Gregory's Trial Day 3
DECEMBER 28, 9:00 AM
It was only a short time, but I was able to prepare Chief to give out his testimony. During this time, I looked over the new evidence Miles gave to me from Manfred. It was the new evidence he received from Redd White. As the saying goes, nothing ever truly gets erased. It was a copy of what Chief faxed to me a month during Rachael's trial. It read as follows:
"To: Chief Detective Gregory Edgeworth
From: Defense Attorney Robert Hammond
Date: 09/16/XXXX
The video footage you handed me is showing static. I also cannot read the lips of the woman on camera. Are you sure this is the right copy? Perhaps you should run this by Mrs. Debeste and see if it can be fixed. Also, you might want to consider putting Misty Fey and Jennifer Newslayday on the stand. They are the alibis of my client and I want to crack this case. I know you don't like being bothered, but please reconsider. Please? For our sake."
For now, this is nothing more than just the Defense Attorney faxing the Detective about evidence, but I'm certain it will become useful later on in the trial. I just need an opening. I trust Prosecutor Faraday will provide me that opening. First though, I'm going to need Chief to talk.
The gavel slammed as the Judge declared, "it's time to continue the trial of Gregory Edgeworth!"
"The Defense is ready!" I stated.
"The Prosecution is ready!" Prosecutor Faraday stated.
"Is your witness ready, Mr. Edgeworth?" The Judge asked.
"He is. The bailiff was able to retrieve Mr. Hammond and Blaise Debeste has someone to defend him at the moment, while the witness is here," I said.
"Very well. You may call your witness."
"I call Robert Hammond to the stand!"
Chief stood from the Witness Bench, then moved to the Witness Stand. He wasn't happy about doing this, but he was certainly willing. He also seemed to understand my situation needed testimony from him. Hopefully, he won't start acting difficult like in the lobby. I know he wants to protect me and there's no telling what is on his mind right now.
"State your name and occupation, if you please," Prosecutor Faraday said.
"Robert Hammond, Defense Attorney at the Grossberg Law Offices," Chief introduced.
"The Defense had brought up the possibility of collusion between you and the Detective of the Rachael Newslayday's case... more specifically, the Defendant," the Judge stated.
"... that was an exaggeration. He most likely said that to drag me here from my client's trial," Chief replied.
"Exaggeration or not, there is still truth to it, is there not? So, if it really is just an exaggeration, perhaps your testimony should clear things out?" (1) Prosecutor Faraday replied.
"Either way, the truth isn't going to come on its own. It's time you started your testimony. What was your connection with Chief Detective Gregory Edgeworth at the time of Rachael Newslayday's trial?"
Chief then began his testimony, "Gregory Edgeworth was the Chief Detective at the time, so of course I have ran into him many times in the past when I was defending my clients."
"HOLD IT! So, you claim you never met with me outside of professional work?" I asked.
"I never said that, but if you want to me to be that honest, my father also let me visit you when we were teenagers. Of course, I wouldn't call that getting to know each other on a personal level as much as we were too busy getting shot with heroine," (2) Chief replied, putting up his teasy smirk as I found myself turning red. Did he really have to bring that up? "You were the one that asked me."
"Wait, heroine!? You know that's illegal!" The Judge rebuked.
"My father was sentenced for drug use and child abuse, remember?" I asked, almost facepalming.
"Oh yeah! That was about twenty so years ago, wasn't it? So, you both knew each other from that time?"
"Good way to make friends, alcohol and drugs," Prosecutor Faraday smirked as I groaned.
"Can you please continue?" I asked, feeling embarrassed as Chief laughed with his tantalizing grin.
"Outside of professionalism, neither of us ever had personal contact with each other," Chief continued.
"HOLD IT! So, you never once worked with me on anything that would be considered abnormal from what a Defense Attorney is supposed to have with a Detective?" I asked.
"Depends on what you consider abnormal. I'd hardly call a phone call to be anything different from handing over evidence, unless you were taking me on a date."
"Or hooking me up with another lady you have for me," (3) I stated, folding my arms.
"Now, you're getting it!"
"Hm... I have to agree with him. I don't really see you going out much and Miles could use a new Mom in his life," The Judge agreed.
"I already fell in love one time, I don't need another love life!" I cried, embarrassed.
