Chi Control

A new day had come. As with every morning, after breakfast, Y/N was practicing his tai chi. Slowly swaying his arms and shifting his weight while moving in different poses, he could practically feel the energy flow through his body. He remembered the stuff his aunt told him the other day.


"Whoa..." was all Y/N could say at a loss for words, seeing the ball of pink, fiery energy held in his aunt's hand.

"Chi, ki, chakra, aura, it's all basically the same shit," Chun started to explain, "Anyway, everyone has this energy inside of them, but some are better at drawing it out than others."

"Do dad know how to use chi?" Y/N asked.

"To an extent," Chun replied with a small shrug, "Those that train in martial arts can draw out chi more efficiently than those that don't."

"So, it was easier for you to draw it out than it was for dad?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. And it's the same reason you'll have an easier time channeling it than Mei would," Chun told him.

"Cool!" Y/N smiled.

"So, nephew," Chun made the chi ball vanish, "Ready to learn?" she with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Aw yeah! Mei's not going to be the only special twin around here!" Y/N said with a fist clenched in determination.

[End of Flashback]

Some people often referred to tai chi as "meditation in motion". Like Chun said, it made it easier for Y/N to tap into his chi. Turns out it was true since, just like with his aunt, a fiery energy started to dance around his arms. Except his was more of a cobalt blue. Y/N stopped and stood in place. He breathed slowly, channeling the chi between his hands and creating a small ball of energy. It wasn't as big as the one his aunt created, but still, it was something.

It's a good thing he decided to do tai chi, it really got the blood flowing. That and it also helped distract him from whatever was going on in Mei's room. Last night they emptied her room, save for her bed and her stuffed dog Wilfred. Their mom said it was only temporary, to prevent any accidents or whatever. A few minutes ago, he had heard thump and crashing coming from his sister's empty room. He could've sworn he also just heard Mei and her friends singing a little after that.

Y/N looked at the small chi ball between his hands and exhaled, dissipating it. He looked at his hands. A thought then came to him.

"I wonder..." Y/N muttered to himself. "" he cuffed his hands together, and then put them to the side, "" a ball of blue energy formed between the palms of his hands, "H—"

"Y/N-Y/N," he was cut off by Mei's voice, his twin knocking at his door. Y/N quickly dissipated the energy ball, hiding his hands behind his back. That's when Mei came in.

"What's up, sis?" Y/N asked with a straight face.

"Good news. I think might've made a breakthrough," Mei said, walking up to him, "Come on," she took his hand into hers and pulled him along towards the dining room.

A moment later, the twins sat across from their parents, everyone having a serious expression upon their face. Except for Y/N, who remained neutral.

"Ready," Mei nodded.

"Deforestation," Ming said, Jin showing a photo of a dead forest.

Mei grunted, but held her emotions in, squeezing her brother's hand underneath the table as a sort of boost. She hadn't transformed.

"Sad orangutang," Ming said, Jin showing a photo of a sad-looking ape behind a cage.

What was really sad was that the commercials that show those animals in cages cost more money than what the charities that help them actually got. Tears welled up in the corners of Mei's eyes. She grunted again, steeling her resolve as she squeezed Y/N's had tighter. Again, she hadn't transformed.

"Your second-place spelling bee trophy," Ming said, Jin showing a photo of a younger Mei pouting as she stood on a second-place pedestal.

"Oh, dude, I remember that day. You were pissed," Y/N commented.

Mei grunted louder as she clenched eyes shut, squeezing her brother's hand even tighter. It was a good thing Y/N was stronger than her in human form, otherwise, she'd be crushing his hand. Mei inhaled deeply through her nose then exhaled slowly through her mouth.

"What. A. Shame," Mei said slowly in a calm tone. Once again, she hadn't transformed.

Ming and Jin's eyes widened in shock and slight disbelief. They two parents looked at each other. Ming gave a nod, Jin gulping with beads of sweat on the sides of his head. Jin walked off then come back a minute later with a box. He then placed the box in front of the twins, Mei specifically. Slowly, Mei opened the box, revealing...

"Kittens?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. There were six kittens in there. Was this some kind of joke?

Mei gasped in delight, her pupils dilating.

"S- So cute... ugh. No..." Mei muttered to herself, a struggle in her voice, "So... fuzzy," she said as most of the kittens approached and climbed on her, "Must... resist..." she said, closing her eyes most of the kittens nuzzled her face, one of them even rested on top of her head.

While this was happening, one of the kittens that was still in the box, stepped out. It was a black Lykoi cat kitten with black fur and blue eyes. Unlike its siblings, who were all drawn towards Mei, this one seemed to approach Y/N. The kitten climbed on to the male twin, sitting upon his left shoulder, nuzzling his cheek.

