Three days and not a sight of an apartment. Three freaking days. The appointments for apartment viewings resemble hand to hand combat with 20 other people. It's chaotic, messy and verges on violence.
We were asked to leave at one apartment because we were 'foreigners'. Another there was a bidding war that ended with Emily almost punching a tall, blonde woman. And yesterday I ended up in some sleazy apartment which I'm almost sure was a cover for some drug run.
Not knowing the language and the way around the unfamiliar city is really weighing down my options. All the landlords were a better or worse version of Marie, with an unwavering concern for my lack of proficiency for the language, and sometimes downright nasty.
Emily left yesterday for Cologne. Through the highs of getting to know one another, and the lows of my theft experience, we became partners in crime in a distant country. She offered for me to tag along and commute between Cologne and Dusseldorf, but her time in Cologne is less than a week. It's not a solution to my housing problem.
Now that she's left, I'm utterly miserable. Finding her on the day I arrived did me a world of good. And made me feel I wasn't in this foreign land all by myself. But, today it's different from all the previous days. There is no one to make me laugh or bear the apartment rejection with me. There's no one that will share an evening meal with and a glass of wine while we make lewd comments about men in the street. I lost my Freundin. (friend)
The other problem is money, or lack of. I'm forced to use the credit card and pay for yet another night at the hostel, but I'm running out of options and money. Asking my mom is not an option. Of that, I'm certain. I ponder asking Harry, but even that carries a burden to our relationship and shifts the dynamics. I resist the idea, but with each withdrawal to my credit card, the option becomes more realistic if I don't want to be homeless.
I've sent a string of emails to Wendy asking about the financial aid package, only to be greeted with 'patience is a virtue' spiel. That would all be just fine if I wasn't on the verge of living on the streets at this rate.
The fourth morning of my workday is slow and painful. The excitement of the Gehry building has faded away. My phone vibrates incessantly. Most likely is my mom or Emily checking up on me. I take the phone from my purse and glare at the name flashing. Look who it is...
"Hey" I answer.
"Hey, babe, I finally caught you."
I roll my eyes. "You just needed to call me up, Harry."
"I'm sorry, just been so hectic around here. It's been quite exciting, actually."
"So exciting that you don't have time to text me back?"
"I did text you."
I stop walking. "A comment on Insta doesn't count as a text."
"Hey, what's with the attitude?"
"I've been here for almost a week, and you are calling me now. I've must have called you almost every day. Definitely texted you more than that. You realise I'm out of the country, right?"
There's a brief silence on the other side. "I know. I'm sorry, it's been hectic."
"So you keep repeating."
"I should have returned your call. I know. But, I'm calling you now, ain't I?"
I stay in silence on the line. I'm infuriated by his nonchalant approach.
"Babe, I'm sorry. How is Germany?"
Do I want to tell him?
"Shit Harry! It's going fucking shit!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, but no need for you to get so defensive."
I huff. "Defensive?"
"Yeah, defensive. You're acting all paranoid just because I haven't called you in a few days. You know how busy I can get. It never bothered you before!"
"Maybe because before I wasn't in fucking Germany all by myself!" I raise my voice.
There's a moment of silence between us that is broken with a muffled laughter.
"Are you alone?"
"No. I need to go. Can we talk later?"
Tears start prickling at my eyes. "Whatever, Harry."
After I cut him off and hung up the phone, I stand still and look at the river beneath me. I take two steps to move forward but feel my eyes filling up with tears and I wipe them with my sleeve, attempting to calm my racing heart.
I stare at the phone and silently pray that he calls me back or at least sends me a text. With each step, the void makes my heart ache. I end up running down the street and find the first corner I can find. I bury my head in my hands, attempting to avoid a complete meltdown.
"Natalie, are you okay?" The deep voice that calls me is unmistakable.
I lift my head up, and my brown eyes meet his baby blues. I open my mouth to say I was fine but am betrayed by my emotions and release a muffled cry.
Daniel lowers his body to meet me and places his hand on my back. "Please, don't cry."
"I'm... not crying." I say in between sobs.
"Then, this is a weird happy emotion you English people display."