"I don't know. There's already a beautiful lady in front of you, dear," Rachael teased. (4)
"Not helping," I whispered as Rachael giggled at my demise.
"Let me know when the wedding is. I'll be sure to get on my best suit," Chief teased. Why me?
"Please continue," It felt more like a plead than a request.
"I did call Chief Detective Edgeworth before and I had his business card, but it was no more than that."
"HOLD IT! And, how did you get this business card? Also, how many times did you call me at the time?" I asked.
"You gave it to me when handing evidence. It is standard procedure that we hand business cards when we introduce each other professionally."
"It is, but it wasn't when I was handing you evidence. It was when I first took the job as the Chief Detective. At the time, you were the bailiff," I stated.
"Yes, but I only handed you my business card as a bailiff, not a Defense Attorney. Big difference, Boyo."
"You brought up something interesting. You say you were the bailiff when you first met Gregory Edgeworth as the Chief Detective?" Prosecutor Faraday asked.
"Yes. Before then, I only knew him that one time our Dad's were taking in heroine," Chief replied with his huge grin. "I came across him once in a blue moon and eventually, I got to meet him as a Defense Attorney, then his teacher."
"Though, I find it strange that Gregory would look to you, of all people, to teach him to be a Defense Attorney. I don't think that would come with just acquaintanceship."
"... how can you be certain?"
Chief showed his smirk, "all you need are the right connections. Greggy just happened to have the right ones to have me as his teacher."
"What kind of connections?"
"... remember when I said I met him through our Dad's?" (5)
"Yes, you said that."
"I knew Gregory Senior first before this guy. He was a construction worker, along with my dad. They were like two peas in a pod. Even now, my Dad visits him once and a while. (6) Even if I never met the guy a day in my life, as long as his Dad knows the right people to contact, Greg can hook up to me."
"Could you add that to your testimony?" Prosecutor Faraday asked. Is he trying to give me an opening of some kind?
"Certainly," Chief replied. "I knew the defendant's father, though. That was the connection that placed him under my mentorship.
"Outside of that, there's nothing that would suggest we had any sort of connection when I was defending Rachael Newslayday."
"OBJECTION!" I shouted, pointing my finger. "Now, Chief, that is a boldface lie. Sure, we may've had connections through professionalism and our father's, but that wasn't the only connection. This evidence shows that you also fax me at least one time and I got the copy of one of the messages you faxed me!" I showed the evidence Manfred gave me earlier. I'll have to thank him later.
"... what about it? It was about evidence. What is so strange about that fax?" Chief asked, showing his serious expression. Looks like I'm close.
"First off, you mention here about Mrs. Debeste. That's not talking about the Chief Prosecutor of the case, but his wife. Why would you mention her about evidence?" I asked, slamming my palm on the counter.
"Greg... ngh... your mouth," Chief muttered, looking almost frustrated. I know he's trying to protect me. I would too, if it were Miles in the Defendant's chair. But, Chief has done so much for me. I can't allow him to hurt himself like this. I... I need to set him free. (7)
"Second, you say our sake. Now, who would this second person be that you're talking about? It's not me," I said.
"It's not?" The Judge asked with widened eyes.
"Chief says here 'I know you don't like being bothered, but please reconsider. Please? For our sake.' He's talking about questioning his client's alibis. Questioning them would not have benefited me at the time, so who would it be helping?" (8)
"Hm... I'd say his client... maybe?"
"Yes, but I couldn't care less about his client at the time. I didn't meet with her until two months later. It would be someone that I knew personally that would've known about the case."
"Who were you talking about in the fax when you mention our sakes?" Prosecutor Faraday asked demandingly.
"... it was his father," Chief finally replied.
"Mr. Edgeworth's... father? But... isn't he in prison?" The Judge asked.
"He was, especially at the time, but that doesn't mean he doesn't keep an eye on him."
"So, why mention him at all? He's not involved in the case... is he?"
"Of course not! He just gets worried... that's all," Chief stated, folding his arms. He was trying to keep the truth hidden.
"Chief..." I said, pleading with him with my eyes.
"... as I said, the old man was worried and I thought I'd let you know. No more."
"Ngh," I groaned. "He's lying."
