to the stereo where Priya had talked to Stacy earlier. The other girls had joined them.

"Grandma told you not transform anymore, didn't she?" Y/N asked in an almost knowing tone. Mei slowly nodded. "I had a feeling she'd intervene somehow. She's a bigger killjoy than Mom, and that's saying something," he commented.

"Ok, ok, ok. It's fine. You don't have to do it. We'll just, uh, figure something—"

Y/N was about to cut Miriam off and offer his hundred bucks again, when Priya cut him off instead.

"I won't go," Priya spoke up.

"What? Priya, you can't not go. Jesse's your soulmate," Mei told her.

"But we only have enough for three tickets," Priya replied.

"Then I'll stay home," Abby offered.

"Abby, no! I'll stay home," Mei offered.

"This is an "all for one and one for all" thing, isn't it?" Y/N asked.

"If we can't all go, then... none of us should go," Miriam said, "Right?" she looked at Mei, and then sighed.

Abby hugged Miriam while Priya tilted her head, resting it on Y/N's shoulder. Each of the girls sniffled, tears building up in their eyes. The twins looked at each other. Y/N thought it over for a moment, then gave his sister a small nod. Mei growled...

"Just one last time," she muttered, looking at her reflection in the window, "Hey, Tyler," she called out to the birthday boy, getting his attention, "You want the panda? You're getting the panda," she proclaimed.

In a puff of smoke, Mei changed into her panda form.

"Let's hear it for the birthday boy!" Mei shouted, lifting Tyler on to her shoulder.

Everyone in attendance cheered, including Mei's friends. Y/N, however, just smiled in approval. Mei went over to the radio, cranking up the volume.

*Bootylicious by Destiny's Child plays in the background*

While the girls and the others encouraged Tyler to dance, Y/N just stood in the background out of sight. Y/N then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Stacy standing beside him with a smile and her arms behind her back.

"Why don't you and I get on the dance floor?" Stacy offered.

"I told you, I suck at dancing," Y/N said, sheepishly rubbing the back off his head.

"And I told you that I don't care," Stacy replied sincerely, hugging his arm, "Now, come on," she said while guiding him to the dance floor.

Y/N glanced around, seeing other kids dance around. He even saw Priya competing against that fat goth chick from school in dance-off. But, as always, Mei was the center of attention. Although, she didn't have everyone's attention. Y/N felt Stacy bump up against his side. She was thrusting her arms in and out and tilting her head from side to side while shaking her booty right next to him.

"Come on, Y/N, have some fun!" Stacy encouraged.

As Y/N turned to her, Stacy decided to bump it up by gyrating closer to him. Her admittedly cute rump was almost touching his pelvis, only a few inches of space separating them. He couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of excitement as his eyes became wolf-like and he became feral.

Stacy noticed the change in Y/N's demeanor and was caught off guard as he started to move with a newfound intensity. He danced like a badass, his body flowing with the rhythm of the music, and Stacy couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

As the music kept going, Y/N continued to dance, his body moving in all the right ways. Stacy moved closer to him, and they danced together, their bodies pressed tightly against each other.

"Woo! Go, Y/N!" they cheered him on, though Priya did it more begrudgingly since he was dancing with Stacy of all people.

Moments later, Mei burst through the backdoor, everyone cheering as she ran around with Tyler on her back. The birthday boy seemed to be having a good time. She then gave Tyler a ride along with her friends. She even managed to somehow get a good chunk of the partygoers on her back, including Y/N and Stacy, and give them rides as well. Y/N had to admit, riding his sister's panda form like a horse was pretty fun.

Later into the Party...

"So... what's it like using chi?" Stacy asked, she and Y/N leaning against the back of the house as the party had moved to the backyard, the two friends each eating a piece of birthday cake. Y/N could sense Mei and her friends lying down on the roof. He wasn't going to question why though.

"Hmm..." Y/N thought the question over, trying to find the best way to put it into words, "It's kind of like feeling the warmth sun's rays except it's from within you. That's how I think it feels at least," he commented then took a bite of cake.

"Cool!" Stacy beamed, "Is it just for fighting though?" she asked.

"No. Chun says you can also use it for healing... which explains why it always felt soothing whenever she or dad patched up my injuries," Y/N said.

"Do you think she could teach me that?" Stacy asked, now intrigued in the concept.