"Heh. Ok, little guy, enough of that," Y/N chuckled, grabbing the kitten and placing it back in the box.

Mei inhaled deeply, and slowly exhaled through her mouth.

"How... adorable," Mei said in a calm monotone.

Ming and Jin gasped again.

"Mei!" Jin beamed.

"How is this possible? What happened to your panda?" Ming asked as she approached her daughter.

"It's easy. When I start to get emotional, all I do is imagine the people I love most in the whole world," Mei said while putting the kittens back into the box, save for one, "...Which is you guys," she added, albeit a bit hesitant.

"Oh, Mei-Mei," Ming hugged her daughter, clearly touched.

While this happened, the kitten that Y/N had just put in the box, climbed back out. It then hopped off the table and into Y/N's lap, meowing before lying down in a ball. Y/N sighed in defeat, affectionately scratching the kitten's back, making it purr.

"So... now that that's settled, I just have one teeny, tiny favor to ask..." Mei started.

One Presentation Later...

"No. Absolutely not!" Ming said with a glare of disapproval.

"What?! But... this is once in a lifetime!" Mei replied.

Mei, with Y/N's help, had set up a presentation that included a projector and sparklers. She even went as far as wearing Ming's jacket. She had explained why their mom should let her go to the 4 Town concert.

4 Town was Mei and friends' favorite boy band. As well as the favorite boy band of most girls in Canada, Stacy included. Y/N liked their songs, sure, but not enough to call himself a 4 Townie like his sister, let alone go see them in concert. Honestly, if he were going to see anybody in concert, it'd Christina Aguilera, Linkin' Park, or Eminem.

"Mei-Mei, it's one thing to stay calm at home or school, but a concert? You'll get whipped up into a frenzy and panda all over the place," Ming told her.

"You don't know that for sure, Mom," Y/N replied, leaning against the bust that was on a small table next to Mei.

"Y/N's right. I won't change, I promise!" Mei pleaded, getting on her knees and shuffled towards their parents, "You saw me keep it in."

"Ming, maybe we should trust her," Jin suggested after reading a pamphlet on the boy band.

"It's them I don't trust," Ming pointed to the picture of 4 Town, "Look at those glittery delinquents with their..." Ming shuddered, "...gyrations. Why on earth do you want to go so badly?" she asked Mei.

There was a brief pause.

"Like I said, I just want to... broaden my musical horizons," Mei replied with a small grin. Y/N could tell she was mostly lying.

"This isn't music, this is filth, and it's not worth jeopardizing your life over," Ming told Mei, "Right, Jin?" she looked at her husband.

"Uhh..." Jin was at loss for words.

"See! Your father agrees," Ming said.

"He didn't even say anything!" Y/N said in his head.

"No concert, and that's final!" Ming said, putting her foot down.

Mei furrowed her brows briefly. She inhaled slowly.

"Ok, well, thanks for listening. Goodnight," Mei said through gritted teeth. She was really trying to keep her anger in.

Y/N helped Mei gather half of the stuff and take them to her room. On the way, Mei scoffed and rolled her eyes and their mom. Y/N just narrowed his eyes at her.

"I don't believe it! I can't go, even though I was able to keep the panda in" Mei said, placing the stuff in her arms in their original spots, "You saw, didn't you?" she asked Y/N as he closed the bedroom door.

"Yeah, I saw," Y/N said, placing the bust on Mei's dresser. He then sat beside Mei on her bed, "By the way, you said Mom and Dad were the ones that you think about to keep the panda in. We both know that's not true. You were really thinking about your friends, weren't you?"

"Yeah..." Mei admitted, "And maybe one other person," she added.

"Who?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Heh. I'll tell you later," Mei said, facing away with a smile and an embarrassed blush.

The Next Day...

Lester B. Middle School...

During Gym class, one of the few classes Y/N and Mei had together, everyone was outside, playing dodgeball. The twins were on the same team, along with Mei's friends and Stacy and her friends.

"That presentation was . I sited all my sources, I had sparklers—ugh!" Mei chucked a ball, "And they still said no!"

"Technically, only Mom said no," Y/N corrected, rotating his arm like a windmill before chucking a ball, hitting someone right in the face.

"My parents said I couldn't go when I'm 30," Priya said, dodging the ball that came at her by simply tilting her head or bending back a little. With little effort, one might add.

"Mine called it stripper music," Abby deflected incoming balls with the balls in her hands, "What's wrong with that?" she asked before catching a ball between her teeth. How did she do that?