"You know what they say about liars, right?" Rachael asked, showing determination on her face. I looked at her as her face brightened up. "A single thread of lies in a tapestry is all it takes for it all to fall apart." (9)
"Are you thinking...?" I asked as she nodded.
"Logic Chess."
I took a deep breath, then set the field. Chief is trying to protect me, so his defenses are strong. I've had nine years of practice since Rachael began teaching me. It's time I showed my true skill in logic. I've got to play it while I'm still cross-examining. I will start with his relationship with my father. I'll have to be careful, he will put up his defenses when it comes to me.
"How did you and my father meet?" I asked.
"As I have stated, both our fathers were construction workers and I met him through my Dad," Chief replied.
"That's assuming you only met Dad during Take Your Child to Work Day." (10)
"Dad invited your dad to his house too! It's not like it was only one way for us to meet! Besides, you weren't exactly inept to hanging out with me at the time," Chief stated, beginning to be defensive.
"I knew you through our Dad's, but that was it. We never hung out or any of that. You had your own group of friends."
"Yes, but I was talking about your relationship with my dad, not us."
"True. A-As I said, we were just neighborhood kids."
I smirked, responding, "never said anything about us being neighbors. So, we lived in the same neighborhood?" First attack. (11)
"Uh I... yes, we were," Chief responded.
"It sounds like you've improved on your Logic Chess," Rachael replied, impressed.
"I learned it from the best," I grinned as I saw her smile brightly. "Though, there are still more defenses to break." I'll now have to ask how often Chief paid my dad visits. "What was your visitation status on my father at the time when we lived in the same neighborhood?"
"It was mostly my dad that visited yours. I'd come sometimes, but it wasn't that often," Chief replied.
"Even so, that can still suggest you visited him at least once or twice a month," I said.
"I-I did... that doesn't mean anything. I went to a different school than you, so if I came early enough, I would sometimes catch him down the road... but no more," Chief replied, showing hesitation. I was mentioned in that sentence, so I knew to keep quiet.
"Now, that I think about it, I might have caught your dad at a construction sight. I've always loved seeing my dad at work and, at the time, I wanted to be a construction worker myself."
"Same. Until Dad hit the drugs, I also wanted to be like him." (12)
"They were certainly admirable times... before the drugs, I mean. I'd ask our fathers to give me tips or some form of training."
"So, Dad had taught you about construction?" I asked, making my first move.
"Y-Yes... as I said, I admired what our fathers did and it made me interested. It's why I looked up to him."
"Him? Which of our dad's are you talking about?" I asked as Chief's eyes widened slightly.
"I-I... um...."
"Was it my dad?" I asked, making my attack and destroying Chief's second defense.
"Ngh... Greg... please," Chief pleaded.
"No. Chief, I know what you're doing and I can't allow you to hurt yourself like this. I'm going to unleash the truth from your lips no matter what it takes. It will hurt, but it will take the last remaining burden off your shoulders," I said as Chief stared at me in my eyes.
"I need your testimony to prove the date I began to side with Rachael," I said.
"..." (13)
"I'm going to keep going," I stated. Next, I will ask about our relationship at the time. "Since you admire my dad so much, it's surprising you wouldn't know anything about me. Did your dad try setting you up on play dates with me?"
"Ngh... I... It's hard to say. The only time I ever came to your place was when Dad needed drugs and your father always provided them," Chief stated, acting hesitant.
"I did try to tell my dad not to. It couldn't be helped, since I was already getting shot with heroine."
"I don't remember you ever being shot with heroine, if I had to be honest," I said. It was true. I do remember seeing Chief when we were young, but he was always sober.
"W-Well... my dad shot me with that stuff before coming to your place," Chief stuttered. I'm cutting close. I just need to be patient and hope something spills out. I know he's not going to spill it.
"Yet, you remember at least stepping into the household?"
"Th-That's as far as I remember. Gregory, please," Chief pleaded helplessly.
"You also remember me."
"I-I did."
"What do you remember of me?"
"Chief, if you don't say anything, then I will add what I do remember."
"Gregory, please..."
"I remember you hiding me in the attic, until I got better. Even though I had never met you at the time, I still remember you dragging my drugged body up the ladder.
"Stop! I don't want this! AH!"
"Here, this way!"
I felt so whoosy as I felt someone drag me up the ladder to the attic. It was hot, but better than down there. It was also dark with only a small bit of light, lots of dust and cobwebs in several places. I was coughing.