I sob even more at his words, unable to control it.
"Are you hurt?" he asks.
I shake my head.
"Did someone say something to you?"
I shake once more.
"Please, help me here." His voice pleads.
I sob incessantly for a few more minutes before I have the courage to look at him. "Are you going to say any of this to Lukas?"
He smiles at me softly and places his hand above mine in an act of contrition. "I won't say anything you don't want me to say." He hands me a handkerchief, which I take gladly and wipe my tears.
"It's been a tough week." I sigh, remembering everything that has happened during the last few days. "I was robbed a few days back and lost all my money, and my laptop, and some clothes."
"Why you didn't say something?"
I shrug. "Say to the people I just met that I'm so helpless that I cannot last not even one week in Dusseldorf?"
He frowns. "You should have said something."
"It gets worse. I can't stay at the hostel. That was the plan all along, but now is even more urgent." I run my hand and pull my hair from my face. "I've been trying to find a place to stay. Which most likely I won't be able to afford..." I shake my head, trying to not allow my inner desperation to consume me. "And it feels like the damn hunger games out there. Who has twenty people viewing the same apartment at the same time? Who?" I wipe the stubborn tears that stream from my eyes. "It's stupid, I know."
"It's not." He offers me a tissue and an empathetic smile. "I get it."
"No, you don't."
He chuckles. "No, I don't. But, I am trying."
I laugh out loud and he joins me.
I take a deep breath and get up. "I'm better, now."
Daniel takes a step forward and blocks my path. "Are you sure?"
"Please, don't tell this to anyone, especially Lukas. I can't look like this defenceless little girl."
"I told you I won't. I'm a man of my word."
We walk together to the office. I take deep breaths, trying to regain my composure. We enter the building in silence and ride the elevator to the floor. I take the time to apply some make-up to disguise the redness around my cheeks and my puffy eyes.
"You look fine. Just enter with confidence and no one will notice," he whispers, seconds away from reaching our floor.
We walk to the reception, and Marie raises her eyes from her screen and frowns at me. She glances back and forth at me and Daniel walking in together.
Daniel smiles at her. "Morgan" He gestures for me to walk inside the office.
"Morgan," she responds and locks her eyes back to the computer in front of her.
Daniel places his hand on my back and whispers, "Have a good day. We'll come up with a solution."
The blank page taunts me. I haven't written a single word since I landed. Not for work or in my notebook. Not one syllable has left this brain. My deadline is tomorrow and I have nothing to show for. Great first impression, Natalie!
I had my browser open with websites with research on the topic and apartment listings. The apartment hunt is distracting me from accomplishing my task, and I curse myself for it. Markus has left to meet with some advertising agencies. If I need to stay the whole night awake to finish this article, I will. I can't let him down. But... I also cannot stay one more day at the hostel. I flicker through the different pages, trying to multi-task.
A hand on my right shoulder frightens me, and I jump from my seat.
"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, but you didn't answer when I called you," Daniel says.
I turned around, composing myself. "I was distracted."
Daniel looks at my screen. "I see." And sits in Markus' chair. "You shouldn't be doing personal tasks while at work. It's not something acceptable around here."
I'm flush with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. Won't happen again."
I close the listings and focus on the article. My internship needs to matter more than everything else if I want a glowing report.
"I have a solution to your problem," Daniel says and leans back in Markus' chair.
I turn around to face him. My interest peaked.
"There's a place I know. It's in Meerbusch, half an hour by train. There's an apartment vacant, and I can get you in. I know the landlord."
My eyes widen in surprise.
"After work, I can take you there and you can check it out. If you like the place, you can move in tomorrow."
I nod but don't emit a sound.
"I'll meet you in reception at four fifty, and we can get the five ten to Meerbusch."
Daniel gets up, buttons his suit blazer.
"Thank you so much," I finally say.
He smiles at me. "Pleasure. Four fifty sharp. And now focus on your task, please."
He leaves me and I sigh in relief. The blank page doesn't seem as frightening anymore and I type away, releasing the words with supersonic speed. By four thirty, the article is ready, proofread and sent to Markus' email. And, I'm ready to find myself a home.
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