"Mine said yes, but I have to buy the ticket? Who the heck's go that kind of cash?" Miriam said before narrowly dodging a ball that came at her.

"I know my mom's worried, but sometimes she's so... uh, so, uh..." Mei said, unable to find the right words.

"Whacko?" Miriam asked with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone looked at her, and then looked at the direction she pointed in. Across the street from the court, they saw Mei and Y/N's mom in the car, wearing sunglasses and holding binoculars. When the security guard showed up, she did a quick U-turn and sped away.

"What the hell? Seriously, Mom?" Y/N said, cringing at his mother's actions. He understood her being worried about Mei transforming, but that's going a bit far.

They then heard laughter from Tyler.

"Little momma's twins," Tyler nudged one of their classmates, "No wonder Mei and Y/N are such losers," he said mocking, continuing to laugh.

The twins growled, clenching the balls in their hands. That laugh. That annoying laugh. Their faces seethed red with anger. Mei's friends watched with wide eyes as they looked the twins. Well, Abby and Miriam watched Mei. Priya, on the other hand, was more focused on Y/N. The twins breathed heavily through their teeth. Subtly, chi was transferred into Y/N's palms.

Mei and Y/N reeled their right arms back. With an angry scream from each of them, and Mei's arm transforming into the arm of her panda form, the twins simultaneously chucked their balls at Tyler. With the force and velocity of a car, the balls practically flew towards the boy, swirling around each other. Y/N's ball even had a faint aura of chi with a tail, making it look like a comet.

"AHH!" Tyler screamed in horror as he ducked, narrowly dodging the balls which singed part of his hair and broke the window of one of the classes.

The teacher blew the whistle, "Illegal throw! You're out, twins!" he called.

"What?!" Y/N looked at him with disbelief.

The girls then huddled around the twins. Miriam and Abby held Mei while Priya held Y/N.

"But Mr. K, he—"

"Guys, chill!" Miriam told them, cutting Mei off midsentence as she and the girls took them away.

They entered the building.

"You guys take care of Mei, I'll take care of Y/N," Priya told Miriam and Abby as they took Mei into the girl's bathroom, leaving her behind with Y/N in the hallway, "Y/N, look at me," Priya told him, cupping his cheeks in her admittedly soft hands.

Y/N looked at Priya. He saw her smiling, something she seldom did, at him. In her eyes, he could see trust and caring.

"Keep it together, ok?" Priya told him calmly.

Y/N inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly. He gave the goth girl a slow nod.

"Good boy," Priya cooed, bringing him in for an embrace.

Y/N wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. When he did, his face heated up a bit due to feeling Priya's developing breasts smoosh against him. He had hugged Stacy plenty of times, but it was the first time he had ever hugged Priya. He wasn't going to lie; she had a nice body for her age. She'd probably have a nice figure once she's an adult.

"FIGHT THE POWER!" they heard Abby shout from the bathroom.

Priya pulled back a little, but still held Y/N with her fingers hooked around the back of his neck.

"So, what was that back there?" Priya asked with a tilt of her head.

"Uhh... what was what?" Y/N asked back, feigning innocence.

"You know, with the ball," Priya said.

"What about it?" Y/N asked.

"Don't play dumb. I saw the power behind that throw. It was as powerful as Mei's, it almost looked like it was on fire," Priya commented.

"I... can't say," Y/N said, looking off to the side.

"Aw, come on, you can tell me," Priya pressed on, "I am your sister's friend after all," she leaned in with an almost sultry voice, their noses practically touching.

"Uh, w- well, it's... uhh..." Y/N babbled at a loss for words. He's never exactly been in this sort of position with a girl before.

"Hey Y/N," they turned their heads, seeing Stacy and her other friends walking down the hall.

Priya and Stacy locked eyes with each other. Priya held Y/N a little closer, their cheeks almost touching. She shot Stacy and smug smirk, and then stuck her tongue out at her, making the blonde growl. Stacy quickly let it go and smiled at Y/N.

"That was some throw, Y/N," Stacy approached the boy, "So manly," she said, placing a hand on his chest.

"Uh, thanks," Y/N said, unsure how he was really feeling at the moment.

Stacy gave him a wink, her and her friends walking past him, she and Priya briefly shooting scowls at each other. She opened the bathroom door. When she did though, a puff of pink smoke came out.

"Uh-oh..." Y/N muttered, noticing the smoke out of his prefrail vision.

"Happy?" they heard Mei say.

"Oh yeah. That's the stuff!" they heard Abby say.

"Ugh. Damn it, Abby..." Priya groaned in her head, she and Y/N letting go of each other.