"Sorry, I couldn't find a better place."
"I'm a friend. Call me Robby."
"Is it my fault Dad is like this? Because I came to this world and got him fired."
"F-Fired...? N-No, it's not your fault. It's... ugh."
"Don't... blame yourself... for something you can't... control. It's... your dad's own fault... for not caring for you, if he's doing this."
"... then, I will take care of you."
"We'll be brothers in arms. I can't save our dad's, but I can save you at least."
"What do you...?"
"Hehehe I'll come here when Dad does, so you won't have to suffer."
"You claim you don't know anything about me and yet, ever since that time, you seem to always come when needed. It was no different with Rachael's trial, taking me in as your student or even now. The only thing I never understood is why. As you have stated, we hardly ever saw each other and yet..." I said. (14)
"... I thought she did it."
"Huh? Mr. Hammond?" The Judge asked, widened eyes.
"I thought Rachael, my client, killed those people. I intended on helping the Chief Detective out at the time," Chief finally confessed.
"Why? That breaks Conflict of Interest!" Prosecutor Faraday shouted, banging his fist on the counter.
"Conflict of Interest? Tell me, Prosecutor Faraday, have you ever had someone you absolutely must protect no matter the cost? Someone that you knew was your duty to keep him unscathed... unharmed?"
"... I have."
"I have Greg here. He was the son of the man I admired the most. It's... been that way... always. He helped my dad and I out of a crisis. Dad was struggling to bring food to the table and feed me. Gregory Edgeworth Senior kept us alive, gave my dad a job, food to eat and sacrificed everything for us, even his wife." (15)
"What!?" I cried in shock. This is the first time of hearing this. Chief hardly ever mentioned my dad... for obvious reasons, of course.
"Why do you think your mother left your dad? He was like you. He loved everyone to the point where he'd spend his bank account dry. She took your sister and left you behind, because you wanted to be with your dad."
"I remember..."
"Your dad was happy about that, that not everyone hated him. Then... my dad got hooked on drugs and your dad thought he could help by stealing his drugs and shooting it into himself." (16)
"I... my dad... did that?"
"Gregory, you and your father are kind people, but too kind to a fault. Because of what your dad did, he left you as a target for my dad. Whenever he was angry, he'd use you against your dad for trying to help him."
"Yet, who was the one that was arrested?" Chief asked, showing his smirk.
"... my dad."
"And, what are you doing now?"
"..." (17)
"I never wanted to see you suffer the way your old man did. Now, you're even giving yourself to Von Karma of all people! I gave you a path to follow, because I couldn't live with myself to see another Edgeworth fall for the sake of others. Even now, you're still doing it. How long is it going to be before you also milk yourself dry. Perhaps your dad would've been better off calling the police on my father or leaving him out to dry. At the very least, I'd know to run away and find a better place." (18)
"After I retrieved the documents from Jennifer Newslayday, I made a call to the Chief Detective. He met with me at his house and he told me about the smuggling ring and everything..."
"The international smuggling ring!? Are you out of your mind!?"
"I had nowhere else to go! Please, I know I made a horrible mistake, but I need to make it up to her! I need you to expose me for the fraud I am!"
"Y-You know I wouldn't do that! I couldn't! Greg!"
"Please! If you don't, then...!"
"NO! I won't let you! I... we need to expose Blaise! You can leave the ring!"
"They will kill me!"
"No, they won't! Gather evidence. You're a detective, right? Do your job as a detective and gather as much evidence as possible. I'll use it to save my client."
"Thank you."
"Gregory... I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
"So, Mr. Edgeworth did help out the defendant immediately, after discovering Blaise Debeste's true intentions," the Judge said.
"Yes. Though, he knew Debeste would make sure he was dead and almost succeeded during DL-6. He had his men attack Raymond Shields as a warning," Chief confessed.
"That's why you didn't want to testify here on the defendant's behalf?" Prosecutor Faraday asked.
"If Greg was given a Guilty verdict, he'd at least be protected in prison like his father. If Not Guilty, Blaise would be able to use his connections to the ring to keep Greg safe like he always did. He's not just a foot soldier or a grunt. He's a ringleader. They're not going to want to keep him alive."
"What about Debeste? Isn't he your client?" I asked.