"It might take some time to teach you, but yes," Y/N nodded, taking another bite of cake.

Stacy smiled. She had always thought it was cool that Y/N learned the art of self-defense. There had been times where she had seen him training or meditating at the park. She wasn't interested in fighting, but the chi thing kind of piqued her interest. If she could heal then she could probably heal Y/N if he ever got hurt. It'd give her a chance be closer to and bond with Y/N. Plus, she would get to wear that nurse's outfit she had hidden in her closet.

"Hm?" Y/N's head perked up when he sensed something.

He could sense Mei's chi/energy and could tell that she was angry. He could also sense that she was panicking about something. He wasn't sure whether he knew this because of his ability to sense energy or because of his and Mei's twin sense, but either way, he knew it wasn't good.

"Hey, panda girl!" he heard Tyler call out to her, followed by Mei growling in annoyance, "What're you doing? We want more rides," he told her.

"Buzz off, jerk-face, I'm busy!" Mei shouted.

"Oh, snap!" one kid chuckled.

"You gonna take that, Tyler?" another kid asked.

Y/N and Stacy then walked over, standing one either side of Tyler.

"You want your money? Then get your butt down here now!" Tyler said.

"Dude, I'm warning you, don't make this worse," Y/N said cautiously.

"Forget your money, and forget you!" Mei yelled.

"Mei, let's just go," Miriam insisted, she, Priya and Abby doing their best to hold her back.

"What about our deal?!" Tyler asked.

Y/N sighed, channeling a small trickle chi into the tips of the fingers on his right hand. He had a feeing that this was going to get ugly and fast.

"Shove your deal!" Mei yelled.

"Fine! Get out of here! Go back to your psycho mom and your... and your creepy temple, you freak!" Tyler shouted back, insulting her. Ok, that did it.

"Ugh. Son of a bitch..." Y/N groaned under his breath.

Mei growled and screamed as she leaped from the roof. The second she did, Y/N leaped into the air. When the twins met, Y/N struck Mei's neck with his left elbow, making her gag. In the second she was stunned; Y/N used the chi on his fingertips and tapped her chest three times in a triangle formation. Each tap caused a small ripple of energy to flow. Y/N tapped her a final time with the palm of his hand, the ripple of energy being bigger than the other three.

The twins then fell, Y/N landing on his feet while Mei fell flat on her face, knocked unconscious. In a puff of pink smoke, Mei reverted back to her human form. He really didn't want to have to do that to his own sister, but he really didn't have much of a choice. Y/N walked over to his unconscious twin, kneeling to turn her over.

"Sorry, Mei," he told her as he lifted her head.

"Looks like our deal is off," Tyler commented in a snarky tone.

Y/N turned his head, shooting the wannabe athlete an annoyed glare. He picked his sister up, holding her in his arms princess style. Y/N walked over to Tyler and delivered a strong kick to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he held his waist and fell to the ground.

"Y/N?" Y/N turned to see his mom with the car keys in her hand, "What's going on here?" she asked him.

A Few Minutes Later...

Everyone was gathered in front of Tyler's house. Ming was trying to apologize for Mei's actions, but Tyler's parents didn't want to hear it. Y/N still had Mei in his arms as he listened to the conversation.

"Party's over! Everyone, go home!" Tyler's dad said to everyone before slamming the front door closed.

Ming turned to Y/N with a scowl of disapproval. She walked over... only to walk past him and to Mei's friends.

"I can't believe you girls would use her like this!" Ming said with disapproval.

"What?" Miriam said in disbelief.

"But we didn't..." Priya tried to say.

"No, we'd never," Abby said.

"Mom..." Y/N tried to step forward, only for Ming to stop him with a hand on his shoulder.

"I knew you were trouble. Putting all these thoughts into Mei-Mei's head, parading her around. Now she's lying, sneaking out. She almost attacked a defenseless boy!" Ming told them, "You think this is a joke? Do you know how dangerous this is?" she asked them rhetorically.

"Mom..." Y/N tried to speak

"We didn't mean to. We... We just wanted to see 4-Town," Miriam told her.

"4-Town!" Ming shouted, "You manipulated her for a bunch of tacky delinquents?!" she said in disbelief.

"Mom..." Y/N tried to speak again.