Priya, Miriam and Abby had all seen Mei's panda form the other day. Priya liked Mei's panda tail, always wanting one for herself. She thought it was cute that Abby enjoyed Mei's panda form, but this definitely wasn't one of those times to see it.

They heard Stacy gasp.

"O-M-G..." Stacy said in shock.

"Ah! Go away!" they heard Mei say as she ran into one of the stalls.

"So, that was your sister in the bathroom the other day," Stacy looked back at Y/N, "I didn't imagine it!"

Y/N sighed, "No. You didn't," he admitted.

"So, she's, like, a magical bear?" Stacy's black friend asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Red panda," Y/N, Mei and the girls are corrected in unison.

There was a short silence between them all... then Stacy and her friends squealed.

"You are the cutest thing EVER! Come out, pleaaase!" Stacy pleaded.

There was another puff of smoke, Mei turning back into her human form.

"Wait, so, you... like the panda?" Mei asked, coming out of the stall and out of the bathroom with Miriam and Abby.

"Like it? I love it! I'll give you anything. Money," the girl with black hair said.

"My kidney!" the black girl chimed in.

"My soul!" Stacy said.

Y/N took a step back. That was going a bit far, especially with the offer Stacy made. Stacy and her friends then when whipped out several dollars, waving them in front of Mei and the girls, who grinned. He wasn't sure, but Y/N could've sworn he saw dollar signs in their eyes.

Chun's House/Temple...

"So, you unintentionally channeled your chi into the dodgeball?" Chun asked, she and Y/N made art using paint.

"Yeah, I put a lot of power into throw," Y/N said with a stroke of his brush.

"You do realize you could've seriously hurt or even killed that kid if it had made contact, right?" Chun lightly scolded, not breaking contact with her painting.

"I know. I lost control a bit. It just annoys me when Tyler picks on Mei," Y/N said, a slightly guilty expression upon his face.

"You were just trying to stick up for your sister, you can't blame yourself for that," Chun told him, "Did anyone see the chi?"

"Stacy and Priya might've, but I'm not entirely sure," Y/N said, "Wait, would it be a bad thing if they did?" he asked with a degree of concern.

"No. Just be cautious about who sees it and who you show it off to," Chun replied, "But you need learn better control over your chi. So, that's what we'll work on for a while, ok?"


According to the girls, 4 Town wasn't coming to the Sky Dome until May 18th. While they'd be spending time selling panda merch to raise $800 for four tickets ($200 dollars for each ticket, which was ridiculous), Y/N would be training with his aunt to control his chi.

It ranged from him breaking several layers ceramic roof tiles (his aunt knew a guy), to target practice, to fighting blindfolded. He had to use his chi in order to do it. Y/N had trained for hours, days even, until he was exhausted. Not wanting to see her nephew burn himself out, Chun often told him to relax and take a break, giving him an hour or two to do so.

At first, he did a lot of collateral damage with his chi. Over time, Y/N was able to learn how to hold back. By the end of it, he knew when to use a little and when to use a lot. He had it under control.

[End of Montage]

Y/N stood in front in the middle of his aunt's temple, Chun standing a few feet away with a small pile of bricks behind her. A small breeze blew by.

"Ready, Y/N?" Chun asked, a brick in each hand.

"Bring it, auntie," Y/N replied, igniting his hands with blue energy.

Chun tossed both bricks into the air. Y/N raised his arms, firing balls of chi from hands, blowing up the bricks in small clouds of dust. Chun then tossed more bricks into the air, Y/N destroying each one with his chi blasts.

"Very good, Y/N-Y/N," Chun said, taking several steps back. She faced the palms of her hands towards each other in front of her chest, "But try this on for size."

Y/N gasped lightly, watching as his aunt gathered her chi into a ball of energy. He smirked with confidence as he bent his knees.

"" Y/N cuffed his hands together, "" he put his cuffed hands to the side, a ball of chi energy forming between them.

"Here we... GO!" Chun tossed her basketball-sized chi ball.

"HA!" Y/N shouted, firing the chi energy beam in response. It wasn't exactly like the attack from the anime/manga that he loved so much, but it was close enough. Plus, it was fun to say.

The two attacks crashed in the center. The area shined with a bright light. After a few seconds, the energy struggle exploded in a cloud of pink and blue fiery smoke, wind blowing. A minute later, the dust settled.

"You were holding back, weren't you?" Y/N assumed, looking at his aunt suspiciously. Over the past few weeks, he had learned to sense other people's chi/energy.

"Maybe..." Chun replied vaguely and somewhat playfully, "But even if I did, I have to say, you've improved a lot. You've successfully learned to control your chi."

"Aw yeah!" Y/N fist-pumped.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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