"I thought by having him as a client, I'd be able to gain some information, but..."
"He said he would make sure you were dead in prison. If Not Guilty, the ring would surly come for you without Blaise needing to call. It was difficult to decide what to do, especially after..."
"After what?"
"During the other trial, Raymond Shields revealed that Blaise Debeste intended on killing Miles, not Gregory. I... I couldn't leave that child alone and I had to figure out which was the best route to take. Should I continue or...?"
"But, you showed up here," Prosecutor Faraday said.
"Yes, because I decided... it would be better for Miles to stay alive. I know Gregory would be devastated if his son was killed and the child is his most beloved treasure. I still fear for Greg's life and will always protect him, but his son is going to come first." (19)
"I'm sorry I failed to save your lover and couldn't save your dad. He's very proud of you, you know," Chief said, showing a big smile.
"No... thank you," I said with a smile.
"For the record, Mr. Hammond, you were a brilliant Attorney and I'm thankful you took care of Gregory and Misty. But, you know, it wouldn't hurt to ask for help once and awhile," Rachael smirked slightly.
"Yes, I... suppose I can't argue with that hehehe," Chief laughed, showing a beaming grin.
"Also, for the record... even though I have those I will protect and treasure, I will think about myself too. I'm glad you told me the truth about Dad. I've been fearful that I would turn out like him and hurt my son. I know now that the reason I was hurt was because my father loved everyone else, but not himself. Perhaps... had he loved himself, just a little, he would've cared for himself enough to protect me. If I am to protect Miles, I must first love myself. I'm proud of my accomplishments as a Defense Attorney and a father to the most beloved child I could ever ask for. My son is someone to be proud of, because I too am someone to be proud of. Even if I couldn't save Rachael, I will never regret creating a child and falling in love with her. If I was the first person she ever loved, I'm certain I'll find plenty of things to love about myself," I said, feeling a sense of joy I had never thought I'd ever feel. (20)
"... what is that?"
"What is what?"
"Is that a proud smirk I'm seeing? I'm now starting to see where your son picked that up from."
I tapped my finger to my temple where my pen once was as a detective, (21) then said, "I still consider him to be more like his mother. He has some traits from me, but he is still Miles Edgeworth. He can come up with better comebacks than me."
"True," Rachael agreed, showing a devilish smirk of her own.
"Hm... yes, I too am proud of my accomplishments as a judge and love what I do. Either way, Gregory Edgeworth, you did forge evidence nine years ago, but the stature of limitation had come to its end. As for the murder of Rachael Newslayday, you were unaware of the murder taking place and therefore cannot be charged of being an accomplice to murder. Also, is it just me or has your assistant's face changed a bit?" The Judge asked.
"Hm... who can tell?" Rachael replied, showing a grin.
"She certainly knows how to look the look," Prosecutor Faraday said, then looked at me. "You're a fantastic Defense Attorney. Don't ruin that. After this, I'm certain you'll gain some forgiveness from the Police Department. Considering that you were a former smuggler leaving that life, they will forgive you for leaving them in the dust, if it was to prevent another smuggler from taking over the Police Department. They may even thank you for it."
"Thank you," I said.
"Don't mention it. It's my job as a Prosecutor to find the truth."
"Indeed. I will now declare a verdict for Gregory Edgeworth...
The gallery made a round of applause as Rachael jumped into my arms and I held her tightly. I could see some tears in Chief's eyes. Heh a lawyer never cries until it's all over. Still, I felt so much joy and relief. I won! I'm not going to jail! I can still see Miles and watch him grow up to be a wonderful and brilliant Prosecutor. I can't wait to see that day.
10:03 AM
We all returned back to the Defendant Lobby and I found myself swinging Rachael around joyfully. Hearing her laughter, while holding me tight, made me feel so many things inside. I did eventually put her down and saw everyone involved with this trial. We saw Damon, Wendily, Jennifer, Prosecutor Faraday, Chief and Detective Badd.
"You did swimmingly. Wendily gave me the update and I had to come here. It's good to see our Greg again," Damon said, laughing and clapping his hands.
"Pffft I can't even count how long it's been since the last I've seen you this happy, but I suppose it's better late than never," Wendy replied, showing a brilliant smile, something I hadn't seen since that day. (22)
"Thank you. I'm... sorry for leaving you behind. I was..." I said.