"No, she wanted to—"

"Don't you blame her! She's a good girl. And you've taken advantage of her!" Ming said while petting Mei's hair.

"Mom!" Y/N shouted, finally getting her attention, "It wasn't them..." he started, "It... It's my fault. I'm the one that told Mei to do all of this."

"What?" Ming looked at her son with shock.

"What?" the girls looked at him. Was he doing what they think he was doing? Stacy looked at him from a distance, her mouth slightly agape.

"Y/N..." Stacy and Priya muttered his name under their breaths.

"I told Mei to hustle the panda, to sneak out and go to Tyler's party. I knew how much the girls wanted to go to the concert, so I told them to raise money by using Mei's panda. It was all me," Y/N told his mom.

There was a short pause between mother and son. Ming furrowed her eyebrows.

"Then you're grounded, young man," Ming spoke in a stern tone.

Ming turned Y/N around, guiding him to the car with her hand on his back while Y/N himself still carried Mei. Stacy then walked up and stood in front of them, stopping them.

"Mrs. Chang, can I say something to Y/N really quick?" Stacy asked, jabbing her index fingers into each other.

Ming sighed, "Yes, but make it quick, Stacy," she said, starting to lose patience.

Stacy turned her attention to her longtime friend. She walked up close to the boy then leaned in with her eyes closed. The next thing Y/N knew, he had felt the soft, warm, moist feeling of Stacy's lips pressed against his right cheek. A few seconds later, Stacy pulled away.

"Thanks for the dance," Stacy said before walking past him.

"Uh... no problem," was all Y/N could say after being caught off guard like that, his face beet red.

His mom was just as shock as he was. Despite that though, she pressed on, pushing him towards the car once again.

Lee House/Temple...

A couple of hours had passed since Y/N came home from the party. He was currently lying down in bed in his sleepwear, playing with a Rubik's cube. He always thought these things were cool, but at the same time, he also thought they were a total pain in the ass to solve. Due to him being grounded for two weeks, he wasn't allowed to do any of the fun stuff he liked.

"Not allowed to play my video games or watch tv. The things I do for my sister..." Y/N muttered to himself.

That's when he heard a knock at his door. The door was then opened, revealing Mei who was wearing her nightwear as well. She seemed to have an expression that was mix of concern and slight guilt.

"Y/N-Y/N..." Mei said her brother's name, getting his attention, "Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure," Y/N replied flatly, turning his attention back to his cube. He then felt his sister's weight beside him on the edge of the bed.

"Mom told me what happened..." Mei said, "Why did you do it?" she asked. Her brother lifted his head, looking at her, "Why did you take the fall for me?"

Y/N sighed through his nose.

"Because..." Y/N started, looking his sister in the eye, "Because I know how important Mom's approval is to you," he told her, Mei staring at him with slight surprise, "I'm not as close to her as you are, so her approval means very little to me. However, I'd rather not have you lose Mom's approval; not after you spent all these years trying to get it. So, I did what had to do and took a bullet for you and the girls," he admitted.

Mei placed her hands over her chest, touched.

"You're my twin sister, Mei, and you're important to me. It means more to me to see you happy and reach your goals than to see you in trouble," he told her.

Tears formed in Mei's eyes, a quivering smile forming across her face. She took the cube out of Y/N's hand and put it to the side. Mei then threw herself at her brother, wrapping her arms around his torso as she lay on top of him.

"Y/N-Y/N..." Mei said her twin's name under her breath.

Y/N wrapped his arms around Mei's body, his sister nuzzling her face deeper into his chest as he rested his chin on top of her head. Sometimes, Mei just couldn't believe she shared the same blood with someone as amazing as Y/N. He was tough yet sweet, often putting others, more specifically Mei herself, before himself. Just like he did for her tonight. It was the reason he was the other person that helped her keep her panda in check... but she wasn't going to tell him that. Not yet anyway.

"Hey, Y/N?" Mei said her brother's name, though she didn't lift her head.

"Hm?" Y/N looked at down at the sister that he still held.

"Would it be alright if I spent the night in your room?" Mei asked.

Y/N held back a snicker. It had been a long time since they spent the night in the same room. They hadn't done that since before they had gotten their own rooms and actually shared a bedroom. That was five or six years ago. However, he didn't mind a little quality time with his twin.

"Sure, Mei," Y/N replied, stroking his sister's back.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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