"A stubborn old fool! HA! Come join the club!"
"Still... I'm glad to hear that you never truly left us. In a way, you were still looking out for us, even in the most... unorthodox manner. Though, don't expect to return back to the Police Department. Smuggling is still a serious crime," Detective Badd stated. (23)
"I wouldn't dream of it! Besides, I like where I am as a Defense Attorney. There are still former smugglers out there that might need someone to defend them,"I said.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Rachael agreed, grinning wildly.
"Rach," a voice came from the midst of the group. It was Jennifer and I noticed her mother was behind her with widened eyes as they both stared at Rachael.
"Jenny. Mother," Rachael said, smiling before running to the women and hugging them tightly, tears building from the corner of her eyes. "I missed the both of you sooooooo much!"
"We missed you too, Rach!" Jennifer cried joyfully.
"My sweet little girl!" Their mother cried as the trio separated.
"Oh, this is Gregory Edgeworth. He's... the love of my life and father of my child,"Rachael introduced me as Jennifer grinned excitedly.
"Pleasure to meet you! I told ya you'd find someone," Jennifer smirked with her hands on her hips.
"Hm... a bit strange to go for the man that forged evidence that sentenced you to your death..." their mother said critically, eyes closed. "Even if you do convince me, it's going to be hard to convince everyone else. Do you have any proof?"
Do I? Hm...
"Actually, I do," I replied confidently, handing out Tape #4. "TAKE THAT!"
"A tape?"
"I recorded the birthing process, but Rachael insisted on doing something to prove to her family specifically that we were in love and she is the mother of Miles Edgeworth," I said.
"I... see. I will watch it with the rest of the family, hopefully skipping over the... graphic stuff," the mother said. "It was my fault for not seeing my grandchild or taking Gregory's word for it. He did try to give the child an alternate place to stay before turning himself in. I'm expecting visitations from now on, but don't expect that to mean you can have my other daughter," the mother stated, giving me those chilling eyes. So, that's where Rachael gets it from. (24)
"It's fine. I'd rather not look for a wife right now," I said.
"I don't know. Misty is a good catch," Rachael teased.
"Ugh, why can't you be jealous like normal lovers?" I muttered, using my hat to hide my reddened face as Rachael laughed.
"It could be worse, she could be like Wendily here," Damon teased as Wendily glared at him with her huffy-puffy rage face.
"What was that, you old coot!?" Wendily glared angrily.
"Dinner at six?"
"Oh, so now that I've decided to leave Greggy be, you think that gives you a flirt-with-me free card."
"Never too late. We're both single and... you did say you'd leave Greg be."
"... it's not raining. Have it under the stars and I might call it a date. Also, you better not be late."
"Noted." (25)
"Anyways, I believe Blaise's trial is still going and you need to show up as a witness," Prosecutor Faraday stated.
"Oh, right! We should get going," I said.
"Same. I don't want to take up too much from Misty," Rachael said.
"I'll look after Misty, while she rests. You go get him," Chief said.
"Thanks. Also, Damon, there is one thing I'd like you to do for me," I said.
"Sure. I'll even get the whole swat team, if you want."
"Actually, that won't be necessary," I smirked in response.
I got myself ready to appear before the courtroom. Blaise, it's time to end this once and for all.
1. Byrne Faraday suspected that Gregory's accusation was an exaggeration, but he also knows there maybe a bit of truth to that exaggeration. That's why he wants Robert Hammond to testify.
2. Yes, Robert Hammond has known Gregory that far back and it will play an important role later on. Though, as he has stated, they weren't really friends at the time. I guess they were technically friends of the family. More like kids, who became victims of their fathers' drugged up party and becoming forcibly high.
3. I think Gregory hinted this several chapters ago, but Robert Hammond has tried hooking up Gregory on dates before after the death of Rachael Newslayday. He meant well.
4. Just in case you forgot Rachael was being channeled by Misty Fey.
5. Told ya that would play an important role later on XD
6. Yep, even though Robert's father was high on drugs, he never went to prison.
7. Robert Hammond is doing what Gregory was doing when Misty Fey channeled him to testify about his murder in canon. With Miles needing protection now in the mix, this is conflicting to Robert Hammond. He doesn't know what to do. Considering what Gregory went through with Rachael and recently his son when defending Manfred Von Karma, he wants to free Robert Hammond. Gregory has learned from defending Manfred Von Karma that nobody can always protect their loved ones and not everything they consider is done for the sake of protecting their loved ones is protecting them. Damon's interogation was what made Gregory realize that the mindset he had by keeping the truth, even if it was only temporarily, was only bounding him in chains. So, if Gregory can get Robert Hammond to tell the truth, then he too can be freed by the chains of lies.
8. Now, Gregory knows who this person Robert Hammond is talking about in the message. Though, most people would assume he was talking about himself and Gregory. He's clarifying that this isn't the case, because he would not have benefited from having Jennifer and Misty as witnesses, because they were the defendant's alibis.
9. Even in real life, this is true. Once a lawyer spots a witness telling a single lie or fib, exposing it is all it takes for that testimony to fall apart.
10. Aka there was no Take Your Child to Work Day. Now, that being said, it wasn't to say that Robert Hammond never paid his father visits when he worked. Gregory was just stating that meeting his father that was was very unlikely.
11. Gregory knows this, but he wants Robert Hammond to say this when testifying.
12. Just like how Miles wanted to be like his dad, until he learned his dad wasn't as perfect as he thought.
13. It's at this point that Robert Hammond begins realizing that Gregory isn't just trying to save his son or Robert, but himself as well.
14. In other words, until that flashback, Gregory never knew or met Robert Hammond. If he did, he didn't remember because he was high. He'd see Robert across the streets, but they never played.
15. In other words, Robert's relationship with Gregory is very much like Raymond's relationship with Miles.
16. In other words, the reason Gregory's father got high off of drugs to prevent his friends from getting high. As a result, his friends found out, went over to his house, then shot Gregory with heroine, because they were mad at what his father did. Because Gregory's father was high on the drugs he consumed, he couldn't protect his son. Now, Robert was shot with heroine too, but it wasn't during the visitations. During those visitations, he'd be the one to try to protect Gregory, but being they were the same age, the only thing he could do was hide Gregory until his father and the others vented out.
17. Allowing your own arrest in order to save your loved ones. Sound familiar, Greggy-boy? In all seriousness, Gregory is now realizing just how much like his father he really is. He downs himself continually and tries to focus on his son being his own person and not following his father's faults. Though, Gregory never once understood his father and how they were alike. It is why he had this irrational fear of repeating his father's mistakes.
18. Robert Hammond couldn't protect Gregory's father from his fall, so he decided to protect the son instead. The worst thing Gregory can do, in Robert's mind, is not think of himself. Not to say there's anything wrong with caring for and helping others, but it's never good if it means neglecting your own needs. Now, I'm not talking about making sacrifices like giving your kid your meal and you just skip one meal that mealtime. I mean something like starving yourself or not caring for yourself in some form or another. If you can't care for yourself, how do you expect to be able to care for others?
19. Just like with Gregory's father, Robert Hammond has come to realize that Miles has a better chance to be given a better life than Gregory. He still has a chance, but he has already been involved with the Ring.
20. Now, that Gregory understands why his father did what he did, he knows what NOT to do, if he wants to be better than his father was. Gregory realizes that if he is to do that, he needs to love and care for himself. This is also something he will reflect on from his past mistakes. They all boil down to the fact Gregory never once loved himself. Had he loved himself, he would've never gave himself this deep into the smuggling ring, been open to his friends, figured out his true path in life early on, been able to save Racheal if he found his path in becoming a Defense Attorney without leaving the Police Department in a bad note, gotten married to Rachael, had Miles much normally and been on better terms with his father.
If someone can do one of Gregory doing this, please let me know. Just make sure that the finger is more towards the ear and not the temple.
22. Gregory is talking about the day when they kissed, while he was high on drugs.
23. In other words, the Police Department has forgiven Gregory, but because he was a former smuggler, they will never completely trust him to allow him to work for them as a Chief Detective. At least, for now. I mean, there is no telling what kind of damage Gregory did as the Chief Detective. There certainly was a lot of evidence destroyed or manipulated during those times. Though, where Gregory is at right now, the Police Department can feel safer. They will consider Gregory more of a hero now than before.
24. Wow, it's sure getting chilling in here.
25. At least they LOOK the same age.
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